
In The Dark Tower's Shadow




2 Years
05-18-2020, 08:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2020, 08:19 PM by Gero.)
Emerald eyes landed on the strong, stone structure that stood in front of him. The place held a lot of memories, and though they were good ones; this place seemed to be rather creepy and exotic to say the least. The vines and plants seemed to grow through the openings of the windows that surrounded it. There were sculptures of some form of creature standing atop it along with some that appeared to be of his species? Gero was unsure of that fact but continued onward. His curiosity always caused him to get into some form of trouble, but, nothing wrong with exploring and learning new things about places.

He maneuvered through the tangled shrubbery as the stench of plants, mold and old earth surrounded his nose like a punch in the gut. It was a little bit sickening and decrepit, but the stories he could tell just by finding this place alone would be one to stay locked in his mind for a while. He sneezed as some dust flew into his nose as he walked through the castle. His old home had them, though they were not as big as this one.

His claws clicked on the wooden flooring as it felt rather cold and lonely, but continued onward inside. If he wasn’t careful, surely there were ways of getting lost inside these walls or more. And, with his injured leg, it would surely be a pain but continued on without much trouble, wondering what other treasures and wonders lay inside for him to discover.


Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
05-21-2020, 02:30 PM
The young woman was a yearling at last. She grew increasingly curious about what the world around her had to offer. Although… the world had its risks… and that much was made obvious by the scarring she now had on her back. Not all creatures were kind and Meme was learning more about the damages her mother had. Whoever the Abraxas were had upset the woman deeply by taking away Ganta, Meme's grandfather… though by how her uncle reacted she was sure there was more to that story and she intended to get to the bottom of it.

For now, however, her focus was a bit more selfish. A looming structure had been spotted on the horizon and Meme wandered in it's direction curiously. The closer she got the taller and wider the stone thing appeared.

"What in the heck is this…?" The youth asked as she passed by some of the shrubbery. Her ears were perked forward and she bore a frown.

Then the wind shifted and the scent of a stranger wafted towards her. Meme blinked and bristled some, head turning to the right. There, entering the cavern of the big stone thing, was a wolf.

She bounded after them, not exactly worried for stealth.

"Hey!" She called after them as she made her way into the doorway and stopped.

"Woah…" The wolf was temporarily forgotten as she observed just how massive it seems inside too. Was this some sort of weird cave or something? Why did it have stuff inside it…?



2 Years
05-22-2020, 04:36 PM
The moldy and dusty scent made him feel rather nauseous to say the least, but their mind continued to wander throughout the vast structure. There seemed to be so much to see and explore, and a lot of it felt so familiar whether the canine believed it or not. From the large, metal casings that leaned against the stone wall, to the wooden boxes that held a plethora of items. Some appeared to be flowers that were crusty and brittle. One touch could easily make them fall apart and turn into dust or tiny little pieces if not careful. His necklace waved against his pelt while he walked, his ear flicking when the sound of a 'HEY' reverberated in his ears. The brute stopped in their tracks, turning their cranium over to where the speaking had originated from.

He had not made it too far into the castle when a stranger seemed to gawk at the inside of the building. Gero didn't know this wolf in any way, tilting his head curiously. They seemed younger than him, if not a little bit bigger than he by comparison. But, the alabaster male was not one to judge right away, and actually found it rather fascinating; especially when it came to their coat color.

He sat his haunches down upon the cold, wooden ground so that the other wolf knew he had their attention.
"Hello, can I help you? You seem rather fascinated by this castle,"
He said to them warmly, and he would be lying if he wasn't the exact same way. His curious nature always had him exploring, and the sight of the castle made him think of home; thus causing him to want to explore the further he ventured in.
