
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



3 Years
04-21-2020, 11:23 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:44 PM by Skyfire.)

Sky had spent the last couple of days being more cautious than normal. She had committed to a life of relaxation and uncaring for quite long enough. Already, three wolves had found her near the springs and she didn't expect them coming. Now it was time for her to grow up just a little. Survival was the most important thing on her mind right now, as that was what her father taught her. In fact, it was one of the things that he taught her first above all else. While her parents were arrogant, they didn't lack intelligence. Places that her pack had been always had a strategic operation point. It had the best views, was close to other resources, and was hidden from other enemies. But in general, it was a beautiful place to be. Much like Sunset Falls, the place she was heading to. Sky had been told about its beauty and height, so she wondered if she could get a pretty good vantage point from up there. The day was nice, so there was no reason to not go on a hike. Her paw pads were done with the hot soak anyway.

"If you are ever caught in a situation where you are by yourself, go to the highest point and examine your surroundings.
Do so with caution. Learn all about your world, and then you will be able to defend yourself better."

Her father's words hung in her head. As she padded through the dense area to reach the roaring falls before her, Sky thought about all of her escape options should she need to run. At the hot springs, she already could see where some rabbits lived closer to Redbud Nook and Weeping Woods, so she could go to get something to eat before heading back to the springs. Even Skyfire knew she couldn't stay at the springs forever, but being there for the last few days was a nice recharge. Her body thanked her for it, for sure. With her spirits recharged, and worries of being sought out by her captors gone, Sky had little to worry about - for now - save for wondering where her next meal will be, and the other strange wolves that would not put up with her intolerant behavior.

Perhaps mom was right - no matter how much you don't like them, keep that poker face on and be as nice as you can allow yourself to be, because one day it will save your life and teach you something. Sky's mother had spoken that to her during one of the times she had gotten in trouble with her parents. Sky couldn't remember exactly what she did as the punishment was way worse. Sky was sent out to fend for herself for three days, which of course wasn't unsupervised. While she didn't know she wasn't alone, she didn't eat for three days. The lesson there was to not treat others badly or otherwise she wouldn't have anyone to talk to.

The falls were as she had heard them described; gentle and soft as they cascaded from pool to pool. Sky wondered originally if it was going to be a roaring monster, but to find the waterfalls with a slower pace and quieter voice was pleasing to her. Sky moved left to ascend the hill and slope that the waterfall was coming down from, seeing as there was an incline she could go up. How far did this go up? One hundred feet? Five hundred? She couldn't see the distance well from the bottom, but Sky figured she better get climbing, regardless. She was bored of the area and it was time to move. While the grass made it easy to dig her claws into, the slippery rocks she occasionally found weren't so nice. Sky's goal was to climb to the top to see how far her view was, and make a decision on where to go.

Post one of three for Navigation.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 11:35 AM
Navigation, Sunset Falls

Koby was enjoying these lands thus far. The snake had so much spare time since he didn't have to worry about eating that he was bored. What better way then to start exploring the lands of this strange place. The scent of wolves was everywhere he had noted. Meaning this was a canine run island. He enjoyed this very much. The slithering creature had come in contact with dogs and wolves before and their pack mentality fascinated him. The king cobra could learn a thing or two from them. As he made his ways to the falls he stopped at the edge hidden in the grass despite his massive length and size with the sun shining down on him.

Hearing the vibrations of the pools of water his brown eyes blinked as he grinned. The pools moved further down and down, until they pooled into one large body of water. It wasn't until he noticed that there was a hill and upon that hill was a wolf climbing it. She wasn't too large - he could definitely stand over her height himself but he could do that with most animals. The Navigator flicked his tongue out curiously. Taking in her scent and noting that she was not part of the groups around here. As a snake though he knew he had to be careful others were terrified of his folk and for good reason.

"Excussee me ma'm." he called out, slither a little closer. His hood was hidden, as he only slightly raise his head that way he was visible. "Are you familiar with thessee landsss?" he asked. This was a time to explore! To get to know the lay of the land. Maybe just maybe, she'd let him read her prey bones as well.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 12:50 PM by Skyfire.)

Sky was fascinated by everything that she could see. The land stretched out for miles as she stood at the very edge of the waterfall. A quick glance down sent her eyes spinning for a moment since they weren't used to the height. A smile played on her face as she looked south, seeing the islands in the distance and varying landscapes. There seemed to be a whole other continent too! Just how big was this place!? Sky didn't know where she wanted to go first. She had been in the trees for so long that she wanted someplace open, wild, and where she could run for miles and miles. Skyfire hadn't gone on a good, long run in a while now. She couldn't count the last days that she was spending her energy stretching her legs. Skyfire was a runner after all, or that's what she aspired to be, and it was her goal to be the fastest runner that existed!

"Excusssee me ma'am,"a voice sounded from below."Uh huh?" she replied, not looking to the source. "Are you familiar with thessee landsss?" Skyfire shook her head. "No, sadly. I'm only a recent arrival to..." Sky started to say just as she turned her head to look where the voice came from. It was as if her voice was stuck in her throat and her brain stopped working. What her eyes locked on to was something she had seen before, but on a much smaller scale. A kind of animal that her brothers would tease her with when she was little, creating the very fear of the animal before her. While it wasn't necessarily traumatic, she needed to get used to it. This wouldn't be the only one of the kind she feared. There was no other wolf behind her at all, but to her right was a snake. A King Cobra to be exact. He. Was.BIG. Skyfire froze, her tail stretched out behind her horizontally as her muscles tensed and her eyes widened. The King Cobra was mostly midnight black all over with stripes of copper on various parts of his body and face. Around his throat and hood was a lighter tan color. It was his eyes that had her attention.

"You're... a snake!?" she squealed as Skyfire stumbled backwards. The snake was long and looked as if though he could eat her up if he wanted to. "Oh dear gods please don't be hungry!" her mind screamed internally. As Skyfire tumbled backwards, her butt landed in the water as her back legs stuck out in front of her, kind of like a "Bambi on Ice" pose. With her body now soaking wet - again - Skyfire stared at him and wondered why he wanted to know if she was familiar with the lands. Skyfire tried to swallow her fear a bit as she stepped out of the water, tail dripping wet. "Why.." she stammered with a broken voice before clearing her throat. "Why do you ask?" Of course Skyfire was unfamiliar with the territory only because she was brand new to this place. If anything, she wanted to visit someplace new and explore. Was the Cobra looking to explore also? Maybe to find his next meal.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 12:57 PM
The reaction of the girl was expected actually, Koby was the source of fear for many others. Which it made sense, he was highly venmous a bite from his fangs and this girl would be dead nothing to help that. This was why his parents taught him to never ever use them unless for emergencies. He was a pacifist and luckily most King Cobra's were like that. Koby waited patiently, as she fell into the water and processed the moment. He was calm and as soon as she moved herself closer to him out of the pool he chuckled a little. He felt it fair to reach her height so he could properly talk to her. Koby lifted his upper body 30" off the ground so he could meet her eye level. His hood was still pressed against him - he rarely opened it only when he felt threatened particularly. "I am indeed a ssnake Ma'm. A King Cobra at your ssservice! We are a calm raccce." at least as far as he knew. He'd hate for her to run into another one of him and be in danger.

"The namesss Koby! I'm an explorer and fortune teller here to offer my ssserviccess, I alssso wondered if you wanted to explore with me? I could ussee sssome brusshing up on my navigation sskilss." Too many S's in one sentence he was starting to hate it. He could speak other language more frequently without it. It was only with english he seemed to have a trouble with such words. He tried to look friendly though, the large snake grinning at the girl. Flicking his tongue out so he could get a sense of the area again. It did appear though that some of the land was singed - other than the grass that seemed to be growing.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 01:12 PM

She was talking to a snake, and it responded to her. If it weren't for her general fear of them, she might have found this entertaining. To see the way its jaw move and pronounce the words, with the obvious hiss with certain words, it was quite fascinating the snake could talk at all. Then, she shivered again when he rose up to meet her height. Half of his body was on the ground still. Just how much higher could he stand up? Skyfire shook her coat again, getting a grasp at the situation that a highly venomous snake was holding a conversation with her. A calm race? Perhaps when he's eaten something. Since he was being calm with her - unless it was some stupid trick - Skyfire would try to remain calm, also.

"My name is Skyfire." Sky introduced herself. She had a nickname, but that was only for the closest of friends she had. Koby was an interesting name for a snake, especially since she didn't think snakes could be named, but regardless of that Koby was an explorer. This perked her ears up a little because she was also trying to learn navigation. Especially since she was now alone. "Navigation? Sure, I suppose I could work with you." As much as I'd like to have you slither away... Sky thought to herself. Another lesson her mother taught her was to be courageous in any situation she found herself in - this was one of them.

"Where we are now is the Sunset Falls. Down below, and to the left, is the Hot Springs where I first found myself in these new lands. I'm not sure what is in that direction behind me." Skyfire said as she pointed upriver behind her, away from the falls. The river itself seemed to lead back to some rapids, and a rather flowery field. Skyfire could smell it from here. Also, she could smell the volcano off to her left, and saw the massive mount sleeping. "That must be the volcano that erupted recently." she said, pointing to Mount Volkan.

Post two of three for Navigation

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 02:06 PM
Skyfire! He liked that name, he shut his eyes grinning more. He didn't quiet know what wolves did to show their happiness so as he flicked his tongue out he shrank a bit. Realizing that even matching up to her height might scare her a bit. "Wonderful!" he exclaimed when she stated she would work with him. He looked around, observing the area and the area around it. This place was probably lush and beautiful before the volcano erupted. He would have hated to get caught up in that. There seemed to be rapids not far off either he could hear the vibrations seeing as again he didn't hear like wolves did.

She was very good at explaining things to him. Considering he couldn't see too far - only the large volcano. Koby would slither a bit forward towards one of the pools of water. Watching and listening to the falls next to it. He wondered how this was created, thousands of years ago it was probably a solid piece of land. Then water slowly would erode it away and make these pools. What fascinating lives these creatures must have led. Which made him turn to Skyfire.

"It alsso lookss like sssomeone planted here." he noted at the soil tilled over - the grass poking out and seedlings all the same. "Where there isss desstruction there will be growth after." he nodded his head. The snake turned and began to slither farther up the hill still while his body was off the ground.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 02:59 PM by Skyfire.)

Skyfire grinned awkwardly in his excitement, but decided to push forward. One thing that Skyfire had in her personality was stubbornness. If she set out to do something, by gods she would do it! The tongue flicking faster must have meant he was happy about her going with him. "Does your kind smile? That's usually what we do when we express happiness." It was merely a curious statement considering this was the first time she was talking to a snake. At least he was being kind. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Skyfire had come after the volcano's aftermath, but she had seen the damage. It might have been a nightmare to have experienced. The most Skyfire had ever been through was a severe thunder and windstorm. The thunder was the scariest part as the booming sounded overhead. Her brothers liked it.

As Koby moved toward the pools, he pointed something out that Skyfire had missed. Seeds that had been planted by someone who cared. Skyfire looked surprised as she got a closer look. "Where there isss desstruction there will be growth after." Koby sounded philosophical for a moment. She glanced at him a moment, then back to the seeds, in thought as she listened. "I suppose there will be. That's kind of cool, actually." Skyfire said softly as she turned to see Koby slithering forth. Now that she was behind him, she got a chance to see his scales better.

His back was a shade of midnight black that was stunning. As the scales glistened in the breaking periods of sunshine, she admired their appearance of texture which was as smooth as flat water. Hardly ever a blemish on each scale. The way he moved back and forth was almost hypnotizing. It was also fascinating to see that he was lifted halfway off the ground to move rather than his head being mere inches above it. How was he moving anyway? Were there muscles that propelled him forward? If Skyfire were to try and figure it out by mimicking the movement, it would hardly be becoming of her. Skyfire had standards she had to hold herself up to.

Skyfire caught up to him and followed him up the hill further curious as to where this would lead. "How long have you been exploring?" she asked.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 03:44 PM
"Well I am sssmiling now." The king cobra responded. Turning to her for a moment to show her his raised lips. His tongue flicking out slightly in order to get in his surroundings once more. She went on to talk about what had happened here. Well in a sense that she did suppose it was cool how growth was. Koby looked around, pivoting himself on his stomach muscles as he looked at the grass. Whoever had tilled this was definitely not the natural world. Well other than an animal doing it.

The time that he was ahead of her, he didn't really notice the canine staring at him. It wasn't until he reached what seem to be the top of the falls. He inspected the outsides, slithering on some of the ashen dirt to see what it felt like before returning to the top pool where he and his new companion were. "I guesss assking a quuesstion like that my entire life!" The Cobra responded before he shrunk down further to relax a bit.

"I jusst arrived in thesse landss. I wissh to help otherss I am a nomad and I read fortuness out of bonesss of your prey. Of coursse I alsso love the land henccce why I wissh to navigate." he calmly responded as he turned to look at his reflection in the pond. He was shiny right now he knew that - come the spring season though he would become banded on the back.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 04:20 PM

Skyfire wasn't sure whether to call that a smile or not. In response, she kinda smiled a little too without realizing, but it was more of an awkward smile. Koby continued on to the top of the falls where ash was still on the ground. Skyfire stepped in it, felt the softness of it and saw how it matched her pelt somewhat. She tilted her head in curiosity as she compared the two colors, seeing that there were similarities. She pushed the ash around and felt some weight to it. It wasn't like snow where it was light in weight. The ash felt much heavier and it didn't stick together like snow did. Sky would remember that this stuff only came from volcanoes. She wondered what the ash came from besides the smoke out of an erupting volcano. Perhaps the rocks smoking as they melted?

Koby answered her question and continued on to talk about bone reading and loving the land. Huh - he was a fortune teller? Perhaps he could tell her when she would be queen again, though she doubted as much. Her parents had a fortune teller around for a while, but when they weren't getting the answers they wanted, she stopped seeing him for a while. Maybe it was the snake, or someone else. She never knew what happened to him, nor did they talk about it. A nomad was someone who traveled alone a lot, and it made her wonder if he enjoyed being alone in total. Skyfire liked being alone, but she wasn't sure how she could be alone all her life. At some point she had to talk to someone which was what she was doing now. With a snake. Another shiver down her spine, and she pushed the icky thoughts away.

"I'm a wanderer by choice." Skyfire said as she looked over the waterfall. "Though my parents lost control of their kingdom, I left after a territory skirmish. Now I wander freely where people can't tell me what to do or control me. Now that I'm here, I have to learn the land or I'll never make it back home, or at least to a new home."

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 05:41 PM
Wandering by choice seemed like a splendid thing indeed. He knew wolves normally were in packs but he was a solitary animal until it was mating season like most Cobra's. They enjoyed their alone time and mostly wanted to be left alone. He was no different, sometimes he liked being alone. However Koby loved to learn he was ever curious about the world around him. There was so much to see, so many cultures to learn about and teach about. So many languages he could learn too. English had been the hardest.

"Oh a Gōngzhǔ then?" he stated at first then found himself dipping his head in front of her. "That meansss Princcess in my native tongue." he told her as he rose his head once more. "After we are done exploring and you have hunted, I could by chancce humor you with a reading?" Koby was hoping that she would agree. From here though it was easy to see the land now. All the pools and the blurry shapes. The Cobra would have to slither around a little more. "I have sshort eyessight during the day. Ssso I have to feel around a bit longer for me to learn the lay of the land." his tone of voice told her it was a inconvience. During the night he could see perfectly well. In the day - blurry shapes and smells are what made up his life.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 07:41 PM by Skyfire.)
(replying without table tonight)

She wondered if the snake was blind. His statement confirmed it. From the movement and the way he looked at things, Skyfire had been suspicious. "Just how far can you see?" she asked as she slightly got closer to look at his eyes, which for some cases was a dumb move. For her, however, she didn't feel threatened enough (not was she probably thinking) and her curiosity ruled the better of her. To answer his question, she nodded. "At one time, I was a princess. However, since the skirmish, I've got nothing tied to my name, so I have to start from scratch." she said. When he asked if he could humor her with a reading, she blinked and thought for a moment. Why not? A fortune told for her wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?

Skyfire nodded, obliged to do this for him. Talking to a snake and exploring the land was not so bad it seemed. Maybe there were more snakes like him. "Sure. I'll go catch a rabbit. Just need to get my bearings." she said as she looked past the waterfalls again. "The run rises in the east...." she said as she looked to the sky and moved her head down to the horizon behind Koby toward the east. "Which is that way. Which means west is this way, down the waterfalls." Sky said as she looked down the falling water. "So to get back to the hot springs, I have to travel west to where those rabbits were. I wonder if I go east a bit that I will find a rabbit. Hang tight!" she said as she ran off behind Koby.

Post 3 of 3 for Navigation



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 07:56 PM
Koby watched the wolf come more into focus. So she was curious about his eyes - the eyes that never blinked. King Cobra's like many other snakes lacked eyelids. He'd never blinked in his life which was a curious venture to some. That could have to do with his poor eyesight he didn't know. "During the day. Perhapss ten feet in front of me." he answered swaying a bit back and forth to stretch his muscles. Koby looked to the sky for a moment and back to her again. "You are correct to think that you have nothing to your name anymore. However, a princcess is always a princcess it doesssn't matter where you end up. Take pride in your blood, many landsss wish for noble blood among them even if it is no longer their 'noble' blood." he was referring to many of the pack structures he had come in contact with. Those who were kings and queens wished to have members of others kingdoms in their pack. Perhaps they would never get their rank back - to be an heir. But they knew of nobility and how to reckognize it. At least from the cultures he had seen.

It wasn't long before she was eager to go catching a rabbit. Before the cobra could even say anything else. He was excited to say the least. Letting a small growl escape his throat - another trait that was more wolf like in manner. His voice was simply much depper than most snakes being the largest one ever. Lowering himself back to the ground for a rest he waited at the top of the falls for the female to return. The end of his tail slightly twitching with excitement to do a reading.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 08:10 PM
Skyfire had appreciated the comments regarding noble blood and that she was a princess no matter where she went. It made her feel good knowing that someone at least recognized that instead of looking at her funny. She was pretty serious about being a princess and she only wanted others to recognize it! Even if that meant she was harsh. Skyfire would take pride in her blood, even if she was the only one with it. Her brothers were alive somewhere, but it was quite possible they didn't care enough to come looking for her, or were too far to find her. Regardless, she would do things herself now.

It took about an hour, but Skyfire came returning with rabbit in jaw. Padding up to Koby like the rabbit was the best thing ever, she saw the snake laying down to rest while he awaited her return. "So... what do you need me to do?" she asked, looking down at the rabbit. "You need the bones, right?" Would she have to tear them out of the rabbit? Probably. Snakes lacked any fingers or toes to do the job of ripping a rabbit open, so she would have to do it for him. What bones would he need anyway"



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 08:23 PM
The Cobra was happy when the wolf returned. Raising his head with a smile as he flicked out his tongue. She asked him how he needed the bones and he nodded his head promptly. "Normally I wait for a wolf to finissh their meal." he stated. "The fact that you killed and conssumed makes it yourss and there'ss ssometimess fortunesss to be told." he slithered around her inspecting the rabbit she had chosen. He wasn't a big fan of them, he preffered fish when there was no other snakes around to eat. They had the most nutrients to keep him going. He'd eaten already so he would not need to eat again for another couple of months.

"I alsso musst ssay ssometimess the fortuness are true ssometimess they are not. They are ssimply a guideline, one can alwayss fight and change their fate." There was no one hundred percent of knowing something. Even the fortune teller knew that. Yet from what he had been taught the connection between prey and predator between soul and body was a very thin line when it came to the unknown. Fifty percent of the time foolish ones who didn't listen to his readings had some sort of bad luck befall them. "If you have any quessstionss about me or my ssspeciess I'd be happy to answer." he nodded his head.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 08:30 PM
Skyfire nodded as Koby described how it worked. It seemed to be that way when it came to fortunes. Not all of them were true, and not all of them were false. It was hard to tell who was fake and who wasn't. It was all open to interpretation, she remembered. She looked at the rabbit and began to dive in, removing the fur and eating away at the meat. It wouldn't take long for her to consume all the meat, especially since there was so little flesh on the bones anyway. The rabbit she had picked was a younger one that wasn't in full adult size, but it would serve enough for the reading. "My family used fortune tellers, though I think they either had a fake, or they didn't like the answers they got."

When she finished, all that was left was a pile of fur, a broken body of bones and some skin, and the ears. She didn't like eating the ears for some reason. They were too chewy for her to consume. Everything else was fair game though. "Does your poison really kill quickly?" she asked. "Can I see your teeth?" such a weird question for her to ask about something she was creeped out by. Anymore since meeting Koby, she was more fascinated by him than afraid. She was particularly enjoying her conversation with him as the time went on. She wasn't trying to be rude, so she hoped that he wouldn't take it that way. "What do you eat?"



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-21-2020, 09:21 PM
Koby was not surprised to hear that her family had used fortune tellers. His father once told him that others would have their services bought. Or a deal had to be made, many of them did not even know the craft. Koby hated that, so he always offered it for free. "It doesss not ssuprisse me, thosse who asssk for profit normally are fake." he noted as he slithered forward to her bones. She didn't eat the ears! Well he didn't blame her and it was a fascinating note. Ear bones associated themselves with bad luck usually. Maybe it was a good thing she didn't eat them.

"My venom takess only half an hour to kill depending on ssize, larger animalss an hour at most." He commented, though hoping it didn't scare her that was not the point. The snake began using his mouth to push around the bones. Getting a feel for them and their scent as he then began to clump them together in various patterns. "Yess, in fact I'd like to sssee if one of my teeth iss broken. You'll sssee I have two bumpss on the roof of my mouth where my fangss are housssed they are retractable but pleasse be careful not to touch when you ssee them. Then I have two rowss on top of tiny teeth and two rowss on the bottom. Alsso a long tube below my tongue, that isss how I breath while eating. King Cobrass eat their food whole." he simply wanted to explain some things. In that moment he opened his mouth. Of course his tiny teeth were in perfect condition and his top as well. His fangs hidden but he release the razor sharp .4 inches that could drip with venom at any moment. He felt anxious, so he quickly hid them again. Hoping he had given her enough time to see the inside of his mouth he shut them. "Sssorry, opening my mouth in front of othersss sseems rude it made me nervouss." he said bashfully as he continued prodding at the bones.

"Our main diet iss mainly other sssnakess ssurprissingly. Though in timess of need we will prey on sssmall mammalss jusst like you. My favorite sssince I haven't ssseen any ssnakes isss fish. However, we alssso only need eat oncce every few monthsss on sssmaller prey and oncccee every five monthss on bigger prey or sssnakess." Koby explained, as finally there he saw it. Three shapes, the past, the present and the future. He flickered his tongue in excitement. "Done." he stated with a chipper tone.



3 Years
04-28-2020, 01:41 PM
Skyfire listened intently as Koby talked about the fortune tellers, his diet, and his venom. So it took an hour to kill his prey? Skyfire shivered as he looked at his teeth. "They're like little needles!" she exclaimed as he quickly closed his mouth. She didn't think it was rude, but she said nothing as he explained and apologized. That was the coolest thing she had ever seen from a snake. She had a feeling that this was part of the reason why her brothers liked them so much. Sky thought about her own food. How the heck could she eat her food without chewing? Skyfire tried to think of how exactly she could do that, but Koby's mouth seemed much more flexible than hers, especially since she had her rigid jaw line.

As Koby placed the bones in the different shapes, Skyfire looked at them pretty closely. Each was shaped differently and had different sizes. This was much different than the fortune tellers that her parents had. Skyfire tried to interpret in her mind what they might have meant. "What does it say?" Skyfire finally asked as she looked to Koby, the mastermind behind her prey bones. Skyfire couldn't tell if it said that she would become a queen later on in life, or if it held doom and gloom. She hoped it wouldn't be doom and gloom because that would be bad.

(Low today due to recovering from a migraine)



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
04-29-2020, 08:25 PM
Koby became a bit bashful, he smiled and tried to hide his face a little. His mouth had never been met with interest. Others often would get scared or disgusted and in which he was glad he could give her a bit of insight of his culture. Most King Cobra's wanted to mind their own business and in terms of his own temperment he wanted nothing more than read fortunes for a living. Which led him to look at the three piles that he had made for Skyfire. "This is the past, this the present and this the future." he pointed to each pile respectively with his tail the left, middle and the right from where he was facing. Carefully studying them his tongue flicked interestingly.

"The passt, a wolf of power and confidence taken down by eventsss out of your control and unrightfully ssso. The presssent, you will find yourssself in a mysssteriousss land filled with mysssteriousss ssstrangersss. However, you will find yourssself creating a path far greater than those of your predessscesssorsss. That bringsss usss to the future." He calmly switched the bones of the last pile around. He flicked his tongue out and hummed quietly. This was indeed interesting, "You will meet a ssstranger that will change your fate. It is not known when, but they will grant you a home and a purpossse but be weary it ssayss thingss are not alwaysss ass they ssseem." This was a common reading actually. Since they were so vague and fates changed as time went on.

"Remember that thesse readingsss are vague though. You have the power to change your fate and readingsss can often change depending on the enviornment around you." He concluded and slithered through the piles of bones. Scattering them around as he looked around the falls one more time. "Anytime you want a reading, why don't you call for me? I am familiar with a few of your sspeciess callsss. I want to become a well known reader around Boreasss!" he was excited now more than he had been before.



3 Years
05-02-2020, 01:47 PM

As Koby read her fortune, Sky nodded every one in a while in acknowledgement. The past was accurate, the present was also. Her intention was to create a path that placed her back into a position of leadership, similar to her mother. Skyfire hated how everything was taken, and now she was going to take it back - not by force, but by earning it. She couldn't fight anyway - not yet. First, she had to get bigger, and she had to learn to fight. How she would do that, she wasn't sure, but she had Sirius to teach her.

Then, the reading got to her future. She would meet someone that would provide a home and purpose, and that things were not always as they seemed. Skyfire mused on this for a while. Was this in regards to Sirius? She had a home, but not a purpose yet. Perhaps that would remain to be seen. She listened further as Koby said that she could change her fate at any time. With her being part of the Ashen Armada now, she couldn't go back and had to remain - especially since she couldn't win her way out yet anyway.

The reading was indeed vague. Once Koby finished, Skyfire nodded. "Yeah, I figured that anything I do would ultimately change it anyway. So I have to be careful." she said, following him to the waterfall. She looked over the landscape in thought as he exclaimed he wanted to become the best reader in the world.

"I would love that. Thank you Koby for the reading. Perhaps when I become queen one day, I will employ your services." she said, looking to her left at Koby.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
05-04-2020, 07:11 AM
Koby often had seen those he gave readings to get upset. Bad or too good of readings, many were never satisfied by the vague answers. Will they find lovers? Will they be a king? The truth was the universe could not answer every question that these creatures had. It was a vast and wonderful world that others could control with the will of their own. At least this is what the snake believed. He slithered down a bit then back to the ground as she spoke and he laughed softly.

"No need to be queen to employ me. Your company is payment enough." he meant this with genuine sincerity. Though he did suppose it was time for him to go. Sunset falls had been great to explore but he didn't want to keep the wolf for longer than he needed to. "Well thank you for exxploring with my misss SSkyfire. I ssupose it'd be bessst if we both went our ssseparate ways for now." he commented as he looked around. If it was alright with her he would be on his way.