
Fly Me To The Moon


07-08-2013, 10:39 PM

It had only been a couple of weeks since she was welcomed into Seracia. Since she stepped across the borders, Aeil had done nothing but explore. Her curiosity was ravenous and her paws were restless, both making her not stay in one place for too long. After getting her fill of the lands that she could reach before exhaustion took over, Aeil figured it was time to find a permanent place to call home. Sure, she was officially a Seracian member...she just didn't have her own spot to claim and curl beneath.
Under the light of the full moon above her one spring night, Aeil could be found returning to the pack's main spot. She had just spent a solid hour at the fjord, enjoying the sight of the water and how the salty breeze hit her nose and ran through her fur. The stormy gray fae always enjoyed the ocean. It was something that she had been born with in her veins, and she welcomed that trait with open paws. Such feelings were running through her mind as she walked across the now familiar border of the Range.
The border may have been familiar, but Aeil was still unsure of what the Range contained. She had never seen the tractors, barn, or any other types of machines that were used by humans. The scents that traced their ancient mechanical devices were old and proved that they had been used a lot when they could still run. Now, they all stood like statues, left for the wolves of the current day to question their purposes. Her light blue eyes ran over them, but her interest soon waned. Thinking of a place to stay for the night was evident in her mind. She padded towards a nearby tree and planted her haunches to the earth. Her mind began to wander again, causing her attention to become less focused.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2013, 06:33 AM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 02:57 PM by Epiphron.)

Since Maverick had returned to her, she had become increasingly aware of the important role she held in the Kingdom. She was a Princess, and would soon become a Queen, if what her beloved said was true. However, the wolves of Seracia were all but strangers to her, and she felt as though she needed to seek them out. To gain their trust, and their loyalty. She didn't want Seracia to ever fail, and so she would be strong for them -- she'd heard murmurings of fallen packs, of crushed empires, but she was in no condition to venture out to check on allying packs. On Glaciem and Ludicael. The woman was not quite sure if she carried children yet, for she'd seen no signs -- but she also didn't know exactly what she ought to expect, either. Perhaps she really ought to talk to the pack healer, Loccian. Or another wolf who was skilled at such things?

With a gentle sigh she slipped from her den, careful not to rouse Maverick. Her legs felt stiff, and she craved a walk, but her husband need not accompany her this time. Overhead the moon was bright, illuminating a vast portion of the land. Silently the slender woman slipped from the darkness of her den, stepping into the night.

After a long moment of wandering, the sight of the barn came into view. It was a place she had slept a mere pawful of times, not quite enjoying the lack of privacy that was so common there -- but perhaps it was a good place to wander about. Maybe another Seracian was awake at these hours and willing to walk with her? Since finding out about her father's death, guilty hung heavy on Epiphron's mind. The scent of another, though, roused her from her brief stupor, eyes scanning the distance. A soft bark was offered, a tender greeting that couldn't mean any harm whatsoever.


07-17-2013, 08:37 PM

The attention that Aeil had lost control of was focused on the moon above at the time Epiphron appeared. Her eyes had soaked in the brightness of it all, taking in how amazing it looked against the dark night sky. She felt the atmosphere change in temperature as the moon continued to rise in all its glory. A sigh escaped the dark furred fae, running its course from her lungs to her nose. Her ears idly twitched in different directions, taking in other sounds as background noises. That is, until a soft bark reached them.
Aeil was snapped back to earth, away from the chance to climb to the moon on steps made from thin clouds that randomly floated by. She slowly turned her head and her gaze moved with it, resting on the stranger a few feet away. The Princess (unknown to Aeil) stood facing her, white and red painted fur gently swaying in the breeze. As her white pelt shimmered in the moonlight that struck the ground around them, Aeil had to blink a few times to stop the blinding effect from hurting her eyes. Cocking her head to the side to rest in the shade of her chosen tree, she blinked again and regained her vision. "Pardon me," she said in gentle tones, as she moved to reposition herself so she wouldn't pull a neck muscle. "There we go." Aeil straightened her head and shook out the fur that danced around her scruff. "For a second, you blinded me with your lovely pelt." A small smile appeared across the fae's lips. "Good evening to you, by the way."




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-26-2013, 08:52 PM

Sensing the presence of another before it was made visually aware to her, Epiphron lifted her muzzle a bit higher. She was a Princess -- goddamnit -- and she would act like one, even if she felt vaguely nauseous, and couldn't help but constantly wonder if she was merely worrying herself to death or really was beginning to grow children inside her womb. A gentle smile graced her tired features as she drew nearer to the dark-furred woman, tail swaying generously behind her.

The woman seemed somewhat taken aback by her sudden appearance. Luckily, the awestruck look was followed by a compliment, rather than something offensive -- her smile grew minimally at best. "Why -- thank you, I suppose," Epiphron said, laughing gently, sweet tones filling the silence that threatened to fill the empty space between the two wolves. "Good evening to you, as well," she greeted her warmly, glad for the company, even if it was only short-lived. "I hate to ask, since I really should know... but what's your name, miss?" Normally she was not quite so polite to wolves she didn't know, but it seemed so... necessary now that she was the Princess. She wanted nothing more than respect and love from these wolves, regardless of how she felt about them as individuals.


07-29-2013, 12:06 AM

Her reasoning for needing to know Aeil's name was unknown to the fae. She figured that she was a femora that held a higher rank then she - as she was only a clergy for the moment - which was all right, in Aeil's opinion. Curiosity peaked in the way Aeil watched Epiphron, who seemed tired and a bit - what was it - nauseated? The only thing that was connected to being nauseous was...a possible pregnancy? Not being familiar with her, Aeil didn't voice her curious thoughts and settled with the conversation that was at hand.
She didn't hold back on the introductions as the Princess asked her for her name. "But of course," she gently chided, taking in the warmth that came from her opposed conversationalist. "I am Aeilanyllis, but everyone I have met call me Aeil." Her eyes, light blue in the moonlight, twinkled as her smile naturally stayed on her face. "If it isn't too much to ask, may I ask what your name is? Surely one who inquires of my own name doesn't want to remain a stranger."




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-31-2013, 07:21 AM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2013, 07:22 AM by Epiphron.)

It felt like a relief to slip from Maverick's side, albeit briefly. She was not merely an extension of him, and while she adored him with the entirety of her being, she was intent on making herself knowing for simply being Epiphron Adravendi, and not Maverick's wife. Though there was no other creature she would rather belong to.

The kind smile remained plastered on her pretty features as she gazed at the dark-furred lady. "Aeilanyllis... certainly a mouthful," she noted, stumbling over the lady's name quite unabashedly; she wondered why a parent would name their child something so difficult to pronounce. "Aeil is much easier on the tongue, indeed. My name is Epiphron; Epiphron Adravendi." It seemed the lady was a fairly new member of the pack, and so she added on-- "The Princess." Her joy at speaking to one of her fellow pack mates was genuine -- or perhaps a very skillful disguise -- but her tail waved proudly behind her, eventually ending up curled 'twixt her hindpaws.


08-01-2013, 12:01 AM

Aeil gently laughed at Epiphron's remark to the complexity of her full name. She had always thought it sounded beautiful, especially when the right people let it roll from their lips. One guy in particular - Dragon - came across her mind just then, and she couldn't help but sigh at the memory of him saying her whole name. She ruffled her fur and let him slowly retract into her mind so she could regain focus on speaking with the white and crimson-tinted beauty in front of her.
"Then Aeil is what I shall answer to, m'lady," she said softly, tones gentle and open with honesty. If it was easier for the Princess to call her by 'Aeil', then she would be all right with it. Her ears perked even more towards Epiphron when she revealed who she was, both name and title. Surprise gently slipped into Aeil's eyes, shining like opened windows to her mind's eye.
"Princess..." She mulled the word over and let it slip from her mouth. It was an echo of what Epiphron said, one that sounded like the wind had voiced that one word. Aeil then smiled and wrapped her tail around her own hind paws, fluffing out at the end before she curled the tip to her stomach. "Well, I am happy that you told me straight forward, Princess Epiphron. Take my word that it doesn't change how I saw you when you first approached me."
Aeil then rose from her haunches and took a few timid steps towards Epiphron, stopping a few respectful feet from her and just met her gaze. "You give a really good first impression, Princess," Aeil said, dipping her maw again to the young lady in front of her. "I can tell just from the pleasantries we have given that you have a warm heart and intend to rule with it. I am hoping that I will get to see more of it in the future." It was then that Aeil took a few paces back and asked, "Pardon me asking, but, what brings you out on a night like tonight? Do you have a lot on your mind?" The invitation to a new conversation was given. Aeil patiently waited for Epiphron's response, ready for any way the answer would go.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2013, 05:16 PM by Epiphron.)

Slowly she drew herself closer, finding her interest sparked by the woman -- whether from mere necessity or actual deep-seated curiosity, even she was not sure. But her eyes remained fixed on her intently, sparkling pools of sapphire under the moonlight.

"Then I was right in assuming you didn't know who I was," she said, laughing gently. "Though I don't blame you for not taking obsessive interest in politics. It's not always so interesting." She shrugged gently -- it was true, that following such things could be dull, and yet she lived, and strove for power. It was a value held second to only loyalty to her family, and to Maverick; and her future children. Despite this, she often found it rather exhausting ... albeit rewarding. It was not at all surprising that some wolves would not take note to the exact position that wolves in a pack held -- so long as they took heed when orders were given. Though Epiphron had never felt the need to maintain such strict control. Her mind wandered over so briefly as she thought about this, but her attention soon returned to Aeil. This lady did not seem the kind to start trouble, and she appreciated that.

She appreciated it even more as the woman complimented her. Such flattery reminded her vaguely of how Maverick had been upon first meeting him, and she found herself glowing with radiance as she slipped closer, smiling gently. "Why thank you," she returned, but shrugged slightly, as though dismissing the topic. "I can assure you that I will be going nowhere. Especially now that I bear children." It was beginning to be obvious, but it was not blatantly so. Her gaze shifted, drifting down to her belly, before returning to Aeil. "I suppose I simply have a lot on my mind; sleep does not come as easily as it used to." She finally reclined to her haunches, rocking back for a moment and letting her gaze drift to the stars above. "And what about you, my dear?"


08-05-2013, 09:13 PM

The conversation Aeil was having with the Princess was indeed an interesting one. Many topics were covered, each one perking the fae's attention and curiosity about what type of person Epiphron was. She shared the white female's gaze as they continued on with their own parts of the conversation that was unfolding between them. "I shall take your word of how politics are, Princess," she laughingly remarked. "But, I won't hesitate to step into that unknown world, should the King or anyone of a similar rank find it fit for me to have such a position in the kingdom." Aeil wanted to let her Highness know that she would be open for anything they asked her to do. She wasn't gullible, but she was intending on making a name and a place for herself in Seracia. After all, she was put on this earth to pull her own weight. Why not help others in the process?
Epiphron explained why she was out and about so late and it made Aeil's ears and eyes perk with a gentle intensity. She was astounded that the young wolf was carrying pups, but she shouldn't have been surprised. When you are a young couple, in love and have the world at your paws, then it was assumed the time together would be spent doing...extracurricular activities because of the love and magnetism. "I had no idea," she said breathlessly. "Congratulations, my lovely lady!" Enthusiasm was evident in her tones and her tail lightly flicked behind her in response. "I cannot wait to see your children out and about..they will be interesting characters, for sure." Again, the open mind Aeil was known to have stood out like a sore thumb.
She watched Epiphron as she idly looked up to the sky and asked of her own reasons for walking around late at night. Her own light blue gaze moved to the sky, promising a clear night with nothing but stars and the moon, before she answered. "I suppose my answer is not a brilliant one, but an answer all the same. I am drawn to being out when there seems to be nothing but silence. Having the night's atmosphere, cool and relaxing at the same time, surround me makes me feel sure about myself and my thoughts are free to wander. I tend to think a lot, more than I probably should..." She whispered the last sentence, gaze silently lowering to the ground a few feet away from where she stood. "I don't know if it is for the good of me or the bad. Either way, I have come a long way from where I was before because of my thoughts." She let her eyes meet Epiphron's, the dancing sapphires reflecting Aeil's dark fur and contemplating facial features. "However, I don't mind it when my mind relaxes and my thoughts cool down into my mental abyss."




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-22-2013, 04:55 PM

Already she was beginning to wonder if Aeil was the kind of creature Epiphron could grow to consider a friend. Despite her charming, rather friendly nature, the Seracian woman was not one that made friends easily. Though her loyalty was unquestionable, few seemed to have earned it so far; besides her family -- and, of course, Maverick. Still a smile complimented her gentle features easily, and she refused to let it fade. "Some wolves are just groomed for such things, I suppose," she mused aloud. Always she had dreamt of power. Craved it, in a way; but not nearly as badly as her brother. Unsure whether Aeil was the kind of wolf to assert herself as a leader, or one who was happy to merely blend in with the crowd, she was not sure. The woman seemed somewhere in the middle, but Epiphron couldn't pinpoint just which way she tended to lean.

Congratulations were offered, and her ears would flick back, briefly pinning against her skull as her grin widened. As she grew more pregnant, she was beginning to wonder if she was cut out to be a mother. She supposed she and Maverick would figure things out pretty quickly, with the guidance of their packmates if need be. "Thank you, Aeil," she said gently, though her lyrics were tainted with pride; she was not a terribly humble lady, especially not concerning her future children. They would be great; they would be groomed for it, to take the throne and lead a legacy of their own. If they so choose. "I can hardly wait to meet them myself," she admitted, gaze leaving Aeil for a moment to drift to the distance. She squinted, struggling to see her den in the darkness of night. Maverick was sleeping soundly, and she hoped he would not awaken -- he, too, had been rather anxious lately, and he needed all the sleep he could get.

The two stared at the sky for a long moment. "I've never thought about it like that," she mused, enjoying Aeil's carefree attitude and mind; it seemed to ebb gently, like the waves of the ocean, relaxed and at ease. She liked this woman. "May I ask, Aeil, where you come from?" The question was up for interpretation, and she didn't mind the vagueness. From where in the world? The desert, the vast mountain peaks? Did she have family? A reason for ending up in Alacritis?


08-27-2013, 09:58 AM

Their conversation was taking a lovely turn, and the way it was going was indeed a nice direction for Aeil. She enjoyed a nice and relaxing talk with just about anyone, but with Epiphron, it held something different. Maybe it was because the young female was the Queen of Seracia, but Aeil dashed that idea without a second look. The personality that Epiphron wore, the kind of wolf that she was...that was what drew Aeil to enjoying this time with her. Even though they had just met, she knew that the time being spent was an investment for the future.
She enjoyed the way the white and crimson-stained fae mused over her chosen words. Aeil couldn't help but smile widely as she felt that she had helped Epiphron see things in another light. It may have just been the stars, but to have a slight influence on how others saw things was big for her. These pleasant thoughts were dancing in her mind as the Queen asked where she had come from. Slowly, Aeil turned her gaze from the sky above and rested her eyes on the blue opts that belonged to her comrade.
Her answer came in relaxed tones, warm and welcoming like spring breezes when the nights were cool. "A place that is far away from Alacritis," she began. "I was born in a world known as Neopia, where there was a variety of places to explore and discover new things. My parents had me in the safety of their den in a mountain region that not many found solace from the outside world. The terrain and its weather were forces to be reckoned with, but we prevailed through the harsh times and the memories..." She sighed happily, "they were certainly the best."
Aeil's eyes began to mist over and she continued to reveal more of her past. "My puppy days were the ones I miss the most. After I grew up, my parents decided to break up and pursue different lives. Mother reunited with her first love and they became Alphas to their pack for a brief time. Now, she is deemed a Goddess of Dreams, making sure others are safe within their dreams and keeps the nightmares away." It may sounded like Aeil was blowing steam, but her words were the truth. "I ventured to Alacritis because there was nothing in Neopia for me. My parents, yes, I love and miss them dearly, but...they knew I couldn't stay." She lightly shrugged and wrapped her tail around her hind legs. "To be honest, coming here was the best choice I ever made." Her smile made its way to her lips and she slowly blinked to watch the Queen in front of her. "I hope that I didn't burden you with my history, Epiphron. Being able to tell someone of my past and the weight that came with it is something I haven't done since arriving as a Rogue."




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-18-2013, 08:11 AM

Everything seemed to be falling into place, with little effort -- though she had gone through quite a bit of internal struggles before she knew she would come to reside her permanently. Placed as the temporary Valhallan Alphess, she had given the title to her sister to come here... getting exactly what she wanted, and so much more. And soon, she would be gifted with children. A smile graced her lips as she considered this. Her confidence had only grown, knowing that fate -- if such a thing existed -- seemed to prefer her, seemed to want the best for her. It was difficult to not be somewhat narcissistic, being an Adrenvedi child. She'd always been taught she could be the best, if only she tried. Such traits seemed to have embedded themselves in all of her siblings, though to varying degrees.

She held her head proud still, despite her swollen tummy and sore joints that seemed more irritating lately; still a Queen, albeit a pregnant and somewhat useless one for the time being. Ears perked atop her head as Aeil began to speak, answering her question of where she had come from.

"It is funny, how large the world is," she mused softly. They had traveled so far to come to these lands, when she was hardly even a yearling -- she could only imagine how far away Aeil had wandered. It was also terrifying, that perhaps someday her children might want to leave her ... and wander so far that they might never return to her again. A sigh left her lips, but the smile remained. "I'm glad you decided to come here, and make Seracia your home," she offered in honesty. "It is not a burden at all. I am happy to get a glimpse into your past. Gives me insight into the kind of woman you are." Behind her, her tail swayed gently, pleased at the conversation they were sharing. "Perhaps I ought to go now before my husband awakens and wonders where I am. But I can assure you that I'll make a point to come to talk you again soon."


10-01-2013, 10:25 AM

Hearing those words from the Queen herself made Aeil happy. "I am happy that I chose to come here as well, Epiphron. Being able to surround myself with wolves that are here for the same reasons I makes me feel wanted and needed again." She smiled brightly at the thought and nodded when the Queen mentioned probably heading back to her husband. "Sure thing, my Queen. Don't let me keep you from returning to your den. I, myself, should probably do the same." Her eyelids began to feel heavy and she was the first to stand on all fours.
Aeil politely dipped her maw to the white-and-russet-furred female, saying, "I hope that we meet again soon, Epiphron. I had a lovely time talking with you and I know that our next encounter will be a wonderful one." Her blue eyes twinkled with the words and she slowly began to retreat to her den. She felt a lot better after speaking with Epiphron, especially when she was such an easy person to talk with. It wasn't long until she reached her chosen abode and curling up in a ball, she began to have a dreamless slumber.
-EXIT Aeil-
