
Eating fire


08-27-2013, 06:16 PM

Heat pushed into the roughness of dark pads. The cool night did nothing to sooth all that heat inside her. The sound of screaming earth had caught her attention as she moved across the devils spout. She wanted to watch the world crack open and spew its venom into the ground. Violet eyes were filled with emptiness as she wandered the hard grounds. The moon hung high above her, sulking for the child, as it watched her venture towards suicidal curiosity. The stars seemed to twinkle with their distress but even the night?s plea did nothing for her.

The sound of hissing was so close. She wanted to see it. The ground grumbled and the water rushed free of the ground in a Multan rush. She could feel the heat pushing into her velvet coat. Feel it trying to scorch her body as it sprayed around the hole In the world. Her tail flicked as she panted from its presence but she wanted to be even closer. What if she touched it? Would it sooth all that heat inside her? Would it take all the rage that was eating her alive away in one hot breathe? If she walked right into its open jaws, embraced the water, would she burn so fast that she felt nothing?

She wondered if her siblings would notice her gone. Wondered if her mother would mourn her like she did their father. She had been so broken since her defeat and she was unsure how to snap her out of it. How could she help when she was suffering just as badly? What of her brothers? Where had they been? Angry tears fell from her eyes as she watched the water rush free again from the ground in a roar. Her ears fell back as she listened to the water spraying around it, hissing as it hit the ground.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-27-2013, 08:10 PM

Basilisk Saxe was tormented. Always. Dreams of his father's death haunted his sleep, visions of his mother and two siblings seemed to peer tauntingly at him from every dark path he crossed. He had not been angry with his sister; no, instead he'd felt vaguely like he'd been abandoned. Betrayed, perhaps? Had she, too, been in Newt's inner circle while he felt as though he had been cast out of it? He even felt anger at the blind woman who seemed to soothe his mother's pain. Zara. She would not replace his father, nobody could replace him ... how dare she even try. The thought of her brought a snarl to his lips as he padded aimlessly, hoping a long journey from home might soothe his mind. It was strange, how a boy could feel so many tormented emotions and yet feel so empty all the same. It felt as though he had no place anywhere in the world, instead was trying to force himself into somewhere he did not belong..

But the darkness was indeed comforting, and he felt the weight of the word lift briefly off his shoulders as night fell deeper, and darkness grew heavier. It was only by chance that he caught wind of his sister's scent, though it was not by any means a miracle. He had been wandering precariously close to his mother, his family, keeping an eye on them -- and yet remaining as distant and absent as ever. His attention was captured by the startlingly loud sound of water, a loud hissing as though the earth itself was threatening to swallow someone alive. Ears fell flat against his skull as he padded forward, nose low to the ground.

Soon Ameiva came into view, a female about his size with startlingly similar features. How badly he had longed for her presence since the family had been torn apart; he wondered if he would've been okay if only she had not strayed. But they all had, and there was no changing the past. "Syn," he rumbled simply, his voice no longer that of a boy, but of a young man. And yet he was no more wise or sure of himself than he had been merely months ago. In fact, he was even more unstable, more broken. He stood silently, a safe distance away, watching her with interest and expectancy. Syn had always been close to him, though he hadn't been particularly open in his affections to her -- but it seemed to have never bothered her in the slightest. He would not deny he missed such things, for family loyalty had been engrained deeply into the boy, despite how let down and abandoned he felt. Vivid purple gaze watched as she neared the spouting water, feeling the warmth emanate even from such a distance.


08-28-2013, 02:07 AM

Falling, the sound of it hitting the ground around her made her heart feel as if it were falling with the flowing water. Her ears were perked forward as she watched the world break free. Her tail flicked behind her, back and forth, swaying with the desire to end everything in one smooth leap of fate. The distraction had lead her to be careless but she didn?t jump out of her skin when she heard her name. One lone ear simply flicked backwards but she remained frozen in place. Mesmerized by the fire waters but she knew that voice. She had loved that voice for a long time. In a rather un-sisterly manner. Yet with her rage came her distance and she simply allowed her head to tilt in slow motion. Each movement was almost painfully exaggerated as she tilted her head just enough to allow her eye to rove in its socket to take in her brothers appearance. It was as if someone else held her strings and was moving her in slow motion.

She looked at him, but said nothing; she had always been so quite and was always observing from a distance. She was a keeper of secrets and a silent stalker. Her violet eye looked at her brother, drank in his appearance, then slowly returned to focus on the spouting waters. She had said nothing. Allowed time to pass for a moment before finally breaking her mute behavior. ?Brother.? Was all she said, yet in that one word held all her rage, all her love, all her loneliness, and all her resentment for what was happening to their mother. Zara was taking advantage of their mothers broken state. She knew well that their mother couldn?t handle most emotional things. She had always been broken but the pack had kept her together but she had seen her break a few times. Only for brief moments but never this long period of time.

?I wonder how long the widow stood. Sitting by the windowsill. Drinking in her darkest wishes as she watched the world turn gray. Yet who she prayed to gave her answers, took away the heart thieves life, left her waiting in her web with open arms and soothing lies.? She said it slowly, in a creepy sing song way. Her eyes never left the waters as they dissipated and left the air moist and warm from their departure. She sang her song in a cryptic manner, just as their mother tended to do, yet with her sanity or partial sanity came clarity if you truly listened to her tale. ?We allowed the spider love, fed her greed and called her family, yet she cared only for her own darkest dreams.? She said finally, she turned her head again to look at him. To see if he understood her words, had he forgotten how to speak in riddles and rhymes or did he remember?


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-28-2013, 08:02 AM

His eyes were wide and his gaze alarmingly unwavering, even in the darkness of night. Purple gaze was set on her, examining her as though she were something he had never seen before. So familiar, so alluring ... he wanted no more than to wrap himself around her like he never had before, to lose himself in her warmth and her smell. And yet he was still as a statue for a long moment as he watched, and waited.

Slowly she turned to meet his gaze, and the faintest flicker of a smile would appear, before it was washed away again. He had met nobody who understood his rage, his desires -- and yet even he wasn't sure what he needed. Cross had come close, earning his respect after their practice spar, and yet he wanted more. Slowly he took a few steps closer, poised as though to flee if she dared strike him. Who knew how she had changed? He had fled the battlefield that day, torn with rage and grief -- he had only seen her briefly at the meeting. He had abandoned her just as she had him. A mutual betrayal; it was almost like neither of them had done anything wrong at all. "I have needed you," he admitted simply, gruffly, voice unsure and yet still lacking emotion. If anyone understood, perhaps it would be her. Perhaps...

Ears flicked as she spoke, taking in her words. Absently he drank in her scent, its familiarity intoxicating and strangely sobering. It had been so long he had felt the touch of family, the warm embrace of his mother and siblings... he had hoped his thirst would be quenched by the taste of blood, by the searing pain of another's fangs tearing his flesh, and yet he was oddly disappointed. He knew what he needed, but it was still so far from reach... it seemed an endless journey to find solace, a struggle each and every day. "She failed us," he said breathlessly, moving closer to her, needing to feel her -- to know she was real. Not just a figment of his imagination or a vivid dream. Or was it a nightmare? "She promised us safety... protection. A home. She failed everyone, but us especially. Tell me, Syn, do you think she is capable of change? Or will she fall back into her old ways? Can we trust her again?" A sigh left his lips and boldly he pressed his nose to her neck, perhaps the most affection he had ever displayed toward any creature save his mother. He was not quite as poetic as she, and yet the broken boy understood her words, knew she was just as lost as he was.


08-28-2013, 10:26 AM

Anger leapt up her backside, like hot rods pushing into her spine. He blamed her? After everything she had done for them, everything she had tried to achieve, when she had never been meant for such a role to play. Her resentment was towards Zara not their mother. Their mother had always been broken, always been on the edge of insanity, it wasn?t her fault. Her tail flicked back and forth with her disgust at his words. Her violet eyes burned with darker things. ?The spider is Zara, not our mother.? She spat; her ears were shaking as she turned to face him. She wanted to strike him for those words, for blaming her, how could she be there when she was so lost herself. Everything she had done had been stolen by that viper and they would get it back.

?Our mother never walked the path of sanity, the foundation that kept her sane was ripped away from her by that cunt of a wolf Jupitor. She killed our father for what!? she all but screamed, her eyes wide with her rage. she could feel it eating at her, tearing her apart from the inside. ?Zara waited for this, waited to take our mother and warp her. Only the whole of her pack kept her together for us, kept her mind sane, she needs purpose and without it she reverts back to who she was before our father. Before us. How can she remember us when she forgets herself?? she said with a growl. She felt him push his nose into her and she froze. Every muscle tensed in her body as she felt that one touch. She could hear the rumble of the water in the ground, feel it vibrating threw her, but she could not move.

He had said he needed her, had she failed him? Their mother she could forgive but had she abandoned him? She knew she had Sal. She had never cared for their flamboyant brother. But she had always loved basilisk. ?I want everything she loves destroyed. I want her to burn.? She said softly, the idea of jupitor losing everything she loved thrilled her, yet she was shaking now. She didn?t want to admit it but she needed him too. They could do this together, fix things, if only they could get Zaras claws out of their mothers heart. ?Zara cannot have her. She will only make her worse.? She said with a sigh, Champion could fix it, she could help them fix their mother and keep Zara the fuck away from her.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-31-2013, 07:04 AM

Basilisk was not rewarded with the reaction he had expected. Time and distance had torn the siblings apart, though they had never been as close as he remembered ... it seemed as though time had warped the boy's brain, had tainted his memories, and they came back much more strongly than they should have. Everything was muddled and confused, and he pulled away with a bewildered expression as she grew angry, eyes blazing as though she might strike him. "I do not seek to destroy our mother," he explained, though his lyrics lacked emotion; even his expression was cold as he began to speak. "I do not blame her... but I can't help but feel betrayed..." Zara was another story entirely. He sneered at the thought, wondering.. had Zara been with her the entire time? While he had been searching endlessly for his mother, wondering if she was lying dead somewhere? If she, too, had been slain by Jupiter?

He watched with vague interest as she spat words of hate, of revenge... rage had begun to embed itself into her heart as well, and he suddenly felt as though they had more in common than ever. Still he pressed his nose into her shoulder, dragging it along her flesh. It seemed to soothe her, to steady her slightly -- they needed some stability in the unstable world in which they lived. But the contact was broken as he pulled away, watching her. His heart surged, and he felt his chest tighten as he began to speak. "It is Jupiter I want. I want to tear her heart from her chest and deliver it myself to mother..." But perhaps Syn was right. Was Zara damaging their mother further? And yet he would not again admit his hesitance to draw himself back into his mother's kingdom, unsure whether she would fail him yet again... he could not handle any more disappointment.


09-16-2013, 08:02 PM

The world was falling. Tilting with the edges of red and gray. Her head seemed to ignite with the words. They would break everything and they could do it together. Her ears flicked as she looked at him with determination in her eyes. Her tail held high as she looked at her brother with a new sense of conviction. Her teeth bared in a dark smile as she allowed a laugh to spill from her lips. The malice was deep in it as she allowed it to come all the way from her soul. ?Oh dear brother. I want more then just that bitch?s head. I want to make her children suffer just as she made us suffer. I want to burn everything. Steal everything, and destroy everything that ever mattered to her.? She said with a smile. She could envision it all. Jupitor on her knees, Medusa in chains, and all those that supported them both in ruins around her and her brother brutalized and executed. They would all suffer.

?Mother is too distracted. She wants to have what we once had. Bring us all together again. She is busy being the leader Zara made her into. I don?t want to wait anymore. I don?t want to sit back and watch the murder of everything we cherish live in comfort. We must act but how? How can we take it all away and not affect our mothers plans?? she said with frustration. She wanted her revenge now. she wanted to go in with guns blazing but she knew if they acted now, while the new world was being created, they could fracture everything their mother was working for. Her ears fell back as she let out all her frustration in a snarl. She wanted that bitched head now. ?Maybe we can take one of her kids? Maybe we can take them away, torture them, and leave them broken at the borders of her land. A message of what?s to come.? She mused aloud, the insanity of it all was almost crippling her as she looked towards her brother for his input. Though her need for revenge was over whelming she wouldn?t allow it to cloud her judgment completely.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-19-2013, 06:45 PM

He felt his heart pound rapidly in his chest. His mind whirled, with thoughts of what Cross has told him, with the vision of Aegira cowering alone in the labyrinth he'd found her lost in.. perhaps he should have killed her then? Dragged her carcass back to the borders of Ludicael as a warning? But no, he was not ready for war yet. He needed to train. Cross had taught him that much.A low growl bubbled in his chest -- she didn't return his slight affections that he had given her, and for some reason this perturbed him. Instead, rage flashed in her eyes, and he let his gaze lock with hers for a long moment.

"We want the same thing," he assured her, slipping a bit closer, subtly pressing his side into hers.
"Do this with me," he urged her, his voice full of strange emotion that his lyrics rarely betrayed -- almost pleading. "Mother can do whatever she wants, but I want to do this with you. On our own. Nobody else." Perhaps it would be better that way. In secrecy, without word of their plot getting out? A sigh left his lips, which were curled into a sneer. "I have an admission, Syn. But you must promise me you won't say a word." He was serious -- very serious. His eyes flashed as he watched her, pulling away, waiting.


10-04-2013, 11:49 AM

Her heart pounded deep in her chest. Its beat almost echoed in her ears. She closed her eyes and shuddered. She wanted everything to burn. Wanted to see every wolf scream in pain and die before her eyes. She would laugh at all their misfortunes and she prayed that Cerberus would kill that bitch if they didn?t get the chance. Their mother had said his influence could be a wonderful thing and she hoped he sharpened her claws and teeth to meet the neck of the bitch that destroyed everything.

Her ears flicked as she felt her brother get close. She still felt connected to him. It was as if she couldn?t breathe without him. It was like the world was nothing if he was not beside her. She closed her eyes and eased her rage down. She could hear him begging and she couldn?t help the laugh that ripped from her throat. It sounded so odd to her. As if she were never meant to laugh that way. ?We will do this together brother. We will make everything burn with blood and revenge that belongs to that bitch. I want her children and her world damaged like she did to us.? She said with a hiss and then turned to look at him. He had an omission did he? Well, she was indeed curious to know what this was about.

?Tell me brother. You know I would keep it to myself.? She assured him. No one else mattered to her but her family. Not Zara, Not champion, just her siblings and mother. As long as she had them all she would care not about what happened to anyone else.
