
The Book of You and I




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 04:50 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2020, 12:56 AM by Ulric.)

They had spent a solid day traveling from the north back down through the heart of Boreas until they finally reached the eastern portion of the continent. They passed by the waterfalls and the hot springs that he often visited, but that wasn't the place that he thought of as home. By the time they reached the Lover's Mangroves it was evening and the sun was beginning to set. He was actually happy that it was later in the day when they arrived there because he knew the mangroves really came to life at night so Azariah would get to see it in its most wonderful and beautiful version.

As he led her into the dense forest of the mangroves the soft glow that always radiated through this place at night began to glimmer around them and it reminded him a bit of the fireflies that had flown around them by the falls the night before. He came to a stop in the middle of the mangroves and turned to face the woman that he had led here, giving her a warm smile while his tail wagged gently behind him. The whole trip here he kept waiting for this strange infatuation with her to fade, but if anything it just grew. Things felt so easy and so free around her and he couldn't help but smile when he looked at her. It made him wonder if this was how his mother and father had felt when they looked at each other, but he quickly abandoned the thought. Thinking of his father always pulled his mood down and he didn't want anything to disrupt this moment.

"Well, this is the Lover's Mangroves," he told her, glancing around at the trees around them before bringing his gaze back to Azariah's. He really wished he could think of a reason to explain away the small flutter he felt in his stomach every time he looked at her, but he just couldn't do it. "What do you think?"




5 Years

08-16-2020, 07:27 PM

While they traveled, Azariah found she couldn't keep her eyes off of Ulric as he moved. He was a well-built male, and as such, every step he took made the witch's mouth water. He would catch her staring every so often when he looked toward her, and she would quickly look away with a big grin and a small giggle. She kept pace with him easily enough and would see the way he would look at her, which only served to draw her in more. At a few points in their day-long trek, she had walked close enough to him so that their bodies would lightly touch before she set herself straight again. The monochrome woman found herself pulled more and more from her shell, finding it easy and comforting to be herself around him. It gave her silliness that hadn't been there since she was very young, and she was completely bewitched. So, fo the rest of their traveling, Azariah took to laughing and playing around.

With her mask placed over her face once again - the only real way to travel with it - Azariah was free to chat as much as she wanted without having to stop and put her father's skull down. It was an odd custom she had adapted, to carry her father's skull, and making it a mask made more sense. He had been a much larger wolf than herself, coming close to Ulric's own height, so wearing it was only as hard as pushing her face into it. She no longer thought of her father that often, his memory simply not worth carrying around when she lugged him everywhere she went. Maybe it had helped her cope with his loss better than she thought. The loss of her parents didn't bother her as much as it had, but she did wish she had someone for Ulric to meet.

Only ghosts haunted her past, but she felt more and more optimistic about her future. Throughout their day of traveling, Azariah regaled the grizzly-wolf with stories of the fae, without telling him she possessed the Sight. More than once that singular confession had ruined her, had seen her thrown to the curb, or even attacked outright. From their conversations, she knew he was not a judgemental wolf, but she wasn't quite ready for that particular confession. Instead, she passed along the tales she knew of faeries and their own mystical land, which she would soon discover bore striking resemblance to the mangroves.

Lover's Mangrove was everything Ulric had promised and more, giving her pause as her eyes first touched the land, this place was practically alive with faeries of all kinds. Respectfully, Azariah removed her mask as they entered, revealing her full features and displaying the awe she felt without hindrance. She was quite honestly floored by the sight of the mangroves, their natural luminescence obvious even at sunset. "Ulric...It's beautiful!" She exclaimed softly, her voice just barely above a whisper to convey the reverence and amazement she felt. Unconsciously, she leaned into him, not even realizing that it was becoming second nature to do so in such a short amount of time. At that moment, she felt like she needed him to hold her up or she would surely faint. His home was stunning and grew even more so as the sun got lower in the sky. Umbra would have loved the glowing branches of the trees, they would have hidden her very well. To Azariah, it was a palace, for them and for the fae, who swarmed once again to see the pair. Their lights only added to the radiating majesty of the place, and Aza had to sit down for a moment to take it all in. He had not warned her about this, and the surprise floored her.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

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Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
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Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-16-2020, 09:59 PM

Her reaction to his home was even better than he could have asked for. It seemed to floor her and once she took off the skull she wore as a mask he was able to see just how amazed she was by it. The luminescent glow the whole forest carried did make it quite the mystical place at night. During the day it wasn't much to look at, but once the darkness fell it really did become something special. If anything he only wished he had a way to capture the amazement on her face so that he could always enjoy it. His smile widened once she leaned into him and he happily held her weight against him while she enjoyed the spectacle of it all. He barely even noticed the view around them any more with the feeling of her form leaning into his capturing all of his attention. While she gazed around in awe at the lights, his pale, shimmering gaze remained fixed on her. Once she sat down he settled beside her with his side still brushing against hers.

He peered down at her with an adoring smile lingering on his face. He was absolutely enamored with how the glow of the mangroves glimmered off of the palest parts of her fur and in that moment it felt like this portion of the forest was detached from the rest of the world. The trees grew close enough together that it naturally felt a bit secluded as it was, but having her here made it feel different. For a long while he didn't speak or interrupt, he just let her enjoy everything around her. He had grown so accustomed to the mangroves and its unique features that the wonder of it was lost on him now, but it was still fresh and new and wondrous to her so he didn't want to take that moment away. Seeing her so happy made an emotion he wasn't familiar with well up in his chest and all of the sudden he felt the need to make her always feel that way. After a few moments he dared to curl his tail around her haunches and cross it over hers in a small little sign of affection.

It seemed impossibly crazy for him to feel so attached to someone he had met only a day ago now. There was just something between them that felt so comfortable and so easy - he didn't have to think about how to present himself and he adored that. He could just be himself and doing just that seemed to make her happy. Perhaps it was just the intimate, romantic setting he had accidentally placed them in, but being so close to her like this made him feel more daring that he might have been normally. He dipped his head down to hers and placed a gentle lick across one of her ears to get her attention. Once she looked up at him and her unique ruby eyes locked with his a wide smiled smile spread across his lips. The joy he felt was clear in his eyes as they shimmered gently in glow of the mangroves, the luminescent glow bringing out the silver flecks in his irises. "A good surprise?" he asked softly, his voice quiet since he felt like speaking too loudly would ruin this perfect setting around them.




5 Years

08-17-2020, 10:38 PM

Feeling his tail wrap around her and lay over hers, Azariah gave a soft smile and leaned more against him, taking in the sights of his home. For a good, while nothing was said as she openly gawked at their surroundings, the darker it got the more lights began to glow, and eventually they were silhouetted by natural night lights. Blood rubies wandered everywhere, mostly sneaking glances at him as the lights changed and seemed to swirl over the handsome face of Ulric. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him, and while she tried her best to take in the sights, they seemed to be dull when compared to him. One fae creature caught her attention as it sat on a glowing mushroom that grew from one of the trees, it was motioning toward the male and wiggling what could only be called eyebrows at him. The action brought a smile to her face, though the expression quickly changed to one of shock as she felt his gentle lick at her ear.

Her eyes were wide as she turned her head to meet the bright silver of his own gaze, the glow bringing out even more defining features in their depths as his perfectly scarred lips formed a question she didn't quite understand for a moment. What had he asked her? Ah, yes, was it a good surprise? Was what a good surprise? Her smile returned and while she was speechless even from a small show of affection as a lick to get her attention, she managed to finally answer him as she searched his gaze. "It is better than I could have ever imagined. I am so glad you asked me to come with you!" She too spoke quietly, as if she might break the mood if she spoke too loudly. It was then that she reached up and planted a sweet lick against his cheek, then pulled back to look meet his gaze once more. "Thank you for bringing me here, I simply love it!" She spoke softly, though excited and a bit breathless. Tucking her dainty head under his chin, she boldly burrowed her face into his chest, finding herself freer with her affections than she ever had been before.

Ulric brought out the bravery in her, what had kept her going the whole time she was alone. He soothed her anxiety in a way no other had, including her own parents when they had been alive. And if he allowed such close contact - not that she thought he wouldn't at this point - she would relax into him and listen to the beat of his heart while she watched the mangrove around them pulse with life to its cadence. There was peace with Ulric that she had not been able to find anywhere else in her travels. If their interactions were fated to be brief or long, she would be thankful for every moment of it. It was an odd sensation to feel as if she had known him for their whole lives, but there was something so natural with him. So easy it was to fall into him and lean toward him, to allow physical contact at all. It was something she could grow used to, and she craved more of him. She was falling for him faster than anticipated, but it was an easy fall, and she suspected that he would catch her.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-17-2020, 11:18 PM

He could see the surprise in her expression from his affection, but luckily she didn't seem to mind and made no effort to shift away from him because of it. He didn't even notice the pause and speechlessness that it had brought upon her - he was too caught up in the beauty of her eyes and features to pay attention to much else. He understood that this setting had a lot to do with this romantic mood he was settling in to, but he just didn't have it in him to resit it. He hadn't felt this happy in so long and it felt like his soul craved every bit of whatever this was that was forming so quickly between them. The analytical side of him told him that it was completely illogical to be so incredibly infatuated, but... the romantic in him didn't want it any other way. His heart fluttered in his chest when she reached up to place a kiss on his cheek, his lopsided grin coming back in full force. "No need to thank me. I'm so glad you're here."

When she tucked herself against his chest he lifted one of his forelegs so he could gently drape it around her shoulders and wrap her up in an embrace. He could make some sort of joke about wrapping her in a grizzly bear hug, but for now he was just trying to focus on not letting his heart beat its way out of his chest. Feeling her head on his chest felt right - as if she should have been there all along. It made him wonder if perhaps fate would have brought them together sooner if he hadn't spent years away from Boreas with his mother or if this was just went they were meant to cross paths. Would he have appreciated her presence as much as he did now back then? He wasn't so sure. Back then he had been so wrapped up in his own anger and had buried all of his feelings so far down that it was impossible for him to open up to anyone. He'd had time now to work through his past and decide what was important to him. Now he was ready to let someone else into his life.

Ulric dipped his head toward her again, this time so that he could nuzzle his face into the thicker fur around her scruff. Her scent filled his nose and she felt like home. There was a tiny, nagging worry that made him wonder if this same magic and wonder would still be there day after day and it was hard for him to not be distracted by that. Every decision he had made before now had been so carefully considered and for him to rush into this so blindly was very unlike him. For once he was letting himself follow his heart and it was scary for him. He lifted his head just enough to place another small lick across her ear and followed it up with another one at the end of her muzzle. "Azariah..." he whispered, his own uncertainty and nerves making him hesitate before he spoke. He knew that it was what he wanted, but he just couldn't decide why he was so sure of it. "I've never... I've never felt like this before. I know it sounds crazy, but I just... You just make me so happy."




5 Years

08-19-2020, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 12:26 AM by Azariah.)

In one motion, Ulric pulled her closer, wrapping her in his embrace rather than push her away. The very moment his leg rested across her back and she felt his face burrow into the scarred but soft scruff of her neck, Azariah felt something inside her relax and the tension that she always carried with her between her shoulder blades finally eased. What resulted was a melting of sorts. Without realizing it, Azariah was constantly tense, her muscles always tightly corded and ready to launch her into a run or fight at any moment. Contact had always meant pain, but her body's natural reaction to Ulric's touch had been to instantly relax, causing her to fit better against him; like a small puzzle piece sliding into place. The relaxation must have caused her to become dizzy or something because what followed next was a sensation that the world tilted ever so slightly toward Ulric, and seemed to spin with him in the center. She could only hold on and gasp softly as the spinning halted and seemed to finally click into place where their bodies met.

His gentle kisses added to the tilting, spinning, and swirling of their surroundings. The result of it all was a gentle panting and her heart wanted to leap from her chest. It was so much like a panic attack that the witch could hardly distinguish the two, but it wasn't fear she felt. To be honest, she wasn't sure what to call the feeling, other than warm and comforting. When he spoke her name, Azariah smiled and made a chirping, purring chuff deep in her chest to acknowledge he had spoken. Listening to his next words, she let another contented purr out, a sign she was supremely happy. It was a semi-vocal confirmation, a sound she had only uttered in the privacy of her den when she studied her collections of herbs and came across a particularly good smelling one or some other odd thing she enjoyed thoroughly. With the purr still in her voice, she looked up at him as he made what sounded like a confession, "I don't think it sounds that crazy at all, because I can relate completely," her grin was priceless and matched his earlier smile. It was her turn then, to give in to temptation and run with what had been brought to her. Safety, happiness, love...she could finally reach for it and hold it if that was indeed where they were headed.

Confidence was new to her, but instinct told her she could trust him, and she could still trust herself. It was with this and his own courage bolstering her that she decided she would tell him. "Ulric," his name was spoken with a soft purr in her voice, to further cement her happiness. She pulled back from him only enough that she could fully look him in the face, this close, one could see the small scars that still littered the top of her muzzle. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know more were beneath her white, black, and grey fur. "You make me happy too, but it's more than just that. I feel safe with you; like I am home." The vulnerability was clear in her voice, but she wore that softness with an odd regality. Shifting her body to be closer to his, Azariah lay her head against his chest once again, and even though it hurt by now to do so, smiled and allowed herself to enjoy the moment.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-19-2020, 06:00 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2020, 09:14 PM by Ulric.)

Ulric's grin stretched from ear to ear while he listened to Azariah speak. It was music to his ears to hear that he wasn't the only one feeling this wayand he wasn't alone in how they made each other feel. If she had told him that they should slow down or that she didn't feel the same as he did then he would have immediately backed off and respected whatever kind of pace or distance she wanted. However, she didn't say that. She told him that she was happy and that she felt safe. Hearing that he felt like home for her was something that he resonated with so strongly. Even now as he looked into her ruby eyes and took in all the little scars that criss crossed over her muzzle he just felt peace. He wanted to know everything about her and hear all of her stories. He'd never felt that for anyone else before and even though it felt so wildly out of character for him he just wanted to let himself give in to all of these things.

He watched her rest her head on his chest once again and he shifted his weight so that he could bring up his other foreleg to wrap around her as well - completely enveloping her in his embrace and hugging her to keep her tucked against his chest. He felt his throat tighten with emotion as he watched her resting so peacefully against his chest and that was the moment that he realized he wanted to make sure she was always this loved and this peaceful for the rest of her life. Of course there would be ups and downs - there always was in life - but if he could make her this happy just from showing her his home and letting her lean into him then he would give up everything to make sure he was able to continue doing that for her. One of his paws shifted to gently stroke over her scruff and back, repeating the gentle, caring motion again and again. As his claws trailed through her fur he could feel the slightly raised skin where scars were hiding underneath her coat. His sliver eyes drifted back to the top of her muzzle, back to the scars he had seen there. What have you been through? he thought to himself, a question that he didn't think he'd get an answer to tonight.

He continued to gently rub her back while he let himself begin to speak. He really didn't know what he wanted to say until it came out of his mouth, but maybe that was for the best. He let himself speak from the heart and that was about all he knew how to do in this moment. "Azariah, I don't have anything to offer you besides my heart. I don't have a home to offer you, my family is in bits and pieces that I don't know how to reassemble, and I don't know the first thing about loving anyone." He let his paw slip back around her, giving her a gentle squeeze in his arms. "But I promise you... I will build a home for us, I will put our family above everything else, and I will do my very best to love you the way that you deserve to be loved. He paused and he gave a small glance toward her muzzle again and with a small frown he lifted his paw to her face so that he could let a single paw pad carefully trace over the scars that were scattered over the bridge of her nose. He knew that these were the ones he could see most easily because of the thin fur there and it made him wonder how many more were just out of sight.




5 Years

08-25-2020, 01:21 AM

Every word that came spilling from him, the witch could tell was the truth, and he was genuine. He wasn't toying with her feelings, he wasn't just saying what she wanted to hear, and there was no violence. For once, Azariah knew she was home, and safe. She was quite thankful for him already, and she couldn't have imagined a better man to have fawn over her. She didn't panic when his legs were brought around her so he could gently stroke her back, making that odd purring sound come up again. It was a very feminine sound, one of clear satisfaction. When he spoke, she listened, confused at his beginning. "Ulric, love," Azariah started with a giggle and a soft kiss planted on his chest, "We can build a home for us, we will come together, and we will prosper. Your promise is beautiful, and I can make you one as well. I promise I will always be here, I will support you, and I will love you to the best of my ability. It won't be perfection all the time, but I will be there when the work is hard." She smiled and looked up to meet the bright silver of his eyes, then touched her nose to his in a quick kiss of sorts. Azariah did not make promises lightly. When she gave her word, she died by her word. It was a quirk of hers, promises could be fatal if given to the wrong wolf, or at least scarring.

His gentle touch on her muzzle gave her a sad smile, she would tell him her story one day, but the night was wearing on her by this point. It showed in subtle ways, her eyes closing for just a bit too long for example. She didn't want the night to end, but his touch eased her in ways no other had, and she let her head fall back to his chest. "I will tell you my story soon, it is very won't like it. Tonight is not a night for such things, tonight we are meant to be blissful, and at peace." Her garnet-ruby eyes shined in the glow of the mangrove, and she gave him a tired smile, giving him a proper kiss before she hopped up from where she was seated and waved her tail. " gonna take me home?" She asked playfully, though drowsiness dripped through the excitement.

Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-29-2020, 09:28 PM

Hearing her return his promise to him - a promise to be there for him, to support him, and love him through all of the work they would need to do to build their home - meant the world to him. He'd never truly felt seen or loved or supported by anyone. He had always been the one doing that for someone else. He knew his mother loved him dearly, but she had been so wrapped up in her own grief for years to be the support he needed. His nieces were too young to know any better and his sister had far too many of her own issues to even begin to think about him. Most of the time he didn't feel the need to have other's care about how he was feeling or what he needed and he was more than happy to care for his family when they needed him, but it was nice to know that someone else was looking out for him instead. He smiled as her nose touched his and he gently squeezed her in his embrace. He hadn't been confident about being able to make a home for his family here, but with Azariah's help... he was feeling far more confident about his chances.

His ears perked forward to catch her words when she leaned her head back against his chest, listening as she spoke of telling him her very sad story. He was sure she was right about him not liking it, but it was a story he wanted to hear none of the less. He wanted to know everything about her till he knew her better than he knew himself. He wanted to learn every single inch of her - physically and mentally. Fate had brought them together and he was determined to not let this chance to love and be loved slip away from him. However, he agreed that tonight was better left to happier topics. This night would be reserved for nothing less that pure love and joyfulness. His eyes caught her beautiful ruby gaze when she looked back up at him and he could easily see how sleep was beginning to pull at her. It was getting very late and they had done a lot of traveling today so he certainly wasn't surprised. He was starting to feel pretty tired himself, but his attention had been so caught up in her that he had barely noticed.

He returned her kiss with a small grin and he chuckled softly when she hopped up and asked about taking her home. It was their home now and he really, really liked the sound of that. "I want nothing more," he replied as he got to his paws as well, his tail wagging gently behind him. He planted another kiss on her muzzle just out of a pure desire for every ounce of affection he could get before turning to lead her a bit deeper into the mangroves. He brought her to a den that he had dug out between a couple of the mangrove trees. The raised roots of the trees formed the top of the door way and once they were inside you could see some of the tendrils of roots poking through the dirt walls in certain places. The entirety of the floor was covered with layered deer hides, the furs making for a plush bed. He'd made the den to be fairly spacious for just him so it wouldn't feel quite as spacious for the both of them, but he didn't imagine they would need a whole lot of space when he was certain they would be curled together when they sleep.

"Home sweet home," he told her as he settled down onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow so he could still speak with her easily. He gave her a smile and motioned for her to join him. "I'll dig it out a bit more in the morning so we can have some more space. Of course you're more than welcome to change anything you'd like. It's your home now too."




5 Years

09-02-2020, 01:35 AM

Home. Safety. Warmth. Love. Words she had never associated with herself as having. While there had been warm moments, safe moments with Lucifer, there had been no true safety. He had been a savage wolf, but she had promised to be his queen, his servant. It had taken quite the toll on her, and she had vanished from Boreas and Auster all together to avoid being hunted, when the volcano erupted it had been pure luck. No savior like mother nature. Azariah had gone back to look for the demonic male, but all she had found was a few dark fae and the corpse of the king. Having been with the satanic brute for nearly two years of her life, she mourned him - for she had truly loved parts of him. Looking back she had always been the outcast, the unwanted, unwelcomed until she met Lucifer, and now Ulric. The first had been cruel, had taught her the dangers of males, the danger of the world. Ulric was altogether different and he had her every instinct screaming home.

Affection was something she easily showed those she trusted, and was on full display as he came in for a quick kiss before they left, returning the sweet gesture and moving with him as he made to go. Azariah kept close to his side, enough that their fur touched but she would not be under paw, her tail occasionally waving to gently caress the back of his leg or brush along the length of his own tail. Small gestures, but ones that meant she thought of him as they walked and needed the contact to remind herself that he was real. Unsure of what was to come, but excited nonetheless, Azariah followed Ulric to the den he had made. Opting to make small talk on the way.

Once home, Azariah stopped and gawked at the doorway, her tail slowly waving as anticipation tore through her. Just the frame was admirable, the time it would have taken to carve it between the trees, to have them come down perfectly around the entrance to the den was a mythological feat. Her expectations were up and she excitedly entered the den after him, finding the hide lined floors and just enough wiggle room for her to move around him without making things overly awkward. Already she felt it was home, relaxation nearly instant as she took in the spicy scent of Ulric and the earthy scent of the den. Catching his words, Azariah smiled and set those ruby red eyes on his silvery ones. "It is perfect, just the way it is. I suppose a bit of room to move around would not be wholly out of the question, if you plan to do more in here than sleep." While she did have a touch of claustrophobia, the den didn't make her feel squeezed in or cramped. Though, she supposed it might have something to do with the fact that her love was a full foot taller than she was. Smiling to him, the witch took in the rugged handsomeness of him, taking the time to fully appreciate what she looked at. She didn't bother to hide her looking either, slowly becoming more comfortable with him and letting it settle in her mind that he was to be hers.

Ulric settled down onto his side, motioning her to come to be next to him, a request she obliged with no hesitation. He said he would dig the den out for a bit more space, and she felt a little guilty for her remark as a result. Had she made him feel the need to change anything? Azariah certainly hoped not, but his offer was endearing and brought a smile to her face. "I have no true complaint about space, but I understand the need for it." Chuckling softly in the darkness, Azariah tucked herself into his side making sure not to step on him. "It is good to be home. In our home." Planting a soft kiss on the side of his muzzle, Azariah lay her head across the top of his front paws, tucking her toes as gently as she could under him. Sleep dragged at her, but she couldn't bring herself to surrender just yet. Truthfully, she didn't want the night to end, afraid that if she did wake then it would all be a dream and nothing more...

"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-06-2020, 01:34 AM

Seeing how she reacted to his little piece of home made him smile. He really hadn't thought much of it when he built it, but to her it was special and now he could look at it in a whole new light. She seemed to be doing that a lot. Se looked at things so much differently than he did, but in the best possible ways. She made him see the beauty in things around him. Even still, it all paled in comparison to how perfectly beautiful she was to him. Even as she joined him in the den after he had laid down along the far side of the space, he just watched her taking it all in with a small, contented smile on his lips. Everything she did was so breathtaking and he just couldn't possibly get enough of her. If even a small fraction of this fascination and adoration lingered though the rest of their time together then he was certain they would do just fine.

Once she was tucked into the curve of his side, he smiled as she licked the side of his muzzle and tucked herself into him with her head on his paws. It still didn't feel like it was enough, so he carefully slipped one of his paws from under her so he could drape the large limp gently around her shoulders. He pulled her tight against him, letting her smaller frame fit perfectly into his. She was perfect in every way as far as he was concerned and now she was his. "Our home," he agreed with a smile as he wrapped her up in his warm embrace, resting his head alongside hers. Sleep was beginning to catch up to him as well and with her warm, comforting presence he thought that he might actually have his first night of deep sleep in years, but he wasn't ready for sleep. The way her scent filled their den was intoxicating and just feeling how their fur melded together made him feel as it was impossible for him to be close enough to her.

He shifted his muzzle a bit to be able to place gentle, tender licks across her ears and face, showering her entirely in kisses while he held her tight to him. He'd never had anyone the way he wanted Azariah, but then again, he'd never loved someone the way he loved her either. He was certain that there was going to be plenty of firsts for him as their relationship progressed and this would be the first. He let the paw that was resting around her shoulders lightly trace through her fur, the strands of hair parting around his claws as they traced the curve of her side. He nuzzled his face into the thicker fur around her scruff and let all of his senses become overwhelmed by the floral notes of her scent. "Azariah... Can I...?" he asked her, his voice soft and heavily laden with desire. He'd never push her toward anything she didn't want, but he couldn't deny how much he wanted to completely meld with her and shower her with every ounce of love he had in his body.




5 Years

09-06-2020, 09:27 PM

His arms were exactly where she wanted to be, and she pressed into him to better fit their bodies together. She lavished in his kisses and made her happy purring sounds as he showered her with his affections. Laughing softly as he left a shimmering trail of tingles where ever he kissed, Aza returned his loving attentions, sneaking in her own kisses and nipping gently at his ears when she could. The spicy earthen scent of him enveloped her senses as she nosed through the fur of his neck, gently grazing her teeth here and there in gentle strokes. There was an unnamed scent in the air, one she had previously feared, but now it made her excited and warm. Between the season's start, his affections, that scent, and what it all meant made her nervous. She knew she was safe, that he would not hurt her. Her body shivered as his paw trailed her body, pressing her more firmly against him. His touch had her almost panting, and the usually skittish woman felt somehow emboldened by his question. The desire that was so clearly there would become a drug for her, she was sure.

Azariah was sad in a way, she couldn't give him the gift of herself. That had been ripped away from her in a brutal way, but...she could still give herself to him. She wanted to, he was everything to her, even if it had been such a short time. Even through her anxiousness, desire warmed her, needing him to wash her clean in a sense. Another delighted shiver racked her frame, his gentleness and love could be felt, there was no pressure here and no threat. He was her safety, her happy place now. Slowly, she nodded her head, "Yes, love..." Her voice was a heady whisper, heavily laden with desire and need. She needed to come together fully with him. Needed the release he offered her, a place where she didn't have to be afraid, or nervous. Sleepy bedroom rubies met the shining silver of his, and she turned her head so that she could kiss him as they melded their lives - and bodies - fully. Her true love, there were many firsts they could share...

- fade? -
"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-07-2020, 12:22 AM

If someone would have told him a few days ago that he could fall so head over heals so quickly he would have told them they were insane. He had mostly given up on the idea of falling in love or even finding someone that he felt he might be compatible with. He'd found both in one fell swoop and he couldn't believe that this was actually real. They melted into each other as if they were always meant to be that way - and he was starting to think that maybe they were. There must have been a reason why life had kept him from loving anyone else and as they covered each other in the most thrilling and tender kisses he silently decided it was because fate was saving him for her. She was his missing piece and now he felt like he could finally be happy and content. They both had their own issues to work through, but that was okay. They could do that together. He finally had the support and love he had been craving for most of his life and she would always him to love her and prove to her that she is perfect and loved.

She gave him that permission he needed in a whisper that hold him that he wasn't the only one feeling this wonderful, maddening desire. Everywhere that her body touched his felt like it was on fire in the most pleasant way imaginable. He melted into her and for the first time made her completely his. Every inch of her skin that he could reach was graced with a kiss or the most gentle of nibbles. Every time he found a scar he paid it special attention, covering the mark of something dark and sinister in her life with healing, tender love. He was clumsy and even a bit awkward at first, but he eventually found his way as he settled into the most true showing of his love he could manage to give her. He still didn't know all of her story and he wasn't sure how long it would take for her to tell him the story that she seemed so very certain that he wouldn't enjoy hearing, but he didn't care. He wanted to drown out any of the darkness that still lingered in her mind and make her feel the love and protection she deserved to feel.

- fade -

He rested his head and shoulders leaned up against the wall of the den once they were done and spent, a content smile lingering on his lips. He held Azariah's smaller form on top of his with her head on his chest and his forelegs wrapped around her form to hold her steady there. His sleepiness had already been creeping up on him before they tangled together and it was firmly pulling at him now. He stayed awake for just another moment longer, watching Azariah's pale form in the darkness. He watched the peaceful rise and fall of her chest and enjoyed the way their scents mixed and mingled together in the still air of their den. She was his and he was hers. That thought alone brought him more peace that he could have ever thought possible.




5 Years

09-07-2020, 08:54 PM
It had been beautiful, their melding. The comfort and peace she felt had no equal, save maybe Ulric's own. She was happy, safe, loved, and warm; her knowledge stemming from his embrace. Held tight against his chest as she was, the witch could not help the heady call of sleep. Trying as hard as she could to fight the heaviness of her eyelids, Azariah purred softly as she made a soft groan of protest. Knowing she could fight sleep no longer, the monochrome woman would give a final purring whisper, making sure he would hear her. With her soft lips against the shell of Ulric's ear, she gave a whisper before falling asleep, "I love you, Ulric." Then she tucked her face against his neck and let the best sleep she had ever gotten consume her.

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3