
Howdy Neighbor!




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-30-2020, 08:47 PM
OOC: This thread takes place just before Meadow leaves the Armada to join The Hallows

Paws move Meadow swiftly along, toward border of Abaven land near the bay. Since her last visit with Spirit there has been a major change in the small wolf’s life. Her sister is forming her own pack and the earthen hued healer is following her. While there has been sadness and goodbyes, there is one thing that she is really looking forward to; Spirit and Meadow are going to be neighbors! To mark this happy occasion, Meadow has brought her friend a present. She carries the gift in her mouth, all wrapped up in leather to hide the contents and tied with a sloppy bow.

By the time she reaches the border to the pack lands of Abaven, the sun is no longer at its zenith and has begun its descent toward night. The heat of the day is cooling and the breeze from the ocean further helps to calm the heat in the air. Meadow stops and sits a respectable distance from the pack border, not wanting to just cross the boundary unannounced. That would be very rude. Instead, she places the package that has been in her mouth down and scoots it behind her back, trying to hide it as best she can.

When she is ready, Meadow tips her head back lets out a call for Spirit. It says, ‘I have come to visit!’ and invites him to join her. There is no urgency or demand in the howl, just a friendly call. Tail thumps the ground as she waits and listens to the gulls that wheel overhead. They call out to each other, sharing news of the stranger and their displeasure at her owl companion. Rigel circles close to her before swooping down to land on a nearby rock and fluffing out to keep watch. A smile is on her lips and she can hardly keep still as she waits for Spirit to join her.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-01-2020, 06:45 PM
Since his little meeting with Meadow, Spirit had considered seeking her out more than once, if he was being totally honest. But he didn't like intruding, even if she insisted his company hadn't been a bother to her. Part of him was inclined to seek her out constantly, whenever he had a spare moment, but he knew being so eager wasn't ideal for either of them. He'd learn in due time, and he needed to be spending most of his time at home, still slowly acclimating to life within Abaven. The process was going painfully slowly but he hoped that by stepping outside of his comfort zone lately he might become a more useful member of his pack and his family... eventually. Until then, he could simply dream.

He'd been doing just that - daydreaming - when he heard a call, jerking him violently back to the present. At first he was alarmed; hearing a call meant especially for him was surprising, and it took him a long moment to realize who exactly was calling for him. Meadow! He'd been hoping for her arrival even if he hadn't been counting on it, and after the initial moment of shock receded, he felt himself overcome with joy. He hadn't expected much to happen this evening, but everything changed all at once and he was just thrilled that she'd come to visit him.

Straightening his posture he hurried toward the sound of her calls, near the border at the edge of the bay. He hardly felt nervous as she finally came into view, picking up his pace as his tongue lolled from the side of his mouth. He was panting when he reached her, and though part of him was inclined to lean forward to touch her, in the way one might greet a dear friend, he couldn't quite shake all of his anxieties away. Instead he stopped a polite distance away, grinning like a fool. "I d-d-didn't expect to s-see you today!" He stammered, his excitement and the rapid beating of his heart only exacerbating his ever-present stutter.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-02-2020, 07:47 PM
Tail thumps the ground as she waits for Spirit to appear, his gift safely tucked behind her back. When she spies his form approaching, she almost stands and gives away the surprise of her present but manages to keep herself seated, just barely. However, her tail does increase speed and thud the ground hard, sending little shockwaves of discomfort through her each time it strikes. Oh, how she has missed her friend! The shy wolf brings out the best in her and she would do anything for him.

His tongue lolls out of his mouth and he is panting by the time he reaches her. A bright smile breaks across her face as she sees the happiness on his own. She wants to shoot forward and embrace him, to let him know just how much she has missed him but she holds back, not wanting to embarrass or make him feel awkward. With all that has been going on with getting ready to leave for the new pack Meadow has neglected her training sessions with Spirit.

Well, hopefully her surprise will make up for that, if only just a little bit. His greeting has her smiling even wider as she tells him, “Hello Spirit! I have some important news to tell you! But first, I have something for you.” With that she stands and retrieves the wrapped gift from behind her back, moving closer to Spirit to present it to him. Under the sloppy bow and hastily wrapped leather is a saddlebag, much like hers. She had taken a journey to find a traveling merchant, buying the large saddlebag with Spirit in mind.

His is larger than her’s, meant to fit a taller body and she has filled it with some common herbs. There are dandelions, marigolds, meadowsweet and some valerian root all bundled in their own, separate cloths and tied to keep them safe. Laying the wrapped gift in front of her friend, Meadow steps back to allow him to unwrap the surprise, sitting and hoping that likes it. After all, if he does have an interest in herbs, he will need his own bag to carry them. Watching him, the small healer eagerly waits for his reaction to the gift.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-15-2020, 06:57 AM
He was completely oblivious to any present. Truthfully, as cheesy as it might sound, just seeing his friend again was more than enough of a gift to him. He didn't bother to contain his excitement, his tail beating about a mile a minute as he came to greet her. Though he tried to keep a polite distance, he was far too elated to see her and ended up taking a few more steps closer to her. Hopefully this is a sign that they will being training again. Next time it will be his turn to seek her out, a thought that made him as nervous as it did excited. Currently he was overwhelmed with joy, enough that his usual nervousness was pushed to the side. She was happy to see him, too, he could see that plainly - and that was all Spirit really needed.

And... not only was she here, but she had news, and had brought him something? No one had ever done that for him. He let out a delighted little laugh, full of mirth as she grabbed something from behind her and handed it to him. Not sure how to properly unwrap it, he settled down on his stomach, using one paw to untie the bow while his other held down the gift, finally pushing aside the leather to reveal what was inside. "Oh! This is w-wonderful!" Spirit exclaimed quietly once he got the thing open, knowing exactly what it was for. Not only that, but... she'd filled it with herbs, carefully and thoughtfully bundled. It was a delight, one he certainly had not expected, and he didn't know properly how to thank her. He sniffed gingerly at the herbs for a moment before redirecting his attention to Meadow.

He had no clue how to thank her, but the gesture seemed to warrant a more heartfelt reaction than his stammering voice could manage. After a moment he lifted himself up, summoning up some boldness before reaching out to embrace her, gently slipping his head around her shoulder. She had been so kind to him, more kind than almost everyone he'd ever met before, and he was beyond grateful for her time and company. "T-t-thank you," he offered gently, overwhelmed with emotion suddenly. "I l-love it."

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.