




3 Years

Trick 2019
08-05-2020, 10:51 AM
Walk | "Talk" | Think

Eir moved to another side of the event wanting some peace,some time for herself.She was unsure about what she was supposed to do here but noticing the shades of celebration around her, she guessed it was meant to have fun. Well Eir wasnt exactly the best pick for having fun with,she wasnt really someone to find muse in anything that wasnt related to fighting, exploring and doing her duties.

And there as she sat,she observed unamused to those who joined the fun,sighing she closed her eyes to take some rest.And maybe wait for this to conclude. But she remembered her conversation with Torin a few months ago. Having fun wasnt bad at all, should she try? Well for now she was just going to observe.

[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-06-2020, 05:48 PM

As much as he was beginning to enjoy the revelry of the festival, he still felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. There was just so much going on and so much to process that he wasn't sure what to do with it all. He wandered around through it all for a while, a mystified smirk lingering on his muzzle. It was just such a drastic shift from what he was used to now with the solitary existence he kept around the mangroves. At the end of the day he was still glad he came since it gave him a chance to see a few of his distant family members and partake in a few of the activities they had around the festival, but it was something he was going to have to take in smaller doses.

He started to make his way toward the outskirts of the hustle and bustle and once he was out of the main crowd he gave a small sigh of relief. He chuckled softly to himself, wondering why he had let himself get into this mess in the first place. He'd have to find Cairo later to both curse and thank him for the invitation. Lifting his silver gaze he realized he wasn't the only one using this small, quiet space as a bit of a reprieve. "This is really something, huh?" he asked with a small grin before he settled on his haunches a short distance from her. He turned back toward the crowd to watch it all happen from a distance for a moment.




3 Years

Trick 2019
08-06-2020, 08:12 PM
Walk | "Talk" | Think

As time passed,Eir was growing bored of being there.She found very little fun in this kind of events,she was neither a social butterfly nor a talkative wolf and thus she found herself out of place her.But well,she couldn't let the opportunity pass to see how a festival was like,what kind of environment. She sighed as she lied down resting her chin over one of her front paws, observing from afar the diverse interactions others made. She felt any envy,she was fine on her own,and besides, she had to do things later. She closed her eyes with the wind touching her fur and the birds singing around her.

But then heavy steps woke her up, calmly she would stare at them. A big male,of chocolate coat sat close to her. Funnily this felt a bit similar to her encounter with a grumpy male of similar colors but this one was much larger. But at least his speech was less harsh but not like she cared for how others spoke to her. "This is really something, huh?"

"Indeed," She responded shortly as she turned her gaze away from the male's figure. "Enjoying the festivities?" She asked without caring how it sounded. She wasnt one with great skills for talking long phrases. But it didnt stop her from trying.

[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-06-2020, 09:00 PM

"Well enough, I suppose!" he replied easily with a soft laugh when his acquaintance asked if he had been enjoying the festivities. "It's certainly a larger affair than I had anticipated. Quite the shock to the system for me after living alone for quite a while now." If he got the chance perhaps he'd have to ask Aurielle where all these wolves had come from. There were far too many for this to just be the wolves from Valhalla and he had only come across a handful of scents that he recognized from other packs around Boreas. All these wolves had to have come from somewhere and he was incredibly curious to know where.

He glanced down toward the black and orange marked woman after a moment. He knew she was probably on the outskirts of the festivities for the same reason he was, but that didn't mean he couldn't make small talk, right? "Have you gotten a chance to see the musicians yet? I've never seen instruments and things like those before." There was so much to see and do around the festival, but that had been one of his favorites so far. It was an easy one to sit back and enjoy so he didn't have to be in the middle of everything to do it.




3 Years

Trick 2019
08-06-2020, 09:46 PM
Walk | "Talk" | Think

She nodded at his confirmation of enjoying himself here. She couldn't share the feeling but she decided to try offering him the talk he seemed eager to have with her. She didnt expect someone to come her way,to want to share time with her. Well she knew in life things not always worked as one expected but that was fine,life without surprises could be one she didnt saw worth to live on. And there she shifted to face him but still lying down. Just t to pay attention to his speech. She couldn't remember when was the last time she shared words with someone outside of Lirim.

"Have you gotten a chance to see the musicians yet? I've never seen instruments and things like those before." "I am afraid i haven't,i wasnt really interested in watching anything so far," She said with all the honesty. "This is my first festival,so I was curious to see how it was like. But for now I am taking my time,while i get used." She finished with a calm nod. "Though I won't negate the music is great," She smiled.

"You mentioned you live on your own,are you a traveler?" She asked just for mere curiosity,she herself was a traveller of heart. "I am Eir Ragnarok," She shared her name with a calm voice.

[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-07-2020, 01:13 AM

He gave a nod of understanding when she expressed that nothing had caught her interest yet. He definitely understood the want to just see what the festival was like since that's what had convinced him to attend as well. He had never heard of someone holding a festival like this so it was certainly an experience in of itself. He wouldn't have thought that the music would be the thing to catch his attention the most, but it had certainly caught his attention for some reason. It made him wonder if he might try his hand at one of those instruments they were playing...

He smiled warmly at her when she asked about him being a traveler and introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eir. I'm Ulric Adravendi. I suppose you could call me a traveler... I mostly just haven't found a place I want to call home yet." He paused for a moment as he watched a pair of wolves walk past them, both of them carrying interesting bits and bobs that were obviously brought to be traded. He looked back to her after a moment and added, "I hope to rebuild my family's pack one day, but I still have quite a bit of learning to do before that can happen." It was something that he hadn't admitted out loud to anyone before now, but there was something freeing about talking to a stranger that he wasn't sure if he would ever see again. He thought that perhaps if he began to speak the wish out loud that it would give him more accountability and momentum to make it happen.




3 Years

Trick 2019
08-07-2020, 08:48 PM
Walk | "Talk" | Think

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Eir. I'm Ulric Adravendi. I suppose you could call me a traveler... I mostly just haven't found a place I want to call home yet." She could relate to his current stage.She used to be there before, traveling without rest, finding for a place to live. But she never saw or felt bad for being alone,for moving from place to place.She was born for.But Torin gave her home without judging and she forgot the nomad life she had for that reason,she wanted to become a warrior and Torin allowed her to and now she had a debt with him she still needed to pay.  "I see,I used to have the same search. I come from a band of nomads," She shared with a calm voice as she moved on to his next words.

"I hope to rebuild my family's pack one day, but I still have quite a bit of learning to do before that can happen."  "And will your family help you?" She asked from nowhere,but didnt feel it was an uncomfortable question,she just was curious. No ill intentions were in her question. "I am from Lirm," She mentioned quietly.  

"And what will you do next? What else is here to watch?" Asking was fine for her,to maybe do her efforts to at least try to enjoy the festival in a way,but for someone as cold as her it was hard to archive.

[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-07-2020, 09:32 PM

He hummed thoughtfully when she asked about whether his family would assist him with his pursuit to rebuild the pack they had once led. He didn't feel any ill intent from the question, but it did make him thoughtful. It was something that he had wondered quite a bit himself and even though he knew how supportive the Adravendi line typically was of each other he never wanted to assume that they would support him. "I hope that they will. I know that many of them are already committed to other packs, but... perhaps they can at least be allies." Only time would tell, he supposed. He smiled a little and nodded when she mentioned that she was part of Lirim. "I thought so. Your pack's scent was pretty familiar. I'm not sure I've actually spoken with anyone from Lirim before, but I've passed by the pack quite a few times."

Her question regarding the festival made him look back out toward the crowd curiously. "I'm hoping there will be some spars of some kind of participate in or watch at some point. I believe there's also going to be a race later so that should be interesting. I also noticed some craftsmen making some jewelry and garments earlier. I didn't bring anything to trade unfortunately, but they should be interesting to watch none of the less." He looked back toward her to see if anything had caught her attention or sounded interesting enough for her to partake in one of them.




3 Years

Trick 2019
08-10-2020, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2020, 11:09 AM by Eir.)
Walk | "Talk" | Think

"I hope that they will. I know that many of them are already committed to other packs, but... perhaps they can at least be allies." She nodded taking some time to consider his words,but what can she say? She knew nothing or did know anything from the man,they were strangers. So she limited herself to just the simple nod. "I guess you'll have to recruit new members," She suggested as she looked up to him. "And how is the pack going to be?" She asked to add fuel to the conversation. But she wasnt sure if that was the best way to do so, again she didn't have any knowledge about this at all."I thought so. Your pack's scent was pretty familiar. I'm not sure I've actually spoken with anyone from Lirim before, but I've passed by the pack quite a few times." "I see," She just said adding nothing else for now.

"I'm hoping there will be some spars of some kind of participate in or watch at some point. I believe there's also going to be a race later so that should be interesting. I also noticed some craftsmen making some jewelry and garments earlier. I didn't bring anything to trade unfortunately, but they should be interesting to watch none of the less."

"Spars?" She asked with a faint interest,she was interested in that. "Ill see if i can participate." She said,for now not feeling interested in the rest of events.

[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-11-2020, 09:17 PM

He nodded in agreement to the statement that he would have to recruit more members. That would be the most difficult part of it, wouldn't it? He had the ambition and the vision for what it could be, but an empty pack wasn't a pack at all. When she asked about what it would be like he paused thoughtfully before replying. He had thought about that a good bit during his travels, but it seemed like every time he thought about it at this point he tweeted a few things here and there. There were certainly a few things that held true so he focused on those aspects of it. "I want to make sure that anyone that works hard toward improving themselves will be recognized for that effort. That's my biggest hope. Learning and training - I want that to be a big focus for my pack. Other than that, I just want to make somewhere that everyone feels safe and cared for... Somewhere that encourages everyone to look out for each other." He smirked a little as he glanced at her, adding, "It's a work in progress, but that's the idea. I'm not all that interested in the politics and making things too complicated... Just a safe place my members can be proud of."

When he mentioned the possibilities of spars he saw the first signs of interest in her expression and it made him grin a bit. "A fighter, huh?" he chuckled softly as he pulled himself to his paws, giving himself a quick shake. "If there are spars later maybe we'll get paired up!" he exclaimed with a wider grin. Fighting hadn't always been something that he found a lot of joy in, but the more he did it and the more skilled he got at it the more he seemed to enjoy it. He still saw it mostly as a form of protection for himself and his family, but there was a bit of fun and sport in it as well. He chuckled again, his tail wagging gently behind him. "Well, maybe I'll see you around then. It was nice chatting with you, Eir." With that he padded off into the crowd again to check out a few more of the tents he hadn't explored yet, his plans and thoughts of his future pack lingering in the pack of his head.
