
Io Claus is Comin' to Town

Rhythm and everyone else!



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-06-2020, 08:17 AM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2020, 08:17 AM by Iolaire.)

Iolaire had made her way back to the springs the following day to check on the dishes that she and Rhythm had made together. Unfortunately, two out of the six had cracked and shattered. The others came out nicely, however. She'd already come this far, so she decided to just take them to the elderly woman herself. It would be a nice little trek. The springs were very close to Abaven territory and it would be nice to pay the woman a visit on her own turf. The small fae packed up the dishes into a small woven basket that she and Enki had made together. She placed grass between each bowl to lessen their clinking together as they were transported. They were ready to head to Abaven.

With Enki as her chaperone and Ila the caribou hooked up to her small cart, the trio arrived at the borders of the pack in question. Raising her dainty little muzzle to the sky, she released a sweet, clear note, requesting the presence of one that could welcome her into the territory. While she waited, the woman sat beside the cart, offering bits of dried fruit to Ila and some dried meat to Enki. Never shy to be caught munching, Io popped a bit of dried meat in her own maw. "Hopefully this will be a welcome surprise." She had heard from a little bird that the pack had recently experienced a raid. Hopefully she was catching them on a good day and her gift would raise their spirits a bit. Enki released a rumble of agreement and Ila simply blinked, chewing her fig.

Io raised her face to the sun. It made the day pretty decent for a winter morning. She'd been sure to leave early so that there was enough time to visit and get back home before dark if necessary. If they invited her to stay overnight, however, she would take them up on the offer. It would be like a little vacation. Enki the leopard perked up. "Coming," he rumbled, his pale green gaze locked on something in the distance.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
05-07-2020, 01:34 PM
The voice at the border was one that Poem did not recognize and felt herself instantly curious about it. She rose to all four paws, the girl having fully come into adulthood. She hated how she smelled, how she felt, and how much she thought about Eligos’s handsome face. And especially that she thought his face handsome. She shook herself as she made her way to the border, more than happy for the distraction from her own thoughts. Not that she didn’t keep herself busy, but being alone had a way of directing her thoughts directions she didn’t want them going.

Her grandmother had mentioned a visitor to bring a few fired pots. Poem had felt intrigued by what Rhythm told her, and wondered now if this was that wolf. The newly blossomed adult arrived at the border with curiosity on her features as she focused on the stranger instead of the discomfort of her body. ”Hello, Welcome to Abaven.” She started in friendly tones, suddenly surprised as she realized she recognized the scent. ”You’re from the Armada.” She tried not to make judgement, she had a cart full of supplies and there were few reasons to come to a pack’s borders like that. ”Sorry, I’m Poem.” She introduced herself. ”I studied under Sirius for a while.” Trained and captured but despite how difficult it had been she was released.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-08-2020, 05:53 PM

She didn't have to wait terribly long for a wolf to come greet her. It was a young woman and Iolaire shot her a beaming smile. The girl's face seemed to fall a bit as she mentioned the Armada, but the little healer's features remained pleasant and she pretended not to notice. "Aye, I'm from the Armada. My name is Iolaire." When the young woman gave her name, Io's smile brightened even more. "Oh! You're Rhythm's granddaughter! Just the wolf I wanted to see." Tapping the cart beside her, she continued. "I heard that there had been a raid. With winter coming, I wanted to be sure that Abaven had enough herbs to last through the winter. Plus I brought the dishes that your grandmother and I worked on. Aaand a special salve to help with her arthritis during the winter." She had thought of loads of things and had spent all evening and morning preparing.

"I have other things as well. Just a little token of friendship between myself and your pack." She had really taken a shine to Rhythm and wanted to be sure that the old woman was comfortable during the winter months. "Are you able to invite me in? It would be a pain in the tail to cart everything from here to your common area a bit at a time." She wasn't sure if Poem had the authority. If she didn't, then Iolaire would wait for someone that did.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-09-2020, 06:24 PM

Theory arrived shortly behind Poem and hung back to observe how she greeted the interloper. Once Poem mentioned that the stranger was from the Armada, Theo's eyes narrowed just a hint. Would she be alright? Poem's composure held true and Theory took the opportunity to trot up to her sister's side. She caught the rest of Iolaire's words - they seemed kind and true. A wolf didn't go out of their way to haul supplies like that with ill intentions - and certainly not at the beginning of winter, no less. Cooling her suspicions, she greeted Io with a smile as well. "And I'm her sister, Theory, alpha and Sequioa of Abaven." It still felt strange to declare herself to strangers but it was becoming easier and easier. It was almost second nature now.

"Yes, thank you for your kindness! There was a raid. We came out victorious over Winterfell and no longer look for support from the north," she said briskly. Hopefully she could establish Abaven's position on the matter of the raid before Acere muddled his way to visit the other packs. He had plenty on his paws as a newly minted mercenary. Theo didn't expect him to be making social calls any time soon. "Rhythm is doing well but I can't deny that I worry for her with the upcoming season... you can feel it in the air, can't you? It's going to be a long winter," she sighed. "Please, you're welcome to join us for as long as you'd like before making the return journey."

"theory speaks!"



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
05-14-2020, 09:05 AM
The woman was quick to confirm what Poem knew as well as introduce herself, when Poem stated her own name Iolaire seemed to brighten even more. ”You know my grandmother?” She asked softly, but Io was already going on. She’d heard about the raid and knew winter was coming, but also wanted to bring by some pottery she and Rhythm had made. Poem’s eyes widened slightly, she wasn’t the only one her grandmother worked with. Then Theory was beside her.

Poem grinned at her sister as Io continued, giving her full explanation of her appearance as well as her gifts. Rhythm would certainly appreciate the gifts, as would all of Abaven. Poem nodded along in thanks as Theo thanked her for the gift. She invited Iolaire in and Poem smiled at her sister in agreement. ”I can take you to my grandmother if you’d like?” She looked to Theory for an approving glance, and hoped her sister might accompany them inward.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-16-2020, 09:07 AM

A second wolf arrived and, just by her bearing, Iolaire could tell that she was of a higher rank. When she introduced herself as alpha of Abaven, the Armada wolf smiled."Good to meet you, Theory. I'm Iolaire of the Armada." She directed her attention to Poem for a moment. "I came to deliver some things to Rhythm. She and I made pottery recently and I came to ask Poem if she'd like to make some as well." She then cast her green-gold gaze back to Theory. "I felt that it would be rude to just bring things for Rhythm alone, so I've brought a few furs and some herbs from my garden. And..." Reaching into the cart, she pulled out a taller jar, sealed with an oiled skin and tied with twine. "A gift for the alpha for allowing me into your territory." She would leave its contents as a surprise unless the woman asked, but she was hopeful that Theory would like the summer strawberries preserved in mead and honey.

Theory mentioned her concern for Rhythm and the feel in the air. "I'm concerned for her as well. I've taken quite a shine to her. And yes... I feel winter knocking at our door as well. It smells colder than it should. I think we may be in for a very bad winter." She hoped not, but there was no denying that things felt different than usual. If the winter was as rough and as cold as she imagined it might be, Rhythm was in for a painful season. "The salve that I brought for Rhythm will ease the pain in her joints during the winter. If she runs out, just send word and I'll make her as much as she needs." She let both women know. Sometimes the elderly could be a bit stubborn.

When Poem offered to take her to her grandmother, Iolaire nodded. "I'd very much like to give her the gifts in person. I didn't want her walking all the way back to the hot springs just for a few clay dishes." Looking behind her, she motioned Ila the caribou forward. Enki the leopard rose as well and began moving beside the cart as they were led into Abaven territory. "Lovely land you have here," she mentioned conversationally. She was quite pleased to be befriending the family of Rhythm, a wolf who, in such a short time, meant a great deal to her.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-23-2020, 08:19 PM

Theo watched Poem's expression carefully as Iolaire introduced herself from the Armada. Although her sister's, uh, indentured servitude (that sounded better than slave... and the situation seemed too complicated for such a simple, rotten word) had been fairly recent, Poem had seemed to acclimate quickly. There were even some wolves that she seemed to be neutral to friendly with hailing from the Armada, and with Acere's recent betrayal, she wanted to make sure that they had as many "friends" as possible. It never hurt to keep strong, well-armed company. Sirius cut an imposing figure any way you sliced it, and she might rest easier with such a warrior on her side.

"Yes! Please, follow me," she said, nodding as Poem looked to her for approval. If Poem was comfortable escorting Armada wolves about their territory, Theory would gladly welcome a budding alliance. Her sister's feelings were paramount but Poem had seemed to rebound quickly. She liked to think they were made of tougher stuff than most. "I'm sure Rhythm will be glad for the company, and thank you for your gift." The young alpha smiled cheekily as Iolaire complimented the territory. "Yes, this is one of the lands we managed to keep after the eruption... but watch your paws for snakes, just in case they haven't yet gone to ground." The land was aptly named. Serpents hid in the tall brush, although most had grown quiet as the weather began to turn.

"theory speaks!"



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
05-26-2020, 11:22 AM
The woman knowing her name was a little odd, but if her grandmother trusted the woman so could Poem. Now a days she didn’t hold any ill will towards her once captor and teacher Sirius. She still didn’t have any love for the man, but he had released her on the death of her mother and she would give him her respect on that fact alone. Knowing Iolaire held affection for her grandmother helped her feel less animosity as well. Having a teacher that was sighted and could actually give her criticism would do her talent well. ”Yes, I’d like that.” She offered up before Iolaire went on to speak about Rhythm’s plight.

Poem was astounded at Io’s kindness and care for the old she wolf, her arthritis was a daily struggle, but she brought salve and would eagerly make more if the elderly wolf had need. There weren’t many wolves willing to go through the trouble for someone who wasn’t even a member of her pack.

Theory was quick to take up the lead and the little group were suddenly on their way to where Rhythm denned. She smiled lightly, hopefully her grandmother would appreciate the company, she knew that she would appreciate the gifts brought for her.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-29-2020, 05:40 AM
Rhythm was expecting to see someone today, but she had also been preparing to make her way to the border for her visitor. When Feather called out that there were wolves approaching Rhythm perked, by now her latest round of arthritis meds were kicking in and despite the cold she could move rather easily. With a smile playing on her features Rhythm turned her attention to her young granddaughters and Iolaire.

Her milky gaze turned to them along with her chocolate ears, Feather perched on her shoulder as she approached the group. ”Iolaire!” She greeted warmly, ”I’m so glad you could make it. Hello my dears.” Her attention was back to Poem and Theory and she gave each girl a little nuzzle on their cheeks. ”What do you think of my lovely granddaughters?” She asked proudly as she returned her attention to the Armada healer, glad that both Poem and Theory were here to escort her. Rhythm was quite fond of the little woman.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-30-2020, 05:45 AM

Both of the sisters were friendly and Io was glad for that. More often than not, leaders of packs were standoffish and brusque. Rightly so. There were many bad wolves in the world. Io wasn't one of them and thankfully the ladies noted that. She followed Poem and Theory into Abaven lands, careful not to step on any snakes that might still be lingering despite the chill in the air.

Once the trio arrived at Rhythm's den, it seemed as though the old wolf had been expecting them. A grin already on her face, Io was quick to greet the elderly wolf in return. "Hello Rhythm!" The earthen fae complimented her granddaughters and asked Io what she thought of them. The small healer chuckled. "Very fine ladies. They were both very welcoming. Poem and I are actually going to make some pottery together in the future." Io flashed a grin towards the wolf in question. She was looking forward to working with Poem. The girl seemed quite nice.

While the women had been talking, Enki the leopard peeled himself away from the cart and moved towards Rhythm. He slid his body along that of the old wolf and plopped down beside her, purring deeply. "It seems that he missed you." Io snorted with amusement before moving to the cart and digging through it. Coming out with a woven basket, she placed it in front of Rhythm. "Our pottery. A few of mine broke. A few of yours broke. This is the rest of the set." There were four dishes and part of a teapot. The spout had broken off, but it could still be used to put things in. "Perhaps Poem and I will have more success and make you another now that I know how the clay works."

Io then placed a clay container before Rhythm that was sealed with an oiled deerskin. "This is for your arthritis. My own special blend that I used to make for my mentor. Let me know how it works. I've already told Theory and Poem to send for more if you run out." She flashed a grin at Theory. "The rest of the cart is just furs, a few herbs that I had in excess and some seasoned, dried venison." Every little bit would help with the upcoming winter. She wasn't sure if anything had been taken during the raid against Abaven, but she figured everyone would need more furs this winter.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.