
shake it off


07-02-2014, 08:14 PM

Hel wasn't the best at staying in one place, to be honest. Though her father had definitely expressed a strong preference that Hel stay in one place, Hel was on the move again - perhaps even because her father had made it clear that he wanted them to stay close to home. There was something about the way he'd phrased it that had put the wanderlust itch into her paws. Maybe it was just how close it had been to an order. Hel had definitely found that as she grew, orders had begun to rankle more and more. Especially now that she'd lost both of her mothers, the one that had birthed her and Imena, their nurse, Hel had found herself desiring more and more of her father's attention, and he only had so much to give. The best way to catch his emerald gaze, Hel had learned, was to disobey.

And that was how Hel had ended up in a mysterious and definitely dangerous mountain range. She was still small, though she was beginning to grow into her gangly limbs, and due to the several long trips she'd made at her father's side, Hel had more endurance than many pups her age. Which she was going to be putting to use in the upcoming months, for sure. If this was the surest bet for catching her dad's eye, well, there was no sense in doing things halfway.

With an easy wag of her tail, Hel stretched her limbs and began to pad forward, pawsteps soft on the stony ground. Every so often, a scattering of pebbles fell away from her footsteps, announcing her presence to all who had the misfortune of being nearby. She wasn't exactly subtle, but then again, nothing about this girl was particularly subtle.


Saga I


3 Years
07-02-2014, 09:15 PM

Saga Destruction, quite strangely for the child, had wandered a good distance from the borders of Ludicael. She was not far -- she knew she could make her way back home in but a few hours -- but it was still a strange thing for her to be so far. The atmosphere at home had grown strange and uncomfortable for her. Descant had passed away, which was not a surprise to anyone, but it still had been difficult to cope with. He had never grown strong like the rest of his litter-mates, even compared to Saga, who was still a dainty thing, hardly more than twenty inches tall now.

She had not cried for him, but she mourned silently still. Never had she been known for showing much emotion if any, but she felt pain in her heart that she could not outwardly express. She would grow more silent than usual, easily frustrated and more apt to spend time away from her family. Her mother was dreadful to be around, and for once she preferred to spend time away from her. Grief was not something she was accustomed to, and she had decided it was not something she ever wanted to experience again.

The child's restless paws would bring her further west, away from everything familiar and into the unknown. The flat land that she was familiar with would grow rocky and unstable as mountains seemed to sprout from nothing in the distance, and her attention was captured by the massive peaks. Slowly she would make her way to the base of one, intrigued by the treacherous path, suddenly feeling a desire for adventure that she never had felt before. It was easy enough to accompany her siblings when they chose to leave him, for fear of being left alone, but it was much more difficult to work up the will to go somewhere unfamiliar on her own.

Minutes slowly churned by, and hours seemed to pass before she caught the scent of another creature on the wind. Slowly she lifted her head to search for the stranger in the distance. Even from a great length away, she could tell that the child was not much younger than her, perhaps a season or so at best. Brows would furrow as she gazed at her, green stare empty and calculating, wondering if she ought to approach or ignore her entirely.


07-03-2014, 11:50 AM

Hel grew distracted from her steadfast advancement when the scent of another reached his nostrils. The multishaded youngster stirred, ears pinning back against her skull for a moment as she scanned the horizon until her gaze settled on a cream colored youngster. The other was larger than Hel, she could easily tell, but that wasn't uncommon. She was small, even for a pup, scrawny compared to many of her siblings and new aunts and uncles. It was weird having such a large family now - and Hel wasn't entirely sure they counted as family. Her family had only been her siblings and her father for some time now, and Hel wasn't certain she wanted to open up to more wolves.

For a moment longer, Hel remained still, black ears pinned against her skull until she moved into action, finally deciding to make her approach. "Hello! My name's Hel! What's yours?" The bubbly words spilled from her maw as she bounded up, previous consternation abandoned as soon as it had appeared. No point in crying over spilled milk, especially with a stranger in the area. Hel was ready to have some fun! She was ready to not have to worry about her family, about losing them like she'd lost her mothers. And surely this stranger would provide a decent distraction, right?


Saga I


3 Years
07-24-2014, 08:02 AM

Still she wondered where her mother had gone. It was obvious she was morning for her deceased son, but had she truly left Ludicael? It was the elephant in the room; the one thing that no one seemed keen to talk about, and she had no real desire to know the truth. But in her heart, she suspected Song had left them. Abandoned her and Dutiron and Requiem. It was unfair, and it made the child feel angry and restless.

She was shaken from her thoughts as she realized the other girl had approached, speaking directly to her. Her speech came easily and with little abandon; Saga found her nose wrinkling at the stranger's enthusiasm. "What?" she asked quietly, her voice lacking emotion, instead filled with curiosity. Why had she approached her? What made her want to even say anything to her? "What do you want?"