
I've heard some rumors...




7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-24-2020, 03:09 AM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2020, 03:15 AM by Zeitgeist.)

Between the antics of her children and falling into the duties of an alpha, Zee felt as if she was drowning. Parenthood was hard and it seemed as if no comfort existed to calm her mind and ease her burdens. Thankfully Sirius was as outstanding as a father as he was a warlord and it was likely because of his assistance alone that Zee was able to stay sane. How single parents did it she'd never understand, though she'd certainly learned a hell of a lot more respect for the wolves who'd needed to, like Deathbelle.

It felt like the Armada was moving as a whole at a faster pace then the horned queen could keep up with. New members seemed to appear nightly and she'd not gotten nearly enough one on one time with them as she'd of liked. Once again it was to her husband that those responsibilities always seemed to fall and the guilt of feeling that she was not putting forth the effort she needed to - both in her home duties and those of being an alpha - was eating away at her. Life was so much simpler when she was merely a handmaiden, and while she'd not trade away her position for anything in the world it didn't help her sleepless nights wondering if she'd made the right choices along the way.

Perhaps she merely needed some adult conversation, someone away from the drama and stress whom she could have a light-hearted talk with and help her relax. As the sun began to set the horned queen laid out her softest furs around the communal bonfire, retrieved some alcohol from their stores and settled in to enjoy a relaxing drink or two. It wasn't until she felt it having an effect on her that she called for her handmaiden, requesting Odette's presence for some stimulating conversation.


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-25-2020, 10:32 PM

It wasn't that it was out of the ordinary to be called on by her queen. After all, Odette was the queen's handmaiden. But the familiar voice rung out as the sun was beginning to set, a time Odette would normally be collecting her birds and corralling them back into their protective home. A home that may have been under construction recently, due to the very helpful and extremely strong warrior, Killian. The thought of the male passed by the fawn woman's mind quite frequently these days, mostly wondering when they would cross paths again or what their next activity would be. Would they think of a new addition to the coop? Would they go on a hunt? Would Killian teach her a defense technique? Or would they simply enjoy another dinner together? Sometimes she would think back on the conversations they had, and find herself smiling during her work. It had become such a problem, that Odette had been in a rather persistent good mood because of it.

Light pads traveled quickly towards the heart of the territory, the flickering light of a well lit fire guiding her towards the noble woman with ease. Golden fire reflected beautifully upon the woman's coat, even catching the light on her elegant horns. It never ceased to amazing Odette what an incredible wolf her master was. To have risen above her station, a handmaiden like Odette, to find love, to build their own pack, to raise their own family. It was truly a fairy tale, especially in the young aspiring handmaiden. As she closed in on the queen, Odette would offer a pleasant smile, her cerulean eyes catching sight of the adult beverages laying beside the woman in her exquisite furs. "Good evening, my queen. How can I be of assistance to you?" While her words were formal, Odette felt a particular bond with Zee that she simply didn't have with anyone else here. Perhaps it was because the queen was the first one to show kindness to her, or perhaps it was simply due to the fact they spent so much time together. Whatever the reason, Odette was simply happy to be in her presence once again, even if it was at an odd hour.


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-03-2020, 03:07 PM

Odette was quick to respond to her call, as always. It pleased Zee to know how devoted her handmaiden could be. More often lately the horned queen considered Odette's station and toyed with the thought of advancing the small wolf up higher, out of servitude. Zee had never been the type to be selfish, though the thought was one that pained her. She remembered how close she and Deathbelle were in those days and how quickly things changed once Zee herself was promoted. Odette was one of the wolves she felt closest to, and she was selfish enough now to not want that to end so soon.

"Odette, it's nice to see you. Thank you for coming." Her paw swept to gesture towards the furs and alcohol she'd laid out, giving her handmaiden a small smile. "I was hoping you might have time to talk. It is not required of you, I know it's late and if you'd like to go home I won't be offended." Though she assumed Odette had long past the point where she may fear Zee, she wanted to ensure the handmaiden would not feel pressured to stay simply because it was Zee who was asking. She reached for the gourd and took another sip, shutting her eyes against the warm fuzzy feeling that began to wash over her.


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

05-31-2020, 04:13 PM

Odette would dip her head respectfully towards her queen who gestured to have the handmaiden join her. It wasn't that Odette had other things to do, it was that she had not enjoyed someone's company in such a way before. The fawn woman would smile softly to the horned queen before stepping onto the furs and circling quickly before settling down beside Zeitgeist. "There may come a day where I do not have time, my queen," she would chuckle lightly, "but today is not that day." Who knew what the future held for each of the wolves within the pack? Where their lives would be come this time next winter, what would have happened between now and then, and who they would have around them. But Zee was one of Odette's dearest friends, and there would be very little in this world currently that could stand between her and serving her queen, even if it was just chatting.

Odette would gaze art the alcohol around them, the soft furs, the warmth of the fire, all of it seemed very comforting. It caused the female's brows to pull together slightly, confused as to what could possibly be bothering the queen. Sirius, Zee's adoring, if not terrifying mate, seemed like he would never allow anything to get to his Queen. But perhaps it was a queenly duty Odette wasn't aware of, or perhaps it was the troublesome pups? Curious as to what could be on the woman's mind, Odette would nudge the queen's side softly. "Tell me, what is on your mind my queen?"


Art by Amphispiza. Table by Sea.

Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-03-2020, 11:24 PM

Zee unknowingly let out a relieved exhale as her handmaiden chose to accompany her, gripping the gourd in her paws and staring down into the liquid as she thought on her words. Admitting weakness was not something she enjoyed doing, it was too hard to rise to where she was to risk losing respect because wolves saw her as frail. Odette was different however, and Zee felt she could trust her as much if not more then she did her Empress. "I'm struggling lately, between all of my duties as an alpha and a parent. I think I need help, but I don't know where to turn."

Her eyes remained glued to the alcohol as she swished it between her paws, unwilling to meet her handmaiden's gaze and see any judgement that may be there. "Usually I'd go to Deathbelle, she's kind of my sister, Empress, and best friend all rolled in one. Though it's hard to tell your superior that you feel like you're failing in your abilities." She was rambling now, but barely noticed as the alcohol began to lower her inhibitions. "It's just hard, y'know? It's a lot of responsibility thrown on you. I feel like I barely get to meet our new members anymore because I'm so stressed out and busy." The horned queen took another sip of the alcohol, closing her eyes against the warmth that ran down her throat. "And if I talked to Sirius about it he'd just, I don't know. He wants me happy, and I don't want him to risk tearing responsibilities from me because he thinks I can't handle them." Was that selfish? It felt selfish, it felt almost as if Zee was worried about losing her position and crown. She sighed once more, sneaking a peek at Odette as she waited for a reply.


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

06-04-2020, 01:50 PM

It wasn't that Odette was uncomfortable with the topic of the conversation, for surely there were far worse things to speak of, but she couldn't say she was very comfortable either. What was a handmaiden suppose to feel when a Queen exposes the weight of the crown? The struggles and hardships that such power would bring? Zee was Odette's oldest friend here, from literal day one and Odette felt there was no hope, the Queen had given her hope. When Odette faced a life of slavery before her, the Queen gifted her dignity and the ability to climb the social ladder. Odette craved nothing more than to be able to repay the kindness, to understand the issues and have all the answers. But how could she? Odette was just a lonely handmaiden. She knew very few members of their pack, had little troubles outside of her duties, and overall was enjoying her life. But now the horned female spoke of her struggles, both of her royal duties and of the challenges of parenthood, and perhaps for the first time Odette was at a fault for words. Her Queen was the very embodiment of all that Odette could ever hope to be, so if even a Queen could have doubts, how was there any hope for the rest of them?

The fawn woman would try her best to hide the shock from her features, trying to busy herself while listening to the Queen by plucking at the fine pelts they laid on. Zee spoke of her relations with the Empress, the highest ranking wolf among two packs, and how she could not even turn to her to help. If Deathbelle could not assist her in these matters, how was Odette going to be of any use? It only confirmed the female's belief that she was outmatched in the conversation, which meant the fawn woman would fail before she even had a chance. It was a sickening feeling, and she felt sorry for her Queen. Zee seemed like she was truly desperate for someone to help, but all Odette could do was lend an attentive ear and pray it would be enough. As the ranting came to an end, Odette was left utterly speechless, trying to rake over the information provided and find a proper response to it. There was so much thrown at her all at once, the fawn woman was still trying to process it all when the Queen turned her gaze onto her and Odette would feel pressured to respond.

"I... I am at a lost, my queen." She would sigh, her honesty all she could give. Odette turned to place a gentle paw over Zee's, attempting to give her comfort during a time she knew to be hard. "I do not know what it means to rule a pack, and I do not know the difficulties of parenthood. So no matter what I am about to say, I know I cannot tell you that I know how you feel." Deathbelle may very well be the only member in the entire empire that could truly say they knew how Zee felt. But like horned female had already pointed out, there was no easy way to speak on the matter. Thinking back on her own experience, Odette tilted her head so she could peer at the flames while she spoke. "But what I do know, is when I struggled with keeping up with my duties, especially the chickens, I received help from members of the pack. Wolves I barely knew, protected and helped me build a better house for the birds, and I gained friends I wouldn't have if I did not accept their help." She thought back on the Princess who fought off the predators, or the warrior to took down the mountain lion, but mostly she thought of Killian. The brute who had become a most unlikely ally and friend.

Turning her attention back onto the Queen, Odette would offer a small smile as she tightened her grip on the woman's paw. "You are the strongest female I have ever known. You made me feel at home when I thought I was facing slavery. You have raised the most brilliant pups, powerful and talented, each one of them. You rule with a compassionate and fierce love of your wolves." She was beginning to rant too, her list seemingly never ending but she was beginning to lose sight of the point. "You think that you are struggling but all evidence points elsewhere. You are doing a fantastic job as Queen and you're a very successful mother. We are thriving, your majesty." Every word spoken was given all the honesty and sincerity the fawn woman had within her, begging for the queen to feel it, hoping it would relieve some of her worries. "Still, if you feel hardships or worry the weight is too much, you are not one wolf. You are the heart of a pack. As such, you will always have friends who are ready to help, even those you do not know yet."


Art by Amphispiza. Table by Sea.

Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.