
Soaring to new heights




2 Years
04-15-2020, 12:35 AM

Shadows formed throughout the night sky as her one good eye watched the stars with intent and longing. The North was her home, sure, but every night the alabaster she-wolf seemed to always find her face glancing back towards the shimmering lights. Plus, to top off the phenomenon, the luminescent plankton gave off their beautiful lights as well. The lights from both surrounded Altair as a warmth seemed to overflow throughout her body despite the frigid temperatures. Winter's snow always made things stand out within the darkness of the night, causing the fae to smile at the thought. Her mind continued to wander about the scenery, her old home...her parents.

The thought alone made her think of her step-siblings, knowing she would have to get to know them a little better. She was there for their birth and barely has she had any form of interaction with them. Her heart leaped at the opportunity before knocking herself out of her mind and focusing back to the real world. Her tail curled around her body, a small huff of vapor forming as her breath left her. Maybe things would be easier for her soon? Altair at least had a lot to be thankful for. Had it not been for Acere, she would surely be lost in the snow, starving or even killed when she was nothing more than a young pup. Though such situations was something the yearling was used to, the thought of being alone again did scare her. But, her dreams continued to show themselves to her as the young wolf sat, determined to be stronger and show that something could be done as long as someone put their mind to it. With that being thought about, Altair stayed focused on the constellations, seeming to guide her to her fate as she sat in loneliness with a small smile on her maw.



04-15-2020, 01:47 PM

Great wings beat against the night sky. Although, with so many colors and flashing lights about, it didn't really seem like night at all. To the harpy, it was as bright as day. Good for eating her meal that she'd acquired in the neighboring land. She'd plucked a fat goose from its slumber and now looked for somewhere comfortable to eat it. With the dead bird clutched in wickedly sharp talons, the massive avian circled from above, looking for a suitable place to settle.

A moving spot of white in a sea of blues and greys caught her attention and she circled lower. Ahhh, what luck! A little puppy. Perhaps Celaeno could eat and have a bit of conversation too. If she felt generous, perhaps she would share her meal. She couldn't eat the whole thing, afterall. In fact, she wasn't even terribly hungry. She was simply eating out of convenience and habit. Large wings spread, beating audibly at the air as she lowered herself to perch upon one of the ice archways. Thankfully, this one was covered with a bit of crusted snow and so it gave her something suitable to hang on to. Releasing the dead goose, its head swaying precariously over the side of the archway, the silver and slate woman looked down to the little wolf below. "Greetings, wolfling." Her voice was strange and hollow sounding. The ends of her words lilted upwards. Abyssal black eyes took in the lone child. "A little cold for one so young to be out alone, eh? Are you well?"




2 Years
04-15-2020, 03:14 PM

Altair by no means was expecting company, though it was greatly appreciated. Her eye glanced upwards, focusing on the avian as well as their prey. A gentle smile came across her lips when they spoke, causing the alabaster fae to grin. Sure, she should probably have someone with her, but this place was too fascinating and travel always seemed to be calling her. She wanted to see what lands there were around the North and everywhere else. Besides, Acere was always busy and she didn't know a lot of the pack that well. However, the she-wolf did want to change that.

"Salutations! I can handle the cold, I've been used to it for a long time. But I am fairing pretty well, I hope things have been well for you too?" Altair asked with a curious tilt of the head. She hardly ever spoke to birds, so this was a whole new experience for the fae. Her eye made sure to stay focused on them, not wanting to seem rude and continue her gawking at the stars. After all, it would be rude for the stranger to be speaking and she in her own little world. Her kind nature kept her from doing anything bad. Though, she was sure there would be someone in the world who would try to scare the avian from their perch, she was small and was more so fascinated than anything. The thought of doing something rude never really came into her mind, especially considering how she was raised. But, she would also have nothing to gain from such action, so conversation and a possible acquaintance always made her happy.



04-17-2020, 09:51 AM

The little wolf was courteous and friendly. Good. The big bird chuckled and, taking up the goose once more, glided down to the ground. With a few hops, the woman settled beside the young canine. "Things have been exceptionally well, thank you." Placing one heavily clawed foot atop the dead good, the curved killing beak of the bird tore into the flesh of its chest. She pulled off strands of meat and viscera, swallowing them whole. She wasn't really hungry, and so it only took a few bites to make the avian satisfied. Using one foot, she pushed the goose towards the girl. The meat was still warm. Warmer than the snow, at least. "If you'd like."

Taking a few steps away, Celaeno slid her bloodied beak through the snow, cleaning the gore away. "What's your name, pup?" The girl hadn't introduced herself, so the bird would. "I'm the Harpy Celaeno." The slate colored woman's feathers ruffled in the cold. It was chilly in these parts, but she could stand it for a short while. Soon she would need to fly south once more though.




2 Years
04-21-2020, 12:37 AM

A topaz optic watched the bird with interest, tilting her head in curiosity. Though they seemed nice and civil, this type of avian Altair never really had encountered. Or, perhaps she had but they never really had a conversation with her. Maybe her old parents, perhaps? However, the she-wolf didn't doddle on these types of questions for the most part. A small smile went across the canine's lips, indicating her gentle and happy nature.

"You're welcome," She said, watching the harpy tear into the carcass. Though, what shocked her was she didn't finish her kill; instead moving it over to her. The act was very kind as the yearling ripped into the flesh, making sure to keep her manners while she ate; despite blood staining her muzzle as the crimson against her alabaster coat stuck out like a sore paw. When she had eaten a tiny bit of her meal, her eye landed back onto Celaeno. "Thank you for the meal, it's appreciated." When she was asked her name, she gave it to her warmly. "My name's Altair. Hopefully the cold isn't bothering you that much, I'm sure you're flying South soon?" She asked, her curious nature wanting to ask questions despite the obvious nature of some of them. To her, it at least broke the ice if not by much; but, it was better than nothing and helped take her mind off the bitter cold for at least a little while.



04-29-2020, 06:20 PM

The little wolf tore into the offered meal and Celaeno grinned. It was a wise creature that ate when food was offered. Who knew when the next meal might come? There were many that weren't able to overcome their pride enough to eat perfectly good meat when they hadn't procured it themselves. A lot of the time pride went hand in hand with stupidity. She was glad to see that this child didn't have that sort of pride. At least not yet. She was still young and time changed a creature.

Feathers fluffed as the eagle continued to clean her beak and feathers. Once she decided that enough of the blood was off, she hopped into a chunk of ice, looking down at the girl. She had to keep moving to keep her blood flowing well. The girl thanked her for the meal and the bird nodded in return. She gave her name as Altair and Cel nodded at that as well. A throaty chuckle was given and the nods continued. "Aye, back south and into the warm. The good thing about wings is that you can travel fast. Anywhere and everywhere. Do I want to see the southern islands today? Do I want to soar above the volcano that wrecked the world? Do I feel like seeing a little wolf in the frozen north? A few flaps and I'm there." Celaeno was a traveler at heart. She called no place home, yet called every place home.
