
lead me out on the moonlit floor



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-11-2020, 04:54 PM

break me like a promise

She hadn’t really thought this far ahead. As they left the main beach and strode off along the shoreline, Theory couldn’t help but feel a strange lump in her throat. Thalia’s eyes had burned into the back of her head. Nothing about this felt good, but there was a gross sense of “victory” attached to it all that she couldn’t quite ignore. Noir had lost. Whatever it was he’d been looking for, Theo wasn’t sure, but Felicity seemed… fine. Now that they were alone it was difficult to ignore her presence. The smaller dark female smelled familiar - like Thalia, actually - and it made her stomach roll. They were certainly from the same pack at the very least. ”Sorry about him,” she murmured, gesturing back towards the gathering with her muzzle, ”he’s a brute who doesn’t know how to act.” Well, that much was true.

They rounded a bend in the beach and came across a small cove that was set back from the ocean. Theory could see from the gradient in the sand that this area would be covered again at high tide, but for now it was a private retreat. ”I’m Theory, alpha of Abaven,” she said in what she hoped was both a casual-and-confident tone.

"theory speaks!"



3 Years
09-12-2020, 06:43 PM

The woman had won the day and so, sort of as her reward, Fel followed her away from the big man. Words met her ears and the marbled fae chuckled darkly. "He must have done something pretty bad." She couldn't deny that she was interested in hearing just what it was. Information was always interesting to the woman.

Padding around the curve in the beach afforded them a bit of privacy. Fel allowed herself to be led within, confident that the larger woman wasn't a thread. She introduced herself and the small, dark dame was immediately interested. Alpha of Abaven, eh? What secrets could she learn here? "Fel Abraxas, just a lowly member of Aerie. Nothing quite so grand as alpha." Her silken tones were smooth and melodic, her conversation soft and lilting. She didn't speak to others much.

Fel fixed Theory with her deep, claret gaze. "So, Theory: Alpha of Abaven... Have you led me here simply to keep the big man from attaining his prize, or were you interested in a game?" Despite her smaller stature, Fel was incredibly confident. She leaned into the larger fae, pressing their chests together as she waited for an answer to her question. She hoped that this hadn't all been to spite him, though she didn't mind that spite had been a factor. Fel had come to this gathering for information, but she had also come here for sex. It had been a while.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-14-2020, 05:38 PM

break me like a promise

He must have done something pretty bad. Theory snorted and her eyes narrowed reflexively. "He tried to kill his sister - out of jealousy, not hatred or revenge." She edged carefully around the fact that he was also her brother. After all, he was no longer any sibling of hers, just a fool she used to know. Theo's ears flattened and she looked out towards the horizon line. The sun was beginning to set and color streaked across the sea. Water lapped at the shores, pulling back to reveal sparkling sand. "D'you see that? It's beautifu - " She has half-listening to Felicity, but a sharp intake of breath interrupted her words (and train of thought) when the smaller female pressed close to her chest.

Theo felt her heart begin to vibrate nearly out of her chest. It was beating so loud that she was positive it was audible. The young alpha tried to remind herself that had won, that she was in a position of power, but she merely felt helpless. Quicksand running through Felicity's paws. "A g-game?" No, she'd only ever wanted to punish Noir. What was the game? Were there prizes?

"theory speaks!"



3 Years
09-14-2020, 06:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2020, 06:36 PM by Fel.)

Ahhh, so the big man had tried to kill his sister out of jealousy. He had seemed cocky and sure of himself, but he hadn't seemed murderous. It just went to show that you never could tell about someone. It was interesting that it seemed to bother Theory so much. Fel was of the sort that didn't particularly care about people that she didn't know, so she couldn't feel much for the man's intended victim. "I wonder what her name was," she spoke more to herself than Theory. If she could nab a name, maybe she could piece the story together without outwardly asking about the sordid details.

The two women sat upon the beach, staring out to sea. For Fel, this only lasted for a moment. Water was great, but she currently had eyes for the black and white lady beside her. Pressing herself against Theory seemed to short out a circuit in her brain, for she stopped mid speech. As she regained a bit of her composure, she question Fel and the woman smiled, though in a less predatory manner.

From Theory's reactions to their close proximity to her lack of understanding to the innuendo's that Fel had been dishing out. She could only surmise that Theory might very well be a virgin. The fates were kind, it seemed. They had stolen one virgin from her this night only to place another right within her grasp. Fitting.

"A game." Reaching up, Fel placed her muzzle close to Theory's ear. "You're much too tense, lovely. Why don't you let me help you?" With gentle pressure from her paws, Fel urged her companion to lay upon her stomach in the sand. She would start slow with her and see where they ended up.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-15-2020, 08:18 PM

break me like a promise

Theory's larger body was rigid with tension. Every muscle was taut, strung so tightly that it almost hurt. The young alpha worked herself hard - any passerby could see. Beneath her thick fur Theory's body was elegantly sculpted. There wasn't an ounce of extra fat where it shouldn't be. She was well-muscled with plush fur thanks to the abundance of fish oil found in her natural diet. The girl loved herself some salmon and all that rich fat had paid off in spades. As Felicity nudged her towards the ground a little whimper escaped her mouth. This didn't feel right, but it didn't quite feel wrong either. When her life had spiraled so quickly out of control (wildfire, volcano, death, death, death) she had clutch so tightly to all of the things left that she did have control over: her pack, her body, her training. What would it feel like to give that control up? Just for a moment. Just for an evening.

Slowly she lowered herself to the ground. Her shoulders were still tense. Theory lay rigidly on her side, unsure what came next. It was completely unnatural to lie like this, almost prone in front of another. She was a leader. An alpha. Theo bit her lip so hard she thought she could taste blood. "I d-don't need help," she protested, her voice breathy and strange to her own ears. Theory's eyes rolled up to look at Felicity, the whites glowing brightly as the last light from the sunset slipped below the horizon line.
"theory speaks!"



3 Years
09-15-2020, 09:28 PM
Why did she suddenly get the idea that this was a huge waste of time? If Theory didn't want to have sex, why was she here? Why had she bothered taking the man away from her? Hell, Fel could be in the throes of passion right now if it hadn't been for her intrusion, so what was this all about?

The woman balked as she lay stiffly down in the sand. Fel could hear the whimper of protest and she wrinkled her nose. Fel was into many less than savory sexual acts, but rape wasn't one of them and this was definitely against Theory's will. With a sigh, the marbled woman deposited herself in the sand a comfortable distance away. She was still close, but their bodies weren't touching.

Theory had said that she didn't need help but she obviously did. "We're strangers. Well probably never see one another again, so why don't you tell me what's wrong?" Perhaps the fact that they were strangers would help the bob-tailed woman open up some. If she didn't wish to, Fel could take her leave and find some other woman to taste. Since she was already here, she may as well offer an ear.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-21-2020, 06:10 PM

break me like a promise

She cursed herself inwardly. Giving up control didn't come easily to her, and Felicity could smell it on her. Abraxas. The dark female must know Thalia - must be related to her - in some respect. It made her stomach jump just a few inches further into her throat. Theo didn't want to give up any information if she could help it, certainly not about Thalia. But... they were just friends, after all. Would it be so bad to talk about it finally? "Maybe you can help me," she said roughly, half sitting up. The large female twisted to look at Felicity and let her lower half sprawl out. Theo cut an impressive figure even lying down; her winter coat had shed out to reveal the sleek, close-hewn fur beneath. "There is a female I'd like to," she stared at the sky, embarrassed. She'd never even spoken with her father about this. "I think I'd like to lie with. How could I convince her?" The young alpha peered curiously at Felicity. There was still a bit of an uncomfortable lilt to her voice, but she was beginning to find her footing. Navigating this was uncomfortable, like forcing your way through thick briers, but she hoped there was something good waiting on the other side of the thorns.

"theory speaks!"



3 Years
09-23-2020, 01:07 PM

Fel's tail swished back and forth in the sand. She was a little agitated, but she wouldn't let it get to her. It took Theory a moment, but she eventually righted herself and then began to speak. Hmm... The irritation that Fel felt slowly dissipated. So Theory wanted a woman's attention, did she? The larger woman was actually asking for advice. Well... Fel couldn't be too upset with her then.

With a sigh, the silver marbled woman let go of her frustration. "It depends on the woman. Some like being the bottom. Some like being the top." She imagined that Theory might be a top, which should make the other woman a bottom, but with her anxiety... you never knew. "Some women like it when you just take them. Others like when you ask and butter them up first." Again she sighed. "Really though, it all begins with confessing your feelings and intentions."

Fel cast a sidelong glance at Theory. "Are you ashamed about wanting to be with a woman? Do you think others will judge you for it because of your position?" She imagined that these might be some issues that the woman was dealing with. Status meant keeping up appearances and that sometimes meant being unhappy. "Status be damned," the smaller woman said, extending her hind legs straight out in the sand so she was all belly on the cool granules. "There's no point in all of the hard work if you can't be happy. Anyone that thinks less of you for being a woman doesn't deserve you." Fel was quite opinionated on the matter of free love. She dared someone to look down upon her for loving women.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-23-2020, 08:14 PM

break me like a promise

She hadn't really given much thought to the "consequences" of not choosing a conventional male. Also, Theo wasn't even sure if Thalia reciprocated her feelings! The thought of being turned away hurt much more than the opinion of someone else. She was sure her father and family would be supportive. Probably. Right? They cared for her and her happiness. Who she choose to love (and maybe bed) shouldn't influence that. The mere thought was troubling - it hadn't even crossed her mind, and now it took root in the back of her head like a quick growing weed.

"I'm not sure I'd be very good at confessing... and neither would she," she sighed. Thalia was just as bad at confronting her feelings, if not worse. Even after the time they've spent together and the closeness they'd developed, she still felt a stiffness emanating from her. "She's here, actually. Back at the party." Theory's face grew stiflingly hot. They'd locked eyes just before she slipped away with Felicity. "Actually, she saw me leave with you." Did she even care? "I'm certainly not worried about what anyone else thinks. I wouldn't hesitate to put them in their place," the young alpha added, a roughness to her voice that emphasized her point. Felicity was right. Everyone deserved to choose their own love. Theory would fight for that right - both for her own sake and anyone in Abaven who feared disapproval. They wouldn't find it there, she'd make sure of it.
"theory speaks!"



3 Years
09-24-2020, 08:56 AM

Hmm, emotions did get in the way a lot. Fel didn't love. Wasn't even sure if she was capable, really. She loved her siblings, but was it actually love or was it more of a sense of familial duty and loyalty? She didn't know. Too much to think on at the moment. "Feelings are difficult things. It would be easier if they didn't exist, but they do. In order for two strong women to form a relationship, one has to show that they're willing to let their guard down. Willing to be vulnerable."

When Theory said that the woman was actually here at the party, Fel's red eyes gleamed mischievously. "Is she now?" Ah, and she'd seen the pair of them leave together. Great. Well that might throw a wrench in things, but one could tell simply by smell that they hadn't had sex. If the woman was stupid, she'd make a big deal out of it anyway. An idea struck and the marbled woman grinned. "Do you want me to go tell her? If anything I can send her over here. Perfect opportunity to get it out in the open." The smaller lady shrugged. "If she reciprocates, all is well and good. If she doesn't, then you can stop worrying over it."

Theory was adamant that she wouldn't let her status keep her from love and Fel was proud of that. It took a lot to simply not care. She was a pro at that, herself. "So? What'll it be? Want me to go send your lady this way?" Head tilted slightly, Fel smiled at the larger woman. She wanted this to happen. She really, really did.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-24-2020, 06:57 PM

break me like a promise

Feelings certainly did get in the way... she was a mess of them herself. So many feelings. Theory wished she could tuck them all away in a box, focus only on leading the pack and the stewardship of the young, but a leader without feelings meant a leader without morals. Right? She valued her moral compass intensely. When those pesky "feelings" grew too much to bear, it helped point her in the right direction. Her north star. Vulnerability wasn't something she was familiar with beyond quiet, private moments with her father and sisters. She tried not to let anyone see her struggle for fear of causing larger worries and distress among the pack. It was her responsibility to carry their burdens, not the other way around. On the matter of vulnerability, Theory sighed heavily. "That might be a little bit more difficult. I'm not sure either of us have experience with... that."

But Felicity's proposition was too good to resist. It took most of the burden off of her plate, after all. It would finally be some kind of answer to the question that had been plaguing her for the better part of a year. But what if it wasn't the answer she wanted? Theory's throat tightened at the thought and she cast her eyes out to sea. The tide was creeping in, slowly but steadily. Maybe the ocean could just swallow her up, then she wouldn't have to worry about Thalia's answer at all. "I believe you know her, actually," Theo said, a bit begrudgingly. She was an Abraxas, after all, but she'd made her position on same-sex love clear. Would she still feel the same if she knew Theory was interested in one of her family members? Their motto was to spread, after all. Theo didn't know much about sex, but she was pretty sure two women couldn't immaculately conceive. There would be no future Abraxas that might spawn from their union - but she was getting way, way, way ahead of herself. "It's Thalia. Thalia Abraxas. And I would like you to bring her to me."
"theory speaks!"



3 Years
10-01-2020, 05:40 PM

Theory admitted that neither she nor the woman of her desires were good with admitting weakness and emotion. Fel snorted softly. "Well you have to start somewhere or you're doomed to be forever alone." One silver streaked brow arched slightly and she tilted her head as she corrected her statement. "Well, there will always be opportunity for fucking, but none for love unless you break down some walls." Look at her, being the relationship guru. How did she know so much about it? She was a natural. The things that she said made sense logically, so she believed them all to be true. Plus she spoke with such conviction.

Ohhh, there was a possibility that she knew the woman, eh? Black ears flicked forward, waiting eagerly for the name of the woman in question. When Theory spoke the name, Fel was silent for a moment, no expression on her face. After a moment, the corners of her eyes crinkled and she melted into laughter. The smaller woman rolled onto her side in a fit of giggles. Ohhhh, Thalia. She didn't know her cousin well at all, but she knew enough to realize just why this situation was so very difficult.

After composing herself, but still smiling as she lay in the sand, Fel shook her head and spoke. "My cousin is very... intense... is she not? I understand your frustration." She would speak to Thalia on Theory's behalf, but she wouldn't bring her here. Fel would do the woman a favor, but she wasn't her servant. The marbled woman served no one, save herself and the one god. Rolling to her paws, Fel gave her body a shake. "Theory, it's been nice meeting you. The offer for a roll in the sand still stands." With a wink, the small, lithe woman took her leave and soon the shadows of night absorbed her form.


A short while later Fel rejoined the masses that had shown up for the party. The smell of sex and alcohol were thick in the air. Claret eyes scanned the crowd, searching for her cousin. In time, she located the earthen hued woman and picked her way across the beach, avoiding the grasping paws of the drunk and lusty during her approach.

Fel seated herself beside her fellow Abraxas. The brown and cream woman was quite a bit larger than she was, yet there wasn't the slightest hint that Fel even noticed. "Thalia," she greeted the woman. "I've just had a lovely talk with a certain lady of Abaven." She wondered whether or not her cousin would assume that they'd slept together. If she'd been the one on the outside, she would have assumed it. "She's very nice, isn't she?" She cast Thalia a sidelong glance, gauging the woman's reaction.

Then it was time to get a little serious. The humor dropped from Fel's features and an intensity filled her blood red eyes. "Life is too short to not try." If there was ever an inkling that someone could manage to love the silver spattered woman, she would definitely try. Fel was a difficult creature though, so love was something that she didn't see in her cards. "She's waiting down the beach for you." A slight grin lifted her maw. "Unspoiled, I promise." Reassurance that Fel hadn't had her way with the bob-tailed woman. "Tonight is the perfect opportunity to try, dear cousin." Reaching up, Fel gave Thalia a quick peck on the cheek before traipsing off down the beach, intent on finding that virgin that she was promised.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
10-04-2020, 07:13 PM
Thalia wasn't entirely sure what she was doing here, other than trying to get information - no doubt the exact reason why Eligos was here. Seeing Theory had all but disrupted her train of thought entirely, though she'd found someone who was marginally interesting (at least, compared to the rest of the wolves here) and she was trying to watch what he was crafting. Zeroing in on him and trying to let the rest of her surroundings drone out in the background seemed a reasonable solution to her current predicament, even if completely counter-intuitive to why she'd come here in the first place.

She was surprised when someone spoke her name, someone familiar. Fel? Hadn't she been talking to Theory? Her gaze narrowed slightly as it lifted to Fel, pulling herself slowly upright into a seated position. "And?" Thalia started, her voice calm in spite of the turbulent feelings bubbling just beneath the surface. There was no hint of coldness there, though - unsurprisingly for this particular Abraxas - there was no warmth present, either. Though the fact that she was content with Fel's proximity to her, and responded so quickly was more warmth than she offered most. "Yes, she's nice," she added after a moment. What precisely was Fel getting at? And more importantly, why was she talking to her about it? Thalia wasn't one big on finding secret meanings hidden between words; she preferred the straightforward approach, even if she herself wasn't always the best at expressing what she felt or was thinking.

Thalia swiveled herself around to face her a bit better, trying to get what she was talking about. A long moment of silence followed as she soaked in her words. Part of her was painfully aware of what she was implying, but another part of her had trouble accepting that at face value. For a moment she considered asking for clarification, but part of her didn't want to seem ignorant in front of her older cousin. Thalia was at a crossroads. Lying and saying that she was mistaken in whatever she thought seemed an easier solution than simply confessing anything at all about how she felt.... but even easier, apparently, was doing neither one. "Thanks. I guess," Thalia added awkwardly, as if an afterthought, before Fel bid her a surprisingly affectionate farewell.

So what now? Her gaze trailed after Fel as she left, though before long it drifted to where Theory was. She was indeed waiting down the beach, in an area more secluded than this one. She froze for a moment before lifting herself to all fours and making the short walk over to her. Though she was at a complete loss for what to say, or what precisely Theory expected - if anything - so she decided to start from the bottom and work her way up. Better to make sense of what she'd said to Fel before making assumptions. "So I see you met my cousin," Thalia started, clearing her throat. "What - uh - exactly did you two talk about?" And was Theory drinking again, like all of the wolves here seemed to be? Thalia herself was completely sober and she studied Theory in the dim moonlight and tried to gauge her current state from sight alone.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-04-2020, 09:18 PM

break me like a promise

As soon as Felicity turned tail she felt her stomach sink into the sand at her paws. She felt sick. Was this a terrible mistake? Theory hoped it wasn't, but she doubted that the serious-faced Thalia had any deeper feelings for her. All of this must be in her head. Wasn't it against the very faith that she held so dear to fraternize with the same sex like she so desperately wanted to, uh, fraternize? The Abraxas were focused on increasing their numbers. Domination by sheer force and god's will. There would be no "multiplying" if they were together. She was stupid for ever thinking Thalia might return her feelings. With a disgruntled huff, she turned towards the waves that were rolling in on the shore. The sun had set and the moon was nearly full. It cast a queer gray light on everything it touched, but at least the beach was well lit.

It was so well lit that Theory could see Thalia break away from the main gathering and approach. With every step that brought her closer, Theory's heart beat louder in her ears. Could she run? No, that'd be stupid. The moon would perfectly illuminate a cowardly retreat. She was many things, but she refused to be a coward. It wasn't cowardly to be vulnerable - no, it was strong. Vulnerability meant you had a better understanding of yourself. It meant you had empathy. At least that's what she told herself as Thalia closed the distance between them.

"I met her," she conceded, her voice husky and strained. Theory stood up and turned away from the surf to face her. Their height difference always surprised her. Looking down at Thalia with wide blue eyes, Theo continued: "I asked her how to take a woman to bed." She spoke plainly, her eyes focused intently on Thalia the entire time to gage her reaction. "I want you. And I wanted you to know that. Not her, not anyone else. And - and I haven't drank anything. I tailed my bastard brother here and caught your eyes across the sand - I didn't want to step away with Felicity, it was to punish him, I-I swear." Slow down. Slow down. You're losing it. Stick to the facts. Stick to the basics. "I needed you to know. I hated the idea of you not knowing, especially catching me here, of all places. I... I'm not interested in whatever this revelry is. I'm interested in you."
"theory speaks!"



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
10-14-2020, 05:56 PM
Thalia was flooded with something akin to panic, or at least what she thought panic was supposed to feel like. She had no words for what she felt for Theory. In comparison to all the other wolves she'd ever met, her feelings toward Theory were like night and day; but she wasn't good at vocalizing her feelings, let alone comprehending them herself. But apparently this moment called for a lot of sudden reflection, and she already felt her thoughts reeling as Theory started to speak. Why the hell did Fel force this on me? Thalia found herself wondering. It was a position Eligos never would've put her in, but then again... he doubted he would've engaged in such a conversation with Theory. It was hard to shake the sudden feeling of nausea washing over her at her words, painfully honest, far more honest than she ever expected.

"Why?" Thalia asked after a moment of consideration. She wasn't arguing - she was genuinely curious. Maybe understand why Theory felt the way she did would help explain her own feelings. Or maybe it wouldn't do a damn thing - Thalia had no clue. "Why do you want me, I mean?" There was a strange, uneasy waver to Thalia's normally steady voice. "We're closer now, but.. we're from different worlds. I'm not like you, Theory." Thalia wasn't sure Theory comprehended just how different they were, or if she ever could. Both in personality and in the way they lived and viewed the world. Her morality was vastly different than Theory's, she was sure of that. How could such a thing even begin to work?

And then there was Eligos, who knew that part of why she was getting close to Theory was to learn more about Abaven... a very small fraction of the reason, but it was still present. Or was this the ultimate outcome? To seamlessly integrate herself into Abaven, one of Boreas's oldest packs, to spread the Abraxas influence even further? There were a million thoughts whirling in her head like a violent hurricane, upending everything in its path. The fact that Theory was female was just one of many obstacles standing in her way. No children. No carrying on her Abraxas bloodline, not with her, which was a disappointing fact due to Theory's.. erm, impressive physique. Thalia felt like she was sweating as she tried to make sense of her thoughts, suddenly worried about saying the wrong thing. "I like you. More than others I've met. I've liked you since we first met. That's why you beating me upset me so badly, way back then. I wanted to impress you. I still do. I'm just... afraid," she managed to get out, her voice barely audible at all. She didn't know what her feelings meant, or how acting on them would shape her future, and the not knowing was truly terrifying. This was not what God had intended for her, was it? Was He merely testing her, or was this all part of His bigger plan? Thalia didn't have a damn clue.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-19-2020, 06:54 PM

break me like a promise

She inhaled deeply as Thalia began to speak. The sand felt like it was slipping away from beneath her paws and her vision narrowed to a dark pinpoint. For a moment she felt like she was going to go down, but she slammed back into reality. Theo was overcome with the unpleasant sensation of being viciously present in her own body. It was as if she was watching herself watch Thalia. Every exhale, every slight shift of her weight, was happening both to her and to the body she was inhabiting. It was itchy and uncomfortable. If she could have sloughed off her own skin that very moment, she would have. Instead she was forced to watch. And listen.

Of course they were different. Of course! Theory wanted to yell, but her anger was misplaced. She was mad at the situation they'd been dealt, not Thalia. Their circumstances - where they were born, how they were raised - were entirely outside of their control. But this moment! They had this moment and they could seize it, but instead she watched Thalia shrink further into herself and further away from her. Theory turned her head and lowered her gaze, guilty and mad like a child who'd been caught after they'd already been told off. She had known this would put Thalia out and make her uncomfortable. What more could she have expected? In fact, she was being given a lot more than she'd expected. Theo nibbled her lower lip as Thalia finished speaking, refusing to meet her warm-toned eyes. Playing nice with Thalia had never worked. It wasn't in her nature to respond to kindness. Could they ever become something more than two disparate halves? Fine. If kindness and honesty did not work, she would lash out with the only thing that ever had: a challenge. A call to action. Something that Thalia would understand. "If you want to impress me, come stay in Abaven. Two full seasons. If you hate it there - if you hate me - you can leave knowing that you tried. Make whatever excuse you need - or want to," she said, her voice stony and almost mean. It was necessary to put on airs to stop herself from weeping in front of her. That was something that she would not do. No, she would retreat a few kilometers back towards Abaven, and only then would she begin to weep. Big, ugly tears, with only Alouette to hear her. Taking a deep breath, Theory cast Thalia one last potent, wordless look before she quickly took leave, her nose pointing her back towards home.
"theory speaks!"



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
10-28-2020, 06:14 PM
Thalia was silent for a long moment after she spoke, as Theory too tried to process what she'd said. Thalia didn't know what to say or do anymore when it came to her, and that uncertainty was terrifying. She was never very quick to act, always one to deliberate and think things through to an agonizing degree, but could something like this really be rationalized? They were feelings, desires, and Thalia wasn't equipped to think properly over these things. Feelings were something conveniently pushed aside in favor of rational thought, but in this case she wasn't sure that was the solution.

She let out a loud, slightly exaggerated sigh as Theory began to speak. She wasn't just talking now, she was giving her a challenge. Now that was something Thalia would have to respond to. She was no coward; she wouldn't slink away from the discomfort of any challenge, not if she thought she could rise to the occasion and prove herself. She could impress Theory. She could make a good impression for not only herself, but all of Aerie. She hadn't declined a challenge in the past, had she? Thalia just barely managed to refrain from sneering, vaguely annoyed - though this was merely covering up the sudden flurry of nervousness welling up inside her chest. "Fine," was all she said as Theory turned to leave, saying nothing more. This decision was surely going to be the hardest yet she'd had to make, though she had a feeling when it came to Theory it would hardly be the last tough choice she'd ever have to maike.