
You found me



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-06-2020, 08:22 AM

Tamsyn’s oh so curious mint green gaze looked longingly toward the ghostly pale trees that started the border between the two packs. She remained firmly within the Armada’s lands, but she got about as close as she dared while trying to peer into the trees to see what all was hidden within them. She knew by now that Ashen and the Armada were closely related and she was sure that if she wanted to satisfy her curiosity over the unusual forest all she would have to do is ask, but she was nervous.

She tried to not look too obvious about her peeking, but it was no use. She didn’t want them to think she was being sneaky or spying - she was purely just curious about the land itself. Her desire to explore certainly hadn’t died with her decision to join a pack, but it definitely made it a bit more difficult. The ebony female stalked along the edge of the ivory trees under the guise that she was doing one of the patrols that she often saw Resin doing. Did they even patrol this border? She wasn’t positive, but it seemed like a better reason than her just being a curious creep.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
04-29-2020, 07:00 AM
Deathbelle lingered at the shrine while taking a break from her little children, if Daedra wasn’t keeping an eye on them Hannibal would be. He was turning into an excellent father, despite how neglected his older children had been. He was very much present in their pup’s lives. Maybe it was because he knew she would track him down and drag him back by his tattered ear if he left now. The thought amused her as she swayed through the white forest.

Her delicate paws brought her closer to the border of Ashen and the Armada, a barrier that hardly existed in Belle’s mind. What was Sirius’s was hers and what was hers… Was hers. Movement caught her attention and lilac eyes shifted to the small dark woman. She hadn’t seen this one before, but she was obviously one of Sirius’s. With calculated steps Deathbelle approached the border and the somewhat curious onlooker. ”You’re new to the Armada.” She offered her observation simply, giving the woman the option to reply or continue on.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-30-2020, 01:35 AM

Her bright gaze turned to the woman that approached her, just as curious about the dark, white-speckled wolf as she was the unusual forest she wished she could explore. The stranger came from the Ashen side of the invisible divide between the two packs so it was obvious she as a part of the other pack. The way she carried herself told Tamsyn that she was either very confident, a confidence that Tamsyn tended to envy, or she was the leader of Ashen... or maybe both. There was no real greeting when the taller woman spoke, only a declaration that Tamsyn was new to the Armada. It wasn't a question, but she wasn't sure how else to respond than to confirm the fact that she was labeled with.

"I am," she replied politely as she dipped her head to the easily more commanding woman. She wasn't sure if this was actually the alpha of Ashen or not, but she would rather be safe than sorry. Even though she knew she was still firmly on the Armada's side of the border and she had done nothing wrong, it didn't keep her from feeling a bit nervous under the woman's violet stare. Tamsyn was always a bit uneasy in most situations so there was no reason for this to be any different. She hadn't been asked for an explanation for her presence here, but filling the silence helped ease her nerves. "I'm Tamsyn. Zee invited me to come here a couple of weeks ago. I was just out getting to know the lay of the land a little better."

Her gaze strayed back to the ivory woods just over the woman's shoulder. "I was really curious about the forest of birch trees you have... I've been doing a lot of exploring since I got to Boreas, but I haven't seen anything quite like this. If you don't mind... Could I possibly take a closer look?" Her request sounded incredibly innocent and hopeful even in her own ears, like a pup asking for someone to play with her, but it was just her hopeful nature coming to the surface. It had shown itself more and more as she got settled in here and let herself relax in the knowledge that she was finally somewhere that she would be safe.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
05-09-2020, 07:57 AM
The wolf was polite, and dipped her head easily as she confirmed Deathbelle’s observation. The Empress’s lips pulled back slightly into a polite smile as she listened to the dainty woman. She was uneasy, likely assuming the position that Deathbelle held in the pack by the way she held herself as well as the thorny crown that rested on her brow. ”A pleasure, Tamsyn.” Deathbelle replied softly with a slight dip of her head. ”Deathbelle Klein, Empress of the Empire.” She added with a slight grin before the girl went on.

”Of course.” She told her with surprise. ”Sirius and his wolves are welcome here unhindered.” She added. The protection of not only one pack of wolves within Ashen’s borders, but two, was one reason Sirius had taken his pack and positioned himself around the royal pack. He was there as her protection, from her bodyguard to the leader of her army. ”Beyond the trees is a shrine, I think you’ll enjoy seeing it.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-15-2020, 10:16 PM

Tamsyn was always careful to remember other's names when they introduced themselves to her, but she would be especially sure to remember Deathbelle's name. She was a little surprised to have met the Empress so soon after joining, but perhaps she shouldn't have been. After all, Sirius had sought her out in the very first few days that she had been here so maybe it was just a general rule for the leaders of these packs to know their subjects. Of course their meeting was surely just by chance, but she still appreciated Deathbelle taking the time either way. It was still an odd sight for her to see women in positions of power in the way that Deathbelle and Zee were or even just with the ability to fight and protect themselves. It was all a new concept to the sheltered woman, but one that thrilled and amazed her. She still highly appreciated and and respected Sirius of course, but something about seeing Deathbelle hold herself in such a manner dazzled Tamsyn a bit.

When Deathbelle confirmed that she could explore the woods feely she gave the Empress a grateful smile, her tail wagging with excitement. "Oh, wonderful! Thank you!" she replied with another polite dip of her head. It made her wonder what other areas of Boreas Ashen controlled, but for now her attention was still firmly locked on the unusual woods next to them. As soon as she heard mention of a shrine hidden behind the trees, her mint gaze lit up with curiosity and she gave Deathbelle a wide, excited smile. "A shrine? I would definitely love to see it!"

With her newly granted permission, the smaller, more simply colored woman was eager to start her exploring. "If you're not busy, I'd certainly enjoy the company," she offered to the Empress with a smile, leaving an open invitation for Deathbelle to join her as she turned to move deeper into the pale woods. She wasn't sure if Deathbelle was in the middle of a patrol or some other important matter so she didn't want to assume that she was free to wander through Ashen's territory with her, but she still wanted to make it clear she was more than welcome to if she wished.

Tamsyn turned her gaze upward toward the trees as she walked, scanning the ivy covered trees, marveling at how every inch of the vegetation was solidly devoid of color. She had seen birch trees before so she had assumed these trees were the same as those, but she was beginning to wonder if her assumption had been wrong. She had never seen ivy be anything other than green or dried, never this whiteish coloring. It all gave the area an odd, mystical sort of feeling. That feeling was only deepened when the shrine that Deathbelle had mentioned came into view. Tamsyn looked at the gently glowing pool of water with awe, absolutely enraptured with it as she moved closer. She lifted a paw to trace over the interesting markings that were etched into the rocks around its edge before looking toward the glowing water again. She peered curiously into the depths of it, smiling a little as she watched the little fish dart around in the water that was riddled with the luminescent algae. "Wow..." she breathed with a giggle, her tail wagging gently behind her.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
05-16-2020, 05:10 PM
Deathbelle was no stranger to battle as a young wolf, though she had Sirius as a bodyguard her father made sure she could care for herself. There was no difference between sons and daughters. The skills remained with her, and helped her in defending her place as Empress now. She was never supposed to be the leader of her family, but she had excelled in her rule. She enjoyed being adored, and the smile that played over Tamsyn’s features brought a grin to her own. Oh how easy it was to make a positive influence.

She reminded her of her children, who seemed so much more mature than this bright woman. Her disposition was refreshing and Deathbelle let herself relax in her presence. ”A shrine.” Belle confirmed gently before the Armada woman asked for her company. Deathbelle lifted a light brow ”I could spare some time for you, Tamsyn.” She offered with a toothy smile and a wink as she strolled after the Armada student.

The Empress watched as Tamsyn took in the scenery around them and she felt herself smile with satisfaction. This place was indeed a special place. Deathbelle had never been here with her late husband, but she knew how much he had desired the lands before they’d met. When Deathbelle was able to take claim to it, she’d done so in his name.

His stoic presence was sorely missed in those moments as she watched Tamsyn innocently explore the trees and dicover the shrine and its glowing wonder. ”It’s beautiful here.” She said softly, a hint of her sadness discernable in her voice.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-19-2020, 01:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2020, 01:02 AM by Tamsyn.)

Tamsyn was in awe over the interesting surroundings she found herself in. She let a curious paw gently dip into the peaceful, softly glowing water and watched the small ripples the movement caused across the surface. A smile pulled at her lips as a couple of the small fish that lived in the shrine's pool swam near her paw as if they were checking it out. She chuckled softly and pulled her paw away before looking around them at the woods again. She had wondered a few times since she came to Boreas how such places had come to exist, but she wondered that even more deeply about this place. She was glad that it was so close to where she lived since she was certain that she would want to come here again.

Her mint eyes turned back to Deathbelle when the Empress mentioned that this place was beautiful. It would have been easy to just agree and let it go, but she was very perceptive to other's emotions these days and she quickly caught the sadness that lingered in the other woman's tone. Maybe it was because a deep rooted sadness had been such a large portion of her life, but she was particularly sensitive to it now when she noticed it in others. She smiled and nodded, replying, "It really is. You did really well picking this place for your pack." She hesitated for a moment, wondering if it would be prying too much to ask the Empress about how she was feeling. After all, they hardly knew each other and she didn't want to cross a line. However... hadn't Zee been almost a complete stranger when she had told Zee her dark life story? "I'm sorry, don't want to pry, but... is everything alright?" she finally asked, fully prepared for Deathbelle to brush the question off if she didn't want to share.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
05-24-2020, 06:48 PM
Tamsyn continued to remind the Empress of her children, with her sense of wonder as she took in the shrine for the first time. Deathbelle had been taken aback as well, but the she wolf before her held an innocent wonder. Belle didn’t regret for an instant following the Armada wolf. Attentions were easily turned back to her as she spoke, Tamsyn praised her choice of lands to occupy. This place was more of a gathering place, as she encouraged those of Klein lineage to live on the islands. Her thoughts tried to linger on her family instead of the main reason for occupying these hallowed grounds.

Deathbelle didn’t miss the moment of hesitation, lilac eyes returned to the younger woman. She questioned the Empress’s state of mind, and Belle was reminded again how bad she was at hiding her feelings. The last woman she’d opened up to about Archon left a permanent mark on her heart. She still loved Iolaire to this day. All these thoughts distracted from the real pain though, knowing she would never have Archon again in this life.

”Yes, the shrine invokes heavy memories though.” She and Archon never stood side by side in these lands, but that didn’t stop the swaying white trees and the glowing waters of the shrine keep her from making it a place she could feel her husband’s spirit. ”I claimed the shrine in memory of my late husband.” She explained further as she pressed one paw to the stone and squeezed her eyes shut. ”Life goes on, but you never forget the loss.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.