
Looking like a high I wanna be on


08-29-2013, 01:28 PM

Water. The sound of rushing water had brought her here. Rivers had guided her all the way to the ocean. It was a sight she had never seen before. Waves crashed on the sandy beach, the air heavy with salt. The sable babe stood memorized for a moment. It was quite a sight. Long stilts propelled her forward, paws sinking into the sand under her weight. Her dark lithe shape stood out against the pale back drop, even in the dark of night. Seraphim was doing whatever he does, so she had been left alone. She didn't mind, it gave her time to explore.

Her bodice had filled out, gaining her weight back, pelt returning to it's black. She finally looked like a six month old again. Muscle slowly replaced puppy fat as she learned to hunt and fight, honing in her skills. She enjoyed the company of the pallid brute, he had repaired some of the wounds she carried after being abandoned. The young girl stopped just short of the water, paws resting on the firmer wet sand. Two toned pools watched the water creep closer until it washed over her paws, eliciting a shocked gasp from inky lips. It was cold! Colder than she expected. Backing away, she took a careful seat on the beach, letting the breeze play with her pelt, tease her skin.

Since staying with Seraphim, she had only had one run in with his children, when Morphine called. It was relief to be able to avoid them so easily. But now that the Queen had fallen from power, she wondered if they would be joining their father and her in the rock garden. Secretly, she hoped not. But she would survive, she was far to stubborn to let them win. It did make her curious to know how Ares and Artemis were doing now that they were no longer heirs to the throne. A smirk tugged at her mouth. She could only imagine. And their mother... Oh what a mess things must be.

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Ares 1


09-01-2013, 05:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2013, 05:14 PM by Ares 1.)

He couldn't be around his mother, he was too confused about everything that was going on. She had lost everything they had held dear, had failed all of them. His mother didn't make mistakes, and she didn't lose their home to black monsters. He needed his father, he would be able to give him the guidance he would seek. He could see the concern for his well being in the wolf, and that was one thing that was shared with few.
What he hadn't realized when he arrived was he had been tracking the wrong scent. He had hoped to find the form of their father, so similar in appearance to himself. Instead his lavender gaze would fall upon the babe who took his father's attention. Devya. She looked worlds different than how she appeared their last meeting. It seemed like his father had been completely true to his word and trained her as he would the other pups. She looked to have life in her once again. With all thoughts of the loss of his pack silentced for the moment he would be suddenly taken back by her appearance. Father has certainly taken care of you.. He would marvel at her curiously.



09-03-2013, 10:18 AM

Father has certainly taken care of you. That voice. It was so familiar. Two toned gaze immediately shot towards the pale male. Eyes narrowed briefly, awaiting his verbal attack, or for his sister to come out behind him. She rose to her paws, ebony plume uncurling from around her. "Yes he has." Simple words. She was wary of Seraphims kids. Briefly she took note of the curious expression on his face, wondering what was the cause of it. It certainly couldn't be her.

"What are you doing here?" Had he followed her, or was it mere coincidence that he was here? Where was the rest of his family? Surely they couldn't be far. She imaged that Morphine kept them all together since losing the pack. But the more she thought of it, the less likely it seemed. The pallid woman had disappeared since then, going into hiding. Inky jaws remained shut, gaze watching the brute in front of her. He looked no different than the last time they had met, maybe a little bigger, but no real difference. His ivory pelt stretched over his taunt ever growing frame, lavender eyes resting upon her in a strange way.

All she could do was stand there and wait. Wait for him to either leave, or throw some insult at her, or whatever cruel words he could. But she'd be prepared. She had grown, had learned a lot, she was ready to take on the world if needed. There would be no more picking on her because her family had vanished without a trace. Toes flexed in the sand, wary gaze watching Ares, uncertain of him and his reason for being here.

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Ares 1


09-05-2013, 12:19 PM

He was so taken aback by her, he had not expected to come face to face with his father's adopted child. It was sad that he couldn't even call her sister, but he had not spent much time in the presence of the wolf who sired him since the day he had encountered the darkly colored Devya. He hardly expected to see her today, on the day he was in search of that very same wolf. He needed answers, how could this pup help him, she was not even as old as he was.
She was much different now though, compared to the scared and hungry pup he had met hardly a season ago. She would push herself from the earth, her forming becoming more wolf like everyday. His expression surely did not change, and he would not try and hide the stare he had developed. He would almost form the thought of comparing her form to something beautiful, but he was not able to complete it. Instead her words would flood into his mind, "Yes he has. What are you doing here?" Mentally shaking off the thoughts he was finding, I'm looking for my father. You smell like him. He was kind of quiet, the confidant conquerer of the world seemed to be no more. His mother had failed him, and he needed guidance.



09-05-2013, 01:18 PM

Looking closely at the pale wolf, she noticed something different about him. When he spoke, his words were soft, lacking the confidence he once had. The confidence that surely came with his mothers title and his place in the pack. She could only assume that his world had fallen apart. I'm looking for my father. It made sense that they would share a common scent but for him to confuse the pair? A brow lifted. "I haven't seen him in awhile, I don't know where he is." It was all she could offer him. It was true that she hadn't seen Seraphim in awhile, but she assumed he was always nearby.

Pool gazed back, matching his unabashed stare. She squished the thoughts before they could form. She never really actually looked at him. The mild coloring of his ivory fur, the soft hue of his eyes. She gave herself a mental shake. No. He wanted nothing to do with, and she with him. He was after all looking for his father, not her. She imagined that he would leave, wanting to find his father more than linger on the beach with a girl he didn't know or like. Making the assumption that for now no harm would come to her, the dark babe dropped her haunches to the sand, tail curling around her once more.

For a moment she felt as though she could relate to him. His mother had failed them, just like her mother had failed her. In different ways of course, but they still failed. However, no matter what, she refused to feel any sorrow for him. Or his sister for that matter. They had been cruel, particularly Artemis. She fell silent, it was hard to say whether she would end up in solitude again or if he was going to linger. What reason would he have to linger?

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Ares 1


09-09-2013, 04:24 PM

She would raise her brow to his question, obviously quite as surprised that he would mix their scents as she was. "I haven't seen him in awhile, I don't know where he is." The prospect of finding the wolf he searched for was rather grim at this point, the wolf he assumed Seraphim was closest to had no idea of his presence. His head would turn away from his fellow pup, looking to the left staring at nothing. What was he to do now?
He had no consideration for the presence who had seated herself close to him. Ares would just let his limbs crumble beneath him, leaving him laying before Devya. All of the confusion and defeat that had built itself within him overtook his emotions as a shell was left. This last defeat would consume him. What was he to do? His father could not be found and his mother could not be looked upon. He'd never felt more alone or lost.



09-09-2013, 04:38 PM

Silence. Not ever the slightest of noises came from the pale wolf. Careful eyes watched as he turned away from her, looking at something only he could see. The lost look that fell over his face was surprising to the dark babe. He was an entirely different wolf than when she had first met him. Ebony jaws stayed shut, unsure of what to say, what he wanted to hear. He was clearly upset by the disappearance of his father.

Shock widened her eyes when his legs gave away beneath him, leaving him in a crumpled heap on the ground. For a moment she sat frozen. Collecting herself quickly, she rose to her paws taking slow steps toward him. "Ares." She let his name roll off her tongue in gentle tones as her crown dipped down to give him a soft nudge.

Pulling away a few inches, she looked down at the broken boy. His world had shattered into a million pieces. Moving to place herself beside him, the sable girl laid down beside him, pressing herself against his side. She didn't how to make it better, she only knew that the presence of another made her feel better. Uncertain of his reaction, she kept her head high, watching the area around them, occasionally glancing down at him. With a silent gesture, salmon tongue swiped gently across his shoulder before she fell still.

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Ares 1


09-09-2013, 04:59 PM

He could see shock upon her features but that didn't mean it registered in him. His stare was quite blank as she moved to console him, "Ares." her dark muzzle pressed into the side of him. A single ear would twitch to her direction, the only reaction she would get to her voice. He was alive, for the most part. It was slightly odd when the she wolf would make herself fall in beside him. As she made herself comfortable he would make the effort to shift his gaze so he could see her. Head still firmly on the ground his eyes would catch her face. Uncertainty would have been plainly written on his own, but numbness was all he could muster. Was she offering him her comfort?
He could feel the gentle lap of her tongue on his weary shoulders, the motion bringing him through enough for the confusion to register within his mind. She was being so gentle and so.. genuine to him of all wolves. He and Artemis had been rather callous and cruel at their last meeting. He was so weak now, with the tables turned she had every right to mock him. But no, here she was offering him comfort of everything. Lavender eyes would leave their gaze upon her His head would rise slowly from the earth, hardly making it more than a few inches from its original place of rest. A slight tilt would emerge as the confused emotion was portrayed.
Instead of waiting for a reply or even saying a word he would just let his head rest once more, not upon the dry earth but instead on Devya's paws. When he felt like there was no one in the world for him, she had let her light shine for him. An odd feeling would find its way into his chest, and he was uncertain how to take it.



09-09-2013, 08:59 PM

She could see the numbness that protected him. She knew the feeling. Numb to everything, good or bad. It was better to feel nothing that to feel pain. Two toned pools met his lavender gaze, seeing confusion finally register. Why was she being so kind to him? She certainly had the right to mock him, to be just as callous as he had been to her. But no. She wouldn't. Maybe if she had been raised by her biological parents. But the unconditional love that Seraphim had offered her had softened her heart.

His movement was subtle. Just a slight lifting on his crown. But just as quickly as he lifted himself, he dropped his head once more. But this time, he rested on her paws. A ghost of a smile tugged gently at ebony. She eased her down skull down to rest across his shoulders. She felt the warmth of his body spread across her chest, warming her against the chill of the ocean breeze. For the moment she remained silent, listening to the sound of crashing waves and the pale wolf's gentle breathing.

Thinking more about it, she found it odd. What had caused her to console him? What had brought her to his side in his time of need? She didn't know. Something about him had a strange feeling coursing through her. But it was foreign to her. One she didn't know how to express or what to call. It was different. She didn't have the words for it and didn't know what to make of it. Did she dare admit that she was growing fond of him?

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Ares 1


09-10-2013, 02:14 PM

He would dive into her closeness, the warmth of her chest blossoming over his skin. He wouldn't make any motion as she let herself rest upon his shoulders. The feeling of not wanting to exist was quite foreign to the pup, his reaction had been rather appropriate though. Now, he could feel the numb parts start to ebb away, their cold grasp still help him confined however. Devya's warmth would battle the icy claws as the oceanic wind passed over their small forms. He could hear the beating of her heart with the proximity he now claimed, it was a sound he would find oddly soothing.
The affection was completely foreign, his experience with it lacking. Morphine kept her affections quite reserved, and Artemis would console him only occasionally. Codeine? He hardly spoke to the pup. Devya had gone father than any of them and Ares hadn't even considered her family. What was causing this bout of empathy? Could he even trust it, in the end it might just be a rotten trick. He wished not to believe that though.
A nudge would be given to the she wolf's chest, the most affection he would have delivered to any wolf. A nuzzle just for her, the only wolf he had seen true kindness come from. It was an odd emotion he would experience and one that would not cease the turmoil that collected within his mind and heart. He needed to find answers for anything, there were too many foreigns emotions and questions swimming about. Why are you doing this, Devya? He whispered into her fur, unsure if he could even hear the words himself. A pained emotion would have been heard in his words as defeat swallowed him.



09-10-2013, 02:45 PM

A gentle nudge pulled her from her thoughts, turning her attention to the wolf laying beside her. Audits perked, trying to catch what he said, though it was muffled by her chest. Why. It was all she heard. For a moment she didn't answer. Why? She didn't have an answer for him. Carefully she mulled it over, trying to find the words, to give him the answer he so desperately needed.

She didn't know his upbringing, how he was raised. She had an idea, considering how they had been introduced. But aside from that she had no idea if his mother had showed kindness, affection or anything of the sort. Her mother had rarely been around after she was born, but her father was never far, always within earshot so all she had to do was call and he'd come to her rescue. But did Ares have that? She found it doubtful. Seraphim was hard to seek out nowadays.

A small shrug lifted her shoulders. "We all need someone to lean on sometimes." He was close enough that she could speak in soft tones and he would be able to hear. She had lifted her head to look at him, though his face remained buried in her chest. She waited for him to meet her gaze. She heard the pain in his voice and could only image the look in his lavender eyes.

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Ares 1


09-15-2013, 10:30 PM

He could feel the slight movement she made as her head found its way from his shoulders and she would give him a slight shrug and answer to his question. "We all need someone to lean on sometimes." He didn't know if he believed her or not, he just didn't have enough experience with kindness to tell her motives. Did she really find herself caring enough to offer him her shoulder, or did she hide some odd ploy behind those innocent words? He just could not know, and not knowing how to express his confusion he would do his best to keep himself neutral about the situation. He wanted to feel grateful and to accept her comfort openly and freely but he felt so held back by his paranoid fear.
He would let himself steal a glance at her face, his pale lavender gaze meeting her own liquid stare. He didn't know what he expected to see, maybe a cruel twisted grin as she towered over his broken form? No, that was the last thing he was given. There was almost a sense of comradory in her face, like she had experienced a pain similar to his own, she knew the confusion he felt. There was no malice in her voice, or in her eyes. He could feel some weight lifted from his heavy shoulders as their eyes held contact. Thank... You. They were the most sincere words to fall from his lips.



09-17-2013, 12:17 PM

He said nothing. It was becoming obvious that he had little to say. Not that she could blame him. She felt him shift, and met his gaze. She could still see the confusion in his lavender eyes, the uncertainty. She couldn't make him trust her, she would have to earn his trust, just as Seraphim earned hers. A gentle smile was offered. She could only hope that he would see that she had no cruel intentions, she wouldn't hurt him. Thank you. The sincerity rolled off his tongue. Feeling a moment of boldness, she allowed her tongue to sweep across his cheek in a gentle kiss.

"Where have you been staying?" She couldn't image that he had stayed within the borders of his once home. He seemed to be doing well, but perhaps he would con side joining her in the rock garden. It was getting lonely without Seraphim there. Maybe he was staying with his mother and sister? Again it was doubtful, if not more doubtful that him living in Tortuga. She could picture it now, her warm den, far away from this awful ocean breeze. She pressed herself closer to Ares, seeking his warmth against the chill.

For the first time, she let her gaze slide across the beach, making sure they had remained without any company, that no one had managed to sneak up on them. It was a peaceful place, one she hoped to enjoy for just a little bit longer. Nostrils flared, taking in only the scent of salt water, it was overpowering. As quickly as it had happened, she returned her attention to Ares, settling into the soft sand that had warmed beneath her body heat.

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Ares 1


09-17-2013, 03:26 PM

The events that followed would astonish him and haunt him for days, though his surprise would not show initially. Her salmon tongue would sneak from her ebon lips as she let a kiss be placed upon his fur. He could feel his skin grow warm as words fell from her maw, "Where have you been staying?" It had little to do with their arrangement, but he was glad for the sudden change of subject. He could feel the breeze swirl up around them causing shivers to course through his spine and Devya to snuggle closer to his form. He returned the motion and felt himself drawing more near to her form.
He'd never known comfort in a form like this, maybe he did once when he was very small, but that he could remember physical comfort was very new. Not that he was completely negative about it, he could at least feel himself enjoying the close proximity. Mostly wandering. I haven't wanted to see much of my mother, so I've been searching for father. He took this time to scour the beach himself, since Devya had turned away. Glad to see they were still completely alone.



09-18-2013, 04:54 PM

She felt him return to the gesture, snuggling closer to her against the chill. He hid any emotion that he may have felt at her kiss, disappointing her slightly but tucked the feeling away before it had a chance to surface. Wandering. So it was true that he wanted little to with his mother, he had not seen her, seeking out his father instead. It was a shame that seraphim had disappeared, leaving his son alone in his pain and confusion.

The sable babe felt him shift, seemingly scanning the beach for himself. "you are welcome to stay in the garden with me until he returns." Soft tones embraced her offer. Se wasn't certain that he would accept but it was the least she could do to at least extend her home to him. Or rather his fathers home. She felt certain that he would return and be happy to see his son.

OOC- sorry for the shortness, posing from my phone

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09-23-2013, 06:48 PM

He felt quite exposed out on the beach, his chosen place of collapse had been rather lacking in thought, and in addition to that it was becoming rather chilled. "you are welcome to stay in the garden with me until he returns." He would glance back at the darkly colored she wolf, his pale gaze meeting the deepness of her own. He was still so unsure about the amount of kindness shown him, but slowly he was warming to the idea. Being so welcome somewhere caught him more off guard than anything. He would gladly accept it though, and even try to reciprocate her actions.

With another unexplained nuzzle he would pull himself from the cold ground, and let an uncertain smile play upon his ebon lips. Do you think he'll let me stay a while? His voice would beg as his spirits began to rise once again, he still felt the bitter confusion deep within him, but things were a bit more clear while the other young she wolf was in his presence.
He would want go back to Devya's home base and wait upon the pale angel they called father.



09-24-2013, 11:16 AM

A second unsuspected nuzzle brushed against her skin as the pale brute pushed himself to his feet. She returned his tentative smile, rising to her own feet. His sudden disappearance had left the chill of the ocean creep across her flesh. A shiver ran down her spine as Ares asked about his father. "Of course he would!" She didn't doubt it, she knew Seraphim cared for his children, all of them and would never turn them away. Pushing herself forward , she let her shoulder brush against his as she headed up the beach. They would rerun home before it got any colder.

Paws sunk into the sand, working between her toes. The babe didn't mind, her thoughts were preoccupied with the boy thy walked beside her. He seemed to have relaxed some since when he first found her. Was he warming up to the kindess she had showed him? Maybe. For now she wouldn't be alone and mother would he. Hopefully Seraphim would return to the garden soon and give his son the comfort only he could give.

Exit and a new thread in the garden?

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