
Make things a little sweeter

Night - Spring Skill Prompt



6 Years
Athena I

08-06-2020, 12:17 AM

The walked out into the estuary with a very specific goal in mind. Usually when she left the pack lands this day it was only to do some general scouting and collecting for more herbs, but with the honey that her daughters had shared with her she was incredibly curious for what she could do with it. A bag that she had borrowed from one of her family members was hanging across her back and had a piece of honeycomb that had been wrapped carefully in leaves was tucked inside. This was going to be a day of experimenting, trial, and error and she was incredibly excited about it. She would have brought Elba with her for the experience since she knew how much her daughter enjoyed the lessons involving healing skills, but her daughter had her sights set on working on her fighting skills today and she certainly wasn't going to be one to discourage that.

She looked around the Avian Estuary curiously as she walked, smiling a little to herself as she remembered their first days in Boreas and how they had stayed here to prepare before going to Valhalla for the first time. She and Ochre had certainly enjoyed it if nothing else and it seemed like her girls had been quite entertained by having a new place to explore. Coming to Boreas had proven to be a wise choice so far and she could only hope that trend continued. The birds sand and chirped cheerfully around her, feeling like a positive sign to match her hopeful thoughts.

After a bit of searching she was able to find the few remnants of the hive her silly girls had knocked out of the tree. There really wasn't much left - they had done a fine job with collecting it to bring home. The reached into her bag and pulled out a few spare leaves she had brought and began to wrap up the few pieces she could salvage from the remains. At the very least she felt like she had more material to work with for her experiments and that made her happy.

A sound somewhere behind her made her ears perk and she lifted her head to look around, her dual blue gaze searching for whatever had caused it. "Hello? Is someone there?" she called, scanning the trees near her. Perhaps she was just hearing things or maybe it was a bird taking off that she had mistaken for something else. She waited for a moment longer to see if anyone would actually come forward, a bit too cautious to just continue on with her task without being sure.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

08-09-2020, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2020, 04:20 PM by Night.)

Night walked on her own with a quick pace,after her encounter with the aggressive male she now took bigger precautions in her travels. And walking fast seemed to be a good way to do so. Being small made of her easy prey not for only hostile males but for other predators.But being alone seemed much better than being around the wrong people.sometimes her own kind could be even more dangerous than any other species.The male's situation was just a good example for that and because of that, she preferred to live on her own if that helped.

Slowly she used her nose to maybe try to track any sort of meal. A dead animal could be a good option today if she could find one that's it. The wind seemed to come from behind her so the scents were harder to locate. But good enough for catching a faint scent of honey. Tempting but she needed food more than anything else.

But she insisted on checking out and following the scent she found an old hive, recently knocked out it seemed. But before she could come any closer another wolf approached the hive, and in the rush to leave she ended up stepping on a fallen stick. She just froze in her place.


wc- 213 - 655/1500
[Image: try-1.png]



6 Years
Athena I

08-12-2020, 04:05 PM

The scent of another woman got her attention and pulled her blue hued gaze toward the wolf in question. The was almost out of sight, but the black and gray wolf hadn't quite fully disappeared into the trees. It seemed like the twig that she had heard had been from her and she had clearly been running the other way even though she wasn't sure why. Daelos didn't really think this smaller woman could be a threat so it made her relax some. A smile touched her lips and she called out, "Oh, hello! It's alright, you don't have to run!" She began to glance around and tried to figure out what it had been that maybe the stranger had wanted here if anything and her two-toned gaze landed on the honey comb that she was in the middle of packing up to take with her.

"Did you want some honey?" she asked, looking back up at the woman. "There's plenty here, I'd be happy to share!" There was more than enough for her to do her experiments and still have some to take back with her when she considered the amount she had already brought with her to use. She backed away from the hive a bit to give her some more space. She certainly didn't want to make her new acquaintance uncomfortable. As she began to step away, she spotted a patch of marshmallow plant and her ears immediately perked up. "Ah! That's one of the herbs I was looking for!" she exclaimed, her tail wagging behind her as she trotted over to the plant, collecting several small bunches of the leaves.

Total WC:  929/1500

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

08-20-2020, 09:21 AM

Her limbs didnt respond to her attempts to run,to escape this horrifying situation,well at least it was for her.Night really loathed tp be this close to a stranger,to death.Her heart pounded fast as she didn't know what to do, neither words nor her body reacted. She was facing one of her main fears right in front of her. "Sorry," Was the only word she managed to articulate, feeling the need to try to save her life even though the older female wasnt really threatening her, instead she was offering the honey."Did you want some honey?" She looked away lowering her ears, feeling she was going to die if she said yes. She indeed needed the honey,for getting energy from it. But fear stopped her from asking away.

"There's plenty here, I'd be happy to share!" "Thank you...." She said with cold expression and with ears and tail low she finally could make her limbs move, approaching the hive but looking at the other female like if she thought she was going to be attacked at any second. And slowly she approached her muzzle to the fallen hive but before anything the other female spoke again startling her a bit.

Looking at her she contemplated the female's discovery. "What is it?...." She asked but she wasnt sure if that was wise, what if the other decided to beat her for asking? Others did that to her before,and she didnt want to go through the same issue again. "Sorry..." She apologized once again.

wc- 251 wc total=1.180/1500

"Speech" | 'Thoughts'

[Image: try-1.png]



6 Years
Athena I

08-20-2020, 05:45 PM

The smaller, younger woman seemed to be absolutely terrified of her for some reason, but she was pretty sure it wasn't specifically her she was afraid of, just other wolves in general. It made Daelos sad to see her so timid, but she was also a complete stranger so it was hard for to guess why she could possibly be like this. Even after she reasured the two toned woman she still seemed incredibly unsure about coming to collect the honey she had been offered. Daelos tried to keep from watching her so closely so perhaps she wouldn't feel so threatened, but then she heard the stranger ask about the herbs she had found. It brought her two-toned gaze back up to the young woman and she smiled brightly. Any chance to talk about herbs and medicines was a thrill for her. It was one of the reasons why she had been happy that Elba had ended up having a love for healing as well so she almost always had someone to talk about the subject with. Ochre would listen to her ramblings well enough, but she could tell he didn't enjoy it in the same way that she did.

Before she could start explaining what it was she heard an apology for asking and a little frown crossed her muzzle. "No need to apologize - I love talking about herbs and sharing knowledge about them! It's one of my favorite things." Her smile returned and her tail wagged gently behind her before she gave the marshmallow plant a nod and began to explain. "This is marshmallow. It's a little hard to find, but it's a great herb to have on hand. It's perfect for sort throats and coughs as well as soothing teething pups! I thought it would be an amazing herb to pair with the honey since honey can help with sore throats as well so combined it would be a powerhouse for a cold. Well, at least that's what I'm hoping!" She grinned excitedly before going back to collecting several bunches of the stuff and tucking it into her bag. Even if it didn't actually go very well with the honey it was still a good thing to keep with her.

She left a small bunch of it out of the bag and carried it over to where the honey was sitting. "Do you want to try some with me?" she offered, as she placed the marshmallow leaves she had collected between them. "It can have a very medicinal taste to it so I'm not sure how it's going to pair with the honey, but the honey's sweetness tends to overpower everything." She sat back on her haunches so that she could scoop up some of the honey into her paw before picking up a few of the marshmallow leaves between her teeth. She placed the leaves into the honey that was glistening on her paw pads and used her other paw to mush the two things together into a paste of sorts. Once that was done she licked the concoction off of her paw and began to taste it curiously like someone would taste a new wine. "Hm! Not bad!" she decided after a moment of consideration. It really just added a bit of sweetness to the strong taste of the herb and she imagined she could probably adjust the ratio for a pup to make it even sweeter.

Total WC: 1753/1500

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

08-20-2020, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2020, 08:40 PM by Night.)

"No need to apologize - I love talking about herbs and sharing knowledge about them! It's one of my favorite things." "Okay," She said still kinda unsure about the other female's words,but maybe she should try to enjoy but she just couldn't,she was trapped by the chains of slavery. Chains of pain and constant abuse. She didnt know how to speak too much but she could defend herself still. "This is marshmallow. It's a little hard to find, but it's a great herb to have on hand. It's perfect for sort throats and coughs as well as soothing teething pups! I thought it would be an amazing herb to pair with the honey since honey can help with sore throats as well so combined it would be a powerhouse for a cold. Well, at least that's what I'm hoping!" She nodded as finally allowed herself to sit down.

"Okay,we use for when we have stomach ache too?" With bad spelling, she spoke trying to ask. Though she still had some insecurities about having the right to speak or ask."Do you want to try some with me?" "Thank you," She said with cold eyes hiding the fear and curiosity under. That was how she was,serene on the outside, broken in the inside.

She approached as the other female did the smash with the honest licking her paw and saying it was great. Shivering a bit she licked some. "Me likes...."

"Speech" | 'Thoughts'

[Image: try-1.png]