
I Do Believe




4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

03-11-2020, 09:06 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2020, 11:14 AM by Kamilah.)
The brood mare had been circling the open grassland during it's most prosperous months, a deep groaning in her gut telling her the seasons would soon change and her feed source would no longer be so lush. In the meantime she would graze to her heart's contend, so long as dangers continued to be avoidable. Being alone, out in the open, made the woman nervous, as was to be expected. Her kind was always meant to roam together, in herds, where a watchful eye could be shared among half a dozen heads. Now she would constantly have to be on edge, aware of her surroundings, and be ready to flee by the snap of a twig. This caused the mare to constantly lift her head up as she chewed, letting her head turn on a swivel to glance at all corners of the field before allowing herself to pick more. It was a time consuming precaution, but a necessary one, as she quickly realized. Just a few days past, the roan had let he guard down and nearly fell victim to a feline predator, a painful scratch on her flank reminding her. Thankfully she had avoided the demon, and would be extra cautious today while she grazed.




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-12-2020, 04:50 PM

The autumn insects could be a real pain. However, the glowing stallion found respite in the form of long soaks in the stream. There was a particular spot he favored—deep enough to submerge himself if he laid flat out on his side with his great, horned head resting on the shore.

Luckily, as winter would draw nearer, the insects would die out or go dormant, their offspring carefully laid to continue the cycle when the seasons warmed again. But for the winter, when his coat grew shaggy enough to mistake him for an overlarge pony, he wouldn’t have to soak. But during the summer and early autumn, he relished the escape and the sensation of the water flowing past him.

He was aware of the mare—he’d kept his distance, watching to see if she was alone or part of a herd he could integrate into and perhaps gather into his latest harem until he wandered and left them under the care of a new stallion or by some feat had them stolen from his care. It depended on the lead mare, as well, whether she desired top stay with him or someone else. He’d never begrudged the choice.

However, during one of his nightly ambles, he’d found the scene of her encounter with the cat. There was blood, and he suspected she could be more vulnerable and in need of a guardian. And, to be fair, he was longing for companionship of his own kind that wasn’t the mundane horses that wandered through the plains. He wasn’t sure what made the difference between mundane and his own. It was as if some decided that they were more than dumb prey animals. Or were, perhaps, born smarter. Or… maybe they just spoke a different language and were as smart as any.

Sloshing, he rolled to his feet, shaking out the water from his thickening coat and mane. He could see her off in the distance, but waited until he was at least presentably dry before moving off, whinnying a sonorous, respectful greeting. She’d be nervous after the cat, and he figured calling out well before he was close enough for his hoof-beats to reach her would be a better approach. Plus, it might give her time to watch him approach and… yes, his stallion ego did come into play… admire him.

Far from the facts of his physical glow and the horn, which he accepted as part of his appearance, he was as proud as any stallion at the rest of his build, given to prance slightly in the presence of a Lady of his own kind.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

03-16-2020, 08:59 AM
Her grazing was seemingly quiet and... surprisingly uneventful, though just because she was finally feeling content out in the pasture, didn't mean she wasn't still on guard. While turning her crown, she caught sight of the pale form coming her way, though she had no idea what he could be. In all her years, she had never come across a being such as him, the only possible explanation she had; a ghost. Though it was far fetched, stories of equines recently passed being seen near their graves, wasn't entirely unheard of, at least in Kamilah's old heard. The mare had never met such a being before, and couldn't help the desire to run away as it flooded her system.

She tried to reason with herself, ghosts cannot harm you, they are not of this plane. Even then, this ghost had no reason to be angry with her, right? Kamilah looked about the grass she had been grazing, wondering if the equine's remains laid somewhere beneath the soil, but even then the earth had healed over, and this ghost would have died long ago. So why was he here then? The mare turned her attention back to the strange creature as he whinnied a greeting to her. She frowned at this; the ghost... is greeting me?

It was unlike anything she had heard of, and the sound was so real, she would have easily thought it to be another living being if it were not for the obvious abnormalities she saw; pale, seemingly glowing coat, and a large, straight horn peering out from his forehead. Her brows pinched together more, and her ears laid back against her crown defensively while she turned to face the strange beast head on. While the mare would normally be more inviting towards a stallion, she was bursting with questions for the seemingly undead male before her. So she blurted out the most demanding question she had. "What manner of beast are you?" Her voice, wary and crisp, boomed across the field as her tail flicked across her flank.




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-18-2020, 10:36 PM

Her alarm was not unmissed, and he slowed accordingly, shifting side-on with a flick of his tail, horned head bowing slightly as he caught her question. It wasn’t the first time he’d gotten that reaction or question in his seven years and he answered easily, eyes kind.

“As much a horse as you are. Just… born a little differently. Some would call me a unicorn, but I’ve none of the powers that such creatures are said to wield.”

He stepped a little closer, testing her space and waiting patiently at the outskirts of her comfort zone, attentive to the first sign that she was less alarmed by his differences as he added, “I am Taliesyn Trystan Tempestian. Currently a wanderer. It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Lady. It’s been a while since I last saw one of my own kind.”

At least, the kind that talked.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

03-23-2020, 09:09 AM

Her caution was warranted, that much she knew, whether she was dealing with an ordinary stallion or not. She waited patiently for his answer, slightly baffled by his calm demeanor towards her obviously agitated form. When the strange male described his species, she was not surprised, but more uncertain than ever. An equine with such a pronounced deformity.. what breeding would have led to such an existence? But the more she stared at the long horn protruding from his face, the more Kamilah realized the advantages to be had wielding such a weapon. "I know nothing of the creatures you refer to, but there seems to be a trait you carry that blesses you with such a weapon. Does your family share it?" It was no secret the mare would be looking for a stallion if she was to rebuild her herd once more, and if this stallion carried with him a inherited trait that gave his offspring a better chance at survival... it would be worth her efforts to explore him more.

Coming to such a conclusion she simply eyed his advances towards her space with a cautious eye, not moving to flee just yet, but she neither gave an open invitation. Her icy gaze flicked back up to his face when he spoke his name; Taliesyn Trystan Tempestian. A strange name befitting a strange stallion, she thought to herself. Calmly she would tilt her chin in greeting, deciding it was best to play along for now. "A pleasure to meet you, Taliesyn. I am called Kamilah. I am also a wanderer." She wanted to leave it at that, but her intrigue peaked as she glanced back towards his protruding horn, before dropping her gaze once more. "It has been some time since I have seen another equine as well. Tell me, Taliesyn, what is your business here? I have come to these lands in hopes to build a great herd." If this stallion was in agreement, Kamilah just might've struck her first member, and he came wielding a great protection. She would stand still as a tree, letting the light autumn breeze sweep over her back, tangling in her frosted tendrils as she waited for his answer.




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-23-2020, 02:38 PM

So, she was of the few that hadn’t heard of the Unicorns? That was in many ways a relief. He preferred a mare value him for the horse he was, and his personality and ability to defend a harem from predator and bachelor. The question was posed though, and he smiled easily.

“I am a twin foal. My sister is black, but we both have blue eyes. I don’t know what my sire looked like, but mother never mentioned a horn. However, I have many foals who inherited my horn. Perhaps one day, these lands might see them crossing this way.”

She rewarded his introduction with her own, simply Kamilah, and his great head dipped in a respectful bow, ears pricking as she mentioned her intentions to build a herd. It had been on his mind, certainly—every stallion had the desire to master a harem, to pass on his blood to the next generation. He was no different, aside from his ability to break off and wander, leaving other stallions to take his place. Partly it had been because he wanted to find the family of wolves that had been a sort of family to his dam.

He delicately minced a little closer, still staying just beyond the bubble, watching her for subtle cues. “I had planned to gather a band eventually. I had one quest, and I may well be close to finding fruit on it, but it never hurts to put two brands in the fire at once.”

It was an expression his mother had used once or twice, a relic from her time among Man.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

03-23-2020, 03:01 PM

Kamilah listened intently as the large stallion delved into his ancestry, describing a sister mare black as night, but unclear if she too developed a horn. They shared blue eyes, same as Kamilah, but that held very little importance to her. An unknown sire was a bit odd, she thought, considering most herds held the same sire for several seasons. But then again, nothing seemed to be normal regarding this horse. Her ears perked at the mention of his own foals caring his genetic mutation, and her brows knit together in confusion for a brief moment. A wandering stallion, with a history of his own herd, most often meant he had been challenged and lost. Kamilah did not need a weak lead stallion. Only the strong survive in this world, and she would do a thorough screening of potential sires before choosing one, in hopes of giving her own foals the best chance of survival. "How interesting. A genetic mutation then, rather than a fluke deformity. Tell me, did your offspring skewer their dams in the womb with their horns or was it developed after birth?" She needed to know if carrying this stallion's offspring would bring her more harm than good.

It was dangerous enough to try knowing the stallion was bigger than even Kamilah, who was deemed a tall mare in her old herd, let alone growing foals with spikes on their wiggly heads. She watched his movements as he inched even closer, noting that he was coming very close to her comfort zone. Eventually, given time, she would happily allow the company of another equine much closer than he stood now. But she did not know this stallion yet, and she would not tolerate any breeding outside of her season. She knew of rogue males who would try to force themselves on lone mares, and she would not become another victim of stallion desire. To show her unease, Kamily shifted her feet, moving to prepare to strike the horned horse if needed. He spoke once more, showing somewhat similar interest and spoke in tongue about another plan of his, but the mare ignored it for now. "Then perhaps we can build one. Would you like to travel with me on my search to find others?" It was a soft offer, one she would not push on a stranger, but one she would be happy if he accepted. It would be the first member in her dream to build a herd. One step closer...




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-23-2020, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2020, 03:38 PM by Taliesyn.)

He gave a low chuckle at her query, shaking his head. “The horn develops after birth, over the course of a few years or so. In fact, at initial birth, if it weren’t for a slight bump in the center of the brow, they could have been mistaken as polled. It crowns shortly before weaning age, but remains very blunt and fuzzed over until yearling hood. Then it hardens and lengthens over the following years, and the fuzz falls away.”

It was a valid question, and one he was quite willing to give a detailed answer to. Such things were an important consideration.

He noted her unspoken request for space, stepping neatly back beyond her bubble. While his interest at the moment was not related to breeding, he was an affectionate creature. He liked the physical touch and the closeness of others, but he was content to respect her wholeheartedly.

“I’d enjoy that. I did catch whiffs of another stallion for a stretch of time in the basin near the coast out here, but I haven’t directly encountered him yet. I believe he’s living with a wolf pack that was sheltering there during the Eruption. His scent left when they did.”

A rustle in the grasses turned his head, and a moment of intensity turned into a smile as one of his companions arrived. Wangui, a lemur, glanced at the mare, almost indifferently before bowing briefly to Taliesyn.

As the lemur bounded to his back, half using his mane to climb the rest of the way to his withers, Taliesyn cast a tilt-headed glance to the sky, spotting the circling form before turning back to Kamilah. “This is Wangui, one of my companions. Isolde is my other, but she’s in the sky, scouting at the moment. Wangui, this is Kamilah.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

03-23-2020, 03:59 PM

She was relieved to hear the birth of his line was not some gruesome tale as she had origionally thought. In fact, the description he offered reminded her much of young bucks. She simply hummed in response to the stallions detailed answer, her eyes drifting to the open grassland before them as she pondered future foals with such a stallion. She imagined a herd of her own bouncing along the field, perhaps one or two of them displaying an odd horn. Kamilah was strategic in her steps, always thinking ten cycles ahead, for the best possible life for herself and her kin. Finally drawing herself back into the conversation at hand the mare offered a single raised brow as yet another question popped into her mind. "That is good to hear. However, if you sired a herd so successfully, why are you wandering now? Were you kicked out by your harem or did you lose to a challenger?" This was an important piece of information she would need to collect in order to further her screening for a potential mate in this stallion. If he was weak and unable to protect her and their herd from outsiders, then he was of no use to her; horn or no horn. She could use him for added sentinel protection now, but the spot for lead stallion would be forced to stay open. The only thought she could hear pounding in her ears; Only the Strong Survive.

Hearing Taliesyn speak of another equine in the area, and a stallion at that, Kamilah returned her full attention to the horned male. She found it odd however, to hear of a horse living with a pack of hungry wolves. It was alarming, and sent a dangerous red flag for the female. "Perhaps we should investigate this stallion. I do not have a good feeling about a horse living with a pack of wolves. He could be in trouble." Though even if he was in danger, depending on the size of the pack, there may not be much she and Taliesyn could do for the stallion. Still, another equine in the area meant another potential member for the herd she desired to build. Lost in her plots and planning, Kamilah was unaware of the sudden appearance of companions emerging from the edges of the scene until the horned male spoke their introductions, to which Kamilah offered a small smile. "I've heard of horses taking a familiar or two. It is a pleasure to meet the both of you." Though she was certain his monkey friend riding along his back would have heard her, she found it incredibly unlikely the avian friend in the sky did. Still, her manners were solid, and she would address both introductions accordingly. She tilted her head towards the stallion once more, "Tell me, how did you come to gain these companions?"




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-26-2020, 07:24 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2020, 07:25 PM by Taliesyn.)

Taliesyn settled easily, one hind hoof cocked. With Isolde keeping watch in the sky, he was comfortable devoting his full attention to the skeptical mare. At her initial question, he chuckled, unbothered. “I stand before you seven years of age. Every stallion will lose a harem or several to a challenger during his lifetime. It’s all part of the process of learning, and part of the way of life.

“To say I’ve gone undefeated in all my sovereign years would be to lie and profess myself untruly magnificent. I’ve only lost ten mares to a challenger, as a four-year-old still getting the hang of it all, but several of them left the winner to return to me after a time with him… Other times, we all decided we wanted someone or something else after a while. It was never with any hard feelings. My last harem understood that I had this quest, and I had a good, strong lieutenant they all approved of to take over in my stead.”

He didn’t speak of the one loss that did haunt him. It hadn’t been to a challenger, or even an amicable parting of ways. Instead, a similar event to the eruption this continent had experienced had struck. He was lucky to escape the landslide. His mares had not been. He’d lost twenty mares, ten of whom had carried his next spring’s get. To be honest… he could only hope their deaths had been quick. He couldn’t bear the notion that they might have lay dying , suffocating under rubble and earth.

There was nothing he could have done. He couldn’t have acted any sooner. The only thing he might have been able to accomplish was to have had his harem elsewhere at the time of the slide, but he only had some say in where the harem went, and he wasn’t about to blame Elouise for the tragedy.

His head tipped thoughtfully at the mare as she remarked that perhaps the young stallion he’d noted was in danger. She was clearly unfamiliar with the notion of horses spending time with wolves. “He never carried the scent of fear on his traces. It’s not unheard of for a horse to live among wolves for a time. My mother was one of those who did. She even fought in one of their wars. They had a big cat among their attackers, however, and she only just managed to throw the beast off. Never did like big cats, even before that.”

He chuckled gently to himself as he remembered his mother’s disgust at her loss in that fight.

At her next direct query, he smiled down at Wangui. “By chance, really. Wangui was once a renowned warlord of her tribe. She was separated in a storm from her troop during a war raid on another tribe, and washed up far from home. Months later, she and I came upon each other and she swore herself to me.”

The lemur coughed as he added, “I had to convince her I was just a mortal beast.”

His great, horned head rose, eyes searching the sky until they found the hawk circling above. “Isolde was also a well-known fighter in her Aerie, until a scandal made her into an outcast. It was a plot to prevent her from gaining leadership. She settled in with me and has been an invaluable friend. Both of them have been.”

He shifted his hooves, eyes scanning the land around them briefly, though Isolde hadn’t shrieked an alarm, before his eyes turned to Kamilah with intensity. “And what brings a well-spoken, poised mare with some bearing, to be alone out here, without her herd?”

Pleasant inquiry lay upon his voice as his eyes roved her form to settle on the marks left by the cat she’d escaped. For all that he was pleasant and good-natured, he wasn’t a fool to her pointed questions. She was feeling out his strengths, and perhaps prone to making judgements too soon. In the long run, to his intentions in life, if she chose another stud, he wasn’t offended. He had many foals out there now. For all his instinctive drive to present the world with more of his get, his stamp was already out there, his bloodline spreading through the world.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
Other species
Sylvia 1

04-27-2020, 03:19 PM

While the roan woman understood that not all leaders were perfect, Kamilah herself was an exiled queen, but that didn't mean the process of failure could not be avoided, or repeated. So while the unicorn went about his tales, she would make small notes within her thoughts to recall later on. Seven years old, or seven years young. Unlike wolves, the large hind-gut fermenters would leave well past the age of 20 years, some even rumored to push 30 years. The idea was fascinating to the young mare, to reach such rich years full of wisdom and unimaginable intelligence. So while the mare understood the unicorns tales of loss, of gain, or mutual parting ways, all she could do was gently nod her head along. "I see. That is good to hear." Her voice was even as she brought her eyes back up to his features, realizing, perhaps for the first time, how pure the stallion appeared. The mare had never seen a creature as light as him, practically unmarked. It was unique and particularly attractive, something Kamilah would have to work hard to turn an eye away from until she was sure. To breed for the sake of breeding never crossed her mind. It was always practical, well thought through, and planned out to the final month.

Kamilah had seen what careless, lustful breeding could do to a herd. It filled the population with one sided genetics, and foals who bore the same sire suddenly bred when they got older... and the results of generations of inbreeding were catastrophic. Deformed limbs and organs... unstable mental health... strange allergies and mutations. It wasn't healthy, it certainly wasn't right. Ever since then.. since she was young.. Kamilah has had one purpose; to build the perfect herd. To create a life as peaceful and as bountiful as possible for not just her generation.. but all the generations to come. If one could figure out the right process and be able to pass down their knowledge to the next leader... then there was a chance that all would be well for decades even after she passed on from this plane of existence. That was the goal of everyone.. wasn't it? To find a way to live beyond your life? Most thought it merely meant having foals to carry on your legacy.. but that simply wasn't enough. Kamilah wanted to build a better future for all. Not just her own foals. But for everyone's foals. For everyone's great-great-grandfoals!

As the pair settled further into conversation, Kamilah would allow her tense muscle to relax, the strain of being taught for so long causing her legs to ache after the release. To ease the pain, the mare would shuffle her steps, allowing them to replace and settle in. The notion of a horse, a magnificent creature of the plains, actually living with meat eating beasts... it was a very uncomfortable notion to say the least. Disapproving eyes appeared on the woman, like she was about to scold a troublesome colt, but instead reigned in her personal feelings. She needed to filter her emotions, that was evident from her last failure as queen. "While is pleases me greatly to hear he may not be afraid, I cannot help but still feel... concerned. I will track him this week and speak with him if that's alright?" The request was truly out of habit, asking a king for permission before taking her leave. It was old habit, old tradition, and the moment she realized she had said it, she regretted it. He was not her king... not yet anyway.

As the unicorn went into detail about how he came about his companions, Kamilah would carefully study each of them, trying to imagine the great tales of their pasts. A great warlord... as a lemur? Wangui... while the mare had never considered taking on a familiar before, it would be helpful if the creature was something... she could find uses for. A monkey, for example, could bind together objects and work to mend armor. A winged creature... like his hawk companion Isolde... would be an excellent scout. Could spot a threat from great distances, give the herd a wonderful advantage in protecting themselves. But how would she go about getting a creature to bond to her? It would be a project for another time. "I can imagine. They must be quite useful. Not only in their abilities but in comforting conversation." Having the ability to finally talk to someone was a great relief. It had been so long, the roan woman found it almost difficult to use her voice.

Then he asked a question, a fair inquiry, that she had to think carefully about her answer. After a moment of pondering, the mare would smirk a little as she spoke, finding her most tormented experience amusing now. "Ah yes, my herd. Well you see, I ruled as queen, or lead mare, for many seasons. My herd was prosperous, growing in numbers unlike any seasons before. But it seemed... my tactics for creating such glorious times... were not appreciated by all." It was truly only one mare.. one new comer that had started the rumors, the uprising. One who didn't appreciate her view of the natural order. "We had developed a process which allowed our herd members to become stronger, to provide the best genetics for the future generations. Our foals were always born strong and healthy. I accomplished this by letting nature take it's course. The weak have always been taken by predators, illness, death. I simply didn't turn a blind eye to it, and I didn't fight it. I embraced it. That seemed to upset a few of the other mares." Troublesome mares, mares who lacked vision, who lacked the ability to see beyond the foal standing before them. Instead... see the generations awaiting behind their eyes.

Stomping her foot out of frustration, Kamilah would continue. "They turned against me, got all riled up and moody as a group of brood mares will. But this time was different... they turned to my King, my mate, and he turned against me. I was exiled, and I watch their numbers dwindle like a fading flame from afar. Unable to stop it." Stupid... dumb mares who couldn't see beyond their own upturn noses! The sickness, the illness of even just one horse dragged down the whole herd. It made them weak, and weakness will always be prayed upon. She sighed, burning blue eyes closing to contain the tears that threatened to fall as she remembered the faces of countless corpses... her herd members who she worked so hard to protect. "I left shortly after. So here I am, wandering endlessly in lands I don't know, alone. It seems this territory severely lacks a healthy population of equine. I hope to one day change that." As would any noble horse, she assumed. To see such rich and valuable lands untended to by a loving herd. It pained the roan woman greatly. But today would hopefully mark a hoof in the right direction... a step towards a brighter future.


Art by Ulfeid3. Table from Ardent.