
No rock unturned

Naiche - search party


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-24-2020, 07:51 PM

They had started out from the Armada's lands and moved toward Arie's lands just as she had promised. They got as close to the other pack's lands as she had dared without putting them in a position that they would have been noticed near their borders, but no where that they searched smelled anything like Malalia's scent. She had partially suspected Arie for foul play given the fact that they had so recently bested them in a raid, but it seemed like she could almost certainly clear them of suspicion. That had driven them down toward the southern continent. As soon as she realized that Malalia's scent wasn't anywhere near the land bridge that would take them to Auster it almost drove Tamsyn to turn around and head back... but they had come this far so they might as well try. It was very possible that her scent just hadn't been able to linger for very long on the thin, sandy strip of land after all.

She was already beginning to feel a bit grim about their chances when they reached the waterfall that was perhaps a quarter of the way into Auster's land. She came to a stop at the top of the waterfall that flowed down through a cedar wood forest. She wished they had come here with a better, more pleasant reason since the scenery was actually quite lovely. "We'll keep going in a moment," she told the young man that she had chosen as her travel companion as she settled onto her haunches with a sigh. "I just want to get off my feet for a moment." They had covered quite a bit of distance in a short amount of time, but she knew they had move to cover before she could confidently tell Sirius that they hadn't been able to find Malalia here.

"Talk" Think



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-25-2020, 09:14 AM

Naiche had never been farther south than the armada.  His family had traveled higher up north of those lands so while this was a somber mission he was still enjoying it.  Whether it was growing up in a traveling band or perhaps just the personality he had been born with Naiche enjoyed exploring new landscapes.  The bifrost had been exceptionally fascinating to him.  A stretch of sparkling land with the water visible on either side.

The young wolf had plenty of stamina by both age and being use to traveling but it was a long distance and so he felt all the miles that they had traveled.  Naiche was planning to sit as she mentioned resting but he had to go to the edge of the waterfall and look down.  The interest in both the sights and the scents that carried from the waterfall was more than he could ignore for the moment.  

He spent approximately a minute at the edge of the falls before moving to sit back closer to Tamsyn.  Naiche had made for a quiet companion, willing to remain silent as they had ran unless Tamsyn had started conversation, that didn't mean he had no questions.  Of the two of them Tamsyn would be the only one to recognize this wolf he had never seen, or know anything of her.  "Can you tell me what she looks like while we rest, and anything about her?" Part of that was in case they got split up, part of it just curious about the one of high rank who had disappeared.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-26-2020, 11:27 PM

She was glad she had decided to have Naiche accompany her for the southern portion of their search. She knew he enjoyed the exploration of it as much as she did and his yearling endurance helped encourage her to keep going. She was in very good shape and certainly didn't have a problem with the long distances they were traveling, but she couldn't deny that she was a fair bit older than he was and he certainly had that energy that you only had when you were that age. None of the less, she had taken a liking to him since the day that he had joined her on a patrol and he was proving to be a good traveling companion.

Her gaze shifted away from the landscape and landed on his pale tan form when he questioned her for more information on Malalia. Of course, she had forgotten that he probably hadn't been a part of the Armada long enough to know her since she had been missing for a good amount of time now. "Of course," she agreed easily with a small nod. "She's just a tad shorter than me, about the same build. Her fur is a mix of tan, gray, and cream and she has green eyes. If I remember correctly she had a silver bracelet on her back leg that she wore all the time it seemed like." If she was being honest, she really hadn't known Malalia all that well either besides the few times that their positions in the pack crossed over.

"I'm really surprised that she just disappeared," Tamsyn mused as she turned her mint eyes back over the landscape. The cedar trees made it feel like a completely different world from the plains that they lived in normally and she was pretty sure she hadn't really seen any pine trees like these since her adventures through the north with Natha. "She and I both competed for the Reaper position and at least during that competition she had seemed extremely motivated and hard working. She ended up winning and I was put as General for coming in second place... I hope she's okay."

"Talk" Think



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-27-2020, 04:23 PM

Naiche loved the landscape but as he spoke with Tamsyn almost all his focus was on her.  There was that small portion of him that still paid attention to the scents around him but that was only in case something were too surprise them.  The tan coated wolf nodded occasionally as she talked to let her know he was paying attention without interrupting.  Naiche had no plan to split away from Tamsyn to search but life loved throwing the unexpected at you.  It was important in Naiche's mind to know as much as possible.

"You're surprised she'd just leave, so would you say more than likely something happened to her instead of a personal choice?"  The world wasn't a safe place and if she had been alone it was possible that she had become injured and incapable of returning, or dead.  He didn't know this wolf but he hoped not.  She was pack, even if not a member he knew of it.  She was also strong pack which made her even more important.

his eyes flicked sideways for a moment as two squirrels in one of the tree's were having quite the argument.  Screaming at one another with the larger chasing the smaller.  Too high up and too small for a meal but loud enough that Naiche imagined hearing them on the other side of the falls.  Rodents were hardly any brighter than the grass.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-28-2020, 10:15 AM

Tamsyn frowned when Naiche asked about the possibility of something happening to Malalia. She didn't want to admit it because admitting it made it feel like it could be more real, but she couldn't deny the possibility of it. At the same time, she almost kind of hoped that Malalia had a good reason for disappearing the way she had. If she suddenly turned back up without a reason behind her disappearance then she feared for how Sirius would react. Either way, it didn't seem like her absence would end well. As long as she was okay then Tamsyn could make peace with that. "I hope not... I hope she's okay. I just can't imagine someone like her leaving without a reason." Whether that reason was something happening to her or if it was a choice she made... they may never know.

With a sigh she got back to her paws and scanned the area around them again. She was very clearly not here. The scent of the pine trees was pretty strong, but there was not even a faint hint of her scent here. They needed to keep moving even though her motivation to search was quickly dwindling. "Alright... Let's keep moving." She turned and wove her way though the cedar trees, her mint gaze flicking up to the path ahead of her at the sound of a bush rustling. She watched as a rabbit darted across her path and into another section of under brush. They'd keep moving south though the unknown territory and she kept testing the air for Malalia's scent even though she was growing more certain that it was a lost cause.

"Talk" Think



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-01-2020, 08:42 PM

“Sorry,” Naiche realized a bit late his question wasn’t one that sat well with Tamsyn.  To Naiche it was a member of the pack that was important but he had no personal links too, for Tamsyn it was more.  Naiche had a sense he would never get to know her either.  He remembered waking up to his grandfather just not being there.  The young wolf had known the reason for it and felt there was honor in not wanting to burden Naiche but there had been no sense of closure.  Maybe that was part of the reason joining the pack was such a relief, not just for support but maybe he had been desperate for family more than he wanted to believe.  Nah, he wasn’t that soft. “There is still a chance one of us will find her.” It was pretty weak support, but all he had.

Naiche stood up as Tamsyn did, “Sure.” Naiche’s muscles twitched at the sight of the rabbit, but this wasn’t time to hunt and the rabbit already had a head start.  Naiche followed Tamsyn, once more keeping quiet as Tamsyn searched for the scent.  The most he could offer was to keep his own senses sharp for what he did know, any form of predator or the scent of wolf in generic.  She should really notice anything he would though so it wasn't much.  Hopefully at least silent support offered something.