



2 Years
12-06-2020, 07:10 PM
It was early when Avella slipped away. Dawn was just breaking over the ocean. Quietly she slipped through the crevice of their cave. Once on the sand the Archer gave a quick look around before moving off down the beach. She didn't have any particular destination in mind. It was rather difficult for that when she didn't know much about the place she, Scully, and Clouse now found themselves in.

It felt like she'd traveled along the beach for hours. As it became lighter she could see the sands of the beach were coming to an end. She wasn't sure how far she'd gone but she'd been careful to ensure her paw prints would be washed away. The last thing she wanted was for someone to follow them back to Clouse and Scully.

Somehow she'd found herself at the top of a cliff over looking the ocean. Behind her seem flat and because of the time of year most things seemed dead. She stood there wondering what ot might be like when everything was growing again. After a few moments she investigated around the cliff edge, she'd never seen anything like it.

Avella couldn't help the feeling of wanting to see more. She was sure there was so much more to see out there. She also like this time to herself when she could just be and didn't have so many worries. That didn't mean she regretted returning home and traveling to this place with Scully and Clouse. Just some habits were hard to break.

Deciding not to waste more time staring out over the ocean she moved away from the edge. On into the dried grasses of what had once been a meadow. She didn't know what she'd find but she certainly wouldn't turn down a meal if she happened across it.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
12-12-2020, 04:23 PM
It was nearing dawn when Corvus awoke, stirring for no apparent reason. It wasn't much earlier than his usual wakeup time, so he decided against trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. Carefully untangling himself from Twig, who was curled up beside him, he slowly pulled himself upright. His movements were painfully slow, so as to not disturb her from her peaceful slumber. Only when he was satisfied that she was still sleeping did he creep from his den, immediately shivering at the cool air. It was hardly cold - Corvus had been to the north, albeit not in the winter, but he knew it could be far worse - but it was a far cry from the warmth that emanated from Twig's sleeping form. Casting a glance back at her, he began his trek across Abaven's territories, deciding he'd start his morning patrol a bit early.

As he walked the sun was just beginning to near the horizon, painting the edge of the dark sky a pale shade of pink. The world was eerily silent, and by the time he reached the edge of the thicket he decided he ought to go a bit further. There was no excitement this morning that he could note, no sign of trespassers or that anything was amiss, so by the time he made a good dent in the borders of the range he decided to head east, toward the ocean. Since they'd abandoned their claim on Ibis Islands he wondered if anyone had gone back since to visit, or if another group had settled down there. At the very least it would make a good temporary hideout, abundant with herbs and with enough prey to feel a small group. It hadn't been able to permanently sustain Abaven, and traveling there wasn't practical with all the young ones running around.

Letting out a content sigh as he walked, Corvus made his way up the slight incline that lead to the cliff. He'd been here before, but not often; he wasn't necessarily afraid of heights but he wasn't a big fan of them either, even if the view was admittedly breathtaking. He was feeling more relaxed than usual though and decided to enjoy the view, since the sun was due to rise and the display across the eastern sea would no doubt be even more spectacular than usual. As he neared the cliff's edge he spotted someone just down the stretch of cliff he'd climbed to, poking around in the meadow. They were unfamiliar to him, but he was curious as to who their neighbor might be. Or maybe she was just passing through? Letting out a friendly bark of greeting, Corvus redirected his path down her way, nudging his bandana back into place after a gust of wind tried to whip it around his neck.



2 Years
12-14-2020, 09:07 PM
Moving through the grass the young Archer decided that she needed to return to this place in the spring. She could just imagine what it might be like once the grass was green again and the flowers had bloomed. She didn't know what the winter would bring for her and her family. She believed that they could make it through okay with the right preparations. Avella listened and watched for any sign of movement that might indicated a meal.

Believing that she was alone and had nothing to worry about she let her thoughts drift. She thought about Clouse and Scully and whether they might like to see the meadow. Maybe even the view of the ocean, it was beautiful. Something that should be seen at least once. The ocean was something that the lore hadn't had. She was stuck in a cycle of comparing the two places.

Avella was brought from her thoughts by the sound of a tiny rustle. Her eyes began to scan for the movement of the grass that would indicate a snack. When she thought she saw what she was looking for she started searching for a scent. The Archer didn't get very far when she heard a bark. It sounded male and friendly. Abandoning her search mismatched gaze searched for the source.

It didn't take her long to spot the stranger. She returned with a friendly bark of her own before moving in his direction. She wondered if maybe this might be the first friend she would make in this new place. Maybe he could help her to know what she should be prepared for. "Hello," she said when she was closer, "I wasn't expecting to run into anyone but I'm glad to have."



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
12-30-2020, 08:37 PM
Life was good. It could be better, but likewise Corvus knew things could get worse - and they had been worse, more than once. Some of the things Abaven had endured he wouldn't wish on anyone. For now he was content to remind himself that life was, in fact, good. Abaven as a whole was resilient and they knew how to adapt and overcome, to not only survive but to thrive against all odds. Seeing a sight like this, from the vastness of the ocean to the large stretch of land that lay behind him, helped remind him of just that. Maybe someday he'd have to bring Twig here and consider it a date. He stored the thought away in the back of his mind as he approached the stranger.

She seemed friendly enough, at least at first impression. Corvus was big on first impressions, even though he knew they didn't mean everything. He trusted in his gut when it came to meeting new wolves. "You might see more of us around," he admitted with a gentle smile. "My pack's called Abaven, we live just... that way-" He gestured south-west of them. Their lands would be difficult to miss if you were traveling in that direction. "So we come here a lot. Good place for herbs in the spring and summer. My name's Corvus, by the way." He wondered what she as doing here, if she was a loner or just passing by - she had no noticeable pack scent, as far as he could tell, but he wasn't terribly close to her either to be certain.



2 Years
01-01-2021, 04:17 PM
In the time she'd been in this new place she hadn't had the chance to meet anyone that already lived there. She was glad to finally have the chance to do so and what made it even better was that he seemed friendly. She hoped everyone was that way as unrealistic a thought it might be. Even still it was important to show how friendly she was. She didn't know if this would turn out as just a simple meeting or maybe he would become an ally. With winter not far off and her not knowing anyone but her family it wouldn't hurt to have a few allies.

He spoke of seeing more of them, wolves from his pack around the meadow. Avella smiled at this. "I'll be very happy to meet them," she told, "I've just arrived here and don't really know anyone," she explained. What he said next Avella considered to be valuable information. Though she didn't really know anything about healing it would be beneficial to know where to find the herbs. "Thank you for that information I will definitely keep it in mind." He also introduced himself, Avella's tail swayed behind her, "It's really nice to meet you Corvus. I'm Avella."

He'd mentioned he was part of a pack called Abaven which had intrigued her. Avella wanted to know more as the information could come in handy at some point. "What is your pack like? That is  if you don't mind my asking." The only way to find out was to ask after all.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
01-04-2021, 09:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2021, 09:51 PM by Corvus.)
Despite having the tendency to come across as a bit awkward, deep down Corvus was quite friendly - though he tended to be fairly cautious and guarded still, cynical enough that he couldn't trust anyone's intentions fully for a long while after meeting them. But that didn't stop him from engaging in conversation and generally being a decent guy to those he met. "My pack's a friendly one," he explained without hesitating. He was confident in Abaven's ability to protect their own, but likewise he knew they wouldn't ever turn away someone in need unless they gave them a reason to. Abaven was a place to grow and begin anew, wasn't it? It certainly felt that way anyway. "If you ever need anything you will not be turned away at our borders." Maybe that was a big promise but he knew it was true. Abaven didn't turn away those in need, and for those who would pull their own weight it was a good place to settle down and truly begin to live. Corvus couldn't imagine life anywhere else, family aside.

"It's good to meet you, Avella." She'd mentioned she was new here; good to know. "Since you're new around here, I'd personally avoid... that mountain," he swiveled around slowly, gesturing to Mount Volkan in the distance. Dormant now, it almost looked pretty standing tall in the distance, but Corvus knew the truth behind its facade. It was a dangerous thing and he'd be damned if he ever went near it again. Well, at least any closer than they currently were. No doubt another eruption would devastate Abaven beyond belief but these lands were their home. and he couldn't imagine living in fear of the volcano for the rest of their days.

Avella asked about his pack and Corvus had to pause. "We're a big family. Not just blood family, but chosen family too," he explained. Really describing his pack was a difficult feat, considering he knew nothing else. He knew his cousin was a fair, kind leader - not one without faults, but were any of them perfect? "We really just encourage everyone to be the best version of themselves, and take care of each other. We've been through a lot but we always come out stronger, you know?" He flashed her a cheesy grin, not sure she'd really have any clue the depth of what he meant, but it was true. Abaven was just... home to him.



2 Years
01-10-2021, 09:50 PM
When the man spoke of his pack as being friendly Avella felt like she'd gotten lucky on the first try. Really she hadn't known what she was expecting but this was good news. It was something she could share with her brother and cousin. "Perhaps I will have the opportunity to meet more of your members in the future." Shw certainly wouldn't mind the chance to make more friends in this new place. Even she had to admit that there were times when all the new sights and sounds could get a little overwhelming. "I appreciate that," she said when he told her she wouldn't be turned away from the pack if she was ever in need. "I will remember that. I wish that I could offer something in return." Unfortunately she wasn't in such a position but if she ever were she would certainly keep the man in mind.

She smiled when he said that it was good to meet her but she didn't have time to think in that. The next thing he offered when she told him she was new was a warning. Her gaze followed his gesture toward the mountain that he was warning her about. Immediately she was intrigued but more importantly if she were to pass this warning on to her brother she would need reason so she had to ask, "Whats so bad about it?" Looking at it from that distance it didn't look any different than any other mountain. She remembered the one in the lore that wasn't so dangerous.  She hadn't ever spent much time on it though.

He spoke of his pack being a big family, she wasn't a stranger to big families. There were many Archers, Avella knew she hadn't met them all. She also knew that some were chosen to be a part of the family as well.  "My family is like that too but we don't all live in the same place." She thought about her parents and the situation that she was currently in. Though she was trying to help Clouse find his best life things still seemed messed up. "Your pack sounds like a lovely place to live." And perhaps if circumstances were different she might consider joining, finding a place to belong.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2021, 07:18 PM
He had no doubt she'd come to meet some of his packmates if she stayed in the eastern lands for long at all. Though he was quite protective of his family and the intentions of those who joined, at least at first, he knew Abaven at its core was a haven for all who could uphold their values. Any wolf would be lucky to stumble upon Abaven in a time of need, so long as they meant well, and he hoped Avella knew he was being truthful about his invitation. Theory herself was a good wolf and one who would help anyone in need, just as he would, and most of Abaven no doubt had the same sentiments. "It's no worry, just keep it in mind if you're ever in need." They'd dealt with their own share of strife and it was only fair that they return the good will when it was truly needed. Corvus wasn't the type to believe in karma or anything like that; being good was just easy and he didn't see a point in helping those that needed it, when he could.

She asked what was so bad about it. If only he could explain the full story of what the eruption had done to his family, how deeply it had effected them. "A few years ago it erupted. Displaced us from our home. We moved further east - out to that island," he thrust his muzzle toward Ibis Islands. Their time their had not been bad, but having to leave their home behind had been difficult. "Only recently have things really gotten back to normal. I'm not sure if it could happen again, but I wouldn't get to close to it, knowing what I know. It was really difficult for us," he admitted carefully. Wolves had been injured, had disappeared; they'd felt defeated in their displacement but they'd grown stronger because of it, as they always did. "But. It's all made us stronger. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" There was a lot of truth to that, though his laugh was low, the phrase holding more weight than he realized.