

Bronze i


12 Years
08-19-2013, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 11:09 AM by Bronze i.)
note - babies can't be played until tomorrow but wanted to get this up so it was ready <3 only silent & kids please.

It was a beautiful day. Bronze could see the gentle yellow rays of light peeking through the entrance of the den that he shared with his family, slowly rousing them from sleep. Slowly he rolled onto his belly, jaws parting as he yawned silently. Since his children had been born, his life had found entirely new meaning. They were nothing short of miracles, given his age and all he had been through. Slowly his eyes wandered over each one of their rapidly growing bodies, watching as they curled between him and Silent for warmth and comfort. Already they were beginning to talk, beginning to form opinions and develop personalities and he felt himself falling in love with each of them over and over again every day.

Their routine had been basic, but he treasured each day like it might be his last -- and he knew it very well might be. He was too overjoyed to think of such things though, ignoring the fatigue that crept into his bones as autumn drew slower, ignoring the fact that he got tired rather easily after hunting for his family. He would push through for their sakes. Today, though, was even better than yesterday -- he felt wonderful. Young. He stretched his limbs, curling up a bit closer to his babies. What would be in store for them today? Perhaps, if Silent was feeling up for it, they could let the children explore outside the den today? Eager at the prospect of seeing their tiny faces light up with joy, he slowly lapped at the four of them, from one to the other. He remembered painfully how it felt to feel as though he was not his father's favorite, and he was determined to care for them each as equally as he could.

Silent I


11 Years
08-19-2013, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 09:36 PM by Silent I.)

As Bronze was lovingly bestowing kisses and attention to their sleeping puppies, Silent was still sleeping. The past month and a half of being a new mother for the gazillionth time had taken its toll on her, physically and mentally. Due to not being the young vixen she once was, the needs of her children sapped the energy from her like warmth taken from someone on winter's night. She had been cut out for motherhood, 'tis true, but having four puppies at once was something she wasn't used to. It had always been one - even two - pups with each birthing. Four was definitely a challenge and she knew that they would be once they were out and at her side.
So, Silent slept on, hoping that she didn't put too much of a strain on Bronze. Her beloved husband was up in age as well, so her concern for his health was important to her as their last litter's. The temporary state of being in her own mind and dreamland made it easier to slip in and out of her thoughts with no disturbances. As her respirations were even and unlabored, the images in her mind were swirling and fading in and out of focus. She continued to see the night of being reunited with Bronze, when she thought she had lost him forever to another source of life. Who knew that after meeting him again from years of being apart, they would be here now, with pups and enjoying their last season or two of life? Despite loving them all with her very being, Silent was still surprised it had all happened. The puzzle pieces had fallen into place.
The sunlight had begun to spread through the opening of their den, finally deciding to stretch out and reach the sleeping family. A bit of the warmth touched Silent's nose, making her sneeze and lightly jump from the result. The quiet atmosphere of her sleeping pups was broken and soft whimpers broke the silence that had been a blanket over the family. Silent's emerald eyes open, no longer bearing the tired expression she had kept since the first night of being their mother. It is amazing what sleep could do for someone.
A smile broke across Silent's face as she looked down at their children. All four were in different sleeping positions, proof that their personalities would be the same as they grew. Mercury was sprawled on his right side, resting like Bronze did when he was on the other side of the den on some nights. Ara was curled in a ball, nose touching her tiny tail. She reminded Silent of a cannon ball, something that humans used in war a long time ago. Jendai, her little white and black body, was sprawled on her stomach with all four legs sticking out, head resting squarely on Silent's belly. Her tiny ears perked and moved as she tried to go back to sleep. It wasn't until she saw that one was missing. Where, oh where, was her Faolan? The proof was evident when she heard a whimper below her head. Looking down, Silent saw that her silvery son had chosen his spot between her front limbs. She raised an eyebrow at how his small form had formed a nest-like bundle between her front legs. She lightly chuckled and nuzzled Faolan's sleeping body before leaning over to nuzzle the other three.
After showing love to all four babies, Silent raised her gaze to meet the sweet eyes of Bronze. She sighed happily and a smile broke across her face when she whimpered for his touch. Disappointment was something she didn't feel as she felt his muzzle against her own. She rubbed her cheek against his, eyes closed as she enjoyed the touch he provided. "Mmmmornin'," she murmured, yawning and flipping her ears back to avoid a headache from the sudden use of her jaw muscles. Her tail lightly hit the ground as she opened her eyes and admired the handsome work Nature had done to Bronze's aging face. "How long have you been up, sweetheart?" She cooed softly.




10 Years
08-19-2013, 10:01 PM

A soft whimper escaped a young girl's lips as she felt herself being roused from sleep. Merely a month and a half old, she was just beginning to experience the world around her -- albeit from the safety of her den. But she preferred to stay close to her parents, knowing they were near if she needed them. Already she was beginning to love them dearly, knowing they brought nothing but safety and happiness. Still, perhaps unsurprisingly, she preferred the silence of sleep, the safety it offered her. Everything that she saw outside the den seemed so big and unfamiliar and dangerous. Her daddy had told her that soon she could explore, and that he would keep her safe ... she trusted him more than anything, but still felt unsure about the prospect of going somewhere new.

There was no doubt in Ara's mind that the slightly rougher licks and nudges that woke her were coming from her father; he was always a bit less gentle than her mother. A smile curled the corners of the tiny girl's lips upward, though her eyes remained firmly shut. Another happy whimper left her throat, the sound loud enough to vibrate her entire little body. Briefly she shivered, feeling slightly cool air touch her skin as she wriggled about, snuggling closer between her parents. Though she was rather withdrawn at times, even at such a young age, it was next to impossible to ignore such loving embraces from any member of her family. Her smile widened rather noticeably as he continued lather her in attention. One eyelid opened slowly, watching as he continued to nudge her other three siblings as well. It was rather obvious he wanted them to wake up, but why -- she was not sure. Usually they were allowed to sleep as long as they wished. Maybe today was different for some reason?

Finally her eyes were both open, wide orbs of blue, as she stared up at Bronze. He was so big, and she was so small -- she considered him her protector, the one who would never let anything bad happen to her ever. A third whimper left her lips as she nuzzled into the thick fur of his chest, turning her head to gaze silently at her mother. Behind her small body, her tail had begun to wag happily, glad to see her parents awake and smiling right back at her. What more could she ask for, in all the world? The girl was silent as ever as she wriggled over her mom, placing a kiss on the underside of her muzzle as she leaned as her parents nuzzled closer to one another.

Mercury I


4 Years
08-19-2013, 10:29 PM

Sweet puppy dreams would dance playfully with in his tiny puppy cranium. Sweet nothing os play and much of his family. They were the only thing he knew in the world, and as time continued forward his love only grew more for them. His deep slumber was only disturbed by the movement of tongue on his midnight back. He was quite easy to awake and with only the slightest disturbance his mouth would open widely in a yawn.
With blurry eyes he would look up to his father, finding it odd to be waking to his grooming. They were never brought out of their sleep before they were ready, what could be going on? He looked up questioningly at his mother as she passed over him, her sweet nuzzles returned as the morning would greet them. He pushed his legs underneath himself as he moved over to the pale man who was his father. Mornin' Da! He pushed his body against him content to feel the comfort of his presence.



08-20-2013, 12:45 AM

beginning to the end

The silvery ball of fluff was curled up between Silent's legs, comfortable as he could be. Given the thick fur that he had from Bronze, he felt as if he was resting on a small pin cushion of his own pelt. That was something he wished would never go away! He lazily shifted his weight to the other side of his body, but failed to coil back into the fetal position he had obtained during his slumber. Although this happened, Faolan returned to his sleep and didn't make too much of a fuss over losing his balance.
Sleep wanted to take him back, but some other outside force was preventing him from going with it. Nuzzles and licks from two wolves, both of whom he adored endlessly, were making his subconscious waken from its long nap. A mental sigh escaped the young pup and he submitted to his parents' affectionate prods. Words weren't shared to his siblings, but mere touches here and there. Those were what the young male was used to from his parents. With that, he decided it was time to wake up.
Usually, his mother preferred to let them sleep. 'After all,' she had said to his father, 'they are growing babies and need as much nourishment as possible.' With that confirmed idea in his mind, Faolan took to sleep like white on rice. This morning was different, however, but he quickly adapted to the change. His little jaws parted, a yawn escaped, and he shook his little head to shoo away the sleep that still hung like a curtain.
Faolan looked up to see Ara nuzzle their dad, then lean into Silent's chest fur. He raised a tiny brow and realized she was going to put all her weight on him. It was too late when the silver fluff ball decided to move -- Ara had moved across him and squished his hind legs beneath her weight! A soft yelp escaped Faolan's lips and he immediately moved from the sudden twinge of pain and weight. He rose to all four legs, turning so he was facing Ara with a dark green stare. Forget about trying to get some extra nap Z's now. This was an even better opportunity!
He yipped at Ara in a playful tone, lowering his front half to the ground and made as if he was going to tackle her small body. His booty in the air with his short tail wagging side to side, Faolan rose and quickly closed the gap between his sister and himself. Unfortunately, Faolan didn't see his mother's leg that hadn't moved since the night before. His own stubby front legs clashed with hers and he ended up rolling after tripping himself up. Faolan missed his target, which was Ara, and instead continued to roll a couple of more times until his back hit Silent's other front limb. So, Faolan's end result was him laying upside down with his hind legs in the air, looking up from the ground to see his mother and sister peering down at him with interested curiosity. He couldn't help but wag his tail and whimpered a soft apology to his sister.

Puppy Talk

we are alive

Bronze i


12 Years
08-20-2013, 04:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2013, 09:57 AM by Bronze i.)

- derped -

Silent I


11 Years
08-21-2013, 08:38 PM

His touch was one of the best things to feel first thing in the morning. Despite being by herself the past couple of years, she missed his affectionate nuzzles and loving kisses every day when she woke up. Now, as she lay in the glow of the morning light, her pups, and her beloved husband, she knew she didn't have to want for anything anymore. Everything she could ever want was there for her to enjoy and not take for granted.
She sighed gently at Bronze's words and tenderly licked his muzzle, nose brushing against his cheek before she pulled her head back. "Our family is the most important thing to live for, Bronze. Nothing else will ever come first." Her green gaze moved down to her beloved pups. Three of the four were awake, getting ready for the day and energy evident in their actions. She nuzzled a handsome Mercury, covering his face with numerous kisses and nibbles around his tummy. "Good morning, my little man," she cooed, giggling softly into his belly fur.
Silent then felt a soft bump against her chest and she saw Ara resting against her while looking up at Bronze. Ahhh. Definitely a daddy's girl in the making. Silent could already tell she would be attached to her father like a burr to fur. Smiling softly, she moved her affections to her daughter, cold and wet black nose snuggling deep into Ara's black underside. "Hello, Ara," she softly said, kissing on her ears and scooping her up with one front paw.
Faolan's antic was definitely something she didn't expect so early in the morning. His silvery, fluffy self found himself laying on his back, bottom half of his body in the air and above his head. She raised an eyebrow to his whimper and wagging tail and couldn't help but laugh at him. Bronze's words made her ears perk and after watching Faolan tumble backward to land, splay-legged with his short hind legs sticking out at funny angles, she shook her head and turned her attention to Bronze. "What exactly do you have planned for today, my love?" she asked in tender and concerned tones. It had been a good month since she had left the den, so if he was thinking of doing just that...she waited for his response before she showed any type of reaction to his idea.
As her attention was on Bronze, Silent hadn't forgotten about Jendai. The sleeping pup was still next to her mother, giving Silent more of a reason to curl her tail around the quiet babe. She made sure Jendai was covered with her thick, black plumage, protecting her from any sudden cool, summer breezes that found their ways into the den. Jendai's fur was white, reflecting any heat that would probably sneak in near her. Silent made sure she was warm enough to keep on sleeping. At some point, however, she knew her beloved daughter would have to wake up soon. With all of the ruckus her siblings were making, how could she not?




6 Years
08-21-2013, 11:15 PM

Lapping of tongues, tumble of pups, voices of her parents... how was a pup expected to sleep with this sort of noise around her? Her little charcoal gray tipped ears flicked with annoyance at the sounds as she tried to settle back into sleep, nuzzling her head into her mother's fur once again. Suddenly warmth surrounded her and she blinked open her bright green eyes with surprise to see her mother's dark tail covering her. She turned her eyes to look up to Silent's matching green gaze and her little tail wagged. Stubbornly, she closed her eyes once again and snuggled her head down into her mom's soft fur, determined to get back to her dreams, but she still kept one ear toward her father. She still wanted to know what he had planned for them none of the less.


Bronze i


12 Years
08-26-2013, 09:53 AM

There truly was nothing in the world more precious than children. He knew that trying to recall his very early childhood brought hit immense pain, and he never wanted his children to experience such a thing. He knew that although his older child loved him dearly, despite not having seem him for so long, Bronze knew that he had failed them in a way. But as he gazed fondly as his four new babies, he knew deep in his heart that only death would tear him from their sides. He knew he would not live to see them have children, but if he could see them close to adulthood he would feel accomplished.

Gently he shuffled closer to Silent, loving the feeling of their children cuddled between them. Love was written plainly on his face as he lathered her in kisses. 'What exactly do you have planned for today, my love?' She asked, and his grin grew slightly. "I was hoping that these four could explore the rest of their home, if you think it's time," he murmured nuzzling the fur between her ear and throat affectionately.

It was then that Jendai stirred, briefly peeking up from where she lay near Silent. But soon enough she settled back down, closing her eyes. He was certain she would not remain asleep for long -- at the very least, he knew Faolan would be eager to leave the den, as he had been sneaking close to the entrance day by day.


08-26-2013, 11:55 AM

beginning to the end

Faolan had ended up rolling back over his head, landing on his small bum with hind legs splayed in a flexible fashion. His muscles and bones were still growing, so any type of gymnastic act was all right for his puppy body. He listened with rapt attention to the conversation his mother and father were having, and he began to think they weren't going anywhere with it. As soon as Bronze mentioned the possibility of going outside, his tail began to wag against the cool ground and his yips echoed around the den walls. Would they really? Oh goody!
He stood up then, shaking his fluffy fur to make it stick out, and excitedly padded towards Bronze. "Really, Papa? Can we really do that? How much is there to see? Can we do it now? I'm awake and everything!" Faolan didn't wait for a response, but instead tottered over to Silent and nudged her large arm. "Mama, please? What do you say? Please say we can do it!" Then he looked at Ara, Mercury, and the hidden Jendai, who was feigning sleep. "You guys, did you hear? Papa thinks we can go outside! Are you excited, too?" He turned in a wide circle, head held high as his gaze stopped to face the unknown lands of Seracia from their den. "We will be out there..Oh gosh, won't that be cool?!" Faolan looked back to his siblings and padded to be near them. He looked up to his parents, then his brother and sisters, hoping to hear their inputs on what they wanted to do. All he knew was that he was ready!

Puppy Talk

we are alive

Mercury I


4 Years
09-01-2013, 06:07 PM

He had no idea of what would be happening to them on that day but he was incredibly excited. As the family stirred he would just lean into his bronze father's pelt, his purple gaze taking in all the other pups did. That was when he heard his brother give away their parent's plan. They were going to be taken outside, they were going to see the world for the very first time. His black tail would thump upon the earth signaling the joy that was coursing through his veins. His face would turn to his father curious about what was in store for them.
His head would tilt slightly as once again his voice would be heard, Outside? Faolon, we're going to see outside now? A smile could be seen erupting to his face, he had not followed Faolan's lead in trying to sneak from the cave. He was quite content with today being the day they left their den. Lat's go! He would bring his haunches from the ground, his butt wiggling excitedly at the news.




10 Years
09-03-2013, 05:34 AM
As her mother greeted her gently, she returned the gesture with a delicate whimper, shuffling to nuzzle into her. But her attention returned to her father as he began to speak. 'I was hoping that these four could explore the rest of their home, if you think it's time, he announced surely, and her ears flicked on her small head. Did he mean they would be going outside? Faolan immediately perked up, jumping around excited, asking her and her siblings if they were excited too. She giggled softly, but nodded in silent response.

Even Mercury had risen, his butt wiggling excitedly as his tail wagged behind him. Slowly she rose to join her brothers, gaze drifting to Jendai, hoping she would follow along too. Though she was a bit unsure about leaving the den, she knew her parents would not put them in danger ... so it had to be okay, right?

Bronze i


12 Years
09-12-2013, 06:54 AM

What a fine day. Bronze could truly ask for no more. Faolan seemed the most eager of the bunch -- his childlike optimism and energy reminded him fiercely of how he had been as a youngster. He wondered briefly how time might change the boy, turn him into something completely different; for now, he would lavish in their short childhoods while he still could. So innocence and beautiful they were! A grin brought his hardened features to life, his joy unable to be contained.

Ara seemed far less thrilled, but she perked up, willing to go along with her family. Mercury was eager, which was no surprise -- he and Faolan seemed like they were the best of friends. "Really," he assured his white-furred son, grinning down at him. "My son, you have no idea how big the world is," Behind his large form, his tail swayed side to side. "You will never get tired of it. I assure you."

Bronze glanced over to Silent, quietly seeking her approval. Slowly he would move to make his way towards the den's entrance, slowly poking his head out from the opening. If Silent approved, he was sure Faolan and possibly Mercury would come barreling out of their sleeping quarters, and he wanted to keep an eye on them.

Silent I


11 Years
09-18-2013, 09:33 AM

She watched the excitement dance in Faolan's eyes. Her son was too much like her mother for his own good. She silently wondered if her children would ever get to meet their grandmother. Split was definitely the kind of woman that wouldn't have a problem getting along with pups. Her memories of growing up with her made her smile then, but she swept her gaze on all four pups before looking up at Bronze. He waited for an approved answer, and she gave him one.
The black female unstuck herself from the den floor, making the pups move from their comfortable spots around her. She looked around at them all, their forms still small compared to her massive frame. Silent's tail then nudged Jendai, hoping she would wake up soon for their trip outside. She didn't want any of her children left behind, especially on a life-changing day like this. Slowly, she stepped around her pups and to Bronze's side.
She lovingly nuzzled her husband's white cheek, smiling softly to match the glow in her eyes. If there was anything that would make her happier than her husband and pups, she didn't know what it was. Her voice carried over the pups as she said, "Come along, my lovely darlings. We must see what the world has in store for us today!" Waiting on Bronze to step out first, she followed right beside him, only looking back once to make sure that all four pups were coming.
