
Rhyme x Samara Child!

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
07-01-2020, 11:15 AM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2020, 04:41 PM by Rhyme I.)
Rhymara Babies!
One Baby Available
Parents: Samara Klein x Rhyme Cavaliere
Siblings: Suspense(f), Haiku(m), and Senryu(m)
Name Suggestions: Horror, Fear, Series, Atmosphere, Dread, Omen, Gothic (???) Terror, Eerie (Kleins often have horror themed names and Rhyme’s family often uses literature or music names)
Last name: Cavaliere-Klein
Size: 17” - 42” (dire?) 25% discount for reduction as low as 17” and for height as high as 42”
What We Are Looking For: Use of horror names, loyal to their family, female? for an even ratio. These are just suggestions! I’m eager to see and consider all ideas!
Designs: I’d prefer you use mine but if you want to bring your own I ask that it stay with the character should it need to be readopted.
Disclaimer: I’d like for this pup to be decently active, at least one post a month. The baby will be reclaimed after that time period unless the situation is discussed and we work something out. The design, purchases, and name will stay with the character. If extra pup passes are needed they will be paid for, and if you need help with gems for purchases don’t be afraid to ask!
The due date should be the 30th so i’d like to have all apps in by the 25th of July

<b>Appearance:</b> site min
<b>Personality:</b> site min
<b>Plans:</b> long term goals or potential plots

1. Calico -

2. Slate 1 -

3. Slate 2 -

4. Rhythm Clone -

5. Speckle 1 -

6. Speckle 2 -

7. Speckle 3 -

8. Speckle 4 -

9. Speckle 5 -

10. Bald Face -

11. Slate -

12. Piebald Mela -

13. Pie Mela 2 -

14. Rhymara by Bri (thank you!)-



3 Years

Gold Medal 2020
07-01-2020, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2020, 03:02 PM by Shika.)
Name: Series Cavaliere-Klein
Sex: Female
[Image: bluetwo.png]
Height/Build: Small, 28 inches, Medium build
Appearance: Series is mostly the color of slate grey, however, she will have traits from both sides of her family. Her shoulder blades will be of a slightly darker grey, as well as her thighs which she has similar markings that her father possesses. Her tail and back legs will taper off into midnight black, as well as her face, almost as if she is wearing a mask. What is most notable is that she is speckled here and there with a beautiful ivory white. These patches of white will mostly be seen upon her forelimbs, creeping up to her shoulders and even down her belly just a tad. She also has very minuscule patches in other various places, like upon her tail, left thigh, right ear, and her right hindfoot. These random markings also most notably appearing on the right side of her face, a splash of snow upon her mostly dark visage. Underneath her left eye, she bears similar markings that her father has, of a lighter shade of slate grey as well. A line underneath her eye, and those four specks, and from her mother a soft brow marking too. Her gaze is very similar to her father, a lovely azure color with just that small shade of lavender peeking through. With her build, she won’t be necessarily dainty, however, she is definitely on the shorter side when it comes to her height. Series will only stand at 28 inches, but with this, she will be a bit quicker on her feet, just like her mother. Not blessed to be a tall, muscular warrior like her father, but rather she is graceful and beautiful just like her mother, and just as deadly.
Personality: [Lawful Neutral] Similar to her parents, Series will be a bit quiet and on the colder side when it comes to her persona. She is only really willing to help those that she already trusts, which will be her family and her pack. Around them, she may appear to be slightly friendlier and able to hold conversations, but even then she may end up keeping to herself at times. With this, however, she will have a strong sense of wishing to learn, and she will be found studying quite often.

A perfectionist it seems, and a clever and intelligent girl. She will be sly and cunning as she grows, learning fast from her parents and other adults around her. She wants to be good at what she does, and she will have a hard time accepting failure and rejection. Perhaps growing frustrated with herself, there can at times be a snappy side to her that she will find hard to control. Anger simply slipping through her usual calm and quiet demeanor. Series will stand up for herself if she has to, and she may end up defensive at times, especially if she notices that she is being judged or looked down upon.

She may gain some manipulative traits from her mother, and because she wants to learn and be skilled she may end up a little selfish. Though of course, she will aid her pack and family whenever they need it. That is the whole reason as to why she will train so much, so she can at least useful when her time comes. She wants to shine through the rest of the crowd and be praised and to be known for how skilled and tactful she is.
Skills: Fighting & Healing
Plans: I definitely think this girly will try to gain some sort of high ranking position once she grows up, I'm thinking probably Valerian because I do want her to focus on healing, she's going to train in fighting as well though in case she is ever needed as like a battle medic or something of the sort <3 Not sure if this is something that's necessarily wanted but I'd like to think she'd end up being a mama's girl!



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
07-01-2020, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2020, 07:14 PM by Magnus.)
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
07-08-2020, 01:31 PM
We got our due date: July 30th!

Additionally, we only got one free pup slot and have decided that it will go to the adopter of this pup so don't worry about adding any extra gems on top of whatever you might need for your preferred design (if any.)
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



7 Years
Chrono I

07-11-2020, 09:17 AM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2020, 04:11 PM by Aranea.)

I searched for a list but I like "Mayhem" or "Wicked" the most
Other suggestions I found maybe?: Repulse (Pulse for short), Agonize, Heinous, Formidable


I have over 400 gems now ^^

Medium, 30 inches, Light

(Please take a look at my other profiles to see how I will format this and add more!)
Made of beauty, Wicked is an eye catcher through her dark frame and light long-lashed eyes. Her fur is soft, clean, and fluffy; she takes time in her self care and feels it important for her representation. She stands tall not as threatening or challenging, but more so as she expects the respect that she gives to others. She rarely will feel the need to sulker in fear to a challenge or raise hackles to be demeaning to a weak wolf. She is more likely to fight back to a threat than to run away and feels it is important she establishes her place to those who think her weak. Her eyes and expressions show deep interest to listen to others to make sure she understands their needs and intentions.

Respectful, Not One to Judge
Wicked shows respect towards everyone regardless of their size or actions. However, she expects to receive the same respect in return and gives the wolf a couple chances before she starts to feel the need put them in their place. She never comes into a situation negatively judging a wolf. She almost always tries to show understanding in their actions and gives them a chance to explain. The only thing that will give her an off-set is an outside word from one of her family members to something that happened in the past.

Wicked takes her time to analyze the responses and actions of a wolf to determine if they are a true threat, a fake it wanna-be, or someone who needs help. It's important to her to understand the situation so she can adjust herself accordingly.

It's no secret that Wicked shows greater intelligence. Her quiet and reserved nature shows others that she takes her time to soak everything in and trusts her judgement on any situation. She tries to use her knowledge to help her pack and family with the information they need.

Loyal to Family, Weary to Strangers
Wicked is die-hard loyal to her family and will do anything to protect them. She follows in the foot steps of her blood relatives and would never abandon the strong bond they have. Though she lets her guard down some to friends of her family members, she still watches them with a close eye to make sure they won't ever be a threat to them. This can actually be quite annoying to new mates to her siblings or those alike and can even lead to running them off.

Hunting and Intellect

Wicked will always stay loyal to her blood family no matter what the circumstance is and stand by them through anything even if she feels a different opinion inside. Wicked will want to do everything she can to help her pack and family succeed. Wicked will want to expand her family's bloodline into a greater future, even if her litters don't share the same father.

I am very open to changing whatever y'all think needs to be tweaked!

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



4 Years

Promptober 2019
07-22-2020, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2020, 03:49 PM by Yurei.)
Name: Athemn , Fear, Phantom,Cruella,scream,Harmony or Lyric Caveliere Klein
Sex: Female

Height/Build: 40in and medium build (Ill need some help with purchasing the extra height if that's okay)
Appearance: A female within a battle between the dark and light,dirt and pure.Her body is divided between these two sides. Brown and white take shape in her frame being half of each colour. Frontal regions excluding her face and the dark dots there rest, is purely white like snow resting over wood.It is dotted with darkness and stripes of said colour are in her legs.The back half is dark chocolate and black this gives her a unique dress that should make her stand on the crowd.Her eyes are azure blue,one that outstands on her already exquisite shape. She is large in size reaching up to 40in and her restructure is just balanced between the slender and stocky shapes.


Family devoted , mature , patient,too honest,harsh and direct.

First of all,the child will hold an adoration to her family,always seeing them with pride and amazement.There is nothing or nowhere she wouldn't go or do for them,death isn't enough to stop her from doing everything to ensure her family is alright. They are her world,her home and she will be there for them always and even under threats she won't betray her blood.Death before that. On the other hand,she will hold a highly mature maenor,not very inclined in making efforts to be funny or eloquent,yes she may will partake in any plans she is invited to but wont be especially active on them.

She is someone who doesn't rush things,who doesn't despair if things don't happen as she wanted them to,she can wait all she wants if that at the end will bring satisfaction and success. Sometimes the best things didnt come right away,wait and your waiting will be rewarded.She also wont rush relationships or interpersonal affairs, she doesn't want to do things quick, sometimes she just wants to take her time to forge things she thinks will perdure for a long time.

But of course no one is free from a dark side. She can be harsh in her words if she feels it is right,she doesn't lie when she wants someone to understand her point,not that she is going to curse or anything but the way she speaks sometimes can be taken wrong for the weak of heart.She won't hesitate to use the words as they should be ,not honey made words,and if she does end up offending someone its not her problem,she just did what she saw correct to say. She can also speak straight to the point. This two traits doesnt limit to just the verbal domain,when tooth and claws are coming to the equation she is likely to go ahead and punch anyone who pisses her off,when all cool and patience is wronged she will make herself be herd.

Skills:Fighting and Hunting
Plans: She is staying right by her family's side,she wont leave anywhere without the, She will want to learn a lot from her parents and slots of crafting,fighting and hunting threads are welcome for her. Maybe someday she will get a companion.
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
07-22-2020, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2020, 05:37 PM by Askan.)
Name: I prefer Ruin, (can also go by Rue) as it suits my idea but Cadence works well when considering a more rhymey influence.
Sex: Female
Design: 13, aka pie mela 2 (absolutely gorgeous btw) - since she looks rather chimera-y I'll probs end up using a donation to cover her
Height/Build: 22" and light
Appearance: Simply put, Ruin looks as though she's a blend of two wolves, one dark and the other light. From far away it looks as though her front is solid black, but upon closer inspection it's easy to see the white dots that riddle her coat like stars in the night sky. On her chest, just below the line of her throat is a tuft of white fur that can be seen no matter what direction you look at her from. The same cannot be said for the markings on her face. Inherited from her father, Ruin has a streaky white marking that surrounds her left eye, which is accentuated by feathery lines that extend out onto her cheeks. Whilst her back end is a mix of grey and white that blends from her belly upwards, reminiscent of ocean waves.

Ruin isn't all dad though. Like her mother, she's small and slim, with a soft feathery tail that often hangs suspiciously limp, like she's trying to hide that she's up to no good. Her eyes, which are a soft blend of purply-blue, often shine with mirth and mischief, and are usually accompanied by devious smirk.

Basically, in Ruin's-not so humble- opinion she's the best looking of the litter.

Personality: Free spirit - Troublemaker- Cheeky - Devious
Simply put, Ruin is a bold and confident pup, saying whatever is on her mind regardless of the consequences. Whilst not inherently anti-social, she thrives on solitude and spends a great deal of her time exploring and getting into all sorts of trouble. She isn’t the sort who has any interest in doing things the old fashioned way, she's a free-thinker and does things her way or not at all. Or at least that's what she'd like to think.  Ruin quickly develops a taste for telling fibs-mostly- harmless little lies either for her own amusement or to manipulate others into doing her bidding. Or just because she wants to mess with people, it all very much depends on her mood. Sometimes she gets a little carried away and pushes her games too far, but once she's been caught-and only then- she'll apologise and try to make amends. She’s naughty and self-serving, there’s no denying that, but she isn’t that bad. Yet.

Skills: Fighting and intellect.
Plans: I'm a bit of a hoe for symbolism and with a dark coat like that really wanna explore how far she's willing to push her lies, whether she'll join the dark side and actually use them to hurt others or not. OR she might just remain a pesky little liar who just likes to mess with people. As for family stuff I feel like she'll lean more towards the Klien stuff, but is loyal- in her own way- to Abaven. She'll probably get a companion or two who'll unwillingly be her lackies, just cause its more fun to create chaos with friends! In terms of skills I think she'd specialise in Saboteur or maybe Tactician. Also I wanted to make the joke that lying might be her ruin.
[Image: dcn3i8m-9c82d108-20e7-4e4d-8c63-664fb310...DJDJeXfbOA]



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
07-25-2020, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2020, 01:05 PM by Samara.)
Alright, guys! So a day later but Kat and I have come to a decision. Both Kat and I would like to say first off that all of these apps were truly brilliant and we'd have loved to rp with all of you for this litter, but in the end, we're only looking for one pup so had to make a tough choice.

So without further ado, we'd love to give this pup to:

Ali with Ruin!

The litter is due in just under a week (July 31st) so we'd love to see her ready to go by then. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.