
Storm Lord


06-26-2020, 01:52 PM


Though snow fell in the rest of the land that was held tightly in the clutches of winter, in the far south, a thunderstorm raged. The sky was dark and tinged with swirling shades of purple and green. Great peals of thunder shook the land. Lightning illuminated the expanse of beach as it flashed, overpowering even the luminescent bacteria within the waves. Winds blew harshly, bringing glowing waves crashing upon the beach. That wasn't the only thing that they brought.

Emerging from the white caps was a massive form. A giant come to life. Streams of glowing sea water ran in rivers off of the gigantic obsidian form as the stallion moved from sea to land. The beast gave his big body a shake, silver mane and tail flying. The conqueror had come.

Goliath came from across the sea. He had lived upon an island of horses. There were very few predators and very little competition. He had become bored. Every day was exactly the same. For eight long years, every day was the same. The man felt as though he was losing his mind with the monotony of it all. One day he had simply made the decision to leave. Some while back he had spied smoke across the sea and had smelled the acrid stench of fire on the wind. He knew that there was land out there. He just had to reach it. Goliath left the herd that he had known his whole life and had led for years without a second thought.  It was time for change.

Now here he was. The swim had been long and arduous. He could only hope that it was worth the effort. A quiver ran through the stallion. Lifting first one feathered hoof then the next, he began to thunder down the rain soaked beach. Excitement thrummed through him and he stopped, his gargantuan form raising on two hind legs the size of tree trunks. Front hooves pawed the air and the stallion released a bellowing neigh into the air. He had come.


Having made his entrance into this new land, Goliath, exhausted from his lengthy swim, sought out a place to rest. He folded his big body beneath a swath of trees and soon slept dreamlessly. Not even the storm could wake him.

In the morning when the sound of singing birds woke him, the storm had ended. Debris littered the beach and the land was pretty well soaked, but it didn't put a damper on the equine's spirits. Hefting his big frame upward, Goliath moved off. He needed fresh water and grass. Still feeling the ache of his journey within him, he vowed to take it easy today to allow himself to repair.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-03-2020, 03:41 AM
Rain. So. Much. Rain! It pelts her back and drives the small wolf to find cover under the canopy of some trees. Lightening rents the sky and thunder cracks in her ears. A whimper escapes as Meadow hides from the angry storm that lashes the coast. Tail tucks between her legs and head lowers as she tries to disappear in the face of this tempest.

The appeal of cataloging creatures here has quickly been lost in the rain-soaked evening. Maybe, after this, she will start making her way back to the Armada. Another ear-splitting crack and Meadow vows that she is heading home… tomorrow.

Then, something changes. Another sound splits the air. It is something she has never heard before and a spike of fear lodges deep into the wolf’s heart. Circling around behind the trunk of a tree, putting it between her and the scary noise, Meadow tries to sleep away the frightening night. Slumber does not come quickly and, when it does finally appear, is filled with strange monsters and demons.


Morning light filters through closed eyelids and Meadow slowly opens her eyes. Sleep filled gaze finds that the storm has passed, leaving in its wake, debris and wet land. A yawn falls from her lips and she slowly stands, stretching out the kinks and pains from sleeping in a tightly curled position.

As senses come to full awareness, the small woman remembers the promise she made to herself. ‘Time to go home’ settles in her mind and Meadow points herself in the direction that she is pretty certain takes her back to the pack lands. Pulling herself to her full, albeit small, height, the wolf strikes off toward home.

Picking her paws up high, happy to be heading back to familiar territory, the white and mud colored wolf hums happily to herself. As she moves along, a form appears on the horizon. It looks like it might be big and, hoping that she may be able to observe its behavior and report back to Sirius about it, the optimistic wolf picks up speed.

As she gets closer, she notices it is indeed big. Scratch that. It is huge! The closer she gets she finds that the thing keeps getting taller! When she is within shouting distance she calls out, “Hello! My name is Meadow! I want to watch you!" It wasn’t so much that she thought it would answer, she wasn’t really certain the behemoth could, she did it more to get the creature to slow its enormous strides.

Darting up closer to it, Meadow comes to a complete stop as her neck cranes back to take in the full height of the beast. Jaw drops open and a, “Wow” escapes. It is about that moment that she comes to realize that it could squish her very easily and be on its merry way. A look of mild panic crosses her face as the small wolf says, “Well, I didn’t think this through.”

All the tiny, wolf can hope for is that this great big lumbering thing won’t sit on her. Or eat her. Oh dear. She really did not think this through.

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm


07-11-2020, 04:52 AM


Refilling his energy stores was necessary. So, as Goliath moved away from the beach, he cropped at various tussocks of grass. The stallion lifted his head as a bird squawked in alarm, whispy mane flowing with the action. Pale silver eyes fell upon a quickly approaching form. The creature was small, though it looked bigger than the coyotes that lived upon his former island home. Either way, he could tell by the pointed snout and the flash of teeth while the strange beast grinned that it was a predator.

Goliath stomped one massive hoof, pawing at the earth and pulling up grass and sand alike. Perhaps that would make the beast think twice about attacking him. The stallion knew that he could take the little canine with ease, but he didn't want to go through the effort if he didn't have to.

A small voice rang out and both dark ears flicked forward. It... wanted to watch him? That was strange. It was also strange that he could understand the creature. As it skidded to a halt, it seemed to realize his immense size. Goliath released a burst of air through wide nostrils. The now fearful creature was having second thoughts. It had given its name, however. and the behemoth was not without manners. Though an herbivore, the giant's voice was the deepest of growls, the tones pulled up from the depths of his wide, barrel chest. A thick, nordic accent laced his tones. "Goliath Ymir." A man of many words.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-11-2020, 12:08 PM
As she had approached, the way the giant creature had pawed at the ground was lost on the excited wolf. It is not until Meadow is close to the beast that she thinks that act might have been a warning sign. Wide eyes trace the animal’s form, taking in every inch of the obsidian pelt that ripples with muscles. The gray that seems to sprout from its neck, butt and legs reminds the small wolf of the clouds that had rolled in the prior afternoon. It is huge and imposing.

All this lends to the air of shock and awe that has fallen over Meadow along with the fear that he might sit on her. However, the real shock comes when the being opens its mouth and talks. It can speak! Real, actual words that she can understand! Her jaw feels like it unhinges at the way it quickly drops open. Although the words are infused with a thick accent (properly Nordic the more she thinks about it) and seems to be a deep growl, the small wolf can understand the words perfectly.

Goliath Ymir. A name. His name. Everything is taking so long to register in her mind that Meadow doesn’t even know how long she stands there, mouth agape at Goliath. Pulling herself out of the trance she has been in, the small wolf snaps her mouth shut quickly and an audible ‘click’ can be heard. Clearing her throat, speaking slowly and clearly instead of at her usual fevered clip, Meadow says, “Hello Goliath. I am sorry that I approached you in such a strange way. I have been out exploring and cataloging all the species I see and… well… I have never seen anything like you before.”

Wide, fascinated eyes find his silver ones and she adds, “So I wanted to watch what you do, how you act. I did not know you could speak. I am very sorry if I startled you.” An apologetic look crosses her features at the last statement and she ducks her head slightly in embarrassment. After a small pause, the wolf asks, “Goliath, can I ask... what exactly… are you?” Head leans to one side as a look of curiosity rests on her face. Her head no longer is ducked and ears are perked high as she listens to the tall creature.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm


07-11-2020, 08:49 PM


By the gods... this small dog talked fast. Goliath furrowed his brow and was forced to replay her words in his head just so he could decipher her meaning. She was cataloging? What was cataloging? She said she was doing it to all the species that she saw and she had claimed that she wanted to watch him... so maybe cataloging was watching? The stallion shook his head and blinked. This was too much for him. He'd just nod in agreement til the little thing went away.

Goliath nodded as the dog named Meadow continued to speak. She was sorry that she startled him, eh? "Did not startle. Merely... didn't wish to kill you." He said it so nonchalantly. She didn't know that he could speak? Did various beasts not speak here? Back on his home island, most species could speak to one another. Often he heard of news from birds and beasts alike. Maybe it had been because there was no chance of him eating them. Who would want to talk to something that could eat them tomorrow?

Then Meadow asked what he was. The stallion snorted and gave his mane a shake. This was a strange land, for certain. "I am horse. Stallion. Storm Lord and ruler of the Russet Island." He arched one brow and gave a slight shrug. "Former ruler. Swam across the sea to be here. New land. New opportunity." He was intent on claiming this land and spreading his seed far and wide.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-13-2020, 04:26 PM
Words are a comfort to the small wolf and that is why she speaks so much. They hold such power. Giving meaning to the unknown, putting a face on things once thought scary and even invoking emotions, words have boundless influence. Eagerness also plays a part in why she talks so much and since Meadow is easily excitable, this can lead to her speaking in excess.

The flood that comes out is met with a shake of Goliath’s head and him blinking. A nod follows and the big creature speaks about not wishing to kill her. Oh, from the look of his teeth as he speaks, Goliath appears to be an herbivore. Her own long snout and sharp teeth make Meadow acutely aware that some might consider her to be a predator. While she does eat meat, the small wolf only kills enough to fill her belly and never more. Still, a predator running toward you will shouting they want to watch you could be misunderstood. Yeah… she is really lucky Goliath didn’t kill her. When she tells Resin about this meeting she is definitely leaving that part out.

When Goliath tells her about being a horse or, more specially a stallion, Meadow’s eyes light up with wonder. Questions start to pile up in her mind, threatening to spill out at any moment. Keeping her mouth firmly shut, she nods and listens respectfully as he tells her his title, rank and how he came to be here. With a smile she says, “Wow. A stallion! You are the first stallion I have met. First horse too. It is very impressive that you swam here. I don’t know how far away the Russet Island is but it seems far. You must be very strong.”

Curiosity fills her eyes and rests on her features for a moment before Meadow nods her agreement to his statement and once more begins to speak, “I hope that you find all want and more here! New lands can be scary.” Nodding heartily at the statement, showing she knows just how frightening it can be. Quickly she adds, “But you don’t seem like a stallion who gets worried easily.”

Again, she nods enthusiastically and offers the stallion another smile. The questions that have been stacking up in small wolf finally break their dam and start to spill out. With great fervor, they start to tumble from her lips, “Goliath, how old are you? How long do horses live for? What do you eat? What do you call those?” With the last question she points to where his paws should be. Whatever they are, they are huge and flat. Maybe they help him walk faster or go over difficult terrain easier.

Mouth opens to ask more but she quickly snaps it closed. Something tells her not to confuse the tall horse too quickly. But it might be too late for that.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm


07-26-2020, 10:47 AM


Silver tipped ears perked as the woman gave compliments about his strength and power. Yes, yes. He was strong. He agreed with her completely. She had good sense to compliment him for the god that he was. The behemoth found himself posing as she spoke of him, one hoof raised, neck arched, mane blowing in the wind. He probably looked like a total, self absorbed jerk. And he was.

Meadow went on to wishing him well in his endeavors and the prodigious man nodded. "It will be so. I've a mind to take one of your packs under my wing until I learn this place." He didn't want to say that he was looking to join a pack, but instead the pack would be joining him. If all wolves were as pleasant as this tiny, excited thing before him, then it might be beneficial to both his status and his ego.

And then she began to erupt into a barrage of questions. That was fine. Goliath enjoyed talking about himself. How old? "Eight years." How long did horses live? "Over thirty years." What were those things? "Hooves." He lifted one of the massive appendages so that she might inspect it more easily.

It was his turn for questions. "Are there packs near here? Good, strong packs?" It wouldn't do to join a pack of weaklings. The titan needed to pit himself against the strongest if he was going to surpass them.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-27-2020, 12:25 AM
When she compliments Goliath, the big stallion seems to strike a pose with his lifted leg and arched neck. Right then, the wind seems to work with the giant horse as it blows through his hair. Some might shake their heads or roll their eyes at such a display, but not Meadow. The small wolf eats it up, watching the way the behemoth seems to ooze strength and power. Rounded eyes watch with extreme fascination and her mouth drops open at the display. Even a “Wow” escapes without her noticing.

The way Goliath talks about taking one of the packs under his wing has Meadow’s head tilting slightly. She didn’t know that they needed to be taken under anyone’s wing. Wow, she really has a lot to learn. Goliath is so kind to offer to teach them too, he must be a very nice stallion. Maybe she could take him back to the Armada and present him to Sirius. That might go over exceptionally well, ‘Sirius I came home and look! A giant horse offered to take us under his wing! How awesome is that?’ Her smile brightens at the thought of doing something really spectacular for her pack.

The questions she fired at him are answered quickly. Eight years old and he can live to be over thirty? He is still young. Oh, his paws are called hooves and he is even nice enough to lift his leg so she can get a better look at the hoof. It seems to be flat on the bottom… interesting. When he asks her about packs nearby she nods absentmindedly as she continues to inspect the hoof. She tells him, “Oh yes, there are packs. I came across four or five in my travels. Not to mention my pack.” Looking up to his eyes she says proudly, “I am part of the Ashen Armada. We are a pack of warriors.” Puffing out her chest slightly, Meadow can’t help but proud of her family.

After a short pause she adds, “Although, I am not a fighter. I am one of the healers for the pack. Collecting herbs and taking care of the fighters, that is my job.” To Meadow, it is the most important job in the world and she loves it. Eyes brighten as she asks, “Would you like to meet my pack? I could take you there!” Traveling with a big strong stallion in unknown territory seems like a very smart idea. Goliath could fight off all the scary things and Meadow could tell him all her stories. An enormous smile breaks across her face at her own genius. Sometimes, Meadow is amazed at how just how smart she can be.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm


08-08-2020, 08:00 AM


The small wolf confirmed that there were packs in the area. She then suggested her own group, explaining that they were warriors and healers. Goliath thought it over a moment. As he was thinking, Meadow offered to take him there. The beast thought the situation over harder, weighing pros and cons. On one hoof, he could train up and make himself stronger in a pack of warriors. On the other hoof, they would be less likely to bend to his will, he thought. Choices, choices.

Meadow was a nice little thing brimming with enthusiasm and joy. The stallion decided that she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box and wondered if that intense energy was what had kept her alive so far in life. She was just so hyper that it shocked anything that wanted to kill her. A soft snort was given through wide nostrils. He wondered if she could talk an animal to death.

Eventually, he shrugged. Maybe he could meet these wolves. There wasn't exactly anything else on his agenda. "I will meet your Armada." The behemoth tossed his foggy mane and, with a motion of his wide nose, bid the girl to take him there.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-14-2020, 10:03 PM
Waiting for Goliath to speak, Meadow looks him up and down. The stallion is certainly big and, if his muscles are anything to go by, he must be really strong. A body like his seems built to run. Although she cannot imagine him biting things with those teeth, Meadow does think those hooves could do some damage. She doesn’t know the rules on having a horse in the Armada but it would be extremely cool to see him around the lands. Imagine him going on a patrol. Oh, the looks he will get when the others see him! And the praise she will get for finding him! Maybe he can even scare off some potential threats to the lands. Oh, you have a big pack? Well we have a huge stallion. Oh yeah. She is liking this idea more and more.

Tail wags slowly as she looks up him and when he shrugs, her ears perk forward as she awaits the verdict. He wants to meet the pack. Hooray! Meadow is about to jump for joy when she remembers herself and instead bows her head. When he tosses his mane and motions with his nose, she takes that as her cue to start moving. Jumping into action, she points her paws toward Armada land and begins to walk. Thoughts once more tumble and turn through her head and she finds herself asks, “Hey Goliath, what was it like on the Russet Island? As its ruler, did you have a lot of followers?” Looking up at him as she walks, Meadow’s curiosity drives the questions. She wants to know more about the big mysterious stallion.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm