
the potential of you and me



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-23-2020, 07:45 AM
The amount of relief she felt at Beat coming back to Abaven wasn’t quite enough to fully take her worries from the other two boys. As always Twig had something to worry or think about, but one thought that didn’t weigh her down was Corvus. Instead of encouraging anxiety all she needed to do was summon his hesitant smile in her mind’s eye and she could mirror the expression. Twig wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about the practice but she hadn’t stopped yet. After he found her at the entrance of her nephew’s den in tears he hadn’t quite left her mind.

The sweet nap he’d led her to remained cemented in her head and her heart fluttered when she replayed the memory over and over. She hid her girlish smile as dainty paws carried her over the border of Abaven, every time she took a patrol she was on the lookout for signs pointing to her nephews. She sighed heavily as she continued onward, thoughts of the future never far. She didn’t know what would happen with the coming raid, or how the winter would progress.

She needed to do more hunting before the cold settled completely, she needed to find her nephews, she needed to do more training. It was hard not to feel overwhelmed and she couldn’t imagine what Theory was going through. All she could do was offer herself as support. Twig sighed again as she slowed to a halt on the beach, her lilac gaze settled over the island beyond.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
03-30-2020, 01:25 PM
As much as Corvus wished he could drop everything and spend his days searching for Twig's nephews, he knew there were other things needing to be tended to. Mostly... the raid that was supposed to occur. Or anticipating it, at the very least. It had seemed a more pressing threat but as autumn drew on, winter beginning to cast the faintest (but still noticeable) tendrils across Boreas, Corvus was starting to wondering if it'd happen at all. Being prepared still felt important, even if not as frustratingly vital as before... scouting the borders was something he spent more time doing, worried that Winterfell had less-friendly intentions than what Drifa had originally spoken to Theory about..

But they couldn't spend every waking moment waiting nervously, could they? Though Corvus was definitely good at that, he was trying to keep himself occupied. Twig was a good distraction, one he found himself thinking about more and more lately, though he wasn't quite sure how to classify her feelings toward her. What he did know was that he craved her company when she wasn't around, and often found himself looking for her while patrolling the borders. Today, as he strolled across the sand, he was doing just that - veering toward her scent as it grew stronger. By the time he found her he felt a smile playing at his lips, and he didn't bother hiding it as he strode closer to her, closing the distance between them gladly. "Twig," he called out to her from a distance, not wanting to startle her. They were all on edge lately, Corvus included, and he didn't want to be a source of tension - even if accidentally.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-02-2020, 06:29 AM
Tumultuous thoughts lingered in her mind every waking moment it seemed, the coming raid, her missing nephews. Hope was trying to blossom in Abaven, and Beat’s return helped the Memoire girl. There was another reason for her to become hopeful, her budding relationship with Corvus. It was easy to say that the two of them were becoming good friends. He was eager to support her quest in returning her relatives, but more than that she enjoyed his presence. She cared deeply for the Destruction man.

He wasn’t far from her thoughts, and it seemed she managed to summon him to the spot on the beach. Her name was on his lips and she didn’t hesitate to turn towards him as he approached her. Twig’s features lifted visibly, a smile played on her pale features as she felt a relief in her anxieties with his presence. For a short moment the girl could forget about all the troubles in her life and in Abaven. Twig could focus on Corvus and how happy he made her with only his presence.

”Corvus,” she returned warmly as he approached and offered him a place beside her. At least this time Autumn could manage a smile. She had to guess that he was out patrolling, much like she was. Now seemed as good a time as ever to enjoy each other’s company after some hard work. They deserved a bit of rest, she wasn’t sure she had really smiled since their race on the beach.

”How are you?” Twig asked, but as soon as she did felt awkward for it. They had so much tragedy going on around them she shouldn’t have been selfish enough to daydream about Corvus. However all of those private thoughts returned to her and her cheeks flushed.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
04-07-2020, 05:09 PM
He brightened as her own expression lifted at his greeting, his smile wide and genuine. It was nice to have a reprieve from his own worries and anxieties, especially for a male who felt so terribly prone to those kinds of thoughts. Twig definitely felt like an escape from all that, but at the same time... he didn't feel like he was escaping everything around her. In a way she made him want to be better, and to work harder for both Abaven and for himself. The male was deeply grateful for their friendship and what it had taught him lately; he wouldn't change how close they'd gotten for the world.

He was glad to take a break with her right now though, as he always was. "I'm okay. I feel a bit restless today. Thinking about the raid and everything," he explained with a shrug, though his worries likely needed no real explanation. It was hard to be uncertain about the future, though overall things were getting better, and in general Corvus found himself feeling more hopeful lately. "What about you? You doing okay?" He offered her an almost playful grin as he nudged her, letting his nose linger against her neck for a moment too long before pulling away.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-12-2020, 03:21 PM
Twig felt herself adoring his easy smile that brightened as they reunited. Even with the heavy weight on their shoulders she found that happiness was easy around Corvus. He was easily her best friend, and as her thoughts shifted to the possibilities of more than friends her heart beat more quickly. She fought to keep her breath as her cheeks flushed pink as she listened to his answer. Corvus was honest and he seemed to at least half reflect her own thoughts. Surely they would be raided any day, the tension held over them was almost worse than the raid itself. She leaned into his touch before he pulled away, and shook herself of the anxiety of it all.

”Better,” she offered, enjoying his touch much more than she ought to. ”I can breathe a little easier with Beat back within pack lands.” Twig continued to explain. ”I’ll feel better when this raid is finally over and done with.” She didn’t mean to let the irritation into her voice, but the waiting period had been torturous for what seemed like everyone in the pack.. ”I know it’s not even winter yet, but I hope the Spring brings fortune to Abaven.” Everyone deserved a bit of good luck, a free smile or two.

”Thanks for checking up on me.” A smile devoted solely to him played over her pale features as she raised her lavender gaze to his forest green gaze. Twig made an attempt to lighten the mood, their last talk had been too emotional. She wanted to enjoy her time with him. ”Do you… have any plans tonight?” She asked hesitantly as her hair stood on end and her heart dropped into her stomach. ”I think I owe you a rematch on a race and um..” She couldn’t hold his gaze any longer and looked out over the water shyly. ”Treat you to dinner.”



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
04-14-2020, 11:30 AM
At first he had been confused at how easily Twig had helped lessen his worries, but he knew better than to dwell too deeply on it. Overthinking too much wouldn't do him any good in this particular scenario, Corvus knew that much. He was content to simply enjoy the way she made him feel... like how he always felt a little less and a little more anxious at the same time around here, which made no sense to him at all. The way his heart beat a little faster in her presence, but in a way that felt good rather than worrisome. He felt it now, though it was easy to focus more on her words than on how he himself was feeling in the moment.

"I'm so glad," he spoke earnestly, beyond glad that she was feeling better with Beat here. "He's a good kid. He went hunting with me the other day. Said he wants to learn to hunt to take care of you," Corvus explained, and though a playful grin tugged at his lips, there was no part of him that was making fun of the boy. Family meant everything, and he'd been pleased to know that Beat had even been thinking of that. "I guess that makes two of us that want to do that," Corvus added, almost conversationally, hoping that admission didn't sound too strange, but he'd said it before he had a chance to think twice about it. "I agree though... it'll be nice once it's over. I think we're all ready for spring." Spring always meant new beginnings, and after the long year - or had it been more than a year, now? - he was eager for a new year, and a fresh start.

Spending time with Twig like this was a good start, that was for sure. "I didn't have any plans," he admitted after a moment, realizing the way she'd asked it meant it likely she was implying she wanted to spend the night with him. "But a rematch and dinner sounds good, especially with you," Corvus felt his features split into a wide grin at the thought, the fluttering in his stomach suddenly picking up in intensity.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-14-2020, 04:03 PM
She was more than pleased to know that Beat had gone to Corvus for help in his hunting. She had suggested the man to her nephew for some extra help if he needed it and Twig was glad he took it. ”He’s very sweet. I’m glad he’s found a cure to the curse he was under.” Even if she didn’t believe in any curse, he had, and he’d suffered for it. The conversation continued and she didn’t dwell on him. Her troubles were harder to focus on when she had Corvus’s smiling face in front of her. And his words on her ears! She felt herself blush more heavily and suddenly felt much more bashful at his admittance. He wanted to take care of her?

She tried not to dwell, Corvus spoke so matter of factly, like there had been no doubt in his mind that was what he wanted. Similarly, he was ready for the raid to be over and for spring to find them again. Likely everyone was. The last spring had been a let down with the continued volcanic activity, this would be their first true spring in far too long.

They deserved some time to themselves, Beat was taken care of for the evening. She had hunted enough and made a few patrols. Maybe the two of them could even make one together.. Twig tried to contain her train of thought, suddenly she was flustered and nervous and Corvus had already accepted her invitation. Did she dare call it a dinner date? Did he think she asked because of their friendship?

Twig tried to clear her thoughts, it didn’t matter. She knew she wanted to spend time with Corvus and he’d said yes. The way he smiled, the way he spoke.. The Memoire girl felt a warmth in her stomach that ebbed and grew with a nervous fluttering. There was one thing to cure that. ”Alright,” she started as she pushed herself to her pale paws. There was a mischievous glint in her eye as she worked through her nerves. ”Race me to the common area. I’ve got something waiting for us there.”

She did wait for him to get ready, and as soon as he lined up at the starting point he was on. ”Three, two, one… go!” Twig called out before she bolted in the direction of the kill pile.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
04-16-2020, 09:17 PM
Though Corvus had heard mention of this supposed curse, he wasn't sure what to make of it either. It wasn't like it mattered much what he thought about it. He certainly could relate to the feeling of being cursed though, even if he'd never quite called it anything like that... he remembered feeling eerily like a dark cloud was hanging over him, and over Abaven. He was just glad that Beat no longer felt like that, glad he was home at least. "I'm glad too," Corvus agreed with a soft smile. He was glad when she didn't stop and dwell on his little quip about wanting to take care of Twig too. Wanting to protect her felt natural now, in a way that was different than how he wanted to take care of the rest of Abaven, though he no doubt wanted that too.

He was intrigued by whatever she had in mind, and he wasn't afraid to show it. The grin he suddenly wore felt like he'd have to fight to even begin to force it down, as if he'd want to. "Something, huh?" Corvus was beyond flattered that she'd even planned up something in advance for him - there was absolutely no way he could deny an invitation like this, no matter how busy he was. Hopefully she hadn't worried he'd say no. "Alright, but I'm not gonna let you win so easily this time," Corvus fibbed with a low chuckle. He hadn't let her win last time - he'd actually tried pretty hard to beat her, though ultimately he'd failed. Winning had never really mattered to him though, not when it came to her.

He furrowed his brow as they halted together, waiting for her cue to begin. He kicked off hard, determined to beat her despite knowing he likely wouldn't. Either way it didn't matter. Already his day was proving to be a good one, his heart already feeling lighter since being in her presence. By the time he reached the area she'd instructed them to meet at he had to slow down, panting hard and twisting his head around to see how much of a lead she'd gained on him.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-02-2020, 05:59 PM
Twig felt her heart swell as she managed to make him smile. Despite everything they had been through they could still smile together like this. She had put a bit of thought into the time she was stealing away from him. ”Something. You’ll see.” Twig teased him amusedly as she prepared to beat him again, if he really had been holding back the first time she wasn’t sure that she would actually beat him there.

Corvus’s stride was much longer than her own, but Twig could almost double the amount of them she took. The start caused Corvus to take quite the lead, Twig was surprised at how fast he was, but then again he’d been training for the coming raid too. She couldn’t help the grin that played on her ivory features as she put on a burst of speed to try and catch up. Despite everything she could still have peace with Corvus. Twig didn’t have to worry as deeply when he was beside her, and his presence now brightened her outlook. Maybe things would turn out alright.

She pushed herself to win, but as their finish line came into view she realized that even with her legs moving as fast as she could make them Corvus still arrived a half stride ahead of her. ”Noo!” She half protested through heavy gasps of breath as she slowed to a skidding halt beside him. Her sides heaved as she caught her breath and her bearings. Lilac eyes lingered on her dear friend for a moment too long before her attention returned to the picknic she set up earlier.

”I.. have dinner!” She offered, spirits light as the endorphins of the run coursed through her. Twig took in another deep breath as she worked on catching it. ”I wasn’t sure what your favorite was so I got mine.” Her nerves returned as butterflies in her belly as she led the way toher spread. A couple of young rabbits were dressed for dinner with a duck for the two of them to share.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-07-2020, 09:52 AM
Twig's tone, both playful and mischievous, definitely intrigued him. His smile seemed to grow as if it had no limit, as she set him up for some sort of surprise. He was quick to play along, truly enjoying this time spent with her as the two of them raced through the sand as they had done just a few months prior. He hadn't gotten quite used to sand-racing, deciding that he much preferred to race on the grass... though soon their paws carried them away from the beach and toward land that was easier to traverse.

He had a heavy lead on her at the beginning of their race, but quickly she caught up, even given how many more steps she needed to take to reach him. Somehow though she just barely fell behind, hardly more than a few steps, and he chuckled as she yelled in protest as she reached him. His own chest was heaving, his heart hammering in his head, though he was partly stunned that he had beat her. "Apparently all this training... is paying off," he admitted, though he had to stop and catch his breath halfway through his sentence, winded from the run.

Somehow seeing the food that Twig had gathered and laid out for them didn't help the way his heart was beating hard in his chest. All this.. for him? It felt excessive, but not in a bad way. Just in a way that rendered him speechless. "This is.. amazing," he fumbled for the right word. Somehow, amazing didn't seem to describe it even half as well as he wished it did, but it was better than saying nothing at all. Suddenly he wasn't even sure he could recall his own favorite meal even if he wanted to try... though it didn't matter. This surpassed anything he could've imagined. "Thanks, Twig. You're amazing.." What else could he say? That he felt he didn't deserve this? He did feel like that, but he also liked it, and he didn't want her to get the wrong idea. Instead of ruining things by saying too much... or maybe saying too little was just as bad? He didn't know... he moved to settle down beside the food, beginning to feast on one of the rabbits happily, glancing up at Twig between bites.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-08-2020, 04:20 PM
She could take satisfaction in knowing that Corvus was breathing just as hard as she was, and his words came in slight gasps as he blamed it on the extra training. She grinned, but said nothing as she drew in deep breaths to return oxygen to her body. As she presented her food Twig glanced up to his forest green gaze and found him stunned. Her heart skipped a beat then warmed at his words. She couldn’t help the grin that spread over her features, it lit up her face and she took a hesitant step forward.

”Something amazing for someone amazing.” The caramel marked she wolf said softly before settling in beside him for her own rabbit. They were roughly the same size, but she was glad he’d picked the slightly bigger one. As her attention shifted only slightly to her meal she was distracted by how close they were now, fur brushing against fur while they stole distracted glances at each other. She felt her cheeks flush as their eyes locked for a moment too long and she hurriedly returned her attention to the rabbit. At the same time she leaned against him gently.

”I hope it tastes alright.” She offered while keeping her eyes down as she aimed to draw attention away from her rosy cheeks and back to the meal. ”I’ve been keeping an eye on a warren my my den,” she explained, spouting off unimportant details, just enjoying a conversation with him and trying not to think about how warm he was. ”If I’m careful about my harvesting it should survive the winter. I’m debating about seeing if one of the healers will help me store some dried herbs to give them when it gets really bad.”



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-14-2020, 12:29 PM
Corvus was far more interested in whatever Twig had planned for them than he was in his victory in their race. He had no doubt there would be more races between them in the future, some that he might win while some she surely would outrun him in. But then again.. he had been training more than usual in preparation for their raid they'd hopefully get over with soon. Either way it wasn't time to think about any of that, but instead to focus on Twig and what she'd prepared for them.

As he gazed upon the feast, confessing that she was amazing - and noting that somehow his words didn't quite fully encompass what he was feeling - she retorted that he was amazing. He felt his heart beginning to beat a bit harder in his chest, and not from physical exertion this time. He merely grinned at her words, trying to focus on food instead of the thoughts suddenly whirling inside his head. Why was she being so sweet to him? No, she was always sweet to him, she had been since the day they'd first spoken properly, but she was being extra nice to him today and he decided he quite liked it.

"It's great," he answered between bites, tearing another strip of tender meat off and lapping his lips clean. He was glad to be leaning against her, scooting a bit closer as she spoke. Something about her voice and her touch, especially in unison, was deeply comforting to him. It almost made laying and resting with her sound as appealing as finishing this meal... he willed himself to eat some more, begrudgingly leaning away from her for a moment. "You'll have to show me some time," he offered, trying to sound conversation, though suddenly he felt his words held more weight in what he was implying. He wasn't even sure what that was, though. He liked Twig... a lot.. and he wanted to keep spending time with her.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-24-2020, 06:26 AM
She felt like she could barely focus on her meal with Corvus sitting so close. Had they shared such a private meal together? She shook the question from her as her skin prickled and her heart beat irregularly. She hoped Corvus could see how much she thought about him. He was an oasis in her mind, a place to escape from the harsh realities they lived with. More than that though, he was a presence to help her cope with those sorrows. She cared about him, she enjoyed his presence, and she wanted him to know he was special to her.

He looked and sounded pleased with his meal, and his words encouraged her. He enjoyed his meal, that was her main goal. Twig offered Corvus a grin in return as she worked to finish the rabbit at her feet. ”I will.” She assured him before taking another strip from her own meal. ”We could save the duck for later.” Twig offered as she leaned back from the meal, feeling more full than she expected. She wasn’t able to focus too heavily on her food anymore anyway.

Now that they were here together, alone, she wasn’t sure how to proceed to the next step. She really liked Corvus, liked being in his presence and enjoying his company. Twig couldn’t find the courage to say the words, but as her lilac gaze shifted to his features. A blush crept over her cheeks and she lowered her caramel ears to her skull. ”Corvus..” She started, willing her courage. This shouldn’t have been so hard. ”Corvus I really like you. I like being around you, I like talking to you, I love hunting and running together. I..” She paused, trying to find the right words. ”You’re my best friend, you’ve helped me through so much.” Was she stalling? Or trying to convince him not to say no. ”I want to be with you, Corvus.” Her eyes returned to his as anxiety raced through her. She didn’t know what to expect but she had to make that confession to him. He was so special to her, even if he didn’t feel the same at least he would know.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-14-2020, 07:50 PM
All at once he realized that this really wasn't about simply sharing a meal at all, but something else entirely. But what was it, then? Corvus wasn't completely ignorant to how Twig made him feel; she made him feel lighter, made him feel as though the world was far less unforgiving than he'd grown to believe. He enjoyed her presence so much that the thought of losing it scared him to the core. Of course, he felt that way about all his family, and largely all of Abaven... but the depth of his adoration for her reached farther than he'd thought possible, deep into the very core of his soul. This meal made him begin to reflect on that, at least to the capacity he could - though his thoughts were hardly very coherent, instead disjointed and confused. Making sense of feelings didn't come very easily for him, it never had, and his thoughts drifted further and further away from food as he chewed on his last bite.

Twig started talking, further disrupting his thoughts. Her tone seemed serious, and he felt his stomach lurch nervously. Was he being awkward? Not saying the right things? He'd expressed gratitude for the meal, but maybe it hadn't been quite enough. Words had never been his forte anyway, but at least Twig spoke and pushed his thoughts away. They made his heart beat a little more quickly, but she cut straight to the point. She liked him. She said he was her best friend. For a moment, he was worried - had he crossed a line with her? Done something against her wishes? The last thing he ever wanted to do was make her uncomfortable. But quickly his worries that she was rejecting him were pushed away as she concluded that she wanted to be with him. His jaw slackened slightly and he struggled to find his words. "I want to be with you too." The weight of his words was obvious in his tone, even if he wasn't sure he knew how to properly convey exactly what he meant. "I love you, Twig." This was love, wasn't it? It had to be. He'd never felt anything quite like it before.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-19-2020, 11:50 AM
Twig was so unnerved that she almost stopped mid sentence as Corvus froze and watched her as she offered up her heartfelt confession. The feelings for him were stronger than her doubts though, and as the words slipped out she felt freed. The ball was in his court, he could take her heart or leave her high and dry. She hadn’t thought much about the consequences if he refused her, if their relationship afterwards would be salvageable. All she knew was that she cared deeply for the man and she wanted him in her life, and much closer than he was.

She managed to get all of her words out and she looked up to his verdant gaze, not sure what she would find. Twig let her gaze linger as he took a moment to form his words. Those moments might have been the longest in her life. Her own features softened as his voice fell on her ears, the words were everything she’d ever wanted to hear. The Memoire girl brightened, her smile more brilliant than ever before and especially after the last year.

”I love you, Twig”

With her heart melting Autumn closed the rest of the distance between them. She pressed herself against his shoulder and lifted her forehead to slip underneath his chin. ”I love you too, Corvus.” She hadn’t expected to say those words so quickly, but they felt so right as she said them. Was this the hope that she had been waiting on for so long? A glimmer of brightness in the darkness that seemed to overwhelm her life sometimes?



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-23-2020, 05:49 PM
This had to be love. Nothing else quite explained it. He felt his own heart beating wildly in his chest, so hard in fact he nearly felt nauseous. The dinner had been quite lovely, though describing it in any number of words somehow felt like an understatement, but the sudden feelings that overwhelmed him made him regret eating quite so much. His thoughts were drifting far away from food now, though for good reasons. He was thinking of Twig and what his feelings for her meant, in the bigger picture, not just in the here and now. Would they tell Abaven about this, or would their packmates just figure out?

His head was swimming and her words had a unique way of grounding him. She loved him. Corvus was hardly what you'd call an overly confident wolf, but suddenly Twig made him feel like he had worth.. deeper than just being there for his packmates and his family. A much deeper, more personal kind of worth that he hadn't really felt before. The kind of warmth that blossomed throughout his body was deeply intoxicating, and her touch was just as mesmerizing. He leaned into her touch as she drew closer, breathing in her scent in a way he hadn't before. "Thank you, for everything," he said quietly. He'd said it before, but the weight of his words felt different now after he'd admitted he loved her. "You - are incredible." And she really was. He pulled away just slightly to get a better look at her, grinning in a way he normally didn't. She was beautiful, she was perfect - and somehow, she felt the same way about him. Had he truly gotten so lucky?



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-09-2020, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2020, 07:03 AM by Twig.)
The build up of their relationship from friendship was like nothing the woman had ever experienced before. This was different from the bonds of family, this gripped hold of her heart and didn’t let go. She wanted to be close to him, to wake up every morning beside him. To share the ups and downs the future held and know that there was another to share the burdens. A partner that she could share her heart with.

Corvus leaned in closer and spoke in hushed tones to match the huddled proximity. Twig wasn’t sure she could ever be close enough to him. There was a deep set connection she felt tugging at her and bringing them together. ”I’d do anything for you Corvus.” She returned softly as he thanked her again. He still sounded in awe as he reiterated her greatness. Twig grinned and wrapped her thin arms around his neck, having to lift herself a bit to reach. She aimed to press her pale lips to the corner of his mouth before pulling away only slightly to peer into his green gaze. ”Be mine?”



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-10-2020, 08:09 PM
Though Corvus was trying to work through these feelings logically in his head, that wasn't much of a surprise - Corvus tended to be more of an analytical thinker than one driven by emotion. Only once Twig admitted her feelings did his own make sense, or he reasoned that was the only thing that made sense. That he loved Twig, that he wanted to spend his life with her in a way different from his family, from his other packmates. His time with her felt different and special in a way he'd never quite felt before. This was love, it had to be, nothing else quite made sense.

"And I'd do anything for you," he replied, his voice soft but earnest. He meant it, too. If Corvus had ever been anything, it had been loyal and dutiful to his family... but for Twig he knew he'd go a step beyond mere duty. Anything she needed, he'd do for her without thinking twice. What this meant for their future though he wasn't sure, but that aching nervousness was slowly morphing into something more excited. The thought of the future still made him anxious, but in an entirely different way now, full of... something new for them to explore together. His heart was soaring in a way that made him feel weightless, and the feeling was only exacerbated as she wrapped her limbs around him. "I think I was yours long before you asked," he admitted with a low chuckle. For weeks, even months now, he'd been thinking about her more often than not and now it felt like everything was fitting into place.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-17-2020, 02:10 PM
Corvus was a comfort and stability in a time that seemed filled to the brim with uncertainty. She held onto him tightly, feeling like she never wanted to let him go. Everything was changed between them but also felt exactly the same. She could be herself with him, he knew her well. He’d seen her cry and laugh, knew her passion and would become her greatest ally in the fight with survival. Corvus already felt like he was the other half of her whole. His voice was soft as he told her much the same as what she had, he would do anything for her. She accepted his promise with a shy grin that grew as he told her how long he’d already been hers.

Violet eyes twinkled lightly as she paused for a moment to take in his handsome features. She embraced the emotions and held tightly to the excitement welling inside. They had a whole future to build together. Twig grinned brightly before leaning forward to offer Corvus an innocent kiss that wouldn’t take much to become more passionate. It was easy to forget the necessities with her heart about to burst from her chest. What next? Should they tell Theory, she knew she needed to tell Beat. For now she wanted to just be with him. ”Really?” She asked, knowing already that he wouldn’t make something like that up. ”Now I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner.” She chuckled softly.