


08-31-2013, 11:53 AM
set before disbandment

A devious smirk caressed the child's velveteen lips as her elongated limbs propelled her lithe form beyond the evident borders of her mother's kingdom, skull swiveling in the direction of where she suspected the dappled tyke resided in relation to her own position. Curiosity wracked her diseased mind as her mismatched gaze met his lavender, wondering whether or not the scenery that encumbered his vision impressed him or left him with a strong urge to flee to their mother's secondary domain, hoping against the latter. The pallid babe desired her presumed sibling's approval of Tortuga's domain to influence a migration out of Ludicael and into Mount Volkan with the majority of the Elysius bloodline, for she found herself favoring his companionship although few words ever vacated his mouth and he did not appear to share her affinity for combat like the remainder of her siblings had. Regardless of their contrasting appearances and personalities, this was her sibling and the viper would be damned if she allowed him to live without her presence as he had been since birth, so convincing him to stray from Ludicael was imperative.

Former lackadaisical posture shifted into immaculate poise befitting of a sovereign as her mother's intoxicating aroma flooded her olfactory system, predicting that mother and child would intercept paths in a few moment's time, pace growing sluggish and tentative with anticipation. She drew back some so that she was now adjacent to her dappled sibling, muzzle tipping towards him to confirm that they were approaching their porcelain object of pursuit. Pupils scavenged for the minuscule imperial through the labyrinth of vegetation that enveloped Tortuga's domain, locating the pallid form of her mother, perched upon the smooth face of a boulder and consumed by slumber, a good few meters away from where they stood. Looking back towards the brute beside her, she cocked her head in the direction of Morphine to indicate her success in finding the woman, paw-pads kissing the lush grass adorning the earth as she sauntered closer to their mother. Halting behind a dense bush, she turned back to face Oberon, gesturing for him to maneuver closer to her so that he may receive a better view of their mother. "There," the babe informed the male as her muzzle inclined towards Morphine, vocals a mere whisper so as not to wake the sleeping sovereign. Amethyst and metallic eyes swept back to greet his countenance, eager for a positive reaction from her lost sibling.

Oberon I


3 Years
09-03-2013, 07:33 PM

can we create something beautiful and then destroy it?

The young pup padded contentedly behind Artemis, quite willing to let her take the lead as he let his thoughts wrap around him. Was this wolfess truly his long lost sister? Was his family that much bigger than it had seemed to be at first? Had he missed out on a whole litter of siblings during his early months? The thought was both interesting and kind of scary. Would he have another group of wolves to contend with? He didn't mind Artemis, not this far at least, and she didn't push it. She didn't force herself to fill comfortable silences with useless words, and he appreciated that. But surely her siblings weren't exactly like her? And they would be more difficult to deal with, and the thought made Oberon worry. He wasn't prone to worrying senselessly, however, so he put the thought away to wait until he met his siblings, at least.

He watched her adjustments as they drew closer to their mother curiously, watching as she shifted into a more militant posture, looking more stiff and less like the female that he had met than something else entirely. He wasn't sure why, and Oberon couldn't put a paw on it, so that too was put out of his mind as he padded along carefully, coming to a stop only when Artemis gestured t something very white. Oberon frowned, padding forward a few careful steps, sniffing the air carefully as he turned a confused gaze upon Artemis.

Remaining silent for several moments, it took Oberon a few long moments to gather his words. "That's not my mother." Oberon blinked, still looking as confused as ever. "Are you sure that's our mom?" He kept his voice muted, and brought his muzzle close to her ear so that he was less likely to awaken the sleeping creature.



09-08-2013, 03:11 PM

The grimace that distorted her brother?s peach countenance as his pupils located their mother discouraged the anxious tyke and her vague features succumbed to a confused frown, attention dancing back towards the pallid sovereign to double-check that she hadn?t mistaken an outsider for her mother, the frown only chiseling further into her visage as she came to the conclusion that this was undoubtedly the woman that had spawned her. Through her peripheral view, she saw the dappled tyke look back upon her and she allowed her mismatched gaze to turn back upon him in return, pupils searching his perplexed features desperately for a sign of recognition, failing to discover any. Instead, words of rejection cascaded from his velvet lips, forcing the porcelain viper?s ears to press against her crown with evident disappointment, pupils averting away from his countenance to dart back towards the slumbering form of her mother ? not his.

He questioned her logic but the babe could only bob her skull solemnly in response, confusion building rapidly within her as she pondered the situation at hand, uncertain as to whether or not Oberon?s true mother actually commanded her own militants or if the tyke had been deceitful with the intentions of impressing her. Why did you lie? the child questioned vehemently, frustrated and confused all the same that he would try to convince her that he was of royal blood when he obviously did not share her genes. Disappointment and hurt breached the babe and she looked upon the male disdainfully, expecting an immediate and logical explanation as to why he would fabricate such a cruel lie.


Oberon I


3 Years
09-12-2013, 03:30 PM

Even more confused now than ever, Oberon stared blankly at Artemis as she spoke. There was an anger to her tone that the male did not understand. He frowned, features creasing a little as she spoke sharply, and glanced again at the sleeping white figure. That certainly wasn't his mother; his mother was orange and speckled and distinctly not white. "I didn't think I was." Oberon blinked, glancing at Artemis. He hoped that she would believe him, but elaborated a little more just to cover his bases. "It made sense to me?" He hoped she wasn't angry. Oberon didn't want his newfound friend to hate him already. He had met so few pups other than his sisters, and he didn't want to lose this new companion.

The male twitched his ears, gazing plaintively at Artemis, still hoping desperately that she wouldn't be angry. "I thought... You said... I figured that if your mother was the only Sol of the lands that she had to be my mother too." That was probably more than he had ever said. He was rather proud of himself for that. It was a pretty wordy sentence from the male who was rarely verbose. He wasn't one to waste his words. But he didn't want Artemis to hate him.
