
Matters of the Heart


08-10-2013, 09:53 AM

Soleil's latest litter were growing like weeds, she saw them changing gradually every day. Luckily for her, the change was not nearly as drastic as with her first litter which had to be separated from her to avoid them growing ill. She was equally blessed to have not fallen ill, in fact she seemed healthier than ever. Her small litter of two was still a handful to look after.

They had their differences of opinions, Soleil wanted Guinevere and Solaine to stay at the den and they wanted to go explore. They were definitely old enough to leave the nest and enjoy the world, so it was rather selfish of her to try and keep them by her side. This time she was trying things differently, if either pup asked to leave Valhalla she would deliver a swift no. Not until they were at least a year old, she would not allow it.

Her mind fret mildly, wondering where in the big, wide world Soleon was at these days. Her darling Gael had returned to her and Azalea was around as she always had been. Gael was far closer to her than Azalea, her darling runt daughter preferring to keep a distance and always on the go. She needed to learn some discipline though and start acting her age. She was being groomed to take over the pack, and unlike Soleil her eldest daughter would not have male at her side to handle things.

It was time to leave the den for the den, Soleil cooing lightly to her newest children that it was time to wake up. She was glad to be back in her own den but she wondered if the pups noticed and if they minded not being in Erani's den. It wasn't as spacious, being a more private setting meant for her and her family only.

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08-10-2013, 10:15 AM

Aside from exploring Valhalla - as she was so prone to doing now that she had control over most of her motor skills - sleep was perhaps Solaine's most favorite activity. Sleep allowed for dreams, and dreams led to even more exciting adventures than she could experience in Valhalla. Her ear twitched idly, noting her mother's gentle tones bringing her out of her dreamland and into reality. She groaned audibly, but realizing that this would be the first time her mother had accompanied her into Valhalla, she quickly stirred. Guinevere's warmth was felt somewhere near her, but she ignored her sister's presence as she sleepily yawned and gazed up at her mother. "What's happening momma?" Such innocent tones, still sleepy in nature. Rising to her full height, the tiny Adravendi vixen glanced around the den. She'd almost forgotten that they had moved recently from Erani's den to one of their own. Some part of her missed the large den they'd been born in, but this one was certainly cosy. Her father was not present, though that was unsurprising. It seemed he usually awakened early and did.. whatever it was he did for Valhalla. As she scooted closer to her mother, nearly tumbling a few times in the process, Solaine began to wonder just what they were going to do today. She had been dreaming of hunting for quite some time, though others had assured her she was far too little to participate in such events. A nice swim or even just a walk would be exciting too, almost anything would be more exciting than being in the den.




08-11-2013, 12:54 PM

They, as a family, had returned back to what they all knew and loved, their own personal home and not smooene else's. To be honest, it helped Collision be more track-minded, and helped him to settle whatever irked thoughts he was having about evertyhing, still he was doing the job of the dutiful father, and husband, and had turned out erly to get on a hunt and bring home something for his family to eat. The children had become old enough to be weaned, and while it was not the easiest thing, it definitely was a better thing, and it didn't pain his sweet wife so much.

Clutched in his maw was the leg of a deer, ripped cleanly and recently off. The rest of the mamal had been taken back to the heart of Valhalla for the others to take part, and Collision had gladly taken enough to feed his growing family what was at least a light breakfast. Head swerved in, muscular shoulders rolling as his head moved over the shoulder of Solaine, his daughter. Dropping the massive thigh he would pull his skull back and nuzzle his nose into the crook of Solaine's neck, before nudging her towards the meat. Eyes flashed to Soleil and he gave her a beaming, loving, smile. The morning was starting off fresh, and Collision wanted his entire family together, at least for the morning. Eyes down turned to Guinevere and he shook his head lightly at the still slumbering woman. Now, where were Gael and Azalea so early?


08-13-2013, 11:06 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 11:12 PM by Gael.)

Sisters. He had two new sisters. Aza wasn't going to be his only little sister anymore, although his new sisters were going to be even more little than Aza, age wise. As far as physical size went, he wasn't sure where the two would rank, but surely they would still be smaller than him. Since having been told about their arrival on their day of their birth, the young Adravendi had been dying with curiosity. He had headed his father's warning from the first day about steering clear of the den. He had never had any experience with new mothers so he was taking the smart option and taking his father's word for it. But man, it had been killing him having to stay away. He was so curious to know what his new sisters looked like, what their names were going to be, to just know them. He had been patient for the past two weeks, merely skirting about the very edges of the den perimeter, trying to sneak a glance at his sisters but always failing. Today was finally the day that he was going to meet his little sisters. Or so he hoped.

Gael set out from his den, breathing in the cool summer morning as he stretched his sleepy muscles, a yawn overtaking his jaws as he padded along, a high-pitched whine escaping his vocals before he chased the yawn away, shaking himself into awareness. His eyes drooped just a bit, unable to fully chase away all the sleepiness. But as he neared the den where his mother was taking residence in, all thoughts of sleepiness were banished. He could scent his mother and his father, as well as the two new scents of his tiny siblings. The silver yearling was careful as he slowed himself to approached the mouth of the den, cerulean gaze peering in, dancing over the familiar figures of his father and mother, trying to spot the tiny furballs that were his new sisters. He could barely see them around the legs of his father. He wanted to go inside and greet his new siblings, but he was unsure if he was still quite welcome. Gael cleared his throat, trying in the most subtle of ways to alert his family to his presence as he stood at the entrance, his tail wagging gently behind him as he waited to be noticed, already beyond excited about being able to meet his siblings.

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6 Years
08-13-2013, 11:38 AM

Azalea did not sleep at the family den, in fact she slept in no den at all. She was cautious of underground spaces and all too recently seen what could happen when a little rain turned into a lot of rain. Her mother being back at the family den did not worry her only because it was summer. The heat had returned and rain was not so frequent and when it did rain it was light and weak.

She was headed for the den now, though. It was time to formally meet her new siblings. Azalea was no longer the baby in the family but so be it, she could still be fashionably late. It was really unsurprising that she was the last to show up, Soleil already above ground, dirt clinging to her milky white coat. She had her head poked into the den bidding Guinevere to come out. Solaine sat front and center to the breakfast table, the leg of deer,

Azalea licked her lips as she came to stand beside her brother, Gael. With each passing day Azalea was forgetting her eldest brother. Perhaps he would never return. She had honestly thought little to nothing of her brothers until Gael had reappeared, sparking hope on dying embers that the other might come back as well.

Gael was easily excited and he stood waiting, dying in wait for their parents to give him notice. He wanted to approach. Azalea just tipped her head at him, not seeing the need for an invitation. It was their family, they were not guests. "Great catch, father, where is the rest of it?" Her tongue lulled and it was obvious that she drooling. She was positively ravenous and she wasn't sure the leg would be enough for all six of them. She didn't even know how much puppies ate. Did they even count as separate wolves?

She moved closer, giving her father a quick lick on the cheek. Then her eyes found Solaine and Azalea realized that she was being stared at. She slowed, lowering herself to her belly. She kept eye contact, determined not to look away from a mere whelp. Perhaps she was frightening to the babe but Azalea was not trying to be threatening in the least. On her belly she moved closer until she tucked over the deer leg. She sniffed it, working her way up and over until she was nose to nose with her little sibling. "Hello!" Azalea said finally, tail wagging and her face breaking into a smile. "I'm Azalea, your big sister!"

She cast a quick look to Gael then smiled wickedly, "And that's your big brother, we just call him Dumb-Dumb." She looked very proud of herself as she looked over to Gael with a grin.



08-16-2013, 10:54 AM

Solaine was the first up and alert. She was clearly curious as to what was going. Soleil called to her tenderly, bidding her out of the den but not answering her questions. They were just going out to stretch their legs and play, nothing more. The pale female with dark rimmed eyes could only imagine what her precious daughters thought was happening. A grand adventure, surely.

Gael arrived but Soleil didn't notice at first, her head in the den calling to her dark faced daughter who was still in the den. When Collision arrived she turned to look over her shoulder. Catching his loving smile, she gave him one in return, then noticed that Gael had arrived and Azalea was just coming through the undergrowth.

Her heart throbbed with a painful amount of joy to see her eldest children, now nearing two years old. Had it really been two years since she had first passed new life into this world? She looked back to the den, wondering if Guinevere was too tired to come out and join them. Knowing the child was healthy as a horse, she abandoned her attempts to coax her out figuring she would leave the den when she was ready.

Soleil approached Gael with a waving tail, her ears folded back and her blue eyes filled to the brim with affection. She stopped though, Azalea giving Gael an odd look before brushing by toward the food that Collision had brought back with him. Soleil's gaze followed the girl, sighing heavily and shaking her head before looking back to her darling son.

"Gael," She greeted before embracing her son. She knew he would return her love, where Azalea was likely to act like she was being murdered. "Come on, its alright, meet your sisters and have a bite."

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08-17-2013, 07:29 PM

As her mother called her out, Solaine obediently followed. This was perhaps the only time in which she would benefit from following direct orders from her dam. The smile was evident on her tiny face as her bi-colored eyes twinkled with joy and excitement. There was no end to the exciting things her mother could be about to introduce them to, and Solaine would not miss out on the fun. It seemed, however, that her sister preferred to sleep. Solaine gave a huff as she slithered past Guinevere, noting her father's presence - with a large leg of prey in his jaws. The tiny girl yipped excitedly when she spotted this, rising up onto her front paws to sniff it eagerly. He soon dropped the leg and nuzzled her gently, which she returned with fervor. She adored her father, and her mother - even if they didn't want to let her do everything she wanted. Papa, what's that leg from? She questioned, ever curious about life and the interesting things that occurred during it.

It was hard to see over the leg that her father had brought, and so quickly the whelp lifted her front paws onto it for a better vantage point to view the larger she-wolf who was approaching in a crawling manner. Curiously the dame would tilt her head to the right at an angle, the fur on the back of her neck and spine now standing on end. Her tail flagged up behind her, wondering if this woman intended to steal the food that father had brought them. A tiny growl began to bubble in her chest, but soon calmed as the woman wagged her tail and introduced herself. Azalea, that was a pretty name! Solaine's tail mirrored her newfound sister's, beating at ninety miles a minute - or so it seemed. "I'm Solaine!" she yipped, proud of the name she had been given. Azalea went on to say that the man, whom Solaine had not yet noticed, was called Dumb-Dumb. Now.. that seemed like a silly name. Solaine launched herself over the leg and toward the much larger male, giggling because of his name. Her mother went to him just then, calling him 'Gael' and nuzzling him gently, telling him to meet his sisters. "Mama, why'd you call him Gael?" It never occurred to her that Azalea had been joking.




08-20-2013, 10:41 AM

Gael remained silent upon his arrival, though Azalea would come all giggles and laughter. The titan would shake his head at each remark she made, and he would be ever so quick to roll his eyes, "Serving as breakfast to the rest of your pack. Tell me, Miss Heiress, where's your contribution?" Had she even fully accepted her roles and responsibilities? Had she moved up and taken hold of things that she should? Recruiting members, preparing warriors, there was a lot to do for a leader, and had she been properly prepared? Collision hadn't been a King except for 9 months of her life, and he hadn't seen a time that her training should have begun, thus it hadn't. So, she was not a ruler and so it would continue to be that way.

Solaine piped up with her confused words on her brother and Collision would shoot a stern look towards Azalea. Though, it was touched with a glimmer of playfulness, it was a bit early for solaine to hear such remarks and remember that they were all made in jest, "His name is Gael, sweetheart, Azalea was just being a dumb-dumb," Repeating her words he laughed audibly and turned to look at Soleil, they needed to talk about what had been on his mind, and after they sent the kids out, perhaps they would.


08-20-2013, 07:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 11:15 PM by Gael.)

And of course the party would be nothing without his darling little sister Azalea. She would make her late arrival to the gathering of their family well after their father had arrived and their mother had begun coaxing his baby sisters out of the den. Gael, ever the respectful one, even with his own family, lingered outside of the den, waiting to see if one of his parents would grant him access into the den. Aza on the other hand, simply barged in, giving him a passing nod of acknowledgement. She would admire the meal Collision had brought, planting a kiss on his cheek before lowering herself to the cave floor, crawling towards the oldest of the two babies; Solaine. In typical Azalea fashion, she wasted no time introducing herself, taking the opportunity that he was still lingering outside the den to insult him and present a very rude first impression to Solaine. Silver brows furrowed together in displeasure, ears flattening against his skull. She just couldn't help but pick on him couldn't she.

Gael bit back a retort, knowing it would be better to simply let it slide. They were simply words after all and no matter what she said or what position she held in the pack, Azalea would always be his younger sister. And one day she would need to learn to respect that. But for now, the yearling was content with allowing her child-ish antics to slide. Besides, his mother was talking to him now. He watched her emerge from the den and come towards him, ears folded against her skull as she called out to him, embracing him as she invited him to come inside and meet his baby sisters. Mom. He called out gently, curling his chin over her right shoulder, pressing his much smaller mother against him. A gentle smile curled his silver lips as he nodded, pressing a loving kiss to his mother?s ivory cheek, moving past her towards the den, stopping just inside of it, his attention turning to his father as Collision spoke up, having caught Aza jab at him with Solaine. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as his father?s words. He?d been right in holding his tongue; his father had taken care of his sister for him. Dad?s right Sol. My name is Gael and I?m your big brother. Haunches folded beneath him, a wide grin splitting his jaws as he looked over Aza at his baby sister, wanting to let her to come to him instead of overwhelming her.

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6 Years
08-20-2013, 09:43 PM

"I'm Solaine!" The high pitched puppy voice was flippant and Azalea's tail wagged hard enough to take her whole rump with it. When Collsision responded to her question, her ears fell back, demeanor completely changing. "Serving as breakfast to the rest of your pack. Tell me, Miss Heiress, where's your contribution?" Her tail lowered, closing in on going between her legs completely. Her smile disappeared and she avoided making eye contact with her father. She may not be touchy feely with family, but her father was still her father. He held the most sway over her life.

"Uhh..." She blanked on things to say out loud but in her mind... "Roaming the hills I suppose, thankful I didn't go hunting this morning." Either way it was a bunch of bull. Azalea was not a bad huntress, she just didn't prefer to hunt. Why was it so important that she contribute? Wasn't that what the professional hunters were for? It was their job to hunt for the pack, not hers. Should her help be requested and wholeheartedly needed then she would help. Or if she wanted to go hunting.

All things she didn't voice out loud for fear of being pummeled.

Gael looked extremely unhappy to be called Dumb-Dumb and of all people, it was Collision who threw it back at her, saying she was the Dumb-Dumb. "God, can no one take a joke?" Her feelings were hurt but she held on tightly to her pride. "Hey, aren't their two new siblings?" She looked around.



08-24-2013, 06:26 PM

Sleep. It was all the girl would do lately, apart from eating of course. The eyes would remain closed, the darkness was almost like a comfort to Guinevere, it reminded her of the peace and quiet, which everyone needs every once in a while. Sprawled out would the lobes twitch every so slightly at the movements of new comers. With a groan the darker sibling would roll about until finding a small curb in the den that would fit perfectly against her small and delicate frame. Giggles and laughters would finally make the youngest child stand there; head lowered and gazing at the entrance, looking as if she where glaring when really she was just inspecting, before taking a small step out. The sight of her mother and father would set the Adravendi of in a hyper mode, all the sleep would build up to the energy that was stored inside. like an explosion the dame was Running out pacing up to the breakfast and back to the den continuously until finally halting, panting frequently to stare upon the meat, inches away from the muzzle. " Can.. Can I eat it?" Food, it was the only thing that would keep te girl going, even picturing it in the mind sets the mouth watering with delights. " Hi hi hi! Im Guinevere!" would the pitchy squeal be aimed at the older siblings, debating whether to go over and play or not. With some thought the pup would carry herself towards her father before laying back down, closing the lids shut and attempting to sleep until everyone tucks in. As if only a moment ago the boisterous dame was running about, sleep would now be the next option. Having her mother being so protective Guinevere always had a very wide imagination, thinking about what it was like beyond the borders, and to one day cross over.



08-25-2013, 04:13 PM

As soon as he had seen the Golden eyes of Guinevere he knew what he would name her, he knew how much she would be. It was like a sign, and all he could do was give her that name as a sign of respect, not only to his maman, but also to...his life. It was how it was because of her, and she was the source of his happiness. Now, he had five beautiful children, granted only four present, but they made him his family. Silence was provided by his wife and he leaned his shoulder into her, kissing her nose and offering her merely his body to wrap into. He loved her dearly, and he was going to be giving up...a lot for her.

Eyes locked onto Azalea, she had responded how he guessed she would with his harsh words, but in a way, she did need to hear exactly that. His daughter was long past due for a bit of a reality check, and while he was happy she was considered for a lead in Valhalla's future. He did not agree with her having been given that so early in live. It produced a spot of arrogance he wasn't particularly proud of, and he felt the need to make sure earth was where she lived. Perhaps, he would just need some time with her, some time to get things in order, see if everything was alright. Did she want to be that responsible?

He hoped so.

He smiled down at his kids and then looked outside, the weather wasn't horrible, perhaps an outing would be fine, "Eat up, we'll take you all down to the waters today," with him and soleil, plus Azalea and Gael there, nothing would happen to them that wasn't



08-30-2013, 11:42 AM

Permission was given to tuck into breakfast, the leg presenting itself as if it was just for Guinevere. Her lids would open, her golden orbs lightening up as if ridding the shadows. the pup would rise to all four paws, Creeping towards it as if it was alive. Guinevere would stalk around it and before long she'd leap and grab it with her small fangs. " Look look! Im gonna make a great hunter!" With a flick to the tail the ivory dame would mischievously drag it away and take the first bites. Ripping and shredding away until finally she let out a sigh, her ears dropping knowing she had to share her fathers kill. Leaving the carcass her orbs would dart to each individual before running up to Gael and attempting to push a small paw on his chest. " Your it!" That was all it took and the kid was of, running towards the waters as if it was some new big adventure.



09-05-2013, 10:58 AM

Solaine quickly grew distracted, mostly by the tiny crawling things that moved around her paws. Ants, they were, already lured toward the leg that her father had brought. She yipped at them in vain, cursing them for going after the food before she could. As Guinevere finally made herself known, Solaine offered a wry smile at her sister before wiggling toward the kill. Guin stalked it, but Solaine merely sauntered toward it as if she owned it, nipping off a bite before speaking with a full mouth. "You can' hunt it if its already dead," she would correct her sister with a matter-of-fact tone. Solaine took a few more bites, finding she enjoyed this a million times more than her mother's milk. Blood was lovely on her palette, and she would not soon forget that. As her sister moved to go to the waters - as their father had already proclaimed their destination - Solaine would cease her feeding and slither near Collision. "Time to go, da'?"


09-07-2013, 10:06 PM

Her family bantered, Azalea instantly starting trouble with Gael. To begin with she let it slide, pretending to ignore them. Then Collision broke in, calling Azalea the dumb dumb before scolding their daughter about not hunting. She shot Collision a look as she turned away from her son, "She's not quite grown yet, let her be." Soleil remembered being young and obedient. She knew nothing else but to be obedient, it was born into her.

Eyes followed her beautiful daughter, idly wondering what it might be like to have grown up with the outgoing nature that Azalea possessed. Her eyes found Collision again and she shook the thoughts away. Things come and gone were hardly worth wondering over when her life was already filled with so many joys.

Her tail rose, waving happily as Guinevere came forth to join them. The pup questioned if she could eat the food, then realized she had company in the form of elder siblings. Jumping from one thing to the next little Guin found herself at her father's feet attempting to sneak back to sleep. Soleil "woofed" to Guin. She didn't need to nap. "Eat up, we'll take you all down to the waters today," Soleil's heart dropped and her eyes flit to Collision. She knew there was no harm in it but all she could imagine was one of two gals falling into the water.

"Look look! Im gonna make a great hunter!" Soleil beamed at her, "The pack can always use more hunters!" She really did hope that Guinevere so easily decided what she wanted to do and pursued it passionately.

"You can' hunt it if its already dead," She had seated herself again, continuing to grin at her latest achievements. Solaine had a point and Soleil was aware that Guinevere's "hunting" needed practice but it was her place as a mother to encourage her children. They both had plenty of time to learn, what they needed right now was the support to be creative and to dream.

Her moment of peace was ruined when Guinevere took off, tagging Gael as she went. "No, no, no!" Soleil ran after Guin, herding her back. "Everyone must eat, be patient my dear."

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09-10-2013, 07:42 PM

The children were eager, to no surprise, to get out and see the world which had been so hidden from them in their first few months on the Earth. There was something magical and mystical about a place so unknown you couldn't even name everything. Still, the children had to be watched, and as they all seemed to file away for the day, casting away their needs to get some nutrients in exchange for their curiosities to be taken part in, Collision too dipped his head and shoved his body forward, arching his back, to climb from their den. A smile slithered over his jaws as Soleil hollered towards them, "They'll be fine my life, come," he called for her, beckoning the woman to relax, urging her to let go of her fright. they were growing children and if they put too many restraints on them, things wouldn't remain positive. "Go on kids, run around, don't get out of eye sight," they had never really had the clich? events take part in their family that so many did, for example, the drowning scares, the children getting lost (alebeit Gael and Soleon) but, he had a feeling that was the kids wishing to explore their own world and make best out of what they had. Maybe, it was time to try something new.


09-11-2013, 11:28 PM

He would watch in amusement as his baby sisters would interact, Guin claiming herself to become a superb hunter while Solaine would shoot her down, bringing to attention the fact that the leg was indeed "dead" and that you couldn't hunt something that was dead. A smile would quirk his lips at their antics, a mock gasp pushing past his jaws as Guin ran up to him, tagging him with her tiny paw before rushing out of the den towards the water that their father had told him they would go explore that day. A chuckle rumbled in his chest as his mother panicked, rushing out to grab Guin and bring her back, urging that they should all eat patiently. His father would be quick to soothe his mother, inviting all the Adravendi children, himself included even though he wasn't much of a child anymore, to go on ahead and explore. I'll take care of them. He assured his parents, as he moved past them to step outside the den, nape craning around as he looked back to Solaine. Are you coming Sol? He called back to his other sister, turning back to watch Guin to make sure she didn't get into any trouble yet.

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6 Years
09-12-2013, 09:40 AM

The leg was jumped by another puppy, Guinevere. Azalea jumped back in alarm, not expecting the sudden appearance as the small child tried to make off with the leg that was much larger than she. The auburn headed lass shook her hear, amber eyes wide as she watched the youngsters rip into the food before Guinevere popped up and took off running. She could hardly even turn her head before her mother was in freak out mode, dragging her little sibling back into sight.

So they would go on an adventure? Collision told them all to go on, to have fun, while he tried to sway their mother in her determination to keep the children close until they finished their meals. Guin wasted no time, rushing ahead to take the lead. It was quite interesting to see the late riser to rocket off. Azalea stood up now, on her toes. "I'll take care of them," Gael's words came as Azalea turned around to see her brother. He went to follow Guin and Azalea's tail rose.

She would not be left out of the fun! She jogged ahead, legs eating up the space that took her baby siblings so many steps to cover. A light bark left her lips as she jumped into the lead. "I can show you how to hunt, little sister!" She was delighted, though it was debatable if her happiness was due to her new siblings or getting to show off her skills.