
Kai / Justice litter - 1 available!



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-06-2020, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2020, 07:51 PM by Nyx.)

You heard it right, Kai and Justice are having kids! This litter is definitely considered an accident by the both of them, but a happy accident nonetheless (at least according to Kai...)!

The Parents

Kai - The father of the litter, Kai's my wild, free-spirited Jarvela. Though he doesn't care much for commitment (to say the least), he does value family and will be excited when he learns that he'll be a father, since he was very close to his own. In terms of parenting, he'll be the type to give his kids plenty of freedom - probably too much, according to some wolves. He won't ever be found coddling or babying his kids, but if you directly threaten them, you can bet he'll do anything in his power to protect them.

Justice - The mother, Justice, is a loyal but snarky adrenaline junky who is happiest in the middle of a fight. Contrary to Kai, her religious and spiritual beliefs might be more closely categorized as "anti theist" and she is profoundly cynical. She has some emotional baggage from losing her own parents young that is probably going to affect her parenting. Parenting style: sea turtle.

The Children

Tea and I are each taking one character from this litter, and are only adopting out one pup!

Since both Justice and Kai are both chaotic neutral and tend to be independent and free-spirited, it's likely that their children will be influenced by that. Though chaotic, neither of them lean toward being evil, so no characters like that please. They'll very likely be taught by both parents to be independent, strong, and take no shit from anyone, ever. Emotionally weak, overly scared pups are highly unlikely.

While Kai is not very spiritual, the Jarvela family does believe in animism as well as the worship of reindeer. He will teach his children some of what he knows about his family and their beliefs, so if you're inclined to make your character more spiritual/reindeer-herder-esque, he'll happily coax that along! If not, that's totally fine to, but he will stress the importance of the Jarvela way of life: Doing what you want, loving who you want, and having a good time in the process. Life's too short to do anything else! As noted above, Justice is closer to anti-theistic, so the kids will have a good balance of different views - and the freedom to ultimately believe whatever they want.

These children will be born in Valhalla, though Kai isn't fond of packs in general and will be inclined to encourage them to leave as soon as they want to. Basically, nothing is set in stone here, a lot depends on the pups and what they want in life.

Kai will tend to stick to simple Finnish/Nordic sounding names, so sticking to this theme will be the safest bet.


NEW! 9/19/20

Feel free to bring your own, if you'd like! Kai does have tusks and they run in his family, so similar mutations are totally fine (tusks, horns, elongated teeth). Justice is 33" and Kai is 41", so keep that in mind too.


Stay active. I don't like to take back characters, but Kai is special to me, so I will if I need to. Two posts a month sounds fair to me, though I'll talk to you if you get inactive and see what's going on before just taking your character back.

No characters that are polar opposites of their parents, or hate them for no reason. Especially when they're young, though I recognize that sometimes in-character events shape how characters develop, but this kind of characterization is just flat and boring to me.

[b]Plans[/b]: Do you think they might stick around with Justice in Valhalla for awhile, follow Kai on his unpredictable wandering, or something else entirely? If you have no idea, that's totally fine too!



2 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-10-2020, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2020, 07:53 PM by Abilene.)
Name:Ruuben (nickname ru or ru ru)
Design:[Image: tNNiMGz.png] (He'll stand at 39 inches when fully grown had to edit because I forgot the limit is 36 and I can't afford to purchase more yet, so he'll be 36 inches)
Personality: The boy thinks himself an adventurer of strange lands, quite obsessed with the observing new flora and fauna. In his youth he'll come up with names for creatures and plants he hasn't discovered yet, and almost always ignore the fact that in most cases, they already have a name, arguing that his classification sounds more accurate and/or scientific. While he'll most likely forget (or try to forget) the strange names he gave things as he matures, he will never completely grow out of the sense of wonder for the unknown.

In his little journeys he often brings back souvenirs from these trips, which he'll hide carefully in a nook or cranny within the family den.These objects typically consist of strange looking rocks, sea shells or animal bones. If he wishes to impress someone or show his love for them, he'll donate one of these treasures to them. He only does this to the people he truly cherishes, as his collection means a lot to him. (OOC note: I'm hoping to save up enough gems to get him a satchel to keep these items in!)

While Ru enjoys the quiet of isolation, he also values the comfort of others around him quite a lot, though if you ask him about his discoveries and theories he will not shut up until you tell him to.

As a pup he'll be quite stubborn and bossy at times, under the impression that he is the most knowledgable in the room. If he isn't given a clear reason to stop or start something he isn't already inclined to act on, he tends to put his paw on the ground and cause frustrating and unnecessary conflict. When he's young, it's his way or the highway.
Luckily, this negative trait will also fade with maturity, but not completely.

The boy will always be optimistic at heart, and will always believe in the best of people and his family.

Plans: He'll probably follow Kai around more likely, as they're both restless souls. However, I don't have many plans after that!
[Image: Untitled_Artwork_4.png]

Abby is completely blind as of this thread. The curse will lift on the first day of winter.
Abby has a common brush tailed possum companion named Bell. She’s Abby’s guide dog until her curse is lifted. If she’s not mentioned assume she is close by/present.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
09-15-2020, 01:33 AM
Name: Arne
Gender: Male
Design: Design 3, (possibly with tusks)

Personality: To sum up the child, one might best describe him as ‘Chaotic Stupid’. Though he bares a rather noble name, the boy will be a wildcard from the start, rarely stopping to think about the consequences of his actions, (he might even scream ‘YOLO!’ as he goes). Without a firm hand to guide him, he is likely to stick his nose where he aught not, and even if he does find such a hand, lessons will most often be learned the hard way. He has a thick head, with a short memory, and little discipline for menial tasks. He does, however, have a heart of gold that he often wears on his sleeve. He will love quickly, and deeply and will have the highest regard for his parents and siblings. When he is a disappointment, he will hurt for hurting those who love him, and even if he isn’t always successful, he will try his best to (if not make them proud), at least make them less exasperated with his antics.

Plans: For the first 6 months of his life at least, he will try to stay near his mother. Once he begins to find his own feet however, wandering is likely to take full hold of the wayward child. He will likely specialise in Navigation and Hunting, if not genuinely, than to use either as an excuse to roam beyond the borders that should bind him.
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]



7 Years
Chrono I

09-15-2020, 09:39 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2020, 09:32 AM by Aranea.)

Name: Astrid (I am very open to discussion of names, I have some other's I found while searching)

Gender: Female

Personality: Astrid will be independent as a trait of both her parents. Though she will be interested in learning from them she will have no problem taking care of herself and feel empowered to have the ability to do so. Astrid will be sassy and flirtatious, adding a little fun on her agenda. She can come off as quite the tease but as she grows older she has a much more bigger meaning to the word "family" and won't just let anyone father her pups (That doesn't mean she won't have various partners though, just careful in her heat season and takes that very seriously). She also has a rather dark humor associated with sarcasm and doesn't tend to care about those she offends. Astrid will be protective of her family and those her parents hold close. Though she doesn't have the fighting skill she will not back down if her parents or siblings are threatened and finds her whole heart in them. Even if she likes to pick on them and be a little rebellious she makes up for it in the long run and in the end would give her life for them. Though Astrid would much rather live a free spirited life outside the pack with Kai, she also wants to impress her mother and be involved with her pack and strive to make herself a good name inside and outside of the pack. She also would like to be knowledgeable in all skills and abilities and want to be quite intelligent under her goofy and free attitude.

Plans: I think it'd be really cool for her to follow Kai around and he is super cool and "want to be like dad" xD but also wouldn't mind her spending some time in Valhalla with Justice and just have her whole life as a vacation going back and forth between mom's life and dad's life. Would probably have her Skills with Navigation and maybe intellect. I don't have the means to get her a mutation but if there are ever events with the mutations that can grow onto wolves and I get one I'd for sure get her some of them sexy tusks. I've also never played a wolf with attraction to the same sex but would like to give it a try with a Pan sexuality and have her explore.

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
10-07-2020, 07:41 PM
The lucky lady is Nacho with Arne.

Runner-up if Nacho has changed her mind or can't take her pup is Wyrm with Ruuben.

Thanks for applying