



11-04-2019, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2021, 09:39 PM by Sirius.)

"The world is soundless. We cannot hear, but a pack of wolves does not need words to know that it is time to hunt. "

A neutral-to-semi-dark aligned warrior pack. The Ashen Armada is closely aligned to the Ashen Empire. They boast some of the highest trained warriors. Once you have joined the pack, you may only leave by winning a challenge against The Ashen Warlord or his chosen Proxy. All members of the Armada are considered kin to the Warlord. they are given education, supplies, and a place in the world. All who reside here are fiercely protected by the Warlord.

Pack color: #4A5C70
Claimed territories: Sea’s Plains & Tall Grass Plains
Former leaders: N/A



11-04-2019, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2021, 07:43 PM by Sirius. Edited 34 times in total.)
Pack Roster

Sirius FatalisWarlord
Azure Fatalis Champion
Mortis FatalisGladiator
Zeitgeist FatalisQueen
Mojito KleinTrauma Specialist
Briar FatalisWarrior
Gossamer FatalisWarrior
Kaiyo HikaruWarrior
Kotori FatalisWarrior
Ophelia FatalisWarrior
Sedna Archer-LyallWarrior
Aris FatalisPrincess
Basilisk FatalisPrince
Calypso FatalisPrincess
Leviathan FatalisPrince
Makara FatalisPrincess
Morgawr FatalisPrincess



11-04-2019, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 08:34 PM by Azure. Edited 5 times in total.)
Pack Ranks

Warlord* (1)  –  The ultimate authority of the Armada, whose word is law. He is responsible for setting positions of Tier 1 and 2 wolves, holding meetings, assessing the skill level of new members, and generally providing his input in day to day pack movements. While he trusts those he delegates to command, he has the final say in all decisions made by any members of council.
Champion* (1)  –  The right-hand of the Warlord, who assists him where delegation is needed. The Warlord may give to this individual varying tasks and responsibilities, such as those of the General and / or Reaper if no wolf holds the position. He is responsible for overseeing that the Warlord’s commands and intentions for the pack are followed through to the letter and ensuring that his expectations are met. This mostly boils down to hands-on supervision; checking to ensure instructors are properly ‘inspiring’ their students in training, overseeing specialty instructions in emergent times, and keeping watch to see if any members of the general pack population are shirking their duties.
Gladiator* (1)  –   A respected member of council, this wolf is responsible for upholding the pack laws and punishing those who may break them. This individual must have confidence in their own assessments, as well as be steadfast and unrelenting in delivering cold justice where it is required. As matters of law are often time sensitive, this wolf has authority to make and follow through with his own judgements without permission from the Warlord when these circumstances arise.  

your character must be at least master skill level in fighting for leadership to ICly recommend you for any rank in this tier.
Queen* (1) -  The Warlord's Consort. She exists as a secondary line to the Warlord when necessary, and makes decisions in his stead when she feels it is required. Her voice is equal to his as far as the pack is concerned, and the only wolf who can overrule her word is the Warlord himself. If something should happen to the primary and secondary alpha, the pack would fall to her paws. [Pack Heir].
Reaper* (1)  - This individual is in charge of the acquisition of, training of, and general wellbeing of pack slaves. They are expected to report to the Warlord any issues that arise within the servant ranks as well as receive permission from him before bringing any wolf into the Armada’s fold. Should any slave become particularly unruly and hard to handle, it is expected that they will work hand in hand with the Gladiator on appropriate (and ethical) punishments.
General* (1) This wolf oversees the training of new warriors, assigns mentors to apprentices, and is responsible for setting members in their ranks up to Tier 3. They should be knowledgeable in battle and may be called to consult for the Warlord in events of sieges, raids, or other skirmishes. .
your character must be at least expert skill level in your rank's primary skill for leadership to ICly recommend you for any rank in this tier.
Lieutenants* (5)  -  These are wolves with leadership qualities. In times of war, they will take authority in their section of fighting, and ensure wolves worked seamlessly together. They should be capable wolves, and good at thinking on their feet. In times of peace, they will work with the other warriors to train and mold them, and learn of them so they can operate well in war.
- Howlers* (5) - These are elite warriors of the pack and will work and train as a unit. They will excel at black-ops and finesse style missions. Assassins and masters of poison can also fit in within this rank
- Trauma Specialist* (1) The head healer of the Armada. They will be in charge of the herb garden and ensuring all healers have working knowledge in their fields.
- Diplomat* (1) Official rank title set as Diplomat, this Wraith rank requires a wolf individuality. With the craftiness to survive on their own for long periods of time, and ferret out information on other packs. As such, they are granted some power as a diplomat, and their word carries some weight outside of pack lands.
your character must be at least intermediate (more preferable, advanced) for leadership to ICly recommend you for any rank in this tier.
Instructor* (∞)  - These are the teachers of the school. The ratio of students to teachers will depend on availability. While group sessions will happen frequently, attempts will be made to ensure one-on-one individual tutoring.
Warrior* (∞) The general bulk of the army. They guard the pack borders, train on the regular, and keep battle-ready Those that show exceptional promise in their training will be moved into the elite forces.
Combat Medic* (∞) Injuries are an unavoidable consequence of combat and so there must always be wolves to mitigate the damages. Fearlessness is a requirement for these wolves as they must be prepared to walk onto a battlefield and drag off injured wolves as well as manage critical injuries. Wolves in this role may choose to sub-specialize in poisoning.
once you skill up out of beginner into intermediate or advanced, you may be promoted by leadership into the next tier
Student * (∞) - The students of the war school. They are obligated to learn to the best of their abilities with the intent of choosing a specialization beneficial to the Armada later in life.
Undeclared * (∞) - A temporary rank granted on a per-wolf basis by the alphas. A limit of time will be given to those ranked here to officially decide upon their path, or they will be moved into a Page or Slave rank.
Prince * (∞) -  Royal blooded pups of young age.
Princess * (∞) - Royal blooded pups of young age.
Page * (∞) - A lower ranked wolf who while is not a slave officially, is treated more or less like one. This is not a rank to strive for, and is only barely above the lowest of the low. (a less "on the nose" slave)

Slave * (∞) - Slaves of the Armada. Each slave is given the opportunity to work to earn the Warlord's favor and in doing so earn a higher rank. Those who do not work to better themselves will find themselves slaves for life.
Handmaiden * (1) - Handmaiden to the Queen, her servant primarily though still required to obey the Warlord as well as his ranked wolves.

A Word on Tiers
As far as IC purposes go, there is no significant difference between tiers one and two, aside from the Warlord who is the ultimate authority of the pack. Each wolf who resides in either of these tiers has a voice in the Armada in some way and make up the Armada’s “council”, and while ranks may be shuffled occasionally between tiers for OOC reasons, you can assume ICly they remain for the most part as they are written.

While each tier has a 'recommended' skill level (where Sirius or another high ranking wolf may approach your wolf and consider them for promotion) you may challenge for any rank marked with the proper challengeable color code at any time - though beware the results of disappointing your superiors should you fail miserably.

Challenging for a rank:
  • Cooldown for challenges last for one ooc month.
  • In the event that your rank is challenged for, you are obligated to accept the challenge to both assist in testing the skill of the would-be-successor as well as to prove your own worth of continuing to hold the rank.
  • Should a challenge go unanswered, be forfeited, or defaulted, you will be demoted into as far as the ranks of slavery and the alphas will take over the testing of the challenger.

    Color code:
    • This rank can not be challenged for..
    • This rank can be challenged for..
    • This rank can not be challenged for via battle, but any interested party is welcome to come to the Warlord with a compelling argument as to why they should usurp the current holder of this title..
    • This rank is a default rank..



11-04-2019, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 02:13 AM by Zeitgeist. Edited 4 times in total.)
Pack Rules, Culture, & History

  • To leave the pack you must challenge or seek permission from the Warlord / his chosen proxy.
  • No offensive action can be taken against our allies, unless in self-defense.
  • All non-Empire wolves that enter the territory must have their entrance challenged by rank 2 or higher
  • All wolves will receive health care and food regardless of rank
  • Slaves can be given any menial task but are not to be abused
  • All wolves may seek the Alphas for any issues
  • The alphas words are law
  • Have honor and dignity. Respect the rule of law. Show restraint.
  • All wolves must attend mandatory meetings
  • All wolves must contribute to the well-being of the pack
  • Before reproducing you must seek permission from the Alpha. All wolves may have access to birth control
  • Slaves are not allowed to have children, rare exceptions may be granted.
  • You may not taken a mate that does not reside in the Armada
  • All intruder/trespassing threads must first be answered by a Tier 2 or higher wolf.
Festivals and Seasonal Events:

Pack History:
  • *10-29-2019* » Sirius founded the Ashen Armada
  • *01-02-2020* » First official meeting - Ashen Armada relocates to Tall Grass Plains & Sea's Plain.



11-04-2019, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 02:13 AM by Zeitgeist. Edited 4 times in total.)
Pack Relations & News


Abaven — Allies
Aerie — Uneasy
Ashen — Bff <3
Habari — Allies
Fireside — Unknown
Valhalla — Uneasy
Incendium — Enemy
The Hallows — Allies <3
Fenmyre — ???

Pack News:

*10-29-2019* » Sirius founded the Ashen Armada
*01-02-2020* » First official meeting - Ashen Armada relocates to Tall Grass Plains & Sea's Plain.
*02-02-2020* » The alphas litter has been born and Mortis, Azure, Indigo and Asla have officially left the den.
*Winter Year 14* » Many members are now considered missing, the alphas ask that everyone keep an eye out!
*07/22/2020* » The Ashen Armada conducted their first true raid (v Aerie, for supplies) [won]
*05-02-2020* » The alphas second litter has been born!



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 12:05 AM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 02:16 AM by Zeitgeist. Edited 1 time in total.)
Pack Lands Layout

Layout map


From the north to the north east runs a river that functions as one natural border for Tall Grass Plains. Just south of the river is a plot of land that houses a garden and an abandoned den. To the east beside the border of Weeping Woods another since abandoned den exists, and another along the river, further to the north west and nearer to the Shrine.

A cottage is in the eastern quadrant, placed into the side of a hill relatively close to the communal area. A garden starts on the other side of the hill and trails off. There is a man-made pond nearby, and the Armada's main storage of herbs are grown here.

Zee and Sirius' den is in the south-western area of the territory, built into the natural cove along the shore. On the other side of those borders are territories belonging to the main Ashen Empire, claimed by Venom Abraxas Klein. Nearby to the north is a dilapidated coop that once housed domesticated chickens.

Finally the communal area is present centrally, where a large obelisk stands with the rules of the armada etched into it's flat stone surface. Beside it is a firepit where meetings will take place, and not far off is an underground cellar complete with trap door and that is where the food cache is located. Scattered around this zone are temporary unclaimed dens built to house new members or the occasional visitor.

The majority of this territory is sand and water, and thus the Armada's main activity is kept to the Tall Grass Plains towards the north. Sea's Plain functions as the Armada's training grounds, and along the northern border Sirius has built barracks for his warriors.

Close by the sea's shore is a cluster of arenas, strategically placed to have clear footing during the morning low-tide hours, and to be swept clean of blood during the night time high tide hours.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-19-2020, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2021, 08:50 PM by Nyx.)
Armada News Board

Look here for news big and small, some of which will be repeated in pack meetings. This will essentially by an IC news hub of information shared within the pack. It is not always feasible to make a thread for every little thing. Any information listed here is common knowledge for the pack.

- Malalia, the packs Reaper, has been announced missing.
- The alphas are expecting another litter!
- Acciona Sloan has returned after going missing


"Break what can be broken"


Master Fighter (935)

Master Hunter (555)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022GlobetrotterStatue 2 WorshipOverachieverIsland HopperSmall Fries
TrapperRunning on EmptySocialiteBest BudsRapid Poster - GoldSouthern Explorer
WealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! WinnerBy the skin of my teethAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyOoh La LaVengeanceCritical Observation!Underachiever
ScarredCritical Fail!ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerWordyLoser
Snake EyesDouble MasterLegendaryCritical Hit!1K
10-21-2021, 11:27 PM
Armada Skills Building Competition!
Tentatively lasts from Nov 1st - December 31st?
  • For clarity’s sake, Azure and Sirius having started this contest already know Asla and her kids are leaving in spring, so they are not included in the roster here.
  • Should any wolf leave the Armada *during* the competition, I’ll still tally their tickets up to when they left and that will be added to that player’s ‘total.’
  • If the player has no wolves left in the Armada once theirs leave, they are no longer eligible for the contest.
  • Regardless, if a wolf leaves during the competition, we will attempt to reassign their partners.
  • Depending on events / christmas / everyone’s busy-ness, it may be extended into the new year.

PRIZE 1 (capped 10 entries):  Choose from:
- Minor Mutation
- Direwolf Pass
- Character Redesign Pass

PRIZE 2 (uncapped entries): Choose from:
- Minor Mutation
- Direwolf Pass

+ 3000 gems (To be split among remaining entries depending on tickets earned)

Welcome to the Armada’s first skill building competition!
  • Any participation is, of course, optional. If you’d like to opt out, please let me (Koala) know so that I can take you off the list of entries and re-jigger some pairings and things.
  • In the event that we have any uneven pairings, volunteering to take a partner who does not match your wolf’s skill will give both you and your partner 1 extra ticket for the raffle (if I need to resort to it)

This contest will be put forward ICly as just normal “training” / “self improvement” / etc.

That is, it’s non-negotiable ICly, albeit with incentives. Your wolves will have been told that Azure is keeping an eye on assigned pairings, and any wolf who shows themselves to be exceptionally skilled / a good teacher / etc may be eligible for promotion at the end. (We also have some high ranks like Reaper and General which Seer and Az will be looking to fill)

I don’t want to say this is a mentor/mentee thing outright, because some of the pairs listed here were decided because of OOC skill level and not IC skill level (Lookin’ at you, Master Ophie the Thicc) so you will be free to work it out however you’d like to in character. Whether that be swapping the lower ranked wolf to ‘mentor’ because ICly they are older/have more knowledge, or even just two idiots deciding they’re going to spar each other until they figure out how this fighting thing works. You can also enlist others outside your pairing or even pack to help teach the pair of you, if you decide neither of you know what you’re doing IC. We will work with whatever excuse you and your partner find for your wolves managing to improve.  

Yes, naturally, it would have worked better ICly if I could place the young w/ the skilled, but then we’d have masters paired up with masters who can’t earn tickets, and beginners with beginners who can earn way too many tickets.  

There will be two drawings. The first (Prize 1) will be simple, tickets will be capped to 10 per player to make things fair. The second draw (Prize 2)  will be uncapped, so if you want to really put the effort in and go nuts, you’ll have an advantage here where the first draw will be ‘fairer’ You can’t win both draws, sorry!

So, each wolf is paired with two other wolves - one per skill they have listed in their profile. If you’re planning on changing your skill anytime soon please let me know, so I can rejigger things.. again. Your partners will be who you earn tickets with, and every skill rank up (beginner>intermediate, etc) at the end of the contest will earn both you and the player partnered with that wolf (‘s skill) one raffle ticket. That means if Gossamer teaches Ila all the way from Beginner Fighting to Master Fighting, Sea and Lunar each get 5 tickets.

I have attempted to make sure each player is partnered with two other players so that should one of your partners be holding you back, you still have another to teach/learn from and claim tickets off of. No wolf should be partnered with two wolves who are played by the same person so if I missed any let me know please. As well, I know there are going to be situations where you want to write with someone else / maybe your schedule doesn’t line up with your partner’s / maybe it doesn’t work out IC. If you have real concerns like “But, Koala, X hate’s Y’s guts and would probably tell him an anti-inflammatory herb is actually poison!” Let me know and I’ll try to shuffle things.

I’m not going to be picky in the slightest about how your character actually earns skills. If you have a skill buddy and you want to pound the two of yourselves to master without your partner, well, your partner is still getting tickets for your leveling whether they’re involved or not. Otherwise it’s going to be too much to track for who put the most effort in, etc, and I want to make this as easy as possible. Regardless, you should have a vested interest in encouraging your partners to skill up for your own prize’s sake.

LASTLY - Though I did my absolute fucking best to even out the ‘potential tickets’ gained by not pairing beginners with beginners and masters with experts, it’s not 100% even. The average for most partnerships seems to be 10 tickets-ish possible so that’s where I’m putting the cap for entries on raffle #1. Rather than cry over it being unbalanced for four more days because some pairings can earn more and others can earn less, I’m going to just offer extra tickets up to the cap for helping a non-partner to skill up.**

**I will however not count these extra tickets if you’re going to ignore your partner who is begging for a thread and instead train your best friend. Please help your partner, and if they are not contributing fairly then feel free to expand your horizons.

SO, with that said,

TLDR; $100 in Ardent Prizes, write with assigned partners to skill up your/their wolf, earning raffle tickets for every new bracket your pairings advance. Two draws, two big prizes + gems for consolation. Plz do your best to be good sports, k thx.

If you have any questions/concerns, please @ me on Discord! For now, these are the tentative pairings (subject to change as people continue to skill up before December, leave, join, or need shuffling)

Both of Azure's ears have notches and tears.
Az has a scar across his right eye, a mirror image of his natural born marking.
Azure has saber fangs, bone spurs on his elbows and knees, and the paws/forelimbs of a bear.
Not all of these features are always reflected in his art.

Azure's companions are a very big bat and a young clouded leopard, unless otherwise stated assume they're not with him.