
Breakfast in Bed



3 Years
11-13-2020, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2020, 10:52 PM by Fel.)
It had been three days since she'd discovered the treasures of the Rio Grande. Treasures in the forms of a big brute and a tiny fae. Fel had to admit that she was terribly intrigued by the pair. Azriel was an enigma. She could practically taste the secrets that rattled around within him. He wasn't too bad to look at either. And Sibyl... delicious. No doubt that she and the pale beauty could have a lovely time together. Fel had always leaned towards females even though she thoroughly appreciated being manhandled.

Over the past few days she'd been dealing with shit. Shitty situations. Shitty emotions. Just shit. Eligos had been blinded while off doing something stupid. Pyrrhic was busy disconnecting. Fel was trying to hold it all together, but what was the point? Her efforts weren't appreciated. She had walked across the world for the sons of bitches and she'd only been reprimanded in return. Bitter much? Just a bit.

Having had enough of everything,  Fel decided that she needed a break. Gathering some supplies into a pack,  the silver dame picked her way out of Aerie lands and down to the river.  She could only hope that the pair decided to stay close. If not,  well... she'd just get drunk by herself. Maybe Oona would want a drink too, but the cat had always been too proper for drunken revelry.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.


11-13-2020, 12:52 AM

It had taken a good bit of convincing and conniving to get Az to agree to stay in the cave that Fel had directed them to. All of this talk about how it was "dangerous" and how it could be a "trap" went in one ear and right out the other. Sure, she got where he was coming from, but if he thought that she was just going to walk away from the possibility of seeing that wonderfully delightful fae again he was dead wrong. She eventually found herself resting on top of a rock just to the right of the cave's den - one that wasn't quite as big as the one Fel had been laying out on when they encountered her the first time, but it was tall enough that when she laid on her back she could easily ignore Azriel and pretend he wasn't there. Sometimes she really enjoyed his company and he had been a great partner in crime for a while now, but when he was in paranoid mode she found it better to just let him burn himself out.

The sound of paws moving toward them made her ears perk and she tipped her head back to look over the edge of the rock, her lavender eyes opening to see Fel's stunning form moving toward them - though seeing her from an upside down angle this time. A grin split across her lips and her tail wagged, brushing against the rock she was currently laying on. Ha! Her patience had paid off after all! Rolling back to her paws, Sibyl hopped down from the rock and gave her pale coat a quick shake so she could greet her most recent obsession properly. "And here I was worrying that you might not come see us again after all," she said with a teasing pout, though the slight grin at the corners of her mouth proved that she was merely poking fun.



11-13-2020, 01:37 AM

To say Boreas had been an interesting place to explore would have been a gross understatement. In the few days that had passed since their arrival, Azriel had dedicated all of his time and energy to finding as much information as he could about their new temporary home. He had done some scouting in the nearby provinces, exploring wherever he did not smell a large collective of wolves. Packs were something he was keen to avoid for the time being. Thanks to a particularly chatty fox he'd met across the river, he had a decent grasp on the nearby areas enough that, once three days had passed, he felt comfortable finally permitting himself to relax. It had been close to a week since he and Sibyl had fled for their lives; if they hadn't been tracked down by now, there was little chance they'd be found now. For all intents and purposes, they had gotten away with murder.

Yet despite all his research and digging, one mystery continued to elude him. The mystery that was a beguiling work of art swathed in fur as dark as fresh obsidian, gilded with sterling silver. Fel Abraxas. That name had hung on his lips for three days, yet no matter who he spoke to, he received nothing but more mysteries. All he had been able to learn was that the Abraxas family had founded the Aerie pack, but even that gave him little to nothing. He could have discerned she belonged to a pack by simple deduction. It only confounded him further and left Azriel ravenous for more. Now, without the concern of a hunting party coming to knock on their door, he had all his time and energy to dedicate to reviewing their meeting in his head, watching their encounter over and over like a tape rewinding. Her deep red eyes were burned into his memory, the flash of white from her perfectly maintained teeth, her graceful movements like a sash of velvet rippling in the air, the purr of her voice as she spoke. But more enticingly was that wickedly sharp mind she kept hidden away, displaying against his with every word and every gesture. Fel Abraxas. That wolf had poisoned his mind and corrupted his every thought.

Despite his fascination with the ebony fae, he found it more disappointing than he'd care to admit that she hadn't been seen since their first meeting several days ago. On their first night, Azriel assumed she was setting an ambush for them, especially given how hidden and secluded the den she'd invited them to was. She hadn't been lying when she said it was cozy, plenty big for himself and Sibyl, and certainly able to comfortably house three if the occasion called for it. But its secrecy came at the price of having a single entrance and exit, a terrific chokepoint to any would-be attackers. When the first day passed without event, Azriel then thought she was turning them in to some greater force, and a posse of vigilantes would be coming at any moment. When day two passed, and then day three, the monochrome brute began to wonder if perhaps she had just been a brief memory. Perhaps that was all Fel Abraxas was ever meant to be: a beautiful ghost passing through the world. He never gave voice to how disappointed he was that he might never get the chance to unlock any of her secrets or match wits with her again.

Then came today. Another gorgeous, slow, mundane day. With their freedom all but secured, Azriel had been trying to plan out what their next move should be. Should he and Sibyl stay a while longer in Boreas and see what the lands had to offer? Well, actually, that was exactly what they were doing, since Sibyl made a grand spectacle of stubbornly insisting they stay here until the Abraxas beauty returned. Fighting her on that would have been a losing battle. So they waited, and as Sibyl sunbathed above their den, Azriel sat on the banks of the river a short ways away, watching the water go by and thinking. He was lost in the memory loop he had been for the last few days, his only way to see Fel again, to study and pick her apart, when he heard Sibyl speak. Black ears flicked back to catch her voice, followed by a turn of his head as he glanced back to see a familiar silver-streaked shadow approaching them. She had actually come after all!

Gradually rising to his full height, Azriel got back to his paws and made his way toward the two faes, taking a moment to marvel at the stark contrast between them. Sibyl was so light and delicate. Fel was dark and sensual. This had all the opportunities of being quite an interesting day. "Ah, she returns at last. And here I was afraid you'd only been a daydream. Hello again, Fel," Azriel called out to Fel as he came closer to the duo, the corner of his mouth twisting upward in a crooked smirk. "Poor Sibyl here has been lamenting over not getting to see you. Seems you left quite the impression."




3 Years
11-13-2020, 02:21 AM
Pristine whites flashed as Sibyl rolled down from her rock. Abdullah Fel was struck by the attractiveness of the woman. Lile the silver dame, it seemed that the pale fae was practiced. Each movement was thought out to cast her in the best light. Even the little pout was performed extremely. Yes... Sibyl knew what she was doing. The diminutive lady's words brought a low chuckle from the larger. "I did tell you that I'd see you again. I'm many things, but I do keep my word." Always. She always kept her word. If Fel made a promise, she'd see it through. Your word, your oath, that was something that could never be taken away from you.

The subtle shifting of Oona let her know that Azriel was approaching. Fel shifted as well, sliding her obsidian frame to the side to keep him from approaching from behind. It was reflex more than anything but it was also smart. She didn't know these two any better than she knew the next wolf that would pass through. Precautions would be in order until they found some balance. She could most likely trust sweet Sibyl, but she wouldn't be able to trust the dark man for quite a while.

Just as Sibyl's had, Azriel's words brought a low, throaty chuckle from the marbled lass. "Never fear, " she responded in silken tones. "Flesh and blood, I promise." As he made his comment about Sibyl's lament, Fel batted her lashes and brought one midnight paw up to rest gently on her own chest dramatically. "Darling, pining over me already?" She couldn't help but tease. "Good thing you'll get a healthy dose of me today."

Shrugging out of the pack that was slung around her neck, the silver streaked lady began emptying its contents. A brace of young rabbits, a chunk of dried bison, a flask of summer mead and a bar of soap. The last she handed over to the tiny lady. "To wash away the dust of the road," she purred. Perhaps they could bathe together. Bringing her garnet gaze back to rest upon Azriel's handsome features, she grinned. "Breakfast is served."
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.


11-13-2020, 03:39 PM

Sibyl chuckled softly to Fel assuring her that she would keep her word and that was clearly true - at least in this instance. Before she could make another remark, Azriel appeared from wherever it was he had been looming, the dark shadow of a brute sauntering over with honeyed words. His comment about how she had been "lamenting" about the larger fae's absence made her roll her eyes and give the brindled man a glare, but she also couldn't say he was wrong. After all, with all the fuss she had put up at the idea of them not staying where Fel could find them, she had made it pretty obvious who was currently holding her attention. She wasn't ashamed to say that she had wanted to see this beautiful fae again, but that didn't mean she appreciated her traveling companion calling her out so brashly.

However, Fel's teasing comments easily wiped away her irritation and she gave the silvery woman a grin in response. "Well, I guess this is my lucky day then," she replied with a soft giggle to hearing that she would get a good bit of Fel's time. Her eyes shifted curiously to the pack that Fel carried with her as it shifted and fell to the ground, peeking around to see what might be hidden inside. Her brows lifted with surprise to all of the gifts that Fel pulled out to share with them, a special interest directed toward the bottle of mead and the bar of soap. The soap wasn't something she was entirely familiar with so when Fel passed it over to her specifically Sibyl gave the soap a curious sniff and was met with a lovely, fresh scent that was perhaps a bit floral. It reminded her of the scent that she had gotten from Fel when they first met. Honestly, it could have been anything and Sibyl would have been just as thrilled to know that Fel had brought something for her specifically.

"So not only do I get to enjoy being with you again, you brought gifts! You're far too generous," she replied with a bright grin, naturally shifting a bit closer to Fel's side as she came over to examine the meats and drink that had been laid out before them. "Just a kiss would have sufficed," she added with a daring glance, her voice a bit softer with a slight seductive purr to it, giving Fel another grin and giggling to herself before going to help herself to a bit of the dried bison meat.



11-13-2020, 05:05 PM

The way Fel positioned herself when he approached did not go unnoticed by the larger male, though he gave no indication that he'd taken note of it. It was a defensive maneuver, one he himself had often utilized, and it meant that she did not trust him either. Good; that meant they were on the same level. It also meant that Fel probably wasn't planning any sort of attack or ambush on the pair. If she had been, he doubted she'd be quite so wary, as the obsidian lady had carried herself with such cool and refined confidence. Usually a wolf with an ace up their sleeve was not preparing to flee at a moment's notice. Oddly enough, it actually helped keep Azriel relaxed around her knowing she could at least be trusted to not do any harm to them. He wouldn't say he trusted the dark temptress for a second, but he didn't see her as the potential threat he had last time. He cast a brief glance of steel grey eyes to the black cat that acted as her second pair of eyes with a smirk and a nod in greeting. He had to admit, it must be handy having a lookout with you wherever you went. Perhaps he'd have to consider the idea someday.

It was his turn to chuckle now when Fel made a show of her flattery for Sibyl's affections. The two of them were going to get along extremely well, he was already sure of it. Her statement of reassurance that Sibyl would get plenty of her perked up the brute's ears. So she was planning on spending a good amount of time with them. An excitement stirred inside the wolf at the notion of their game continuing where they'd left off. Of course, Sibyl had far more "full contact" games she'd no doubt want to play, and as he watched Fel's lithe body work and move to slip her pack off of her, Azriel couldn't fault her for her desires either. Curious eyes watched while Fel unpacked her gifts, watching as she continued to produce item after item from the bag with intrigue and surprise. Salted and dried meats, a bottle of something that looked very enticing, and a bar of soap for Sibyl. While his smaller companion inspected the soap, Azriel was far more interested in her other presents. Unless Fel was some sort of secret extreme survivalist, Azriel highly doubted she had acquired all of this on her own. That meant only one of two things: she had either stolen them, or she had free access to them, meaning she did indeed belong to a pack and was someone of enough renown to get her paws on them. Either possibility piqued his interest, and he filed the questions away for later. Right now, it had been too long since he'd seen her, and he didn't want their pleasant reunion to devolve into an interrogation.

"Well now, isn't this quite a spread! Sib is right; this is much too generous." Azriel grinned back when her piercing red eyes met his again, casting his gaze down to the food again. "Thank you for breakfast, Fel. I can't imagine it was easy to get your paws on all of this." Steel eyes moved up to hers once more as he spoke his last sentence, watching for a reaction. Yes, he was subtly probing to find his answers still. It was who he was. Information was a valuable commodity to the dark brute. It could be used as currency, as a guide, or in more entertaining manners, as a weapon. Following Sibyl's lead, Azriel separated one of the rabbits and tore into its supple meat, sharp fangs ripping through muscle and sinew with ease as he sated his hunger. Had this been a few days ago, Azriel might have been convinced the food was poisoned. Now, that concern seemed like a distant afterthought. If Fel truly wanted him dead, she'd had plenty of better opportunities to do it by now. Poison seemed like such a colorless way for the gilded phantom of a fae to kill him."What's in here?" he asked, rapping his claws against the flask of mead with a light clinking, a wry smirk on his lips as he added, "Something strong, I hope."




3 Years
11-17-2020, 01:20 AM
Sibyl seemed tickled by having been given a gift. She called Fel generous and the dark woman chuckled darkly. "Only when I want something, darling." At the mention of a kiss, the garnet eyed fae's smoldered. "Is that your price? You're worth much more than that, love. But... as you wish." Since Sibyl had moved closer, it was an easy feat to bring one obsidian paw up to cup the pale beauties chin. Fel gently turned the womans head as she brought their lips together. It was nothing extravagant. A mere brushing of her silken lips over Sibyls. She didn't want to give it all away right out of the gate. Fel did maintain eye contact through the whole ordeal, heavily lashed eyes dropping to half mast as they started into the other womans lavender depths. With that done, she released Sibyl, allowing her to collect her bison meat and begin her meal.

Fel brought her attention to Azriel then as he thanked her for the meal. No doubt his price was much steeper than a mere kiss, though she would gladly have given him one as well just to see the reaction on his handsome features. As he mentioned the difficulty that she must have gone through, Fel simply gave a noncommittal shrug. They were back to playing their game and he was digging for information. Too easy. He'd have to try harder.

As the pair began to feed, Sibyl on her bison and Azriel on his hare, thre dark lady scanned about for an ideal place to rest. Nearby was a flat rock with a beam of sunlight shining directly on it. It was as though Abraxas himself had parted the clouds just for her. Moving to the stone, Fel sprawled upon it, hind legs stretched out behind her. Front legs crossed. The warmth of the stone soaked into her dark belly and the woman gave a sigh of content.

Azriel soon asked what was in the flask and hoped that it was strong. "Stronger than water, I assure you." She gave her muzzle a push in the direction of the flask. "Some simple summer mead that I happened to come across. It's nice to drink something other than water every so often. Don't you agree?" Would he agree heartily, showing the potential for alcoholism? A simple dig, but not all moves had to be power moves.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.


11-17-2020, 02:01 AM

If she thought that she was getting a real treat by having Fel come to visit, the beautiful shadow of a fae really set out to spoil her. A paw caught her chin and lifted her head to line up their muzzles before she was graced with the lightest, most teasing brush of a kiss. Even though it was light enough to barely count as a kiss, Sibyl was still absolutely thrilled by the very forward, brash affection. She grinned slyly as their lips parted again, a light giggle leaving her. “Breakfast, gifts, and a kiss? You spoil me, Fel.”

She settled down with her breakfast even though eating was the last thing on her mind. While she ate she made sure to lay in such a way that she was stretched out and on display for their guest and was able to keep an eye on Fel’s silvery form as well. Occasionally she would glance toward Azriel whenever he spoke or moved, ever observant and watchful, but for the most part Fel had her attention. It had been a while since they had come across someone that she had been this interested in on her own without some kind of plan or encouragement from her partner in crime do drive her actions. Fel was beautiful and enticing all on her own accord.

Sibyl went to work carefully licking her paws and muzzle clean once she was finished with her breakfast and meanwhile her lavender gaze shifted back and forth between Az and Fel as they spoke about the bottled beverage that had been among the gifts Fel presented them. On the surface it just seemed like a casual conversation, but she knew Az better than that and had quickly picked up on the fact that Fel liked to play these subtle mind games as well. She watched them with a mild curiosity to see how they interacted, mostly in the hopes that Azriel would eventually come to trust the dark fae and allow her to join in on their escapades if she wished. The more she could incorporate the dazzling wolf into her life the better.



11-17-2020, 02:36 AM

It was impossible for Azriel to miss Fel's forwardness as she blessed Sibyl with a kiss. Though it appeared little more than the slightest touch of their lips together, it did teach the man two important things: that Fel was indeed aiming to play her wicked game with them and that watching the two lovely faes stirred something inside of him. Of course, what male wouldn't give his tail to be able to witness what he just had, but it was more than mere arousal at the enticing sight. The last wolf that had touched Sibyl without it being part of his scheme was now cold and dead. Azriel did not consider himself a jealous wolf of any means, but he was incredibly protective of his assets. When Fel touched Sibyl, there was no immediate flash of anger, no ire or sense of disrespect. Instead, there was intrigue and yearning. No, perhaps yearning wasn't the right word... or maybe it was?

Azriel found himself left wanting even further when Fel gave him nothing but a shrug. The walls were still up. Despite her return, those defenses remained as insurmountable as before. He should have expected it from such a direct and obvious approach. This was going to require some tact and forethought. But then again, was it all really worth putting in this much effort? Fel had shown she was here for one reason only: to use them to unwind. Perhaps he had given her too much credit; perhaps she wasn't some hidden diamond in the rough, but merely a sultry and well-spoken promiscuous wolf looking for her next good time. That possibility disheartened Azriel in a way that surprised himself. He had no way of knowing, of course. Understanding Fel was like trying to learn a new language: difficult and sometimes discouraging, but rewardingly possible. The only question now was if she was something worth learning, or if he was wasting his time imagining her as something she was not.

Sharp fangs separated meat from bone, deliciously salty blood coating his tongue while Azriel devoured his meal. It didn't take him long to pick the rabbit clean, but it did afford him enough time to watch Fel saunter off a bit to sprawl out across a sun-baked rock nearby. She enjoyed sunbathing, it seemed. Perhaps she just enjoyed heat and warmth. It would certainly fit her fiery disposition. When she answered his question about the bottle, he raised a curious brow. Summer mead? It had been some time since he'd gotten to enjoy alcohol, let alone any liquid besides water and blood. While not an alcoholic, Azriel did enjoy anything that could help him relax. Precious few things seemed to be capable of relieving him in that regard. But she didn't need to know that.

"Well, how lucky for us all then," he responded, speaking of her happening across the mead. It was a lie, and he knew it, but he also knew better than to push directly with Fel. She would simply shut down or deflect. The dark-furred brute took some of the dried bison, wolfing it down. "I would agree. Variety is the spice of life, is it not? Especially when one can feel trapped in the same mundane life." Azriel fixed Fel with a look that, while innocuous enough, spoke of awareness and goading. It was as if his eyes were saying "Not good enough" and daring her to come after him. She was prying, albeit with a subtle art, just like he had been doing. So far he had been on the offensive since they met, striking at her with questions and quips. But that had not worked out favorably for him so far. Perhaps it was time to shift the dynamic, and let her do some of the striking. Would she pursue him the way he had done for her and prove that she was more than just a pretty face and alluring words, or would she simply be a pleasant memory to recall on lonely nights once they were done here?




3 Years
11-17-2020, 03:04 AM
It was still far too early to tell if the pair would be anything more than a temporary distraction. Most people in her life disappointed her, so why would these two be any different? It never even crossed her mind that they might stick around. They would be here, take what they needed from one another and disappear. By this time next week, she'd have forgotten that they existed. No one had surprised her yet, so she didn't get her hopes up. This was no time top be thinking about anything other than the pair before her, however.

Sibyl displayed herself as she daintily consumed her meal. Fel openly stared, appreciation showing in her ruby pools. She really was a pretty thing. Sweet. Playful. Calculating. All attributes that the Abraxas fae appreciated. She couldn't stand the little innocents that were too good for some slap and tickle. Fel was willing to bet that Sibyl would be only too happy to accept a bit of both. She'd be more than happy to give it to her, too.

Azriel moved from hare to bison and Fel watched, thick tail lashing languidly back and forth at her hips. His mention of the word 'mundane' the silver streaked woman rolled her eyes. "You have no idea." Stretching her right foreleg as far as it would reach, she placed her chin upon it, looking a little sullen. She'd been elusive this whole time, but in this instance, she was speaking true. There were no walls. No hidden words. At the moment her life was monotonous. Unsatisfying. Boring. Mundane, as he'd said.

With a sigh, Fel pushed off, rolling onto her back, paws tucked up against her chest. "A little excitement is good for the soul. Something or someone to break that monotony. Something to remind you that you're still alive." And not some cold corpse like her brother. That lifelessness seeped into her when she was near. Sibyl and Azriel didn't know it, but they were breathing life back into her right now.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.


11-19-2020, 04:25 PM

Whenever she had a chance to watch Azriel interact with others, it reminded her of why she had bothered to worm her way into his life in the first place. He was always so naturally good at pulling things from other wolves or playing that dance of word play and calculated conversations. Well, that and he was very handsome. Brutes weren't always her favorite, but he was fun from time to time. Watching him go back and forth with Fel was entertaining mentally and visually. They were all quite the monochromatic group and she was enjoying the chance to openly appreciate Fel and Azriel's looks for a bit while Az did the heavy lifting of figuring Fel out.

She watched Fel as she rolled onto her back, revealing her darker chest and stomach while she lamented about how mundane life had become. For a moment she got a glimpse of real emotion through what felt like a carefully crafted demeanor and Sibyl felt a small frown pull at her lips. She obviously knew every little about Fel and her life and what made her feel this way, but she already didn't like seeing the silver-marked fae this way. Was it possible to dislike the unnamed, unknown entity that seemed to be negatively impacting someone she only recently met? Apparently the answer to that was yes, at least for Sib.

The gray and white little fae got to her paws now that she was completely cleaned of any trace of her meal and went over to where Fel was laying. Given the forwardness Fel had shown with her teasing kiss, Sibyl didn't really think she'd mind the intrusion into her personal space too much. She settled in beside Fel, tucking herself into her side and giving her cheek an encouraging, gentle nudge with her nose. "Why don't you come travel with us? She could join us, right, Az?" she asked, lifting her lavender eyes with a glance toward the male that was laying a few feet away.



11-19-2020, 06:22 PM

Ah, now that had stirred something inside the silver-gilded ebony woman. For the first time since they'd met, Fel gave an honest and open reaction. There was nothing rehearsed about the way she rolled her eyes or flipped herself onto her back, nothing feigned in her voice when she gave words to her dull existence. Azriel raised a curious brow. For all the things he'd seen about her, she did not strike him as a wolf who simply settled for her lot in life. Yet here, she looked like she was just barely existing at all, like she was completely unsatisfied with the cards life had dealt her. There. That was the key to Fel Abraxas. Target your opponent's weakness... Exploit and attack... The words rang out in his head, a habit he had built over a lifetime of manipulating wolves to his whim. But this time, he had no need to prey upon the Abraxas fae. He had no plan, no scheme that she could be used in. Hell, he didn't even know if she was his opponent. Besides, she had brought him breakfast in bed; he could afford her this small mercy.

She wasn't looking at him presently, and Azriel allowed himself to enjoy the same luxury Sibyl was: namely, letting his silver-grey eyes wander over her voluptuous form while Fel spread herself out on display, basking in the sunlight like a reptile. While he cleaned himself from the remnants of his meal, he traced every dip, every curve, every twist and turn of her body, silently musing about how each would feel beneath his paws. He had no doubt Sibyl was wondering the same, though his desires tended to be far more... assertive, dominant. Grey eyes turned to the lighter-furred fae seated close by, smirking a little to himself when he saw Sib's lavender eyes also glued to their newest companion. Of course he had been right assuming she was enjoying herself. Sibyl was a very attractive wolf who knew exactly what she wanted and how to obtain it. That was what he admired about her, and why they had worked out so well together. Sibyl had that zest for adventure and a penchant for diving into things headfirst. She was the trailblazer, he was the mapmaker. It also didn't hurt that she was just as easy on the eyes, and even more entertaining in bed. That fiery little minx had appealed to far more than just Azriel's mind, and had certainly aroused more than just his interest over their travels together.

No sooner had Azriel begun to wonder what could have a wolf like Fel acting like she were a prisoner in her own life, he saw movement from Sibyl out of the corner of his eye. Head turned a fraction of an inch, gaze fixed on his companion while she got up and made her way over to Fel with the bravado only she could manage. Interested eyes watched while the two girls snuggled together, with the smaller Sibyl nudging and nosing at the ever so slightly larger Fel. It was enough to make the brute chuckle to himself, an amused smirk playing on his muzzle. He was curious to see how Fel would respond to her advances, especially given the tease of a kiss they had shared only minutes before. Then the lighter fae asked him with a hopeful gleam in her pale lavender eyes if Fel could join them. Azriel's first instinctive reaction was to say no, to deny the request of a stranger joining their travels—but he knew Sibyl would give him hell, and if anything it permitted him more time with the enigmatic woman.

"That really all depends on Fel," replied Azriel, giving Fel a glance as he spoke. "I don't know if we're going anywhere anytime soon, but she's welcome to stay with us for as long as she likes." He left the invitation open to the Abraxas beauty to decide for herself. The offer had been extended. He wanted her to stay, to get to know her inside and out, to play with the puzzle that was her beautiful mind. But he knew he could not force his will on Fel like that. She was too similar to him in that regard. The choice would have to be hers, even if he did do everything in his power to help sway that decision.




3 Years
11-19-2020, 07:08 PM
It didn't bother her to show this particular flash of emotion. It was true and heartfelt. The dark lady was unsatisfied and unfulfilled with her current lot in life. There was nothing to challenge her. Nothing to make her feel accomplished, superior, comforted, satisfied, happy. Nothing to make her feel much if anything. Dantalian had been a flash of light in the dark, but the pup was not hers. No doubt she would grow up stuffy and dutiful like a typical Abraxas. Maybe things would have been easier if she herself was a typical Abraxas, but alas... she was not. In her family, faith was important. It was important to Fel as well, but she communed with her good in a different way. She felt that they had an understanding. The mighty Abraxas hadn't come down to smite her just yet, so maybe he had a soft spot for the black sheep that was Fel. She could hope that he did, anyway.

Lost in thought, the prone woman hadn't heard Sibyl approach. It was only when the warm, sleek form was pressed against her that she snapped back to the present. Sibyl nosed at her and Fel simply smiled. The pale lady's words brought a chuckle rising up, but she would listen to Azriels reaction before she would respond. He agreed with his female counterpart, saying that Fel was welcome to travel with them. She could see herself traveling with the pair, getting into all sorts of mischief. No doubt they would have one hell of a time. She could definitely be happy as part of a trio. As outlandish, eccentric and independent as she was, Fel had a code; a sense of honor.

Reaching out with one paw, Fel stroked Sibyls cheek gently. "Duty keeps me from accepting your offer. I've given my word to someone and my word is very important." Reaching out further, she hooked her arms around the smaller fae's neck and pulled her into an embrace. "We can enjoy each other for now though." It was nice to have the womans body nestled against hers. Not even because it could lead to sex, but simply because she took comfort in being close.

Ruby eyes shifted, crossing the distance to land upon the powerful, handsome form of Azriel. Still upside down, the precarious position didn't seem to detract from the confidence that the woman held. She offered him a new sort of challenge. "Do you want in on this?" There was no such thing as too many bodies in a cuddle pile. Especially when those bodies were oh so lovely.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.


11-19-2020, 08:01 PM

She could see him considering the request for a moment and mentally she was daring him to deny her, but he either felt a similar way as she did or wasn't willing to fight her on this since he agreed fairly easily. He left it open to Fel to decide, but he hadn't disagreed and had welcomed the larger fae to join them. A grin touched Sibyl's features and she looked to Fel to see what she thought. An ebony paw came to her cheek and Sibyl leaned into the touch, her grin quickly turning into a slightly disappointed pout when Fel sited her duty as the reason she couldn't join them. It had pulled her away from them the first time and now it was keeping her from staying with them. Whoever this boring, mundane, stuffy "someone" that she had promised her word to was really starting to get on Sibyl's nerves.

However, her irritation was short lived as Fel wrapped her forelegs around her neck and pulled her into an embrace. It brought that grin back to her lips as she settled against this gorgeous fae's chest and was more than happy to nuzzle into the fur around Fel's neck. The fresh scent from the soap she had smelled before intermingled with the fae's natural scent and made her smell absolutely delicious. She tucked her smaller form perfectly into Fel's, resting her paws against her chest and reveling in finally getting to enjoy this feeling that she had been imagining over the last few days. As much as she liked being with Azriel on the occasion, there was certainly something about being intertwined with a woman that she had certainly missed. So many of their plots and schemes involved her seducing and working over the various males they came across so getting to be like this with Fel with no real agenda or plan was a real treat.

Fel's question pulled her attention back up for a moment, lifting her eyes to look at the brute in question. She smirked a little as she went to see Azriel's reaction to the idea, resting her head next to Fel's while she gazed at him curiously. With all the times that they had been together and she had been with other wolves on her own, they hadn't actually shared so to speak. They were both possessive in their own rights so it would be interesting to her to see how her partner in crime reacted to the suggestion.



11-19-2020, 11:10 PM

It was a difficult task for Azriel to not scoff or roll his eyes when Fel spoke of a duty and promise she made that prevented her from joining their coterie, the snark-addled male instead looking away when she responded to them to hide any possible facial ticks he hadn't concealed. Duty... Honor... What inane concepts. The world was owed nothing, and no one was worth any vows or promises. But if that was what Fel believed, so be it. Was this why she looked so miserable, because of someone else? Questions abounded, but now was neither the time nor the place to ask, especially not when she began entwining herself around Sibyl. Intrigued grey eyes moved back to the embracing ladies, watching on while Sibyl further snuggled herself into Fel's body. In their time together, Azriel had never actually seen Sibyl intimately interact with another female. She seemed enthralled with Fel, a smile on her face the likes of which the dark-furred brute hadn't ever seen her wear before. Perhaps he'd unintentionally starved the poor girl of any female affections. He made a mental note to include female targets in their future schemes to keep his partner happy.

A flash of vibrant red caught steel grey as the two wolves met gazes once more, staring at the upside-down obsidian wolf as she invited him over to join. His ear flicked, blinking in surprise, not entirely sure he had heard her correctly. Here he had thought she didn't trust him, and he wouldn't have blamed her, but now... Even though he wasn't sure where he stood with Fel yet, that was indeed a tempting offer. Sibyl's eyes joined Fel's as both girls stared at him, waiting for his response. A quick cursory glance over the two tangled faes was all it took to convince Azriel to throw caution to the wind and enjoy the experiences he was presented with. Rising back to his paws, the striped male made his way over to where the two lay in the sunshine. As he walked around to Fel's opposite side, he took the liberty of letting his eyes roam over the two again. Both faes, gorgeous in their own rights, laid out at his paws, watching him with expectant eyes. This was wholly uncharted territory for Azriel, as he seldom ever involved himself with new wolves, especially not permitting them to get this close. But Fel had him curious, attached like a fish on a hook and she was reeling him in.

"It'd be my pleasure," he remarked with a crooked smile, a rumbling masculine purr in his voice as he spoke. Sure, he could have chosen to lie beside Sibyl, but that wasn't anything new to him. Besides, he was very curious to see how Fel would react to be sandwiched between the two wolves. Grinning to himself at the thought, Azriel lay down next to Fel, following her lead and rolling over onto his back with paws tucked to his broad, toned chest on reflex. It was another foreign feeling, being exposed like this. Azriel had always been the one dominant and in control, and Sibyl had never tried to challenge or change that. But Fel had presented her tummy first, and it would be significantly more fun to meet her on her own level.

The sunlight felt wonderfully warm against his dark fur, and as he settled in beside them, he slid his larger, muscular body against Fel's side, almost able to swallow her up from the sheer size difference between them. He didn't immediately go to touch her just yet, allowing Fel to set the pace. It was clear that she was much more comfortable with Sibyl, she could make the first moves and get comfortable with him at her own pace. It was a difficult restraint, however, to keep himself from reaching over to touch her luxurious-looking fur, or pulling her in closer to feel her body next to his. Being near Fel felt like navigating a minefield, one that he hadn't quite mastered yet, but that was part of the fun!




3 Years
11-19-2020, 11:51 PM
The disappointment on Sybil's lovely face was evident and Fel responded with a sad little smile. Though they lay here touching, caressing, Fel didn't know Sibyl. She didn't know Azriel. She couldn't and wouldn't come out and tell them that she'd made a vow to her sweet, dead brother. Aureus had botched four her when it seemed that Eligos would push her away. He had vouched for her on his life. Though that life was now gone, it seemed so very, very wrong to dishonor his memory. So she wouldn't. No matter how unhappy she felt, Fel would do what was necessary. She would suffer and toil. Her word had been given.

Sibyl wriggled even closer and the dark lady chuckled. She was eager. They both were. It seemed that the grey and white fae was of a similar mindset as far as touching went. Would Azriel be the same? As the pair of ladies fixed him with their red and purple eyes, Fel could see the gears turning in his head. She saw the flash of hunger. He'd be stupid to not covet the intertwined women. No doubt the pair of them, both confident and worldly, were capable of wrecking him. She didn't know their views on sharing, not did she care. Fel had no problem with it. Physical touch was a necessity. Sex was like breathing. Everyone had to breathe.

After some thought, Azriel approached them. The prone woman couldn't help but grin. Look at him, taking a chance. He was so guarded that he bordered being stuffy. Not Eligos stuffy, but still. As he lay down beside her, he surprised her again by rolling onto his back just as she was. Fel was terribly pleased by this his giant form dwarfed both her and Sibyl. She'd always been a sucker for a massive man.

He'd taken a step, so Fel took one as well. Not releasing her hold on Sibyl, the silver and obsidian woman wiggled closer to Azriel, allowing as much of their bodies to touch as she was able. The womans tail swished languidly like some fat, content feline. Each swish sent her silken tail sliding over the man's hip. Turning her ruby gaze to him, she smiled. "I didn't know if you had it in you," she teased. Fel was half humor, half sex, half sarcasm and half everything else. Yes, that's a lot of halves, but she was a big personality squished into a small package.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.


11-20-2020, 12:31 AM

To her slight surprise, she saw Azriel get up after a bit of contemplating and come over to join them. Of course she should have expected that he wouldn't miss a change to be this snuggled and tangled with two pretty faes, but knowing how stand offish and untrusting Az could be it was still an intriguing turn of events. Maybe Fel would be a good influence on the silver eyed male to get him a little looser in his actions. That would certainly make her life a little easier and fun if nothing else. With a smirk she settled her head back on Fel's chest while her eyes tracked Azriel as he made his way over to the pair and settled on the opposite side of Fel from where she was laying, rolling onto his back in a similar fashion to how Fel was laying. So he came to snuggle and he rolled over adorably? Who even was he?

As Fel shifted closer to Azriel, Sibyl followed suit till they were all pressed together with their dark lady of the hour in-between them. They fit perfectly together with their decending sizes going from biggest to smallest and it made Sibyl giggle softly to herself to see. They even almost made a gradient from darkest to lightest as well, though it was hard to tell who had the most lighter grays in their coat between her two counter parts. Fel's comment about Azriel having it in him to join them made her grin, the humor sparkling in her light purple gaze. She was terribly disappointed that Fel couldn't be a permanent part of their little traveling band since they all seemed to fit together so well... at least she couldn't yet. There was still plenty of time to convince her new favorite fae otherwise or perhaps find another way to worm her way into Fel's every day life.

As much as she didn't want to leave Fel's side, the thought of the mead they hadn't yet touched came to mind and after while she wiggled her way out of Fel's grasp so she could hop down from their perch and saunter over to where the remnants of their breakfast spread remained. She went to the bottle and grabbed it by the neck so that she could bring it back over to where they were laying, getting it open before settling on her haunches with it. "All this talk about mead and we haven't even tried it!" she commented with a smirk before taking a long drink and offering it to the other two in turn.



11-20-2020, 01:06 AM

A scoff and a grin were drawn from Azriel when Fel teasingly celebrated his courage in coming to join them. Even he had to admit that he'd surprised himself when he got up, but it was not something he'd admit out loud. "I'm loathe to back down from a challenge," Azriel remarked with a note of dry humor in his voice, meeting her where she was with a flash of white teeth in an uneven smile. His grey eyes flashed with mirth, the impish smirk only faltering the slightest when he felt the silken boa that was Fel's tail snaking its way over his hip and thigh. He was glad his teeth were already closed; it helped to silence the inhale of breath it made him take, caught off guard by the silver and charcoal fae. He'd shift closer to her when she wriggled her way closer to him, ensuring there wasn't a part of their sides that wasn't touching. It was easy to do when she fit almost perfectly into the crook of his torso. Ironically, Sibyl seemed to fit like a puzzle piece next to Fel as well, and all three tessellated so well together it was humorous.

Now that it was apparent that Fel was starting to warm up to him some, Azriel decided to be a little more bold. No more playing it so close to the chest; both ladies were looking to him to come out and play, so play he would. With Sibyl on one side of her still pressed up, Azriel would bend his muzzle down to brush his snout along the edge of Fel's ear, down to where it met her skull. With all of them pressed this close together, he could take in the full experience that she was. His previous assumption on her meticulous grooming habits had not done justice to her. Fel's fur was unbelievably soft, and the lingering scent of the soap she used clung to her, mixing with her natural aroma to create a heady perfume that was distinctly hers. It did make him wonder just what Sibyl would smell like once she used the same soaps... The warmth of the sun was rivaled by the warmth of her body as she lay, exhibited and lascivious for them, the look in her eyes coaxing primal urges from within him. Slowly, Azriel would bring a paw around to reach for Fel's side, wondering just how she would feel beneath that stunning fur...

The sudden scurrying movement from Sibyl caught Azriel's attention, and the brute froze partway through his movements to watch as she walked off with her characteristic sashay to fetch the bottle of mead for them. His eyes lit up and his grin returned. Ah, this was about to get interesting! "You always know how to make things even more fun, Sib." Azriel sat up with some reluctance to separate from Fel, taking the bottle from Sibyl with a gracious tip of his head to her. He took a short sip for taste, letting them flavors of sweet honey and bitter alcohol race across his tongue. It was damn good, and—Fel had been right—a welcome change to flavorless water. He took a longer draught after his sampling, then set the flask between Fel and Sibyl for either one to help themselves.

"That is good stuff," he said, licking the remnants from his lips as he reclined to his back next to Fel again, peering at her with seeking eyes. "Is it from your pack? Did they make this?" This was the first time he had mentioned Aerie. Fel hadn't told them, but he'd gotten some information about her family over the last few days. There was no prying, no hunting in his question. He wasn't playing a game or solving a puzzle right now. Azriel was merely enjoying his time with Fel and Sibyl. He watched her face for any signs that he was crossing a line he shouldn't be. He was finally getting Fel to warm up to him; the last thing he wanted now was to take any steps back.




3 Years
11-25-2020, 03:55 AM

Sibyl was so terribly sweet. The pale fae wasn't pleased that Fel wouldn't be turning their duo into a trio and was clearly evident on her pretty little face. To chase the shadow from Sibyl's features, the dark woman chuckled and placed a soft kiss upon her cheek. "Just because I can't travel with you doesn't mean that you and I can't spend time together while we have it. Just the two of us." There was a dark promise in those words. A heat the she poured into her lyrics. Time... and more sultry things. One silvered brow rose and she cast a sidelong glance towards Azriel. "Or the three of us, if you prefer." Fel didn't know the details of the relationship between the pair, but she doubted that it was a platonic agreement. Hell, if she had been traveling with either of them she would make sure to take them to bed often.

Azriel accepted the invitation to lay beside her, his words bringing a honeyed laugh from the fae. He was loathe to back down from a challenge, eh? "So am I," she assured him, utter confidence in her tones. Fel didn't like to admit defeat unless it worked in her favor. Sometimes admitting defeat was actually securing a victory. They didn't know one another well enough for that type of victory yet, but if they continued down this path, she might give Azriel a win eventually. As he pressed himself on one side and Sybil pressed herself on the other, Fel practically purred. This right here... this was how it should be. Happiness. Bodies all around. Affection. Appreciation. This was what she needed in her life. What she craved.

The three of them seemed to be entirely comfortable together in this moment and Fel was happy to simply be. Until Azriel began to nose in her fur, that was. As he brushed his nose along at the base of her ear, ruby eyes drifted closed almost involuntarily. The woman tilted her head to the side, allowing him more room to play as he wished. She hoped that he would continue his course and a little thrill shot through her as she felt his body move and his large paw lift as if to embrace her. The rustle of movement and the sudden cold absence at her other side brought the woman's eyes open once more and she watched as Sybil darted away. Fel's brow furrowed, but smoothed once she heard the woman speak and saw what she was bringing back.

Sybil tipped the flask back, taking a heavy drink of the beverage. Unfortunately, Azriel moved away from her as well and took up the flask a second later. His words were interesting. A blatant dig for information, but there was none to give this time. Not about Aerie, at least. "I happened to attend a very... adult party a few weeks ago. I pilfered this before I left." Things had gotten rather intense at the party turned orgy. She'd had her way with an alpha on the beach, had planted the seed of lust in another. All in all, it was a win for the silver flecked woman.

With one obsidian paw, she pushed the mead back towards Sybil, but stopped, laughing a bit as she looked at the woman. Droplets of the honeyed beverage clung to the pale woman's lower lip like dew. Rising from her place, Fel took a step forward. "You've a little something just there." Extending her neck, Fel's blackened lips parted. Her tongue moved out just enough to slide along Sibyl's lower lip, catching the droplets of mead that had previously rested there. As she did so, she never let her garnet gaze leave those soft, lavender pools. There was a challenge in them. Would the ashen woman balk or would she bend to Fel's wishes? One foreleg snaked out and she pulled Sybil forward, the leg wrapped around her shoulders. Giving her head a slight tilt, Fel kissed the woman.First it was just the brushing of lips, but then it became more. The fae's tongue snaked out, sliding along Sybil's own tongue. She was sweeter than the mead and the heady taste of the other woman's mouth brought a soft purr from Fel as she ended the kiss and released her hold on Sybil. "All gone," she grinned, though her red gaze swirled with lust.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.


11-30-2020, 01:33 PM

The tantalizing promise of time to spend with Fel lit up her lavender eyes with interest. It pushed away her short lived pouting and brought a grin back to her lips. The promise of time alone with this beautiful fae and the activities that could happen during said stints alone was more than enough to brighten her spirits right back up again. The glance toward Azriel and the suggestion that followed it made her chuckle and she smirked at Az while she rested her head on Fel's chest to look over her at the brute that had been her companion for quite some time now. They hadn't shared a partner before, but that didn't mean she was against the idea. She still had a teasing humor in her eyes as she waited for Azriel's response, wondering how he would react to the idea of having both of them to play with.

With their mead secured and passed between Azriel and Fel, she settled back down beside Fel with a slight grin lingering on her lips. The mead itself was genuinely quite good and the warmth it spread throughout her was nice and pleasant. It had been a while since they had drink to enjoy and it just added another layer for her to enjoy in this situation. She gave a curious glance to Fel and raised a brow with intrigue at the mention of an "adult" party and wondered to herself what all that entailed. This place was turning out to be more and more interesting by the moment. Where she came from certainly didn't have things as fun as an adult party to enjoy. Hell, they had barely let her live much less all of this.

Her thoughts came back to the present when she heard Fel's soft laughter and when she lifted her gaze to look at the beauty she realized that Fel was talking about her. Something was on her? Before she could do anything about it though, the dark fae got up and approached her, surprising and thrilling her all at once. Her lavender eyes lingered on Fel's curiously and she held still as Fel's tongue swiped delicately along her jaw, making her heart skip a beat in response. The challenge in Fel's fire-hued eyes was blatant and obvious and was most certainly a challenge that Sibyl would be more than happy to comply to. When Fel reached out to wrap a foreleg around her slender shoulders, Sibyl melted and formed to her touch like water being poured into a vessel. Her chest pressed to Fel's and her front paws came to rest on Fel's shoulders, letting her small form be completely held and supported against Fel's own. Fel took her breath away as their lips pressed together, her eyes fluttering closed as she sank into the warmth and lust gratefully. The taste of the mead couldn't hold a candle to how her kiss tasted and felt, but it was certainly a welcome accompaniment. When the kiss ended far too early for her liking she blinked her eyes open again, a grin touching her lips as she batted her eyelashes at Fel in response. There was a matching lust in her eyes and she was sorely tempted to lean in for another kiss. "Oh thank you, I certainly wouldn't want to be a mess. How embarrassing," she replied with a soft giggle.
