
Fun in the Sun



10 Years
08-27-2013, 11:28 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2013, 11:30 AM by Aures.)

Odette was out and about on a lovely, sunny day. The summer was dwindling down for fall, and from what Ocena had told her, the nice, hot days would be replaced with cooler temperatures. Even though it was hard to separate the cool weathers of fall from the Northern temperatures that swept around the beach early in the morning, Odette knew there were differences to both. For that particular day, she was going to enjoy every bit of the beach she could!

The young pup had woken up a bit earlier than the family, but it was becoming a usual part of her morning routine, that she didn't think it so surprising anymore. She had lain awake, resting next to Gargoyle and looking out and around their den. Odette had gotten a bit of catnap in before she felt her father's massive form stir. It didn't take long for her to rise with him and give him a morning lick. What was the most fun was having the chance to wake up her sister and brother with tackles and playful growls. The fun was short-lived, however, as she woke Ocena and turned her loving licks onto her black and white face. Love was all Odette knew from her family, and that was something she would hold dear for future years.
The morning had worn on and the sun was now a bit higher in the sky. Odette, having been relaxing in the sand for a minute or two, was observing her surroundings as well. She saw Galahad and Oracle playing in the waves, enjoying the water that splashed against the shore. Ocena was a bit of a ways off, keeping watch over all three of her newest babies. Papa was absent, but probably off patrolling or looking for food to eat for lunch. All in all, Odette was content.
Another nap was making its way towards Odette when a familiar - and rare - scent reached her nostrils. Ears perked and she looked around for the source, knowing it wouldn't be long before she caught it. It didn't take long for Odette to rise on all fours and go running down the beach, in the opposite direction of where her family was. She yelled his name as she ran, getting closer with each puppy run. "LEO! LEEEEOOO!" Excitement rang in her high-pitched puppy tones and she didn't mind bumping into his leg when she finally reached him. "LeoLeo, LeoLeo!" Odette began gasping for breath, working her lungs overtime as she tried to jump up and nip at his ears. Tail wagged fast behind her as she looked up to her older brother. Having him around was a rare treat indeed and she couldn't help but be excited!



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08-30-2013, 09:48 PM

i'll open up and be your parachute and i'll never let you down

Galileo had not been around for his siblings as much as he had planned to be. He had begun to patrol the edges of their makeshift territory, keeping an eye on things away from the home base. A good offense was the best defense, after all. He had yet to have any issues with wolves coming too close to his family, but Galileo was always on the lookout for such things. He was not going to let anyone get hurt like his father had been after that battle. No, Galileo would always look after his family. And he would destroy anyone who tried to hurt them.

The thought drew a hint of a snarl to his features, and anger twisted deep down in his gut, serving only to remind him of the fact that he was not a saint, as much as he worked to be. His mother had taught him to do what was right, but lately, Galileo was starting to wonder, and he wasn't proud of that. That was another reason that he had begun to pull away from his siblings. Orica had been gone for a few days now, foraging or some such, and Galileo found that he missed his darling sister. What if she was hurt?

However, even as more anger twisted in his mind, Galileo found himself distracted by the bright words of his younger sister, Odette, and Galileo slowed to a stop, a smile crossing his features as she leaped at him, nipping at whatever parts she could reach. The male laughed as he leaned down to nuzzle the youngster, "Odette!" He greeted her happily, tail wagging gently as he straightened up, "How's my favorite anklebiter doing?" Literally, he thought dryly as he examined the size difference between the two. She was small enough that his ankles would probably be a pretty easy target.




10 Years
08-31-2013, 10:33 AM

The excitement that had been ringing in Odette's words was also evident in her actions. She hadn't seen her older brother in what felt like forever, so having him in the flesh was a real treat indeed. Her little tail continued to wag fast and she nuzzled his legs with a cold nose as he greeted her. "I've been great, Leo," she said, immediately answering his question without a second thought. "Just rolling around in the sand until you showed up!"
Her bi-colored orbs danced across her big brother's face before she ran around him to stand on his other side, facing the same direction. Odette craned her neck to look at him again before padding a few steps ahead of him. "I must not wait too long, Leo. My kingdom needs me and I can't leave it! Come!" She marched off with a regal air, her head and tail in the air as she pranced back to her chosen part of the beach. "You shall be my guest of honor!"



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8 Years
09-01-2013, 06:08 PM

. . .

Oracle had been slow to wake that morning staying at the back of there small family group as they trouped out onto the sand. The night before she had crept out for a chance under the full moon it had been beautiful the stars shinning and the moon gleaming she had stayed on the soft white sand until the milky orb had risen high into the sky before stumbling back to the nest, she had slept on her own curled at the back of the den, it was a sure sign that she had wandered out, still she had got only a few hours sleep before Odette had woken them she had fought back but half heartedly letting her sister roll her tummy up before leaping away to wake ma. She had thought she had caught a glance from her father as she had emerged from the cave yawning widely,but she might have imagined it.

Reaching the sand she paused and stretched yawning widely once more before something caught her eye it skittered along the shore and it wasn't long before she was bouncing after it. The crab had tiny claws and though it skittered down its burrow to try and avoid her she caught it in the end digging it out and crunching it between her rear teeth, it didn't taste as good as mouse or rabbit and she quickly spat it back onto the sand. The day wore on and she almost forgot how tired she had been that morning as she chased Gala through the shadows laughing as the salty spray coated her fur. It was ode's call which alerted her to the presence on the beach and she turned watching as her sis barrelled down the beach towards the wolf moving more slowly oracle followed she was cautious of this new wolf but the scent that greeted her nose told her she shouldn't fear, family it said but still she paused a fair way off and after a few murmured exchanges her sis turned again and the wind brought words to oracles ears.

A kingdom, it sounded like a game, she loved her sisters games, a smile engulfed her face as she scampered to join the two ? Ode,? she called sliding to a stop before her sister, ?can I play to?? she bowed low trying to put on a similar regal act ?I could be,? she paused what would a kingdom need jesters and cooks came to mind and she thought for a moment of the half mangled crab, but there was a better option and her tail began to wag wildly, ? a lady knight, or maybe I can be a dragon,? the thought made her smile, someone, though she couldn't remember who now had told her about dragons, big scaly beasts, who could scare away even the fiercest wolf, she suspected they weren?t real but in a game of pretend anything could be believed, yes she would like to be a dragon.




10 Years
09-01-2013, 06:53 PM

. . .

Odette had tried to hold her regal manner, keeping her back straight and her tail standing up straight to the sky. However, it didn't last very long when Oracle made her way over to her and Galileo. As her sister asked if she could play too and mentioned being a dragon, Odette immediately nodded her head. "Sure, Or'cle! You can be the dragon." She stopped walking, lowered her front half to the ground with her bottom half in the air, playful growls escaping her lips. "Don't steal my gold and treasures, evil dragon!" She hollered, taking off away from Oracle to protect the small pile of starfishes and sea shells she had collected.
So much for her older brother being the guest of honor. Odette's responsibilities as Queen of her piece of beach came first and she looked up at Leo briefly. "Leo, the dragon is coming to take me and my treasures back to her cave! Save me!" She couldn't help but giggle and grin as she playfully stalked her precious gems, walking back and forth while waiting on an attack from her sister. The dragon would soon be approaching and she had no way to defend herself except fight! Oh, what was a queen to do?



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09-02-2013, 08:54 PM
i'll pick up these broken pieces till i bleed

Laughing, Galileo leaned down to nuzzle Odette lightly, his tail wagging in the air behind him. "Sand makes you itchy, you know." The male commented with a twitch of his tail, though he nudged her lightly as he lifted his head, sneezing slightly as he shook his head, trying to get rid of any sand that clung to his features. He had never liked sand very much, which made it slightly frustrating that his family had chosen to settle on a beach. Still, he knew better than to complain. He was just happy that they weren't on the run anymore. Not with such young pups clinging to his mother's side.

Still, he had to admit they were adorable. And Galileo would die before he let anything hurt them. He would not let them end up like him, fighting against demons that shouldn't exist. "Well, my Queen, I will do my best to bring honor to your Kingdom." Galileo found the formality rolling off his tongue with only the slightest of grins on his features. He was doing his best to be serious for his little sister when another of his siblings made an appearance, racing up to Odette with a happy look on her features. Oracle. He hadn't seen enough of them lately, and it almost made him wonder about whether she remembered him. Odette had, but would Oracle?

She didn't seem too worried, so Galileo put it out of his mind, grinning at the antics of his sisters as he loped after Odette, heading towards her kingdom and coming to a stop just before her. "How may I be of assistance, my queen?" He questioned playfully, bowing low before Odette as he waited for a response, one ear pricked towards Oracle as he waited for her approach.




8 Years
09-02-2013, 10:59 PM

. . .

Oracle laughed in delight spinning a circle before dropping to her haunches,she looked at the pile for a second and saw a small rock sitting on top it glittered in the sun smooth and green and beautiful, oracle spared only a moment to wonder where odete had found it before with a grin slipping into her character. She became the evil black dragon ten meters long and crafty she knew where the princess had hidden her treasure, and the green gem that would grant her her every wish. She would take back the treasure to her beach side cave and the princess would be her captive and eventually her snack. Oracle looked around there was no where really to hide and ambush the group but a small bank of sand stood to the left, quickly she bounded towards it scrambling up the steep side, perched on top she looked down on her sisters kingdom and gave a fierce roar, a wavering howl carried from her lips,leaping from the precipice she raced towards her sisters pile. A dragon in flight she travelled the distance to her sisters kingdom in seconds.

Her teeth where bared a grin that try her hardest she could not wipe from her face, but her sisters knight stood between her and her prize sir Leo her sister had called him , Oracle didn't recognise him not completely, she knew he was family and his scent brought memories of being smaller in the den, but she didn't dwell on it he was family but for now he was the competition. In her mind she was a giant towering over him as she reared onto her back feet and roared, ?you stand in my way little knight I shall eat you up too,? she stifled a giggle landing on all fours again. ?I will take the green gem and all the other treasure too and I?ll be the richest dragon ever, come join me and I will give you all the riches you can imagine,? she dug her tiny back feet into the sand she didn't expect him to agree he was the knight loyal to her sister, who in oracles minds eye stood atop a tower of stone watching them down in the court yard bellow, the dragon and the knight facing off soon the battle would commence. Oracle's tail was high waving behind her like a sail and the grin across her face was pure joy, she was looking forward to the battle puppyish confidence telling her she would win after all she was a dragon.




10 Years
09-03-2013, 11:32 AM

Odette moved from the jewels, covering them with sand half-heartedly as she struggled to climb her piece of the kingdom. When she made it to the height she wanted to be at, her haunches firmly planted themselves on the tippy top. Some of the sand went down in miniature avalanches, making the height of the pile shrink a couple of inches. Nevertheless, Odette was tall enough to see the events that were to take place.
She watched it all happen from the view of her tower balcony. Odette leaned over the edge, whimpers lost to the wind that swept around the colossal structure. At the bottom of her occupied piece of her kingdom, she watched the fight about to unfold. Her imagination ran with the dragon that was her sister. Long, scaly neck with horns that stuck out from her crown, bending back to curl behind her large ears, like a ram's. Long, pretty wings stretched on either side, curling up as Oracle moved in the direction of their older brother. Oracle's small, puppy tail turned into a whip, hitting the trees and bits of hay bales that were in its path. Closer and closer the large dragon approached, smoke billowing from her nose. Oh, Oracle was a fearsome dragon!
Odette looked and saw Galileo, defending the jewels she so cared for. A victory howl, encouraging her brother, rang from her jowls. It sang of honor and valiance, bringing on the positive thoughts of being a knight in shining armor. "My brave knight and brother - whom was only supposed to be my guest - defend your Queen!" She dramatically yelled, letting the acting flair get the best of her. "Protect the jewels and slay the dragon!" Odette quickly thought those last words over and corrected herself. "Wait!" She said, paw rising to her forehead with eyes closed. "Spare her life if you win and only submit her to the worst punishment there is for a bad dragon - rabbit meat!"
Behind Galileo's back, Odette opened her blue eye and snuck a huge wink towards Oracle. She knew her sister enjoyed food as much as the next pup, hence the punishment being unbearable. Her tail thumped the sand dune she rested on, hoping that it would all pan out like she wanted. Once she made sure Oracle saw her gesture, she closed her eye and continued to wail. "Sir Leo, charge!"



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09-17-2013, 10:25 AM

Seeing his sisters smile and laugh made Galileo feel happier. Sometimes, the demons beneath his skin made everything seem dark and vicious and angry, but they made everything better. Was this how his father had left the dark days behind? Had Ocena done for his father what his sisters did for him? The thought made Galileo feel pensive, but he shoved his thoughts to the side as Oracle made her approach, her words ringing in his ears.

The response that fell from his maw was full of laughter; "Oh mighty dragon, you will have to eat me before you can pass me." Galileo put a little a quake in his voice, making himself sound scared despite the brave words. "I could never betray my Queen for something as small as riches." These words were stronger now as Galileo gazed at Oracle, ears pricking back in Odette's direction as her voice reached his ears as well.

He bit back a laugh as Odette spoke loudly, her voice as regal as could be. One day, she would be an excellent princess, Galileo was sure. One that would inspire her troops and followers. "Rabbit meat. An excellent decision, my Queen." Galileo announced solemnly, "I will defend your kingdom and honor from the might of this wicked dragon, my lady." Galileo crouched down, tail flicking against the earth as Odette's next words rang out.

He leaped forward at her cry, bounding up to Oracle and tilting back his head. "Come forth, mighty dragon, and do battle with me!" Galileo called loudly, his tail wagging easily in the air behind him as he waited for Oracle to make her first move. This would be some of her earliest battle training, this sparring between her siblings, and though Galileo was more experience than she by sheer dint of age, he would make sure that it was a close 'battle.'




8 Years
09-30-2013, 08:12 PM
Oracle Copied Leo's actions launching forward and giving her best approximation of a snarl her tail still swaying behind her the dry sand slipped a little under her paws but she maintained her balance she was growing practised in keeping her feet on the ever-changing surface not like on her first time out she shock her head refocusing her attention on the knight, her brother, she bared her teeth and hesitated for a moment she did not know how to fight not properly all her experience came from the puppy play rolling around in the den.

Still she lunged puppy teeth aiming for his for his left leg after all as it stood his shoulder was the absolute limit of her reach, maybe she could bring him down to her height her tail swung closer to her body and she tucked her head slightly trying to minimise the target she presented, after all her tail had been nipped often enough that she knew it could well be a target, and when ma or da picked her up they always grabbed her neck so she made it as short as she could. Still her eyes glittered with joy as she imagined the dragon bending its long ebony neck to snap at the knight.

Attacks: a Snapping bite directed at the lower part of his left foreleg
Defence: making her body smaller by tucking her tail lower and pulling her neck in (hunching her shoulders) as much as possible.