
They are yummyful and tenderful and nice!



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years

Snake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth Hunter
Pride - Gay1K
10-28-2020, 09:02 PM

Úlfr rolled in the grass of the buffalo knolls. He was positioned happily on his back and rolling from side to side as he decided what to do with himself. His mothers had given him a free day. No training, no duties but being one of the only pups his age made it a bit hard to stay entertained. Úlfr rolled onto his stomach and stretched before calling to his raven companions, Galinn and Glámr. At least he had them to keep him company. The ravens stirred in the trees nearby then flew down to join him. He took off across the landscape with their shadowy forms flying above him. "So, what are we doing today Úlfr?"

He shrugged in response to Galinn's question. "I don't really know yet. I figure something interesting will turn up." Something usually did. His days were rarely boring, even when he had a day off from training. Some times the weather would provide some entertainment and other times it was additional wildlife that would. He'd run into a skunk, a fox, and a raccoon fairly recently. They were odd and interesting characters though he didn't care much for the smell of the skunk and raccoons were rather annoying. They couldn't seem to keep their paws to themselves. The fox he'd met was pretty nice though. Well, of course she was. Jynette was one of his mother's companions so he felt a bit partial to foxes.

Úlfr figured he might as well practice patrolling through the territory. Maybe he could find something interesting to do or maybe he could catch an intruder and bring it home to his moms. Wouldn't they be so proud? The sun had just broken free from the horizon and was slowly climbing into the sky. The birds in the prairie were singing their little hearts out and in the distance he could hear the rumbles and lowing of bison. Úlfr kept his distance from the bison, he knew better than to try and hunt one of those alone. Maybe there was some small prey he could hunt. He was feeling much more confident since his first solo hunt when he'd managed to catch a rabbit. Valdís had helped him skin it and tan the hide. He now had the hide hanging on the wall of his den as a trophy. It meant an awful lot to him. Maybe he should see if he could find another rabbit to hunt.

Úlfr crossed a small stream and moved out into the dryer grasses of the knolls. It was then that Galinn swooped down near him and mentioned that there was a little lizard sun bathing nearby on a rock. His ears twitched at the news and he grinned. A lizard? How cool! He'd have been tempted to keep it as a pet but with two ravens it was bound to get eaten anyway and he wanted to try and catch it. Maybe lizard was a delicacy. Following Galinn's instructions he stalked forward through the grasses, following the birds instructions until he came up on a large sagebrush lizard sunbathing on a nearby stone. It was about four inches long. It was a little brown lizard with a few cream colored spots down its side. All in all it would be a small morsel for a wolf but he still wanted to try.

Úlfr sank down into the grasses, testing the wind to make sure it was in his favor. He wasn't sure if the lizard could smell him or not but he didn't want to risk anything right now. He wanted that lizard! Taking a cautious step forward Úlfr started to work his way slowly toward the boulder. Valdís had said the thing he needed to learn most was patience. The lizard was moving slowly and seemed very sleepy. Well, the early wolf would get the lizard! His hind legs coiled beneath him as he eyed his prey for a moment longer before springing forward. BAM!

Úlfr crushed the lizard in one swift grasp but he had not calculated his strike as perfectly as he could have for in catching the lizard he rammed his nose right into the rock. "Yow! Oh!" Úlfr dropped the bloody lizard and stumbled back, wiping at his sore and aching nose. It didn't long for a little bit of blood to begin trickling out. His eyes watered and his ears burned with embarrassment. While he was tending to his nose though Glámr landed and picked up the lizard. The bird then hopped over to his companion and gently set the dead lizard down at the pups feet. Úlfr sniffed and winced before offering a smile to the bird. "Thanks, Glámr." He then reached down and picked up the lizard, chewing the whole thing bones and all before swallowing it down.