
It's a wonderful life




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-15-2020, 08:18 PM

Outlaw was having a blast with all his new friends.  Everyone in the pack he’d spent time with was nice, sure some were a bit more aloof than others but he knew even the quiet ones had good hearts.  Some wolves were just a bit less vocal than others and Outlaw was sure they had their reasons in some form or another.  The pups were great fun as they still had a bright-eyed outlook on the world that faded from some adults.

The dog’s bloodline clearly showed german shepherd ancestry but at his core a mutt.  He had come out to the cliffs to grab a selection of flowers and there was a small clump near him but Outlaw had grown distracted.  The dog was laying at the edge of the cliff, his paws hanging off as he watched out to the sea.  Above the waters, some type of bird had swooped down to grab a fish and another bird was coming to question the owner of that fish.

The dog watched the battle with interest.  He had spent most of his life living on the forgotten isle and watching antics over the ocean helped him feel like he was back at his childhood home.  His mind roamed openly in so many areas.  He recalled the old days and the fun explorations he had.  Then his mind went straight to the fun he’d already had on this land and as he imagined what happened of course the way he envisioned things it was a bit brighter or larger than it had been in reality.  It was a great day to be alive, of course, that could be said every day.

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-16-2020, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2020, 07:43 PM by Spirit.)
How easy life would be if he were a bird, Spirit thought somberly to himself. Strawberry, his tiny strawberry finch companion, was putting on a show for him near the cliff. He was far too nervous to go to the edge of the cliffside, so he hung a good distance back, watching as Strawberry darted into the air, swooping up high and then back down again. Occasionally she stopped to rest her wings for a moment, but then again she was flying around his head. At the very least it was a welcome distraction, but part of him was saddened by the display, since he could never be quite as free as her. A quiet sigh fell from the lanky man's lips as he walked down the length of the grassy field.

He hoped he might find something of interest today, and he'd brought the saddlebag Meadow gifted him along for the trip. So far, mostly all he'd seen were flowers - but then again his gaze had been drifting to the sky and his companion's flight more often than not. He was so engrossed with her display, in fact, that he barely noticed someone else was up ahead, lounging near the cliff's edge. Though he didn't know the stranger, how precariously he was lying near the drop off made Spirit quite nervous. He wasn't one to approach others hardly ever, not unless he really was drawn to, but he didn't want anything to happen to him either. "I-I'd be careful!" His weak voice stammered out, once he was a few strides closer to the stranger. "T-that cliff is v-very high!" He knew that, no doubt, but... still. His gaze found Strawberry for a moment before falling back to Outlaw, brows pulled tight in concern.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-19-2020, 10:16 PM

Outlaw had been busy watching away from the land so it was he hadn’t noticed the finch nearby or the wolf behind him.  “Huh?” Outlaw started a bit, a questioning look glancing away from the beach and to where the sound came from.  Spotting the wolf he gave a big grin before a bit of confusion as the wolf seemed concerned about the cliff.  Outlaw looked from the wolf and then turned his head to look down below the cliff and at how far the ground below was.  A bob of his head looking back at the stranger, “You’re right,” Outlaw agreed with a chuckle.  “Sure is a long way down!”

The dog stood up, his tail ever-wagging, and below that cowboy hat was that cheery grin as if meeting an old friend.  “That’s part of what makes it a nice view though, ya know?  The higher you get the better the view. I was hoping to see some of the real big fish like the one I saw when was sailing here but, if they are near they must be deeper down.  Have you seen some of the real big fish?” Then his eyes slipped down, “Hey that’s a great looking bag!  I really need to get a bag at some point.  What do you use it for?”  Surely the two would be the best of friends, right?  They had just met but why wouldn’t they be?

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-26-2020, 11:19 PM
If he seemed all that worried about falling, he didn't really show it. It was hard for Spirit to imagine not being in a permanent state of slight anxiety wherever he went, especially when he was thrust into a dangerous scenario, like... being near the edge of a cliff. Even standing so far away from it made his legs feel a bit unsteady, as if the slightest stumble could send him tumbling across the stretch of land and straight over the edge. He felt a white-hot rush of adrenaline at the mere thought, though was slightly reassured by Outlaw's carefree demeanor about his current location. Or.. maybe his lack of care should be more concerning? Spirit wasn't sure, but he looked friendly enough and that was enough to force a little smile out of timid Spirit.

"I-I guess," he started, sounding uncertain. He'd already seen more of Boreas than he ever cared to. If he had wings he had no doubt he'd want to see the whole world, but he was content to be landlocked and stay as close to home as possible, at least most of the time. The steady drumming of his heart seemed to calm as Outlaw kept speaking, his words distracting him as Spirit strode a few long, leggy steps closer. "N-no, I haven't s-seen.... haven't seen any big fish." Before he could ask anything further, Outlaw was already excitedly complimenting his bag. As if forgetting exactly what it was for, he glanced sideways at it before looking back to Outlaw. "It's for all my.... herbs. I'm learning to be a h-healer."

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-26-2020, 11:38 PM

Outlaw headed a few strides closer to Spirit for sake of conversation, not realizing how it might also help Spirit feel better as he got farther from that scary edge.  His tail wagged back and forth a bit faster at the last comment, “you two? I’m a healer also!  Well, at last like you I’m learning to be a healer.”

“You know, I’m going to rebuild a raft at some point if you ever do want a better look at bigger fish.” Outlaw glanced back towards the cliff imagining what lay in the sea before looking back at Spirit, “I was thinking if I used something to trap the air I’d have more control of where the raft goes.  That would be a lot safer than at the waves mercy at times, at least I think so.”  Before Outlaw had to paddle the raft himself at points if he wanted to change direction.  Though he hadn’t done it much since he hadn’t known where he was going.

“I mean I don’t know if I can find the big fish each time I take out the raft, but maybe.  I think the pups would like it a lot.” Outlaw had a natural talent at just rambling on whatever came to mind, “So, you are welcome to come also!”  Then, within only a few seconds he recalled the healing portion, “anyway, so yah I’ve only been learning for uh, less than two months about healing.  A lot of that has been learning what stuff looks like and collecting things.  Is that what you’ve been doing also?”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-14-2021, 03:07 PM
He looked visibly grateful when Outlaw moved closer to him and away from the cliff's edge. Even more of his nervousness fell away as he explained he was being a healer too. Spirit allowed himself a little grin. "I-I'm very new," he explained a bit sheepishly. He was learning slowly but carefully, wanting to ensure there weren't any big lessons he missed along the way. He wanted to be the best version of himself that he could be for his family and packmates, but for him that was a slow and steady journey, one taken and no one's pace but his own.

"A raft?" Spirit's eyes widened slightly, revealing more of his clear blue irises. So was he a crafter, then? Some kind of builder? The idea was an interesting one but he wasn't totally sure he'd be comfortable floating around on a raft. Truthfully it sounded a bit dangerous. Spirit wasn't exactly afraid of swimming, just wary, and he preferred to avoid it whenever possible. He nodded at his idea, trying to brainstorm. "Maybe like... leaves? Really big ones?" His brow furrowed as his mind switched gears, away from the anxiety relating to the cliff and toward problem-solving instead. He'd always noticed how leaves swayed in the wind; maybe they could be used somehow to help move a raft? He wasn't sure.

He was equally unsure if he'd ever actually take Outlaw up on the offer to join him. "Y-yes, basically. I've m-met a few wolves who gave me lessons. M-my knowledge is limited though." But growing, he reminded himself quietly. He had a tendency to be hard on himself, but at the same time he knew he was beginning to learn valuable skills and he wouldn't fault himself for learning slowly - at least not too hard.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.