
Test Your Mettle




3 Years
05-25-2020, 12:05 PM

Since joining the Ashen Armada, Skyfire had a lot to learn about not only herself, but about her skills that she could provide to the Armada. Skyfire wanted to be a useful asset, but with the high-maintenance attitude she had since first joining, she knew that had to change if she were to be considered an asset. As much as she missed her priviliged life, Skyfire was quickly becoming more mature in her realization of how life truly was. From here on, Skyfire would direct herself to be as successful as possible, and eventually reach the goals she set out for herself. She had to earn them first of course.

For example, the spars in the past as she though of them told her that she had a lot to learn about keeping calm under pressure. It was something she had not yet been taught, but was now learning first hand. Good thing her sessions were only training. The second thing she learned was that she would not climb the ladder of success unless she fought for it. So, in order for her to reach the top, Skyfire had to give it her all and not hold back. All of this seemed sort of like a friendly competition, but in a way where everyone learned and won something out of their efforts by just the experience. Everyone started out as a novice like her, but then became something much more as they grew. Sirirus was there too at some point. Skyfire wanted to know how he got to where he was.

Skyfire found herself back at the ring where previous trainings had occurred. Skyfire remembered how each time she trained, a little bit more of her became stronger. She played each scene in her mind, examining her own movements, judging herself on how she could have done better in some places. Skyfire wanted more. She wanted to push her very limits beyond their comfort zone to see where it landed her. Skyfire wanted to become beautiful like Aurielle by not just in appearance, but her mannerisms. She wanted to become strong like Sirius, skilled in tact and effective in follow through. Skyfire had a lot to learn, but she knew she would get there one day. She would be letting her family down if she didn't, as well as herself.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-26-2020, 01:27 PM

As she had agreed to before the pack meeting, Resin would always be there to help train those willing to learn. The big, one-eyed woman was well versed in the art of battle as her toned, scarred body showed. As long as her pupils were open and receptive, she had no trouble working with them to bring their own skills up to par.

Since her injury with the bear, Resin had been patrolling less. The long loop around the territories had begun to bother her formerly broken leg. So she passed the duty on to the younger generation. Most days, she could be found on Sea's Plain where the barracks were located. The big stone platforms were ideal for spars and trainings. She didn't expect to see someone training here rather than there, but upon passing a wide open area with a young wolf standing within, she couldn't help but think that the girl planned on training alone.

Coming into the clearing, the massive ash and onyx fae's dark ears pricked forward. "Do you have a sparring partner on the way?" If the girl had a plan, she would leave her to it. If not, she would offer to help train this girl that she hadn't quite met yet.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]