
Can You Fix The Broken




7 Years
Chrono I

10-25-2020, 07:18 PM

She hadn't been in The Hallows for long, but she felt like she was settling in nicely and felt very comfortable inside the pack. She felt her ambitions grow especially in her older age and she couldn't ignore the happier she felt as the days went on.

It had grown dark quick as summer had come to an end, and she wandered along the far side of the east staying close to the pack. She could sense the different pack and wolf scents that lingered inside The Hallows including Abaven, and she felt very safe and protected outside of the pack at night.

She had thought of Allegro a lot, though wasn't one to seek him out. She did think they were bound to meet sometime soon though since she moved out here to the east but she wouldn't let the feelings overwhelm her so much. It was hard for her not to think of Tyranis when she thought of Allegro and the betrayal that had taken place. Allegro seemed nothing like Tyranis but there was still that deep feeling inside her that she wasn't worthy or that she would end up disappointing Allegro with anything.

The fireflies at the lake were stunning though this wasn't the first time she had seen them and wouldn't really focus on the beauty of them as they grew in numbers the darker it got and glimmer across the water. She took a seat at the bank and looked down at her faint reflection. The silence and natural noises around her were soothing after spending a lot of time in the pack but for once she would be eager to go back and find her place once again among the pack wolves.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-25-2020, 10:31 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Was it strange to continue thinking about someone so much even after only spending a day with them? He'd met quite a few wolves in his various travels and wanderings, but Aranea had really stuck in his mind for some reason - and not just because of the night they had spent together. That was probably a contributing factor, but it wasn't the whole reason. She had a quiet mystery about her that he wasn't used to after living with a family who was all fairly open about their feelings and what they were going through. Of course maybe they were that way purely because they were family for the most part, but even still, he wasn't used to meeting someone who was so obviously closed off and hurt. It made him curious and worried all at once and it had taken all of his self control to not go looking for her to check up on her and make sure everything was still okay in the days that followed their meeting. He had happy around her and he hoped that maybe he had given her a little bit of happiness as well during the short time they were together.

Sleep felt far away this night and he found himself wandering out of the pack's lands again. He seemed to spend more and more time outside of their claimed lands now that his leg was fully healed. His curiosity and wanderlust always got the better of him and it felt better to be up and moving than just laying in his den alone waiting for sleep to find him. This time he moved a bit further north, eventually finding himself at Firefly Lake. This place certainly wasn't a mystery to him since he had visited several times in his wandering, but it was a place he enjoyed so he wasn't displeased with his random choice in direction.

A scent that had been engrained into his memories found him as he moved along the edge of the lake and with surprise he looked up from the ground to see her silhouette in the distance. It felt as if him thinking of her had somehow summoned her into his presence again. He wasn't sure what he had done to deserve this happenstance or twist of fate, but he was thrilled either way. With a little smile he made his way around to where she was sitting, not rushing over, but moving at a light trot. He made sure to make a bit of noise with his steps so that he wouldn't startle her with his sudden approach. Once he was a comfortable distance from her he slowed to a stop and offered her a warm smile, suddenly feeling a little flutter of nervous butteries when her blue eyes found his. "Aranea... it's good to see you again."



7 Years
Chrono I

10-26-2020, 10:57 AM

She could have spotted the gold markings from anywhere and so when his paw steps came through her ears and she saw the gentle flash, she wouldn't go to take off at a bolt. Instead her eyes looked upon his gentle face with a soft smile, and if anything inviting him to join beside her. "I couldn't agree more."

She'd wait for him to join her, looking out at the fireflies along the lake and the tiny ripples in the reflection of the water. If anything her quietness would seem like she was admiring the beauty of their surroundings but really she was feeling a tension inside her with the brutes presence beside her. Not a nerving, upsetting tension, but just the kind of old feeling that she would have felt as a young girl at the side of Tyranis. A longing perhaps, and she couldn't deny the feeling.

She leaned her body into his shoulder, still looking out at the ripples of the lake. But it wouldn't take long for her to look up at his face again, searching for his eyes that she was sure would be easy to connect to. She wouldn't do much more yet. She was growing more into the need of him and it was strange considering her one night stand with Noir that she would have much rather left in the dust. Not that that encounter was awful at all but her body seemed to have wanted more with Allegro. Not just a one night stand or a booty call.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-26-2020, 06:18 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

He was happy when she agreed with his statement. A part of him had worried that perhaps the unusual infatuation wasn’t mutual, but at the very least she was pleased to see him and gave him a silent invitation to join her at the water’s edge so she must at least enjoy his company. He wouldn’t hesitate to settle beside her and even though it was very tempting to sit with his side brushing hers, he tried to be polite and left a inch or so of space between them. It wasn’t much, but he at least felt better knowing he wasn’t intruding on her space without invitation.

For a short while he let his eyes linger on the fireflies as they danced across the surface of the lake in the most beautiful display of nature, but he still felt his attention being pulled by the delicate woman at his side. Occasionally he would steal a glance toward her while he tried to ignore that magnetic electricity that continued to pull him to close that small distance he had left between them. It was a longing and a desire that he still didn’t really know what to do with. He knew the immediate gratification and satisfaction that they could enjoy like they did the last time they found each other, but if she was going to continue to linger in his mind the way she had been since then...

His train of thought was detailed when she leaned into his shoulder and pulled his gaze down to look at her. Their blue gazes met and that undeniable draw he felt doubled with that warm, building tension. He was still trying to figure out where the line between something that was just lust and something that might be more than that was, but he was certain that he wouldn't figure that out tonight. After a moment of hesitation to see if she was going to pull away again or make an advance of her own, he let his head dip down to reach hers, brushing the sides of their muzzles together, soft and testing to make sure he was reading the signals correctly. He wasn't sure if he wanted all of their interactions to always start this way, but denying this attraction wasn't something he was strong enough to do.



7 Years
Chrono I

10-26-2020, 06:35 PM

She would lean into his touch willingly, letting their emotions wander through the kiss or whatever else he had desired in the moment. She felt like she could never hold back the urge again after being so reluctant as a teenager and paying the full price at the end. But as her body could have danced with Allegro's, she couldn't deny that the feelings were stronger than anything she had felt in a long time.

She would gently pull away, trying not to interrupt the moment and hoping that she wouldn't put another pit of fear in his gut that he had done something wrong because he hadn't. "Allegro, I feel like... I'm starting to like you. A lot more than I intended." At least in their first and last meeting, "And I feel like that's silly considering we've only met once." She wouldn't really have a fear that he would reject her now, and at least in all the quiet and mystery she had displayed to him, she was being more open than she ever had with him. "And I can't deny that I feel you are truly a good man. A good man that I need." And it was how she felt at heart. She had been deeply betrayed and hurt and perhaps Allegro's charming and kind nature is what continued to draw her mind to him. They were both getting older in age and though it could have been a feeling of thinking she was going to be alone for the rest of her life, it really wasn't. Because sure she craved and desired the attention, but she wasn't one to be desperate enough to just settle on any old brute just because she was old. And still somehow, he made her feel young and beautiful again, even if their time was limited together. She felt like the desirable young girl she was as a yearling.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-26-2020, 06:57 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Allegro lost himself for a moment in their affections as brushes of their muzzles turned into nuzzles and kisses and slowly built upon that attraction and desire that was still a little new and unknown to him. While some of it wasn't as new to him, the idea of liking someone enough to want to continue seeing them again and again and possibly incorporating his life into hers was a new and slightly daunting thing. It was something that was lurking at the back of his mind as he tried to ignore it in favor of giving into the more physical needs that they both seemed to have. He worried that bringing up those other feelings might come off as too forward since she had been so reserved and quiet the last time they were together, but it seemed that his concerns were unfounded.

She was the one that pulled away, but not in a way that told him that something was wrong or she had changed her mind. Their muzzles separated, but she didn't pull away completely. His mismatched ears perked forward to listen as she spoke and his brows lifted with surprise and a bit of disbelief. It felt like she had been reading his mind and it was surreal to have his own thoughts echoed out loud. He wondered exactly what she meant when she said that he was a good man that she needed and it made him wonder if perhaps a bad turn of events with past relationships was one of the reasons for the mystery she had placed over her past, but that wasn't the part he wanted to focus on right now. She liked him. It wasn't that he didn't believe himself worthy of a woman's affections, but he had kind of given up on the prospect. He was already over half way through his life and hadn't had anything close to a relationship in that time. Perhaps at their age it was just easier to see what they wanted in others and make those decisions more quickly.

"I like you too... I've been thinking about you a lot since I saw you last," he admitted, a sweet smile creeping over his lips. His ears flicked uncertainly because he knew how silly it was to fall for someone so quickly, but there was no harm in having a little... what would he even call this? A crush? An infatuation? Whatever it was, it was enough for him to be interested and curious about where things could go. "I hope I can be what you need. I'd like to try to be at least... if you'd have me." He felt like he was teetering on an edge right between a situation where they would part ways and potentially not cross paths again after tonight and something else entirely more intentional. He realized suddenly that the pack scent on her coat was different and much more similar to the pack that had recently formed not all that far from Abaven's borders and it gave him even more hope that perhaps they could see each other more often and see where this relationship might go from here.



7 Years
Chrono I

10-26-2020, 08:08 PM

She wasn't surprised or freaked as he admitted he felt the same as she did. It was kind of weird that stating their attraction of another was more to the point than playing games and going back and forth. A sign of their maturity perhaps. But none the less, didn't make the moment any less desirable for Aranea at least.

"I'd want nothing else." She'd respond to his offer though she felt that at heart they had both already made up their mind on trying out this relationship thing a little further. She'd lightly rub her head into his neck again, coming back up to his gentle gaze yet again, "I'm glad we met, Allegro." She'd give him a quick moment to respond if he wanted, but would go back into her kiss with him, eventually pulling her paw up to his tall shoulder asking him to lay down. It would be strange but fitting to say she felt like a teenager again, looking down at his matching eyes with a lingering smile on her face. Being embraced by his large chest and arms. She'd remember this moment more than the last, the intimacy was much more fresh and emotional as they had come to terms with what they wanted for their future together. Even if it wasn't that big of a plan or set in stone. At least they were both willing to try and make something greater and become something bigger with each other.


Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-29-2020, 09:51 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

When he heard her response to his offer his smile only grew and he gave a little, giddy chuckle in response. There was something about a new, blossoming romance that made him feel like a young wolf all over again. Of course it was still too early to say if this was something that could grow into a more serious, permanent thing between them, but it was refreshing to have something to look forward to and hope for. It was something he had been sorely lacking in his life and to have a sweet, beautiful, kind, mysterious woman seem to desire him as much as he did her... it was really all he could ask for. It felt like her attention and affection had breathed a new life into him. He just hoped that he could be everything that she needed since he got the feeling that this little wolf had a much more broken past than she was willing to tell him.

When she nuzzled into his neck his expression softened with a tender affection and he brought one of his forelegs up around her shoulders in the beginnings of an embrace. "I'm glad I met you too, Aranea," he replied softly before her muzzle found his and he melted into her like ice in the summer. He could already feel himself becoming entirely wrapped around her paw and knew that he would do anything for this lovely wolf. As he settled down onto his back and looked up at her gorgeous eyes he saw her smile and matched it with one of is own. He only wanted this expression from her from now on - this look of happiness that had been noticeably absent during their first night together. With her wrapped in his arms he got completely lost in her and blocked out the rest of the world to savor this moment while he thanked every god and star in the sky that they had crossed paths that night.

- fade -



7 Years
Chrono I

10-31-2020, 09:34 AM

She'd lay there with him and watch the fireflies floating around them. If he always wanted to keep that smile on her face it was there. Her blue eyes hopping around looking upwards at the sky but chasing the gentle glow of the insects as they went across her view. She nestled her head into him, not wanting to cut their time together short.

Unless he was in a hurry, she wouldn't go to leave. Instead just laid there and enjoyed the moments with him even in silence. The time of night escaped her but she wouldn't focus on how long she had been away from the pack or how long they laid there. The tension she felt earlier was no longer present as she felt like they were where they belonged, together.

After so long she would turn her face to look towards his, expecting his dark, charming grin to meet her. "Would you like to walk me home? I live in The Hallows now." It could have been a surprise and not something she would ignore if he wanted to ask questions. But either way, the question was kind of stupid given the fact that they would be walking home in the same direction. They could have stayed here all night too if he wanted and she wouldn't deny him. But being so new to her pack and not really knowing the Alpha herself, Aranea would feel more comfortable going home tonight. But she had to admit that leaving Allegro would be harder each time they met.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
11-04-2020, 03:02 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

If given the chance he would continue to lay there with Aranea late, late into the night or even through to the morning. Really, if he was allowed, he'd stay with her for the foreseeable future, but he knew they were still too new to each other to safely assume that she would want that from him. For now he could just be happy with the cuddling they were doing now with the fireflies peacefully dancing over their heads. Normally he might want to make conversation or discuss the future, but there was something so calm and serene about the silence they were currently enjoying that he didn't want to ruin it. He would occasionally look to her just to enjoy the smile she wore, but for the most part he would let his blue gaze track the glowing insects as they floated by around the lake.

Eventually she would be the one to break the silence to ask him if he wanted to walk her home and that would bring his gaze back down to hers, that ever present grin still lingering on his lips. He was a little sad to know that their evening together would be coming to a close, but he held hope that this was just the beginning. There was a little glimmer of intrigue and relief when he heard that she now took up residence in a pack much closer to his own. "Of course - I would love to," he replied before leaning in to leave a gentle kiss on her lips. He wouldn't dream of letting her go home alone in the dark even if they weren't going to be going in the same direction anyway. He let her untangle herself from him first before he got to his paws as well so they could begin the not so long walk back toward the Hallows and Abaven.

"What caused the move to the new pack?" he asked curiously as they began to walk, sticking close to her side as they went.



7 Years
Chrono I

11-05-2020, 05:25 PM

Though Allegro was willing to take her home regardless how he wanted to lay with her the rest of the night and even until morning, Aranea could feel in the beat of his heart that he didn't want to leave as much as she didn't. And he wasn't ready to move on until after she removed herself from his body.

When she finally stood, it was like they were stuck together with gluey feelings of lust and love, and it was a difficult longing she felt when she unattached herself. She'd look up to his larger form as he joined her, and when they walked she would sway her body close to his as if they were a young and naive couple of teenagers who couldn't let go of each other's hands. The sound of cicadas in the distance and surrounding them filled the silence but wasn't overwhelming to her as any awkwardness had disintegrated.

She'd be very open about his question as he asked. Her normal quietness and lack of sociability seemed to fade with every moment they had together. "Um, Torin had to hand over Lirim because someone had his wife and child captive. I heard of The Hallows and their strive to heal and I thought my experience and knowledge was best used there." She'd look up to him with a bit of a smile, "I feel like it's where I belong. My calling, if that's something that exists." Though it wasn't necessarily present in her voice and more upbeat attitude, to her it was a mention of her low self esteem. As if she wasn't good enough to fit in anywhere because that was truly how she felt after all.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead