
running through my mind


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-22-2020, 05:17 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2020, 06:48 AM by Malalia.)

The Armada student released a deep sigh as she transitioned from the frigid air into the startlingly warm waters of the hot spring. Her head and chest bobbed above the surface, hindpaws scraping against the bottom of the pool. The she-wolf had found the second-highest tier of pools, gratefully tucked away behind a semi-circle of tall ferns and underbrush, into the back of which she tucked a spare pelt to dry on later, and her silver bracelet.

She didn’t necessarily love to get her fur sodden like this, but the warmth that hugged her was more than worth it. Since the turn of the season, she’d been feeling strangely restless. Before, some part of her had pushed her to work, work, work, and in doing so put her troubles aside. But these days they merely wailed for attention, growing louder in her mind even as she trained or went on patrol.

So she’d left. Taken a small hiatus from her duties, though Mal tried her best not to venture too far. She was itching to just… explore. With no bounds. See what she could find out there in the world. Maybe I’ll run into Cairo again… Even the hot springs couldn’t mask the heat that began to bloom across her face, then. And Mal was unashamed. Why shouldn’t she like spending time with her new friend? The man was kind and cheerful, perceptive and unpredictable. It warmed her heart to be around the smiling Valhallan, and she found herself wishing for his presence more often than not.

…Then again, she sometimes wished to be entirely alone. Malalia sunk a little deeper into the water, ears planing back. He wasn’t the only apparent cause for her restlessness. In fact, some of the things he’d said — along with Mort, and Sirius — still bugged at her.

In that moment, she wished she could forget it all. The coup, the loss of her mother and siblings. The mystery that surrounded Pia’s fate, and still yet, the unvoiced fear that the worst had happened to her aunt. She sighed, closing her eyes against the rising steam, and wished it were that simple.




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-25-2020, 12:11 AM

He’d ventured across the continent in true nomadic fashion. Occasionally he sought out Maeva for a day or two, but he oft wandered alone, tail flicking over a shaggy winter-coated flank.

His hooves had carried him past the northern edges of two pack borders, and he’d taken careful note of them, vaguely curious of the way wolves staked out their territories. Horse bands generally shared a whole range of mountains, or set of plains, though for watering holes, there was a hierarchy of bands. The higher the rank, the sooner your band drank. Lower ranking bands hung back until the higher-ranking bands had drunk their fill and moved on.

The real action was among the stallions. A bachelor band might choose to harass the band stallions, and multi-way brawls could break out. The mares watched or ignored the action and grazed for the most part, but some ladies were opinionated and fought hoof and tooth to stay with their band rather than be stolen.

Steam filled the air ahead and his head lifted, nostrils flaring at the sulfurous stink in the air. Ahhh, hot springs. He stepped carefully, mindful of his weight on ground above water that could boil him alive in seconds if he fell in. His head dropped low, whiskers trailing and testing the ground as he went until he reached a pool and carefully dipped a hoof. It was hot, but the pleasant kind instead of the sort that would kill him.

He gave his tail a flick and moved on, before a sigh pricked his ears forward and his vibrant eyes searched ahead through the steamy veils. Finally he spotted the young wolf, calling out gently, “Good day. I do hope I’m not intruding on your soak.”

His voice was deep and rumbling, smooth with maturity and held a distinct lack of fear or hostility as he stayed stood where he was, watching the wolf with some interest in his regard.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-25-2020, 01:12 AM

Mal gave an inward groan, and sunk just a little deeper into the springs as someone identified her presence there. "I mean, it's probably impolite to say that you are, right?" Her tone was more apologetic than irritated. It's not like no one frequented these springs, she knew that, but she was hoping to snag a quiet moment with herself. It wasn't a frequent occurrence for the friendly gal, but everyone needed some time alone, didn't they?

She gave a small shake of her head. Even so, she didn't own the springs. "Seriously, don't mind me, though -- " Opening her eyes, the girl trailed off mid-sentence as she took in her companion. A horse. A pure white, softly glowing horse. With a horn sitting smack in the middle of its forehead. As her gaze moved, the stranger shimmered -- iridescent, shifting tones of blue and silver and purple flashing across his coat.

Her eye twitched, head cocking slightly with wonder, and not a small amount of humor as she exhaled, chuckling, through her nose. A winged wolf, a glowing angel of death, and now this?? She was a little too out of it to hold back her laughter, though she hoped to whatever gods were looking down on her that this horse would not think she was laughing at him. She wasn't trying to get stomped the fuck out today. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she chortled, pinning her ears back. "You're probably just trying to go about your day. I just... was not expecting to run into a unicorn."

A glowing unicorn, who reminded her of a certain someone, come to think of it. "Hey, this is totally unrelated.... but do you happen to know a wolf named Aurielle?"




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-31-2020, 07:59 AM

His features crinkled in a smile at the young wolf’s response. Ah, a female. She hadn’t turned to look at him, but as she turned to assure him not to mind her, she actually saw him. His tail flicked over one hip in slight amusement at her reaction. The laughter was not as new as one might think. Hysterical giggling had been the reaction of some in the past.

He tossed his head in an amused shake at her apologies, chuckling as he assured, “I’m not insulted in the slightest, Lady. When you’re as big as I am, and glow like I do, and add the horn, there’s generally an interesting reaction from the first time encounters.”

He did tilt his head at her question, ears twitching and flicking in thought. He hadn’t really spoken to many wolves, so he admitted truthfully, “I’m afraid I haven’t met her. Are you looking for her?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


Missing from Armada

2 Years
06-02-2020, 02:01 PM

Her nose wrinkled slightly. “Ah, it’s just Malalia,” she offered instead. "You?"

She’d never been addressed as ‘lady.’ It wouldn't normally be grating, no, but she’d had enough of titles and formalities for the time being. They’d seemed to get her in more trouble than not, these days. Reaper at not even two years old, a Fatalis when not all the ‘true-blooded’ Fatalises accepted her. She hadn’t missed the way Asla had stormed off after her ceremony. Though she couldn’t be one hundred percent sure her adopted sister had left because of her, it was obvious she was in a mood.

Hell, Sirius hadn't told anyone about the adoption until the meeting. Mortis knew, but as for the rest... if they were angry with him, both of them, it wouldn't be surprising.

Gladly, the stranger seemed not to be offended, and she'd dodged a potentially angry set of hooves for another day. Not that the girl knew much in the way of horses. "I see. I honestly shouldn't be surprised, though." Her ears swiveled forward. "Aurielle — I'm not looking for her, but she's... she's basically the wolf version of you, glowing and all. Just trade the horn for a wicked set of canines." She smiled lightly at the thought of the Spirit and their encounter, how utterly frightened she'd been.

Mal glided to the other side of the pool, the water rippling warmly as she passed. She set her paws on the edge closest to the horse... unicorn. Anywho. "What brings you this way?" She hadn't seen any horses in Boreas yet, much less horned ones.




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-02-2020, 07:02 PM

The stallion chuckled softly at Malalia’s correction, nodding amiably. In his turn, he introduced himself, “Taliesyn Trystan Tempestien, though most call me by my first name. I’ve many nicknames as well.”

His shoulder twitched in an affable shrug as his hind hooves shifted, one hoof cocking comfortably as he went hipshot. His ears pricked interestedly, eyes sharpening with curiosity as she spoke of the wolf Aurielle. It was a fascinating thing. Perhaps he’d have to seek the wolf out at some point.

His tail switched, a smile crinkling through his features at her question. “I wandered. I have no solid ties keeping me bound to one place, though there is a vast plainland in the west I’m fond of. But I’m primarily nomadic between times as a band stallion.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


Missing from Armada

2 Years
06-02-2020, 10:00 PM

He... he had to be kidding right? The alliteration of his name seemed to make the creature even more ridiculous in his wonder. It was as if he was a children's tale come to life.

Mal closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. It's not his fault he was born a unicorn. It's not his fault he has a strange name. That's his mother's fault. She opened them again, green eyes warm as she smiled up at the softly glowing stallion. "Nice to meet you, Taliseyn of many nicknames."

Her head tilted slightly at his answer. "You... don't get lonely at all? Why don't you just stick with your band?" She figured that band was synonymous with "pack", though why he would leave and return temporarily was beyond her. She could understand loners, if they shrugged off pack life entirely; and pack wolves, who wanted a family, or else the benefits that pack life had to offer. This sounded like something in between, and new to the young woman. Maybe it was a horse thing? In any case, she was clueless as to the goings-on of horse bands.

As for herself. "I just came up here for a soak, but I belong to a pack a bit south of here," she offered.
