
Pick a Pack of Peppers



Expert Fighter (130)

Novice Intellectual (20)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019Trick 2019
10-27-2020, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2020, 12:14 AM by Winter.)
It was time to hunt. Summer was nearing its end and she wanted to check out the nearby territories to see if a pack hunt could be pulled off soon. Although she was pretty new still at this alpha test thing, maybe making some alpha-like decisions or trying to boost morale or whatever it was alphas were supposed to do would maybe get the pack interested in...well...she wasn't quite sure. Wanting to better themselves? She wasn't sure. Things had been slow, she thought. Or maybe she just wasn't paying attention enough to things as of late...or for a while. She had been busy doing her own thing, and she was sure everyone else was too. Whatever the case, maybe a pack hunt could bring them together as comrades. She wanted to know who was capable in their skills or whatever along with who might be capable at rising in the ranks, assuming any of them wanted to. She was ambitious sometimes and had wanted to rise up to be her father's right-hand woman, but alas...he had other plans. At least temporarily.
Winter has a set of ram horns that aren't depicted in all of her art.
She also has a Japanese Macaque & an Osprey companion that are assumed to be with her at all times unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
Dire wolf
10-27-2020, 09:36 PM
He had been wandering around the pack looking for something to do. Since returning he had done a full exploration of both territories that the pack occupied. He had been exercising and building muscle back up in his leg and now he moved without a limp. Though he was fully healed, he had his first noticeable scar, which really didn't bother him any. His father had plenty of scars and it didn't bother him to have them either. While he was looking for something to do he came across his sister's scent at the border, heading out of the pack lands. It made him stop and contemplate on what he should do. Last time he traveled out of the pack he got lost, but now he was older and bigger. Besides he was a much better tracker now with the tips he had gotten from the family that took him in and healed him up. Still he hesitated for a while, before deciding to fallow his sister.

Her trail had been fairly fresh when he started and he allowed his dual gaze to take note of his surroundings so he could get back if he lost the trail. Fallowing it with his nose to the ground he trekked across the territory like a wolf on a mission. They were still young, but his father had just appointed Winter to be alpha of the pack. He himself still didn't fully understand all of the duties involved and since he had time he figured he would see if she either needed company or needed some help. Besides he really hadn't spent any time with her since he returned, but he knew she was busy with her new rank. Soon his duel gaze caught sight of her, but he also smelled prey in the wind, so he quietly stalked up beside her. He was unsure if she was actually hunting, but he didn't want to spook anything nearby. His tail wagged as he grew close happy to see her.

"Whatcha up to sis," he asked, keeping his voice low.



Expert Fighter (130)

Novice Intellectual (20)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019Trick 2019
11-02-2020, 11:49 PM


She really wasn't sure what to do with herself. Sure, she had a shiny new rank full of new responsibilities now, but she wasn't exactly sure what those responsibilities were supposed to be. She had watched her father do them before, but she didn't really question what he was doing when he did them. In fact, he hadn't even trained her for this. He did tell her he wanted to see if she could figure it out on her own because she did technically say she didn't want the help. But what the hell was she thinking when she said that? She had no idea what an alpha was supposed to really do, but now she was too prideful to go up to her dad and ask for help. She almost kicked dirt until her brother's voice stopped her, causing her to turn around a little too quickly as he approached.

"Oh hey Arc, um...nothin' much. Just thinking about stuff, y'know..." She bit her lip as she appeared to look uncomfortable. Although he had been lost for nearly their whole pup hood, it felt like he'd been here the whole time. Sort of. At least to her. Could she confide in her siblings how she felt? How unsure she was? How she thought she might disappoint dad? She hadn't held the position for long, but she never realized how self-doubting she was until recently..."I uh...was maybe thinking about going for a hunt, or...maybe making something to make the hunt easier...I think...did you maybe want to join me?" Maybe a little craft and hunt session would break the ice...maybe it'd get her mind off her self doubt entirely...


Winter has a set of ram horns that aren't depicted in all of her art.
She also has a Japanese Macaque & an Osprey companion that are assumed to be with her at all times unless otherwise mentioned.