
Vanilla Twlight




2 Years
04-11-2020, 06:35 PM

Beautiful colors of purples, oranges and reds surrounded the sky in a cascade of color. Her singular eye of topaz blue watched and waited for the stars to shimmer throughout the sky. Though their lights were dim as of right now, they started to make their presence known the more time went on. Altair wasn't sure why she should wait here, but something brought her even closer to this place. Sounds of deer and various wildlife echoed in her ear, especially when it came to the croaking of frogs. However, another form of light started to surround her in an elegant yellow glow. Fireflies. The little insects were always rather peaceful to her as she smiled and watched them move around her and the lake she resided at.

However, her serenity was short-lived when a grumble escaped her stomach. It was getting rather late, and the alabaster fae considered making a trip back to the lands of Winterfell once again. She wanted to spend some time with her half-siblings and do some more training with Acere. After what transpired seasons prior to her return, the yearling wanted to be prepared for any further attacks. Whether the attack be on her or a family member, she wanted to make sure whatever the case may be she was ready. Her thoughts left after a while as she glanced back to the sky, only thinking about the constellations and what life brought to her now, as anything could happen.


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
04-11-2020, 07:58 PM
Oh my heart..
just started..

Thick fur surrounded the goliath, flowing at the will of the ocean as he continued to drift along the calm water's surface. He had waited for low-tide for several hours on the shores of Alias Islands before finally making a break for it back to the mainland. The waters were cold in Fall, a reminder that Winter wasn't far off. Blue eyes desperately took to the sky, searching for any evidence of the sun to relieve him from the chill of the dark ocean water - but he had waited too late in the day. All hope for warmth died just like the light that was currently painting the beautiful sunset above.

Well-muscled limbs never slacked as they motioned through the water, meaty toes splayed wide and pushing water beneath him with incredible force. He made sure to leave his body limber, calm, and to let all tension flow off his shoulders much like the saltwater currently rushing past them during his journey. The taste and smell of the ocean were invading his senses, dulling them so much that by the time the giant made it to the river's edge, he couldn't smell a thing. The sting of the saltwater both in his nostrils and on his tongue made him desperate to get to the lake first thing.

From the river, he set East toward Firefly Lake - memories of a few strangers he had met here last season briefly crossing his mind but for the most part, he was focused and on a mission. Without his ability to smell completely restored to him, he could barely make out the identity of the wolf in the area. Blue eyes surveyed the edge of the lake poorly, unable to catch sight of another before he dove face first, quite literally, into the freshwater of the lake. He just wanted to be rid of the smell and taste of salt as quickly as possible.

All annoyances from the ocean aside, he was pleased with his nostalgic trip to Alias Islands. Fall was a hard season to endure for the once-prince, it was the season of Servus Menti and the cusp of his sister's death.. but visiting the islands was a reminder that not every aspect of his origins were crafted from darkness. Impar Vita was among his brightest memories, and if he could he would go back and do it again.

He breached the surface of the lake again and let himself simply float, let the lake wash away all evidence of the ocean as his blue eyes closed and his ears kept themselves in tune with his environment. One would think he was tired of swimming, but at this point, the water was more kind on his body than the chill of the air.

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
04-11-2020, 08:17 PM


Altair was too caught up in focusing on the night sky and the life that surrounded it, that the large splash of water caught her off guard as the femme stumbled back abruptly. A familiar scent lingered in the air, albeit barely. But, her mind told her to scan the area as her brows knitted a little with interest. Before long, a familiar figure whom she could barely make out stayed in the water. But, due to the dark colors and his markings, she remembered the male to be Dominus: an old friend of hers. Her tail swayed freely to show some form of innocence that remained within her as she moved a little closer. The stench of salt was slowly dissipating from his scent as the yearling assumed he had just traveled from the ocean.

A child-like smirk crossed her maw, though Altair was thinking about what he would think seeing her new scars. How she received them was less than impressive, but, considering there was no ability to turn back time so that didn’t happen, the fae bared with it for now.

"I was not expecting to see you here. It's been a while, hasn't it, Dominus?" Altair chimed, her one good eye staring at him to make sure that the wolf she had seen and smelt was indeed him. Though, deep down, she knew she had found her old friend and acquaintance. Life seemed to have at least given him a good hand from what the she-wolf had assumed. However, the fae would wait and have a conversation with him before she thought any further about the matters.


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
04-11-2020, 08:57 PM
Oh my heart..
just started..

The chime of her articulate words immediately lifted his eyelids, his pupils quickly regressing in response to the sudden light with how quickly he opened themed. His eyes, mostly constructed of the blue of his irises, redirected toward her like satellites trying to find a signal. He recognized her voice, so when she mentioned his name it had no other effect than bringing a smile to his inky lips that currently laid hidden beneath the water.

He remembered the beautiful woman that had stumbled into the mines where he had been living, but what his eyes found caused him to hesitate. That smile quickly faded as the square of his muzzle pulled up above the water. Wait, what? Who was this? His paws slowly found their way to the sand of the lakebed beneath him. His paws pushed against it, bringing himself to a full stand that brought him about a foot and a half above the shallow water's surface. Escaping streams trying to return to their home in the lake rolled freely from the thick of his pelt, but his focus never moved away from the scars on her face.

"Altair, what has happened to you?" Perhaps it was rude to admit that the change was so noticeable, but he was genuinely concerned. It was quite obvious something happened, and... suddenly he found himself hardly as cold as he had been just a few moments previous. Blood boiled beneath his skin as he moved back to the edge of the lake and made his way toward her, water splashing from around his legs with every rushed step.

Why had he let her leave his sight again? When she was a pup, he taught her to hunt and let her wander off to live her own life. When she was a yearling, he let her spend the night in his den before parting ways once again. He'd sheltered her for a few nights out of her life, but had he sheltered her for its entirety.. would he still have that beautiful golden eye to complete the majestic stare he had once been able to look into?

He closed the distance between them, leaving just a small foot of space as he assessed the age of her scars. He'd only seen one other wolf with one eye like this, and that had been his father after Acere shoved half his skull into molten rock. What crimes could an angel possibly commit to deserve the same?

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
04-11-2020, 09:37 PM

Altair was already self-conscious about her injuries, so hearing Dominus ask what had happened to her she got a little hesitant. She cared about the brute standing in front of her, and the thought that her injuries were enough to make the smile she saw form on his maw fade, made her feel a bit uneasy. A sense of dread surrounded her mind, however, she did speak to him normally. After all, he was her friend and had not known about what had become of her for some seasons. She sat back down upon the ground, her eye focusing on his blue ones, a sad smile on her maw as a sigh escaped her.

"I...was captured by this wolf whom I never met for a couple seasons. I only recently came back to Winterfell. I tried to make my escape a day before I managed to at night retaliation she did this to me... " Altair explained to her friend. Her expression was rather solemn, tone quiet as she dusted her paws over the grass. All the alabaster fae wanted was for the reminder to end; to be able to go back to how she was where these scars didn't hinder her. Though she was trying deep down, just the mention of them was enough for her to do a complete turn around. But, at least she was back with her family and had her friend at her side.


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
04-15-2020, 08:40 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2020, 08:53 AM by Dominus I.)
Oh my heart..
just started..

The guilt started to settle in as he watched her become insecure due to the mention of her scars. He hadn't meant any harm, he was concerned, but he was seeing now how insensitive his greeting was to her now that she revealed the story. He did his best to mask his worry, his eyes drifting from her scars to the one beautiful eye that was left. He gazed into it apologetically as he listened.

The explanation was horrible and did nothing to calm the rage that was building within him. He half hoped it was some accident with a predator, but discovering that these scars were not a result of glory made him all the more angry - not only with the one who captured her, but with himself. He had neglected her, like everyone and everything else in his life, and as a result - harm found her. She managed to make it out herself, but he knew he could be doing more to protect her.

"I am glad you escaped." He wanted to ask questions about this bitch and find out more, but the way she seemed to fold from just his first question made him second guess making more. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable, he just wanted to take care of her and make sure she was okay.

They hadn't been very sentimental at all in all of their meetings, but he drew nearer to her and lowered his heavy head as his cold nose pressed into the cheek just beneath her scar. His eyes closed as he took in a deep breath, holding it for a moment while he thought in silence. Most of their history involved him teasing her, pressing buttons and using language he knew she didn't like just to get a reaction but he did care. Did she know that? Would she have known that if she had spent her last days with her captor? He withdrew from her and exhaled, the warmth of his breath soaking into her fur just before he moved away.

"I am sorry. I should have been there." He wondered if Winterfell would do something; if Acere would retaliate. Acere was known for getting vengeance, wasn't he? He half expected a war for taking his 'daughter'.. but, damn how old was Acere now? A bit of jealousy consumed him as he knew this would seal her in with that pack for good, she wouldn't want to run away with him now that she had experienced this on her own, would she? He had so many questions.. and no courage to voice them, not with her looking at as fragile as she was now. He could only embrace her, if she would allow, his heavy neck still wet from the lake unapologetically resting over her nape as one strong limb pulled her in close.

He wanted to keep her there, to never allow her to leave his side so that he could make sure she was safe. Ideas of forcing her to stay certainly bounced around his head as he would brood, but how exactly could he manage that? It wasn't the solution he was looking for, but at the moment it was all that consumed his mind.

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
04-15-2020, 02:54 PM

Her blue orb widened a little when Dominus brought her into a warm embrace. Never did she expect such an action from him, but due to the way her life seemed to be going in some roller-coaster, the gesture was greatly appreciated. She gave the large male a small nuzzle on the cheek in hopes to reassure him that she was alright. Her appearance might have changed a good amount, but that did not mean her personality did. They were friends, and she cared about his well-being just like how he cared about her; it was something Altair hoped was the case. The fireflies gave some form of meaning to the place. In this dark time, there was always light guiding you to something better- to give someone a ray of hope to go off of in their life. The yearling might have looked too much into it, but it was something she'd like to assume was helpful and inspiring, even if she didn't say anything to Dominus about it.

"You do not need to beat yourself up, Dom. I'm alright, and that's a good thing. You never would have known what happened to me, so do not worry. I'm not mad at you or anything, the fault was mine for not sensing that woman's presence until it was too late, " Altair explained, trying to make Dominus feel a little more assured that none of what transpired was anything he needed to blame himself for. Everything does happen for a reason, and what happened was due to her lack of thinking and poor judgement. "You have been there for me many times, and I appreciate everything you have done for me. It's because of your teaching, I can provide food to my pack and little siblings," she explained with a wag of her tail. She looked into Dominus's eyes and smiled in reassurance, her eye giving off a gentle feeling as she looked at him.


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
04-21-2020, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 07:36 PM by Dominus I.)
Oh my heart..
just started..

Dominus stared into her smiling portrait for a while, focusing solely on her gentle presence while she offered him the opportunity to do so. It took some staring into that smile to convince him that he could begin to let his guard down, but slowly.. he did. He could feel the tension that had built up due to his concern slowly reside as her words calmed him and helped him come to terms with the changes that had happened, and to see her the same as he had the last time they had met. After he let go, it was easy to remember her the same while he listened to the soft tone of her voice and admired the bright ivory of her pelt while digesting each word. He missed her. It was fun having a newbie to guide, and she was so bright and innocent. Easy to bully.

"Oh, that is not because of me. That is because you are as strong as you are kind, Altair. I only showed you how to hunt, I didn't make you a successful provider. That was you." She gave him what he felt like undeserved credit for aiding her family, he really only ever taught her how to hunt for herself. He hadn't even been able to be there for his own siblings, so she was already doing a far better job providing than he had. It didn't feel right to accept credit due to this, and his usually confident appearance was beginning to crack under to the guilt of it. Whatever compliments she had for him, he wanted to try and distract her from.

"I regret teaching you hunting but not fighting. Defending yourself and being aware of danger are very important parts of living independently. When you told me you left Winterfell last time, I should have stuck around with you." The goliath was careful as he pulled away from her and took a step back, putting distance once again between them. He was stubborn with his apology it seemed, so much so that even her sweetness couldn't sway him from the sense of neglected responsibility he was feeling.

"So what is your plan now, stay in Winterfell forever?" He couldn't hide the distaste in his tone, but he had his own reasons. He wouldn't blame her for wanting to remain with a pack now that she had this happen. He looked at her though now with sadness, as he slowly began to realize that he may have missed his chance to have her free of the shackles that came with belonging somewhere. For as often as he was lonely and wondered what pack life would have been like, he sure couldn't ever imagine not being able to think freely again.

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
04-21-2020, 08:02 PM

Altair listened to everything Dominus had said. If she were to live an independent life, she would need to be mindful of dangers such as rogues and other predators that might want to hurt her. She should have thought about that before Narcisse had her way with her face. A small sigh escaped from the fae before bringing an eye forward toward the dark male's. A sense of calm washed over Altair when she stood by his side; albeit for a moment. However, she may be kind, but that has caused her to be between a rock and a hard place multiple times with life. Example would be her face, and what transpired with her parents...They were dead because of her foolishness, and even though she was a young child at the time...the thought of not helping them continued to plague her a lot.

"I have a lot to learn, Dominus. I may have tried to provide for Winterfell, but you haven't seen what has really been going on. After this injury, it's been rather hard hunting and fishing. I barely had any interaction with my pack mates say for my adopted father and a few of my half-siblings. I do want to change that, though. I've even been wanting to try and learn how to defend myself but, that's easier said than done," She explained, showing a hint of weakness around the larger male. She was smaller and weaker than him, and though her words are more powerful than her actions, the thought of changing that continued to grow in her mind like storm clouds; exploding into something far greater than what she kept calling herself. Weak. Pathetic. Words that seemed to surround her mind repeatedly without her meaning to. But, she tried to keep her head up. At least the yearling had friends and family who supported her throughout these troubling times and that has made all the difference to her.

"Though I did have a taste of independent life, Dom, I don't think I can do it as well as you. I want to continue to rebuild my skills and life to try and run a pack of my own someday. It's going to be a long and tedious process but, I want to be like my parents were. They were strong leaders, and I want to be like them." She gave a small smile, trying to reassure him that everything would be alright...that SHE would be alright. A long road continued to wind down her path, not making it easy for her. However, challenges were another part of life and she would take them head on if necessary. The yearling was determined for this task, but that meant a lot of training and challenges, and the fae wouldn't have it any other way.


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
04-21-2020, 08:46 PM
Oh my heart..
just started..

The sadness of her words transferred over to him as he listened to how hard she was being on herself and how she explained her recent struggles. It seemed as though she craved more social attention with her pack and less vulnerability. He appreciated the second part at least but did she really need to extend her circle of wolves that mattered beyond friends and family? Why did she feel this need to branch out? He certainly didn't. He met other wolves by chance, not because he made it a mission to get to know them and form bonds. That seemed so weird, so insincere. Though.. if she really did enjoy providing and being there for others, perhaps it really was sincere. He huffed, inky lips moving with the sudden escape of air as he thought. It was what she wanted, and he had to remind himself of that.

"You're determined though, you'll get it." He encouraged her but said nothing else, as she brought up an independent life. It stung to hear that she didn't want a life like that, but he understood. It just meant he would have to suck it up and visit her. He wondered how long it would be before one of these packs he kept visiting betrayed him, but for some reason, he expected it strongly to be Winterfell who did it first. Ugh, it took serious effort to hide his frustrations but he would focus on breathing in, exhaling and continuing the conversation in order to get by in a calm appearance; it wasn't working, but he thought it was.

When she changed the focus of her speech to the tribute to her parents, he did seem to lighten up a little. His eyes found her own lone blue orb again as he admired the determination he was hearing with what she wanted to do with her life. His own father had been a leader too, and at one time he did want to lead out of respect for him and his work.. but.. he wasn't even sure what he believed in anymore. Even if he did believe in it, how could he lead that many wolves successfully? Did she truly understand what she was signing up for, as well? Why did she want to be responsible for more wolves, to give away more of her precious time in this life to others that could betray her?

His usual, playful vibe certainly became darkened with his current disappointment as he weighed his admiration for her determination to make her parents proud and be like them and also the reality of where that path would take her in life. Wherever it was, it was certainly away from him... and that was a shame. The behemoth's back legs folded beneath him as he seated himself at her side, shoulders tense from the undeniable stress of the situation, but his eyes calm and kind as he looked to her. He just wanted to spend time with her at this point and enjoy the moment he had with her, if it was going to be the last one she wanted.

"And what will your pack be called, Queen Altair?" His lip raised slightly to flash a tooth in his smile as his chin lifted coyly. It was a nice title for a beautiful name, and he had to admit that she would make such a beautiful queen. It was always meant for her, it had always been her calling. Her dreams had never changed, but his selfishness prevented him from being able to fully appreciate that.

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
04-21-2020, 09:12 PM

Hearing those words from her friend made things a little easier for her. Sure, the yearling had a lot to take in, a lot to learn and process before she was ready. But, her determination was great whether she believed it or not. At least, that was what the alabaster woman assumed. Though the white she-wolf appreciated the male's words, bringing her snout closer to his muzzle and giving it a small nudge in appreciation. She was unsure whether or not he would like the contact, however, he did bring her close and comforted her when she was at her lowest point. Her blue orb looked up at him, a small smile lingering on her ebony lips.

"I really do appreciate the confidence, my friend. I'm certainly going to give it my all, that's for certain." Altair thought for a moment when his next question arose. What would she call her pack? The thought of the stars, and how bright they were, as well as the moon and the constellations she had come to know gave her a small idea of what it would be. After all, her pack's whole theme was something related to them, at least, that was the case back in her old life. Therefore, why not pay homage to her old family and pack mates?

"Lumine," She stated honorably, her tail swaying slightly against the ground as she set her haunches upon the ground after a moment of standing. "My family and I always honored the stars, and the name was based off that and my old pack," Altair sighed slightly as she thought about what her father had said to her when she was young. Dominus was used to being alone, that was much certain due to the woman's point of view. But...he should at least have a friend at his side if anything were to go wrong. However, Acere would probably not be too happy if she ran off again. Plus, Winter and the other's would probably be worried too and think they did something wrong; which was not the case. After all, Heloise and Whitaker had left too.

"I...know pack life isn't for you, and the words I'm about to say might seem rather corny but...But I thought about what my father had said when I was a mere pup. He told me that, 'One star cannot shine by itself. It needs the help of many to shine the brightest. Just like how a friend or pack can help a lone wolf become the best they can be.' And, I do think of you as a great friend, Dominus. So, when we part ways, please do be careful out there too." Altair said warmly, trying to reassure them that this would not be the last time they would talk to each other, at least that was what the she-wolf hoped.


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
05-23-2020, 08:52 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2020, 09:01 AM by Dominus I.)
Oh my heart..
just started..

Dominus' eyes watched Altair's own lone orb closely as she quoted her own father's words. He digested them as best he could, but it was enough to unsettle his stomach. He didn't like the idea of packs, his own father had used a pack structure to brainwash and enslave other wolves. All packs wanted to do was conquer territory, and living beings, for the sake of their own power and gain. Was it not more honorable to live on your own, independent? To allow anyone freedom over territory and their own self? Why did she see a problem with his lifestyle, when he felt proud of it?

She was worried about him, worried about the strength one lone wolf could have.. he did his best to remind himself of this and calm his anger. She didn't mean to offend him, but, inadvertently - she had.

"No need to worry about me, I will be more than alright." He had raised himself, in his eyes. He had learned how to hunt with others when the prey called for it - he had learned to hunt by himself. He had learned to fend off bears, crocodiles, lions. If a pack came for him, they would meet his teeth not his compliance. He was a firm believer that he needed none.

Well. Maybe he needed one.

He looked away from her and began to leave - his shoulders almost visually heavy from their discussion as he turned away from her. He had envisioned a different life for them, but she wanted to be a Queen and he didn't blame her. This power-hungry fantasy seemed to infect most wolves. It's how they were raised. It's how he was nearly raised - with a false sense of glory in using others being fed to him. He closed his eyes and paused, reminding himself not to blame her.

"I will remember the name. Lumine. When you rise, I will be there." He would see to it that no one would stop her from accomplishing what she wanted, at the very least. Even if she did not agree, he felt.. somewhat responsible for her even if that wasn't right for him to feel. He couldn't help it. He would see to it that she got what she wanted...

The titan reopened his eyes, focusing on the fireflies that lit up the air around him. They always reminded him of the festival he'd attended as a teen, where he'd first taken Altair. The fun the'd had among other wolves felt so innocent, but he knew better.. didn't he? His ears folded back, he didn't want to think about this any longer - without saying another word and with a heavy heart, the beast began to sprint far away from the beautiful Altair Aquila.

-Exit Dominus-

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.