
As silent as it seems



08-27-2013, 07:40 PM

This place was far from her usual home. The first time she had ever seen a waterfall like this even though the girl had been to so many places. The odd brown wolf with darker brown markings on her stood at the edge of the pool of water. Her black tail flicking back and forth as she looked at her reflection in the water. Seemingly distant as she figured the white patch on her eye was a symbol of her family line, since her father had it, and plenty of her relatives had it as well. Her red eyes reflected in the water. Why couldn't she have ended up with her mothers blue eyes like her brother Allen had. She nearly felt like throwing a fit over it, but it wasn't going to solve her problem. Rivaxorus chuckled at the thought, she and Denki would have arguments like that all the time. Yet, he had long since moved on. And Riv had met plenty of wolves along the day. Ones with dying wishes, others in which she had bonded with. The girl felt as if life, was only turning her way slowly.
Riv pulled her head up to look at the tall waterfall, the tree's surrounding it giving it a hidden appeal. How many times had she found mysterious places like this? She wasn't entirely sure, after all, she wasn't just an ordinary wolf. As the girl turned herself around she looked around in the forest. Was there some company there? She could smell a wolf nearby, but weather it was company or not was up to them. Riv just stood there and smiled.


08-28-2013, 04:59 PM

Midnight was on the move her feet eating up the ground as she sped after the hare, it dodged and weaved then took off into a stand of stinging nettles, midnight put on the brakes her hind legs digging into the dam soil and leaving a short trail of destruction she pulled up centimetres from the dangerous plant heaving a sigh she backed away from the plant. Once before she had run into stinging nettles after prey she still remembered the burning stinging pain that had covered her body all day she didn't understand how the rabbits could stand it even to escape death, anyway,it was not an experience she wished to repeat. But what to do now she doubted she would find another hare now her pursuit of this one had been far from quiet, the water fall roared as she thought, she had come out hunting in the hope of getting some small prey, they where by no means staving in the little cove gargoyle had chosen but the deer where far more wary now and harder to catch plus with new puppy mouths to feed every little bit was welcome. Shrugging she turned it was probably time to retrieve the cache and head home the day was beginning to wear on and though she could easily travel by dark it would be a cold trip, far better to pull the rabbits she had already caught and head home whilst the light still shone.

A new scent reached her as she approached the lake another wolf female like her and a loner she paused she could avoid the contact move around the dame picking back up on the stream further down and following it to the sea and her pack, but that would mean forfeiting the three carcasses currently submerged not five feet from the lady. Taking a deep breath she pulled herself together lifting her chin and putting her ears forward she stepped from cover out into the clearing around the lake. The dame was taller then she her red coat was striking and her tail matched midnights coat, she calculated her chances of ducking in and grabbing her kill but as she considered the lasses eyes came up red meeting gold, and midnight swore internally, ? hello,? she called dipping her head in a respectful manner, she kept a reasonable distance between them not wanting to crowd the lass who midnight suspected would hand her her tail if there was to be a fight.



09-11-2013, 01:05 PM

Rivaxorus was nearly startled by the girl. Slipping but catching herself before she could fall into the water. She laughed before before turning towards the black fae. Her red eyes shining as she gave a friendly smile. Well that was an embarrassing first impression wasn't it? Riv was taller by six inches, and with a more of a bigger build but that didn't matter for much. She wasn't a hostile wolf waiting to kill some innocent bystander. "Sorry, is this part of your territory? I was just exploring was all." Riv smiled with a dip of her head respectfully. She had known loner wolves to take up territories of their own. Or even large groups who didn't have enough authority or members to be called a pack. Rivaxorus had seen a lot of things in her lifetime, some of which she wished she could unsee.
"My name is Rivaxorus, I'm from Seracia." She greeted sitting down and curling her black tail along her haunches. She didn't want things to be so stiff between the two. After all Riv wasn't one to pick fights unless she was provoked or thought something wrong about the other. Which could quickly be fixed by one thing or another. In the end Riv just was a weird one.


09-12-2013, 06:25 AM

Midnight took a hurried step forward as the girl slipped her instant reaction being to catch her before she hit the chill water at the base of the falls, but the dame regained her feet. midnight offered a smile in response the muscles held tense inn her shoulders for flight or fight relaxing slightly as the girl spoke her voice was quiet nice, friendly, midnight shook her head ? no,no, I'm just out hunting, no reason to get jittery over territory here, though it is quite beautiful? the beads of water where catching the slowly falling sun and for a moment she watched the rainbows dance. Before turning her attention to the female and frowning slightly as the girl introduced herself inhaling deeply, midnight searched the area with her nose, the water and mud masked the dames scent slightly but she could pick it clinging to the girl like a second coat coroberating the girls story, and for a moment midnight hesitated reminded of her last encounter with a Seracia wolf.

It seemed they like the pools around waterfalls she shivered slightly the mist settling in her coat causing a chill down her spine, but this wolf had not threatened her and there was no reason to suspect that she would. ?I'm Midnight,? she stated calmly "a member of the snow rouges who have taken up territory down stream. If you don?t mind me saying your a long way from home.? midnight did not sit but did shuffle a few steps closer her eyes darting for a moment to the stone under which her catch lay hidden before sliding back to the dame. Midnight was not tense but she stayed on her feet still calculating if she simply darted past and stole them not she would have to move the rock and that would take time. Some times her size frustrated her greatly.




09-14-2013, 06:27 PM

Rivaxorus was new so she had wanted to travel a bit before settling in Seracia. It was simple as that, along with that she had been hoping to try and find her son and brother. Her black tail flicked back and forth as she tilted her head. Snow rogues, she hadn't heard about them. It just went to show how knew she was to the world of Ala. After all, her family had been pretty wrapped up in their own affairs before coming here then scattering. Rivaxorus gave a soft smile. "Indeed I am, but I was hoping to catch some famalair faces here. The view was worth it I guess. What are the snow rogues if I may ask, I'm new to ala as a whole." Rivaxorus asked. This place she was happy it was shared. After all, something she didn't see often was just as beautiful as something she saw every day and enjoyed.
"I come from a desert off these lands I grew up there and came here after some events." Rivaxorus didn't mind sharing a few details about her past. Some were less painful than the others. It just seemed like if anyone knew they would assume she was lying due to her optimistic and leader like nature. Just some things were darker than others and she was used to it. Part of life's wonders as she considered it.



8 Years
09-30-2013, 08:30 PM
She considered for a moment then sat, ?the snow rouges, well its a long story really where a pack but not in the traditional sense, we had a pack land once but someone came and took it so we moved out following our chief, where a family unrelated by blood but there you go. We move around when we need to but for the most part we've settled in the cliffs by the sea,? she looked around the area again the falls where beautiful but also dangerous they rouges had all heard the whispered rumors of how gargoyle had thrown himself and a foe of the top in the hopes of killing the other. It was part of the reason she had chosen this area call it morbid curiosity she wanted to see if a fall would have worked. As far as she could tell it would have, the cliff from which the waterfall tumbled was high. She would most certainly not have wished to try her luck in a dive. She glanced up at it for a moment then looked back at the dame.

?I was actually just about to return home,? she said offering a smile, ?it gets quite cold at night, and now the huntings done,? she paused, ?well it would be far more pleasant in an area without this constant rain,? she said with a smile shaking her head to try and remove some of the water.

ooc:: sorry for the length and the long wait.



10-01-2013, 01:14 PM

Rivaxorus smiled at the girl. Was that an invitation? She wasn't sure, as her ears perked she turned towards the direction of Seracian territory. She might better get home soon. Her search for her son could continue later on. Riv turned towards her and offered another kind smile. "I'm sorry to hear you lost your pack, but if you ever need help don't be afraid to stop by Seracia's borders. I'm sure they wouldn't mind friends. And I'd be willing to help whenever you have trouble." She gave a slight nod of her head. Shaking her own fur free of water droplets.
"I best get back to Seracia when I can, I came here to look for my son. If I see you next please tell me if you've seen a two year old wolf who looks like me without the stripes and eye patch. He also has a black mask and one black ear." Riv gave a small bow and started towards the direction towards Seracian borders.
-exit riv-