
-- n o t b r o k e n


08-26-2013, 02:03 PM

and i am like you, all alone and confused

Summer had only a loose claim upon these lands. Even now, they were chilly, and the air held a hint of a bite to it. Irin had never had much a tolerance for heat, and enjoyed the cool weather as summer began to wind to a close. Autumn was promised by the cool touch of the breeze as it moved across the lands, and Irin was basking in that as she made her way through the heart of Glaciem's lands.

For once, Irin seemed pretty normal. She was padding along with her tail held jauntily high, streaming out behind her in the air like a banner, and her ears were swivelling wildly, picking up every sound on these plains as she made her way along, no particular destination in mind. For the moment, Irin wasn't trying to find any strange creatures. She wasn't seeking out any ghosts or monsters or cities beneath the ice. Instead, she was just appreciating the weather and Glaciem's landscape. She had easily come to think of this place as home, and was content to simply wander.

Her pace was unhurried as she moved along, and her eyes wandered across everything that she could see. Nothing grabbed her attention, so she remained quiet, continuing to move absently along, unaware of any other wolves that might have chosen to wander right then as well.



5 Years
Extra large
08-27-2013, 12:26 AM

Another round of patrolling had been done for the day. For the time being at least. Another round of patrolling would be necessary during the night, but for now the young man would take a break. It wasn't like patrolling took a lot out of him, it was just rather boring. He hardly ran into anyone. Nothing really happened. There weren't any rogues trying to invade Glaciem or any new members looking for acceptance. Those that had come for acceptance were usually met by his father. He would only accept new members if his father was busy. And he usually was, but never to accept a new wolf into the pack. He wasn't particular hungry, just feeling like he needed some time off his paws. Padding around in a giant circle wasn't exactly the most entertaining thing to do.

Powerful limbs slowly pulled the grey-blue brute through his home, icy gaze dancing over the now familiar territory. A cluster of trees surrounding a large field caught his attention, and so he steered himself towards them, gratefully collapsing onto the snow-covered earth. Snow flew up around his large mass he settled himself, tail lying half-hazardly behind him, gargantuan skull resting against his massive paws. He was a warrior. He shouldn't have been relaxing. But what else was he to do when there was nothing to do? The faint sound of paw-steps reached his ears, eyes of ice flickering towards the source of the sound. It was that pale woman, the same one he had run into a few weeks ago with his father, the one who thought that monsters existed and disguised themselves as caribou so as to not be detected. He made no move to call out to her or even move towards her, simply lied in his place, watching her traverse the field, wondering what kind of adventure she was on today if one at all.

Talk like this


09-02-2013, 08:05 PM
i would run away to some fortune that i should have found by now.

Another wolf appeared and Irin stirred, her ears seizing upon a noise. It was a familiar scent, though it took her brain a long moment to process why he seemed to be familiar. Taurig, the son of Glaciem's King. She should have recognized that scent sooner. After all, she had picked it up all over the place during her travels around the territory. He seemed to have been all over the territory, just like Irin, though in a much more orderly manner than her wanderings had been. She figured it was probably him keeping an eye on things, and that had always made her feel safer when night was heavy in the air and she was afraid of the monsters that her vivid mind had painted on that dark canvas.

So Irin considered herself comfortable with him, and had no qualms about approaching him, her dainty white tail swishing easily as she made her approach, "Greetings, Sir." Irin inclined her head, her voice holding a touch of formality as she addressed her fellow Glaciem member. They were not close; Irin didn't delude herself there, but she knew that he was a member of Glaciem, and that meant that he was unlikely to attack her for approaching. After all, Argent had been kind, hadn't she? And Taurig was rather highly ranked, just like Argent.