
warm yourself by my fire


08-29-2013, 09:42 AM


It was a visit that was long overdue. Silverback had noted the land before, but had been so busy in other parts with her various new pets that she had not found the time to come seek out her one willing minion. Would Canttina still be about? Would she remember the words she had given and the time they had spent together upon that cliff side. How easy it would have been for the cat to have killed her then - or taken her prisoner -the thoughts had danced across her mind on numerous occasions- but she had held off, preferring her prey alive, and even going as far as to let this one live free range. The dear warm little pet with the sunshine eyes. Oh she wanted to see her again.

Silverback was looking forward to talking to someone about what a success her plans had been and how well she was doing. Canttina would be just the one and Silverback was so excited that if she was disappointed and found herself abandoned now, she would not be pleased. No, her wolf would have to be here. She had said she would be. Traces of her scent were found around the strange ship. Silverback had circled it twice before deciding she would venture in through the great tear in the hull. It was indeed a strange, and daughtning place. Unnatural, would be the word the cat would use. But it only sucked upon her curiosity. She ventured in on massive, silent paws, and padding around the strange chambers. It was like a cave - but with more chambers and passageways and all shiny - save where the rust had set in. At one point Silverback found a winding staircase, the strangest thing she'd ever felt beneath her paws - and yet so simple and easy to climb that a cub could've managed it.

Eventually a familiar scent tugged at her nose. "Oh Sunshine," she called, unaffected by the strange aura of the ship. "Where have you gotten to?"




08-30-2013, 04:22 PM
The deamon was within her nightmares. Horrid things filled her mind. She had them every night. Images of terror and horror flew in and out of her devious mind. The woman was cursed. The day she woke up from the fall, her mind had never been the same. Paranoia and schizophrenia invaded her very being. She hadn't a clue of normal. She thought she was the normal. The woman was messed up, but there was hope. That one person had to help her. But, she hadn't found that one person. Love was something void within her. She had no clue what love felt like. Just, lust. Lust was within her eyes at all times. Sinning thoughts filled her brain constantly. The woman was the walking devil and it looked of it. Her body was scarred and marred. Bite marks and horrid marring covered her body. Marks of past fights littered her being. Though, she carried herself with a familiar elegance. Each step had a sway. Her large curves were flaunted and her tongue lightly carresed her muzzle. Yet, she lay within her nightmares. Unmoving and untouched.

Ears flicked and a icey nose wiggled. The voice of her master filled her mahogany auds. A visible shudder flowed through her sleepy body. A haze of sleep induced dots covered her sight as yellow orbs fluttered into sight. A luxurious yawn was let forth by the horrible demon. The feline's scent filled her nose like a wave of pleasure. She shuddered once more before she dramatically hopped to her paws. The woman turned to the entrance, she sensed that the Cat woman was close. The Wolf slithered to the exit, her claws clanked against the flat, hard surface. She let forth a yip of excitment as the Leopard came into view. She darted forward and gave her Kitty a nice lick on the nose. "canttina missed silverback!"



08-30-2013, 04:48 PM


She did not have to wait long for her call to be answered. Up came the wolf form her hide-hole and planted a kiss among the cat's waiting muzzle. "Good girl," Silverback purred gently, echoing the words that had been her approval during their first meeting. The wolf had made her excellent pet, and there was a comfortable 'returning-home' feeling about the greetings and lick of a familiar dog. Silverback had noticed this already with the captives who were begining to warm up to her. Canttina though, was already far ahead in her learning curve and Silverback gave her a lovely purr in return for that. She rubbed her broad head into the wolf's, whiskers bowing forward as from beneath them there came haunting words of velvet. "Ah, my sweet minion. I have missed you." Well she had missed the sense of absolute control that Canttina gave her. She missed that confirmation of her being a queen, adored by the lesser subject. She didn't need it. But it was good to have it within reach once again.

She would show her once more who was ruler. She would be master over the wolf again, and they would have their time sharing eachother's body heat amidst the frozen sea, but not just yet. Silverback's tail hovered lazily across the ground, as her eyes danced over the form of her newly awoken slave. She looked well enough - if a little worn about the edges. "Having trouble sleeping, dear?" Silverback murmured in worry that was more than half genuine. She cocked her head to the side and let her grey-green eyes narrow thoughtfully.




08-31-2013, 05:18 PM

The demon heard her master purr in delight as Canttina licked the feline's nose. A warmth filled her body. Half lust and half pleasure. Mixed together the woman was one insane bitch. A growl rumbled deep in her chest. It was ready to erupt at any moment but at that moment it was merealy a dormant creature waiting to be let forth. She stared at her feline friend with awe as the Cat let forth vocals. Good girl. Oh Canttina nearly flopped to the ground with complete defeat. Lust poured from her broken soul. The feline began to speak some more. The canine nodded and smiled. The insane Wolf connected her sunny orbs with Silverback's icey ones. Minion was a word that Canttina would usually use to describe weaker beings but that time she was the minion and she did not care. Canttina was a behemoth, a beast, a demon. Yet, she was this cats pet without a care in the world.

Canttina stood close tot he Cat so she had to look up. The mahogany vixen gazed at the giant woman and rolled her shoulders. Vocals were let forth into the brisk air. Canttina shrugged, "Nothing that isn't normal." Normal to her was definatly not normal to others. Though, she did not care. "What has my beautiful master been up to?" The woman's voice was dark and stitched with elegance.



09-01-2013, 02:07 PM


Silverback's pet was quick enough to assure her that any sleeping issues she might have had were the norm. The cat let any worry shift to the back of her mind was she was given a new topic to think about - a question. What had she been up to? Silverback gave a hint of fang as she smiled, her tail sashaying around to coil like a serpent at her silver hip. "The unfolding of my plans," she murmured with great expectation. "Oh that is just what I've come here to tell you about." All of Silverback's plans had worked out so beautifully - better than she even could have imagined, but there was none to truly appreciate it. None except Canttina - the wolf who set the wheels turning and been there to actually encourage the cat. Was it any surprise then that Silverback was genuinely gratified to be able to come and describe to her the good news?

"But first-" said the leopard, "-I brought you something." There was a ripple of liquid silver and the cat disappeared. She navigated the ship much were quickly this time- even used a broken port-hole to slither out of. She returned in a half a minute, bearing something wooly and black in her jaws. Before Catina's paws she placed the remnants of a rare black mountain sheep. "I figured you could use a little meat on your bones, and then perhaps use the wool to liven your quarters?" She remembered how the wolf had told her she'd been decorating her part of the ship. Silverback didn't know what canines could consider art, but at the least the blue-black curls of wool would be a warm bedding to curl into on the cold nights. It was odd perhaps, but Silverback recieved a true pleasure in the hunting for her pets and the giving of a gift or two to them. Maybe it said something about her.

Cats could find entertainment in the pain of others, and Silverback had always been one to enjoy seeing other dance for her, but in the end, she preferred to see a creature wriggling helplessly in joy than in pain. It was more satisfying, more captivating, just plain more fun for her. She hoped that the mutt would be appreciative of the gift.




09-16-2013, 12:12 PM

The demoness was close to the feline. Silver spoke to Canttina and she nodded. Plans were to be told. Yes, how lovely. But first she had something for Canttina? A wonferful suprise. A wool from a black Sheep. The mahogany beast growled in excitment as she grabbed the wool from the woman. Her mouth was emerged in soft material before she set it down in the middle of her den. The wool was surrounded by various bones and furs. She smirked in pride, her home was lovely. In her eyes, at least. Her attention was turned back to her large master with content sunny orbs. She padded closer and nuzzled the feline with a gentle smile. "Thank you, Silverback. Now, about those plans.." She turned to dive further into her den. With a smile Canttina sat on the wool, motioning for Silver to follow.
