
Dangers of the Mountain

To be clear, no unfriendly folks, please lol.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-30-2020, 10:16 AM

Sirius explained the situation and Iolaire nodded. A wolf lost his footing, fell down a mountain, broke some things, and was now in their care. She found it to be rather odd that the healer, of the broken ones own pack no less, didn't want to take his packmate back home. There was no way that she would entrust the well being of a fellow pack wolf to some foreign wolves. To each their own, however.

While the white male spoke to Malalia and Sirius interjected, Iolaire leaped up into the cart to inspect the injured wolf that would be her new charge. Rather than confer with the healer that had bandaged the man, she aimed to inspect his wounds for herself, assessing them quickly and making sure that things were done as they should be. The muzzle made her wrinkle her nose with distaste. They weren't dogs. As soon as they hit Armada lands and left the Valhalla wolf behind, it was coming off. Dainty, dexterous digits felt lightly around the unconscious wolfs neck and skull, testing for breaks or fractures. When she found none a subtle nod was given. Extracting a softened doeskin from her pack, Io folded it and placed it beneath the man's head. It wouldn't do to have his skull knocking around with every bump.

Leaping easily back down from the cart, Io made her way to Sirius' side. "This will be easier to deal with in my cottage with all of my supplies. His wounds will hold for now." One silver brow raised in question. "Are we all heading back to the Armada?" She wanted to know if the Valhallan healer was coming along with them. If he was, she wouldn't bother with the outsider. He could heal his own. If he wasn't, she would develop a care plan that would get him in good enough shape to head back to his own pack as soon as possible. Sirius wasn't the only one that was cautious with outsiders.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.