

To: Koala; Subject: Make words



6 Years
05-01-2020, 03:58 PM

Winter was looming on the horizon. Perhaps it had already arrived for those who called the northern lands home, but for Aggie is was a ghostly specter. It loomed on the edge of her vision, but hadn't quite sunk its teeth in. The mornings were frostbitten and the afternoons not exactly cold, but she had yet to plow through a foot of snow. So... Not winter. But close.

Aggie found herself in the lowlands of the Faller's Fjord. The cliffs on either side of her were dramatic, picturesque, and insurmountable. They seemed to be howling at her, 'South! Go south! To warmer lands!' but she hesitated. She'd spent so little time in Boreas since her return, so to flee into Auster somehow felt disingenuous. As if she hadn't spent enough time catching up with an old friend before setting them aside for another. This was nonsense, obviously. She knew that the lands held no similar feelings for her, and any of her hesitancies would not be reciprocated. But... still.

It was a toss up. Brave a Borean winter, or brave the Austran dry season. If she was quick there would likely still be herbs for her to gather, food for her to eat, new sights to see. Aggie sighed. "Are we going to stay here all day, then?" Ylva's voice lacked it usual bite. It was probably just force of habit, Aggie reckoned. She knew the red panda currently perched atop her shoulders didn't care much where they ended up. It was the lack of decisiveness that irked her. "We might," Aggie mused. "And maybe we'll stay for the next day, and the day after that too. Do you have somewhere to be?" The red panda scoffed, but no, she didn't. Neither of them was bound by a schedule, nor responsibility. Both liked it that way. But it didn't keep this from feeling like any less of a choice.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
05-01-2020, 04:21 PM

Pestilence had sent her companions out as usual to look around, gather information on prey movements and possible predator threats when they returned with knowledge of a wolf, instead. This wolf was said to be somewhat mad, discussing things like spirits with her companion. It was right up Pestilence's alley, a potentially crazed wolf who may be able to be manipulated to her side when she heard about the blasphemy spreading around Boreas.

The yearling approached the pair cautiously, not knowing what to expect from a wolf who may be a little mad. She had confidence in her abilities however and was not frightened at a fight if the stranger was so crazed as to start one. The girl swallowed, pushing into the pair's conversation with a small smile. "Hello, I'm Pestilence." She dipped her head respectfully, eyeing the odd creature that accompanied the woman. "I've heard some.. rumors. That the spirits speak to you." It was blunt and forward of her, though Pestilence was the type to get straight to the point and past the pleasantries.




6 Years
05-01-2020, 04:32 PM

Even as distracted as Aggie was by the choice that lay before her, she was not so distracted as to not notice another's arrival. She sensed the other wolf but made no move to turn or whirl, and figured that if the other meant her any harm they would surely have been a bit more stealthy, right? And true to her assumptions, the young female's voice struck out. Pestilence, hmm? Perhaps an odd name, but she had heard stranger. It was what followed that really struck the aging hedgewitch. Rumors? Well... That was. Novel.

Then again, not entirely unsurprising. She'd never felt the urge to keep her connection with the natural world a secret, but neither had she screamed it from mountaintops. This was worth investigating further, at the very least. Aggie turned and let her eyes travel over the young female. She was already much larger, but the vestiges of youth still clung to her frame. He pelt was pretty enough and her eyes striking, but beyond that Aggie didn't note anything of use. "For someone who didn't know she had a reputation, to hear that it precedes me is unexpected." She smiled, pleasant and welcoming, even as her head cocked sideways. "Not unwelcome, but surprising. Are you in need of healing?" She couldn't see anything that immediately spoke to an ailment, just as she didn't feel any sharpness in the air, a sense that she got sometimes when a situation just... wasn't right. So this youngling was a puzzle to say the least. "My name is Asgeira, or Aggie if you prefer less of a mouthful. This is Ylva." She tipped her muzzle back towards her companion, who sat wordless and watching throughout the exchange.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
05-02-2020, 05:03 PM

So far the woman appeared to be pleasant, at least not crazed in any way where conversation was unmanageable. Perhaps she was merely like the Abraxas, with wild beliefs that while showing them to be wrong in the head, did not affect their judgement too badly. Pestilence repeated the woman's name and nodded, taking a deep breath before moving closer.

Her head lowered a bit, whether it was in shame or secrecy Pestilence did not know. She studied the wolf for a moment, and then forced out her words. "I came to you because there are wolves around here spouting blasphemy. My aunt - she talks to the spirits - says that it's bad. I was hoping you might be able to help me put an end to it." Truthfully Pestilence didn't even believe in her aunt's form of spirits. Ghosts did not exist, when you died you simply died. Archon's body was buried under ash in the volcano's pit and he'd never return. It was something she had to keep telling herself to keep moving forward, otherwise she'd need to admit that he didn't find her worthy enough a daughter to appear to.




6 Years
05-03-2020, 11:44 AM

Aggie settled in. Listening to the young fae's words brought several thoughts to mind. The first was that she was much more serious that Aggie might expect of a youngling. Formal, well-mannered, respectful. None of these were bad traits to have in her eyes, but it certainly cast this encounter in a different light. The next was the weight of young Pestilence's words. Mention of the spirits made the older shewolf stiffen, her mind beginning to churn through thoughts much faster. The idea of anyone, no matter how poorly educated, rejecting the love and provisions of the spirits which sustained the world was certainly enough to rankle her. How could anyone be so foolish? But still, Aggie was wise enough to know that of course not everyone viewed the world through similar eyes. Deeds howled, while thoughts whispered. "I see. Your aunt sounds like a wise woman. It is important that we give reverence where reverence is due." It was a neutral answer, give to buy herself more time to think.

Aggie settled in, tucking in her limbs and tail so as to be a bit more comfortable while she pondered. All traces of her typically jovial nature were washed away by the matter at hand, if it truly was what this young female presented it to be. This wasn't at all how she imagined her day going, but the push and pull of fate didn't care much for schedule. A thousand questioned swirled in the air around her, and it was hard to pick just one to voice into the world. If anything, she supposed she needed more information. "This blasphemy you speak of. I'm only recently returned to these lands, so I don't know much of its going-ons. What exactly has been taking place?" She wondered what it could be that had disturbed this youngling so much as to seek out someone versed in these matters. For all that she could see, the lands were as healthy as they could be following the actions of an unruly volcano. Wounded, but healing. She hadn't come across any battlefields strewn with bodies, no waters poisoned by any toxins other than ash, no ravaged landscapes beyond those that could be easily explained by the eruption. It was a puzzle, and for all that they tended to get her into trouble, Aggie did love herself a good puzzle.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
05-03-2020, 02:20 PM

Pestilence was pleased that it appeared the woman was taking her seriously. At her comment, the yearling had to resist to roll her eyes. Give reverence? Spirits were a fairy tale, and Pestilence would never revere anything that's strength was not tangible. Instead however, she nodded her head once more. Showing her agreement, and appearing interested while Aggie continued.

She needed more information however, and Pestilence took pause while she considered. Exactly how far was she willing to go to get back at her bloodline, would she risk her siblings? Aside from Toxicity, she still loved them even while they wore Archon's name. She'd keep them out of it, and direct the 'wise' woman towards the other Abraxas' she'd heard of. "There are a group of wolves who believe themselves to be Gods. They desire to conquer the earthly world here, so that they may one day regain their thrones in heaven. It isn't right, and I fear that the belief is spreading too quickly to control. This pack, Aerie... I don't know how many of these wolves live there, but I fear them." In truth, Pestilence only knew of Thalia Abraxas in Aerie. For all she knew, Thalia was the only Abraxas within it's protection. Though she had to direct the woman somewhere and until she knew more about Aggie, she could not risk directing her to Ashen.




6 Years
05-11-2020, 01:05 PM

Aggie listened carefully as the young female explained. She had seen her fair share of religious zealots in her time. Every region seemed to have them, but not many were described as so malevolent as to raise outside concerns. She cocked her head sideways considering... Aggie understood why this might distress the speckled shewolf, of course she did. But she wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to, or able to, do about it. She deliberated for a long moment, picking her words carefully before setting them loose. "With fanatics, it is always best to be cautious. You never know what might set them off, so perhaps your fear will keep you alive." Fear could be shameful for some wolves, though Aggie couldn't begin to understand the notion. Fear was a body's natural response to danger. It deserved to be heeded, just as one might take warning from looming thunderheads or a snake's rattling tail.

Aggie sighed, worried that she might disappoint Pestilence, but having considered her angles and the information she currently had... There wasn't much Aggie could see herself doing, apart from trying to learn more. When the Spirits led her towards action Aggie gladly complied, but she trusted in the world around her to maintain balance as it always had. If these zealots were crossing the boundary into the unnatural and profane, surely they would find themselves facing consequences sooner or later. "I know this might not be what you want to hear, but when it comes to the affairs of the spirits one usually finds that they uphold the Great Balance in the strangest of ways. Sometimes they are taking great strides when it seems to us like nothing is happening at all... It might be seasons or even years before we are able to understand what they have long since cast into motion. "

Aggie looked to the northeast where she knew Mount Volkan lay dormant, far away and out of sight, then back to the young female before her. "But they act nonetheless. If the zealots worry you, I can only promise to bear this information in mind and act if an opportunity arises. Beyond that, I'm not sure there is much one lone shewolf can do against a mob of fanatics." She looked at Pestilence and raised a brow, her expression gentle but probing all the same. If there was something Pestilence expected of her, she might as well come out and say it. Aggie may be a voice for the spirits but she did not control them, or ever claim access to the great depths of their power and prominence. She was merely a wolf, and could only act within her means as such.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
05-16-2020, 03:05 PM

Pestilence couldn't stop the sigh from tearing from her at Aggie's words, and she frowned down at the ground in disappointment. There was no comfort she could take in the woman's words, Pesto didn't believe in spirits and it meant nothing to her to hear that they might have a plan one day for the Abraxas brood. She wanted something done now, and couldn't accept that there was no plan to be made. "Come on, there has to be something." She stressed. "Can't we go - I don't know - poison their water or something?" Her hope was quickly fading, would she need to approach this pack Aerie alone to see what could be done? Somehow she didn't feel she had time, especially between the coming raid and her later intentions to join Fireside. What if the packs were allied? Pesto wouldn't be allowed to do anything to hurt them in that case, so she had to act now.
