
songbird my own


08-21-2013, 05:00 PM


(ooc: tentatively set before Silver meets Vask)

The leopard had been logging quite a few climbing miles the past few weeks. And horizontal miles for that matter too. There was probably some sort of record about the farthest any leopard had traveled from point A to point B. She was tempted to tell herself she?d gotten it, but she remembered all the old legends of her early days ? if those stories were true then she had a long way to go. Besides, if she wanted to keep up her search then she could very well end up going a lot longer. Hmmm and even if she went into the south and found no other cats ? it would?ve have to be a waste. She could visit her Bane.

But that was all up in the air planning for later. What she ought to have been focused on was now. The moment. And just maybe perhaps the hundred foot drop just below her paws. Eh but that was old hat now, Silverback never fell. Even when carrying a half eaten mountain goat carcuss like she was now.

The cat was in a good mood, and she was happy to see her little mouse again. She?d popped in and out on Rina the skunk-wolf, but this would be her first time bringing her something other than rabbit or fawn. This was Silverback?s meat of choice and she found it almost too delicious to share. She?d be nice though, and perhaps Rina could put the woolen hide to use as bedding if she started to get too chilly in the cave behind the falls. Silverback slipped behind the torrent of water, flinching visibly as the spray hit her fur. ?Rina!? she called through a mouthful of food. Silver paws hopped onto the cave floor and she shook out her fur, fluffing it even more than usual. Tossing the kill to the ground, she added cheerfully, ?I brought you something.?



08-26-2013, 02:18 PM

. . .

Yawwwnn.... Rina opened her sleepy eyes and looked at her now familiar home. The cave was just beginning to light up with it nearly being noon. A small rainbow came from the waterfall at the mouth of her cave and spread over the entrance. Rina rose from her bed next to the wall and stretched. She flexed her claws as she arched her back in the air, almost catlike. Maybe Silverback was rubbing off on her. Her claws made faint, echoey sounds as she padded to the email stream running at the mouth of the cave. The cool, fresh water ran down the back of her throat. Although her home was cramped, she oddly enjoyed it. It wasn't everyday you were given a home and food and company, even if it has its downfalls.

Rina had begun to like her kidnapper. She wasn't bad, really. As Rina lay with her eyes closed, a faint scent of first wasted over her nose. Her ears perked and the lifted an eyelid to reveal her green eye as Silver came through the mouth of the cave. Rina! I brought you something! Rina rose and passed over to Silver, stopping at the goat carcass. The smell was heavenly. Her name beamed as she looked it over. Wow. Thanks. Rina didn't really know how to act to this show of kindness. Silver hadn't brought her something this nice before.

. . .


08-29-2013, 09:15 AM


Now that her burden was dropped, the leopard took the time to stretch herself out and shake off the diamond droplets of water that tipped her pelt. She had never minded snow in her life, but true water? She didn't like it touched her without her consent. It stung! Of course that made this hidey-hole all the more perfect. No one would ever think to look behind a waterfall - and even if her captive had been the screaming type there'd be no sound she could make that could pass through the thunderous drowning of the falls. Course Silverback hadn't seen any ungrateful or rebellious spark in her little mouse so no violence had been necessary. Nor had her more sadistic side raised it's head and tempted her to treat the girl like a chew toy. No no. Silverback was much too lonely and saw her captives as much too precious, to waste one in such a way. Besides that, the one of them - Nuka, was truly a sweet heart. He was bringing out a gentler, sweeter, more open side than she had thought possible.

Certain wolves could find themselves in her good opinion - perhaps Rina would be one of them.

The initial impression for today looked good. Rina's gratitude was politely expressed. Silverback couldn't help but grin when she saw Rina's surprised delight at the meal. A cat should never be described as 'eager to please' but they do love to be a appreciated. The leopard swept her clouded tail behind her in the semblance of a grand old bow, and gently batted the prey closer. "I already ate my half, so you enjoy." A thought crossed her mind - and she added, "No herbs in this one. Though I could find you some rosemary if you like that sort of taste."



08-31-2013, 07:38 AM

. . .

Silver batted the goat towards her. Almost on queue, Rina's stomach rumbled. Rina looked apologetically at the feline. Rina had grown used to smaller prey, so this was a treat. I already ate my half, so you enjoy. No herbs in this one, I promise. Though I could find you some rosemary if you like the taste Ugh. Rina couldn't stand being close to any overly aromatic herb since she was drugged by this feline. No thank you, Silver. I have gone off them She smiled before taking a much appreciated bite from the carcass. The rich, fatty meat ran down Rina's throat easily.

. . .