
No thrones, but you do get a snazzy den




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-21-2020, 04:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 04:22 PM by Sirius.)

He hid his amusement at her reaction. She was a Princess in the past, and might be something similar again in the future, but for now, she was a Student. And one that he could only imagine had a great deal to learn. The term Princess would become an anderment. Fond or mocking, Skyfire could decide.

“Well, luckily the pack is close to the hot springs.” He pointed out. He would have to get her a companion creature to watch her back well she soaked, but otherwise he would not object to it. His wolves had a measure of freedom, they just had to be smart with how they utilised it.

He led them towards the Armada territory, stepping onto the grassy plains of his main territory, and making their way to the main meeting area of the pack. Here she would be able to see the rules etched into the Obelisk at the center. He would give her a moment to read through them, as he opened up the cellar that stored their supplies. “Are you hungry? You can grab something out of storage if you are” he said, pointing to their preserved meat, stored in the cool underground space. “-And pick out a pelt or two, and we’ll get you settled into a den” he offered. There were some comforts offered to living in the Armada. One of which was the fighting-hungry Warlord always brought back comfortable pelts for his people.




3 Years
04-21-2020, 08:03 PM
(replying without table tonight

Skyfire followed him silently, seeing the land as she walked, and trying to get everything memorized so she would know where the heck she was going. This land was big and she could get lost easily if she didn't know her way around. Besides the rules regarding slaves and conduct, Skyfire noticed the rule of leaving. If you wanted to leave, you had to win your way out, or get permission. This was different than her standard packs rules where if you left, you were considered a traitor. Everything else seemed on par with what she was familiar with. Upon the question of hunger, Skyfire was indeed hungry. It had been a while since she stuffed her belly full. Upon the mention of pelts, however, this resulted in a different reaction.

"You have pelts!?" she said as she dived into the cellar, seeing the various pelts on the ground. Glorious furred pelts of different animals were spread out, and Skyfire rubbed on some of them. It had been a long time since she felt the texture of pelts and she whimpered with happiness as she lied on a large buffalo skin. That whimpering turned into light crying as she thought of her family, and the happiness she had been taken from. Realizing that she was crying in front of Sirius, she quickly got up and hid her face. "You--you saw nothing!" she exclaimed and scarfed down a large piece of meat or two to fill her belly. It was enough to make her feel very full. After that, she stacked two buffalo pelts on top of one another, and shimmied her body underneath. They were a lot heavier than she realized, so she chuckled slightly as she looked at Sirius through a buffalo hide hood. Another shimmy and adjustment, and her face was finally uncovered. The hides were warming her up already, so she couldn't wait to get these in her den and sleep very good tonight.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-21-2020, 09:15 PM
He blinked in surprise at the tears that fell from the face of the Princess. At first he thought it was delight st the comforts, and then he realized it was something more. She may have shown little of what her loss meant to her, but only a month or so prior, her entire life had fallen apart. The warlord had teased her gently in his head for being raised pampered, but the truth was she had lost more then most.

He cleared his throat, and shuffled his weight from one foot to the next. Awkward, and uncertain how to comfort the crying girl. He settled for giving her a soft pat of her back, and said nothing of it when she told him it had not happened.

She moved the topic on quickly, diving into the buffalo pelts, and greedily taking two of the big plush things. He could hardly tell her off after seeing her cry at the sight of them. Ah well, he was the one who had harvested them, so it was his right to give them both away. "Let's get these out of here" he said, reaching for one of the large pelts and lifting it easily off her. He carried it back out of the cellar, and treated it lightly beside the obelisk. "Now, so you want to pick one of these dens? They are free for the taking. I always have a few set up for newcomers. You can either grow attached to that one, or pick out a spot for you own den, and ill help you dig it out" he offered, voice growing gruff and business like again. Crying damsels was not his strong point. He was much better at ripping apart their enemies then chasing away their tears.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 10:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 10:44 PM by Skyfire.)
Skyfire wasn't the type to show any emotion what so ever, so the fact that she was crying in front of Sirius made her shy and she regretted stooping to a level so far. It was true she had lost everything, and to have not talked about it so long was breaking on the inside. Eventually, she would have to talk about her history, but not now. She would rather swallow it down and forget about it than to admit defeat to her emotions. She pouted a bit as he patted her back. It was comforting and helpful. More than she realized, though she would never admit it. After Sirius awkwardly tried to comfort her, he directed her to leave the den.

She felt one of the pelts being lifted freely as Sirius carried it, indicating to the dens before her near the obelisk. Skyfire looked at some of the dens already set up. Not wanting to dig one out, nor put Sirius through the nightmare of building the perfect den, she decided to take one to the left of the obelisk. The den was roomy, deep enough to keep the pelts protected under shelter, but roomy enough to fit her plus another wolf should they choose to visit. Regardless, it allowed her to stretch out. "I like this one!" she said, shimmying the pelt off and spreading it out as best she could. She laid down on the pelt and sighed.

She was trying to hide the fact she cried earlier. A weaker smile was on her face, but having her mind distracted on other things was helping quite a bit. Distractions kept her mind from getting too lost in the cycles too much. Skyfire sat back up and looked at Sirius for a moment. "So what is this place? It's kind of different than the other packs I've seen."



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-21-2020, 10:53 PM
He waited well she took a look around the dens, and found one that suited her needs. Once she picked, he hefted the buffalo coat and brought it over to the den, laying it down inside. It was a tight fit for the Warlord and Princess both, so once he placed his prize down, he shimmied back out again. He looked at her from the entrance of the den, wishing his wife was here to offer the girl some better words of comfort.

Well, he gave it the best shot he could. "The Armada protects it's own. Your safe here. Your lessons will start in two days, giving you a chance to settle in. If you need anything, howl for me, I'm normally around. Also, my boy will likely pop his head in and say hi at some point. He seems to like meeting new people" he explained, giving her a moment to see if she would ask for anything else of him. She had food, bedding, and a den to call her own now.



3 Years
04-21-2020, 11:01 PM
Skyfire tried to think of anything else she might have needed. She had food, shelter and comfort, so she didn't need anything else. Skyfire shook her head, seeing as Sirius was still a little uncomfortable with seeing her cry earlier, and somehow she felt bad for it. Skyfire liked seeing that vigor, pride, and sternness from him. This new image of being uncomfortable was not suited. Even she didn't like crying and knew it wasn't part of her to cry like that. Perhaps she would let it out later to not cry like that again.

Watching Sirius wiggle out of her new den made her chuckle. She had forgotten how large he was when he set the hide down, blocking all the light out from inside. He really was that big wasn't he? If she were to ever fight him, she would have no idea how to fight him besides using size to her advantage. That could work out well later, simply because of her nimble movements.

"I think I'm okay, Sirius. Settling in sounds good." she said with a half smile, seeing as Sirius was standing at the entrance. She couldn't think of anything else to ask him or add, and she could feel herself getting tired after fighting her crying from earlier.

-Okay to fade after :D-