
6' deep restraining order




6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
10-10-2020, 09:13 PM
Jupiter had decided that here by the barn was as good a place as any for the pit Tyrian had requested. It saved him the trouble of untying Nuada any more than necessary; she was secure right where she was. He didn't know what to make of all she'd done today or the way she'd looked at him. Honestly he couldn't decide if it meant he had nothing to fear from her or if he needed to keep his distance lest she cut his face off and wear it like a mask. It was a toss up, really.

He moseyed several paces away and began to mark out the dimensions of the pit. It was going to have to be deep enough to keep her in and wide enough to let her walk around. In other words, he thought with a sigh, he was going to be here all damn day digging. Even with the help of Bubbles and Roy this was going to take awhile. There was a lot of dirt to move. Even if he got Amadeus to help which, let's be honest, wouldn't make much of a difference since the tamarin was so freakin' tiny, this was going to be quite the task.

Jupiter glanced back at Nuada to make sure she was still where she was supposed to be. Then he started digging.
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
10-11-2020, 08:45 AM

OOC: Vague from healing thread ;3

Viper pulled against the rope that she had been tied to, pacing with a limp in her front left from the consistent amount of attacks that her opponents had applied and even from the mostly healed maim from Noir. Surprisingly not pacing like a crazy person, only a few steps in her radius towards Jupiter, stopping to watch him and all his companions, and then pacing a few steps back the other way. "Jupiter, this is stupid." Almost as a hiss, a rather irritated look on her face. She reached her nose out as if he would hear her better from the short distance he was away but wouldn't shout.
"I fought them 'cause they attacked me." She'd stop as she peered in his direction a bit longer, no longer pacing back and forth.

She was still mad about their previous encounter but now she was even more fueled by the fact that they had her tied up without the freedom she demanded her whole life. This was different than when she was in Ruina. She was young and had other slaves and adults watching after her. But now she was an adult and one with what could have been classified as a mental illness, not that she was aware of that. Others would look at her differently as she felt Jupiter had and she wouldn't really understand why.

She wasn't necessarily okay with being held captive and wouldn't really accept the consequences but deep inside her she knew she just wanted to be with Jupiter. She wasn't entirely sure why, there wasn't a particular reason. "I won't do nothin' else." She pulled against her rope like a horse tied to a post, "Come on, let me help you."

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
10-24-2020, 06:16 PM
Jupiter dug silently and dutifully for all of about a minute before Nuada's words got to him. He wasn't happy with the punishment he'd been given. It wasn't like he'd invited her in. He hadn't told her to trespass for shits and giggles and he certainly hadn't thought she'd follow him home. They hadn't parted on super friendly terms at their reunion. How was he to know she'd do something like this? And yet here he was being punished for the actions of a clearly mad woman.

He threw back his head and hissed in frustration as Nuada tried to talk him into letting her go. "Oh, for fuck's sake, Nuada!" Jupiter turned to look at her angrily. "You can't possibly be that dumb. Don't play stupid. You trespassed; that's why they jumped you and then instead of having the sense to go belly up you fought them." Why was he even talking to her? He just needed to dig and get it over with.

Jupiter went back to digging for all of two seconds before annoyance brought him around again. "What were you even doing? Please, explain to me your grand plan because I can't see it." As for her helping him, heck no. "And no, you're going to stay right there until I'm done."
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
10-24-2020, 07:04 PM

Where her expression may have seemed loyal and determined before, it all turned into a sour whirlwind of destruction to the name she abandoned many years ago. And she only wanted to forget everything that happened right in that time frame of her leaving. Maybe she should have left Jupiter behind with the rest of the shitty memories. "That's not my name." She hissed, now a lot more defiant towards the brute that she would have seconds ago turned the world over for. She shifted a baby step back to put some slack in her rope, not so eager to be set free from it anymore. "It's Viper."

His words shook her to the core not in a way that would anger a normal wolf. She was taking his response much more like a parent scolding their child, her being the child of course and not something she took to kindly to. But still, this lingering feeling of embarrassment had settled inside her and the new emotion was really setting her usually care-free and childish emotions to the side. She wouldn't speak as he went back to digging and again some yelling, her eyes focused on the ground away from him and his companions as a clear turmoil brewed inside her.

"I just... wanted to be with you." It wasn't intended in any type of romantic way because those were again unknown feelings for Viper. Not that Jupiter could take it in any way other than how she meant it. Though it may have seemed flattering to herself that she went all out of her way to seek him out and want to continue her unmeaningful existence with him, she was certainly regretting now. Especially with him being so mad at her. How dare he take her thought of his godliness so lightly. She herself knew that she didn't particularly get along with others and now was thinking she never would. If this is how they all treated her in the end then what was the point.

Her eyes moved up out on him finally, not sure if he would even be paying her mind anymore. What would have been described as an angry-hurt feeling was present on her face and probably matched the tone of her torn, beaten, and scarred body. "I didn't wanna upset you again." It wasn't a reaction of her most recent wrong-doings or his actions right in this moment. But she had felt like she had let him down in the blue caverns and perhaps had again by passing out in battle. It was an answer for why she hadn't submitted, though she wouldn't have submitted anyway as was her nature. Maybe admirable if her actions were a bit more under control and not directed towards Jupiter's pack mates. However she didn't really see that all she had done was wrong and in fact made her feel more honorable that she made it as far as she did, one wolf after another. However pride was not something that would be felt as the brute yelled furiously at her.

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
11-08-2020, 07:15 PM
Now thoroughly annoyed Jupiter dug with gusto. Big plumes of dirt were sent shooting out behind his legs as he dug. He was going to dig this damn thing in record time, chuck her in and forget about her until he was good and ready to deal with the little looney tune. This was just crazy. In all his sleazy years he'd never had a problem like this one. For one, he hadn't even fucked the bitch and yet she was here on his ass as if he'd knocked her up and left her high and dry. That was the sort of scenario he expected if anything ever went wrong. At least then when his worst nightmare came true he'd have gotten laid out of it. This was...well this was just fucking weird.

He paused, confused, when she corrected him about her name. That was her name. He'd forgotten a lot of things but if there was one thing this shit show had done for him it was bringing those memories to the forefront of his mind. And he distinctly remembered her name being Nuada. She introduced herself as Viper and for some reason that only annoyed him further. He dismissed her with a snarky, "Big fucking whoop-dee-doo."

Back to digging. The breeze was blowing the dirt over onto his back and bit by bit he was getting coated with the stuff. "I just... wanted to be with you." His digging screeched to a halt again. "I didn't wanna upset you again." This time he turned around and fixed Viper with a confused look. She was so fucking crazy to pick him. "Why? You don't know me, Viper. If you need someone to take care of you, be your buddy and shit, I'm not the guy."
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
11-08-2020, 08:15 PM

The only thing Viper was truly understanding was the blunt aggravation and anger through his tones and actions. She still couldn't put together what exactly she had done wrong even though she was beaten and bloody and clearly at a disadvantage for herself now. The fact that he dismissed her name change wasn't something that stuck out to her, and she would throw it over her shoulder to the response anyway. If he wanted to ignore it and she was hoping forget it, than it was better on her part.

Her head would turn in his direction as he put his attention back solely on her. The rope wrapped around her pulled against her face as she tried to take in exactly what he was saying. Her eyes narrowed with anger through thought, and to her she would believe he was trying to egg her on and piss her off on purpose. "But you- I-" She was at a loss for how to get out her feelings especially considering they were coming from memories she would have rather burned. "I don't need anyone to take care of me!" Her teeth showed through her yell, ripping her gaze away from him as if disgusted looking at him. Her eyes looking at the rope tied to the tree keeping her captive and she would think to see red. Someone could have thought her turning away to cry, but that wasn't the case at all. Her physical appearance would be something wholly noticeable that being alone was not in her favor or her best interest. Not necessarily because she couldn't handle what came at her, but more so she wasn't mentally equip to take care of her body alone. Her scars and maim told many untold tales of what she was capable of, and now to add her fresh wounds and dried blood definitely made her more appealing to the eye.

She'd just stand there staring at the rope for a good few seconds, trying to make the hurtful feelings leave her mind. She didn't want to feel like this ever again. "Just," she started to pull sightly back on the rope, and then a little harder. Eventually she would start to thrash around in a furious panic to leave, "Jus' let'me GO THEN!" Wildly psycho now, her paws would drag into the dry soil under her and she could feel the rope shredding behind her ears and throat but she'd ignore the pain mostly because she was desperate at this point to get out. If Jupiter didn't want her then so be it.

She'd thump backwards as the rope came over her head, looking down at the slightly bloody mess she'd leave behind for only a couple seconds. Her head flicked instantly towards Jupiter before she picked up her damaged body off the ground and shot for the escape. And she would forget the fact that she was even nearly crippled to the point of putting the weight down on her severely jacked up shoulder. Excruciatingly cringey but her body wouldn't stop to think about it, instead going off on three legs as if she could outrun the massive brute. She probably couldn't even in a normal race but she certainly wouldn't get far as a cripple.

OOC: Powerplay allowed!

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
11-08-2020, 09:10 PM
His paws were beginning to get a little tingly from all the digging. Jupiter could see it now; they were going to be raw stumps when all was said and done. Fucking great. He was probably going to chip all his nails too. Most wolves probably didn't think too much about their nails, but his were blue and eye-catching, and weirdly enough, when the ladies noticed them they seemed to like them for some reason. Apparently their novel coloring was worth a little mild fawning. They weren't the only uniquely colored part of his body either, but he liked to work up to the fun parts.

It was about the time he was seriously beginning to worry about his nails that Viper decided to throw a big bitch fit. Jupiter turned around just in time to see her flail around like an epileptic on a leash. "Oh, for fuck's sa-" And boom, she was free in a disgusting shower of blood, rope and fur. He lurched towards her. "Nu-Viper!" No, wait. Maybe this was a good thing. If she was mad at him maybe she'd run for the hills never to be seen again. She'd be out of his hair and no longer his problem. Bonus, he wouldn't have to dig anymore.

Jupiter watched as she reel away with an annoyed, unconcerned expression. He made no move towards her; just watched as he flipped through possible outcomes. It was nice to think of her just...disappearing into the wild blue yonder. Oh, but fucking Tyrian. He'd have his ass if he let a dangerous prisoner escape.

Fuck. He was going to have to catch this bitch. Really aggravated now, Jupiter leaped after Viper. He was bigger, faster, and had four solidly working legs. It would take a miracle to get away from him. He aimed to tackle her and grab her scruff in his jaws. If successful he would pick her up by the neck and half drag, half carry her lion-style back to the rope.
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
11-08-2020, 09:54 PM

She wouldn't look back to notice that Jupiter had actually no care that she was hopping away. It would make her feel accomplished and overpowering that she was faster than him on her limp. And unknown to Jupiter but suspected, his little heart would flutter to know she was in it to leave him in the dust and never come back. Not that she wouldn't dwell and build on her anger emotions and potentially come back for revenge. Or maybe even the opposite, who knew.

She wouldn't be prepared for the backside impact, the two of them sliding across the ground as he pumbled her. She'd wiggle under his weight to no success of another escape. If only she could get away from him again she could outrun him, or so she thought. His jaws around her scruff would make her snarl defensively being so close to her maim. And she wouldn't settle her thrashing as he went to drag her. She was still lively given her injuries and it sure wasn't stopping her from giving him and incredibly hard time. Luckily for him she was much smaller at least for him to handle easier. "STOP!" She'd huff aggravated and muffled through her teeth, "STOP, let'me GO!" Everyone in the range, perhaps all of Fireside could have heard the commotion but alas, no one would come to her rescue. Not that she was expecting or wanting anyone to come. She was her own knight in shining armor after all.

Jupiter would make it back to the tree at least, no matter how much she flailed around like a fish out of water. And at least when they got back there she had calmed a little maybe realizing there was no use struggling after wasting all that energy. Laying on her side she'd huff through agitated breaths and her front paws would gently dig at the ground. "Jupiter, please let me go." If she cried this would be the time. But she didn't, though the emotion through her voice would be heard, even if it was an angry crying type of sound. "I don' wanna be here." She wasn't whining like a child not wanting to go to school that could have been expected of her usual behavior, this was a much deeper emotion than just "I don't want to." And if Jupiter was observant enough he could easily see.

She wouldn't struggle anymore if he was still keeping her down while figuring out other arrangements or gave her loose room to move around. She would see she couldn't get away if she went to run again. "If you don' want me Juptier, jus' please let me go." Her eye may have flashed toward him but it would flick back in her forward vision, as if not having eye contact made the feelings emotionless. Her voice was a lot softer now as she calmed, "No one wants me. I don' need no one." And she was at his mercy now.

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
12-05-2020, 12:05 PM
Somehow with all that she'd been through Viper managed to put up enough of a fight to give Jupiter trouble. As she writhed around in his grip he was forced to wrap his paws around her waist to keep her from getting away. Balancing on his back legs was difficult and he ended up crumbling over on one hip; the opposing hind leg flailing wildly as he tried to regain his balance and get back on his feet. His swore an unending torrent around her scruff through it all; the slurs directed at her, her parents and every goddamn miserable ancestor who could be blamed for her existence.

When they were finally back to the tree he'd had enough. This time there wasn't going to be any slack for her to wriggle around in. Jupiter shoved her neck against the tree and snarled at Amadeus, "You tie it fuckin' tight! And then you git her fuckin' legs!" The tiny tamarin did as instructed. This time Viper's neck would be lashed directly to the tree. She would be unable to stand, turn her head, or even lift her head away from the trunk. To Viper, he roared, "You do that again 'n I'll fuckin' tie 'em behind your back!"

With that done Jupiter stomped back to the pit and hit it with renewed effort. He was going to get this done in record time. "Well I don't fuckin' want you here either but guess what Viper we don't always get what we want! And you," Jupiter reeled around to get down in her face. When he spoke again his voice was low and menacing. "Oh-ho, baby, this is just what you get when you're a dumb fuckin' cunt."

In a flash he was back around again and angrily flinging dirt every which way. He was so fucking done. Her softened voice did little to cool him, at first. After a few kicks, however, her final words sank in and he was somewhat mollified. With an annoyed groan Jupiter quit digging and pinched his eyes shut. He refused to look at her. Why did he keep getting stuck playing therapist? He had his own problems to deal with; he didn't need anyone else's least of all hers. Jupiter sighed and offered the closest thing to an olive branch he was willing to give which in this instance was just a mellower voice and fewer curses. "What do you want me to say, Viper? You made this mess and you're gonna have to deal with it before you can do anything else. I ain't joining your pity party so can we just do this in silence?"
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
12-05-2020, 01:40 PM

As she had let Jupiter and his companions tie her up, she was done with the struggling and it was probably as if her entire body was just lifeless and giving to what he wanted to do with her. Maybe it was the drain of energy from battling or perhaps an emotional weight dropped down on her chest. But in any usual circumstance, this wasn't like Viper at all. Her eyes avoided Jupiter as he came down with insults in her face, some things she couldn't understand but she wouldn't ask. She knew he was furious and even to an extent may have hated her.

She didn't want this. This was the last thing she ever wanted. It seemed like a spark happened in her when she last met Jupiter, something she had never felt before if only to the fact that it reminded her of before she was alone and broken. Obviously he felt far from the same and though he made an effort to not hurt her feelings she couldn't help but feel how wrong she had done him. Her emotions were strikingly off the charts and hostile on her part. No one should feel this way about someone they in fact barely knew as Jupiter had spoken it. She shouldn't be obsessed like this, and she shouldn't feel as if she had done him wrong.

Her breathing was calmer now. Jupiter's attempt to be mellower was completely ignored at this point as Viper didn't see him caring or wanting her in even the slightest. After all, words were hard to take back. And if that was what Jupiter wanted was silence, then that's what he got. Typically Viper would have been a fireball of bitching but she was in no position to do, well anything. And it seemed that her emotional state had overwhelmed her more than it felt like it probably ever would.

Walk "Talk" Think