
Duck, duck, bear



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-31-2020, 07:12 PM
She was heavily pregnant and way more so than she should have been to be running around outside of the pack lands, but she knew she would be bound to the pack for some time after the pups were born and she had the desire to get up and go once more before she was stuck at the shrine playing mother dearest for the rest of forever. In truth, she hardly left the pack lands on her own anyway, and now, especially now, she remembered why. She was exhausted and had nothing to show for it. She had found a couple of herbs and stuff sure, but she was too large to easily hunt on her own and especially not in unfamiliar territory.

Tox looked around for a place to rest and found a cozy, unassuming bore in the earth. It didn't smell like it had been inhabited in some time, so she made herself comfortable, scratching at the ground to rid it of any debris there might be on the floor. She spun herself around in a few circles and stamped down the loose grit before flopping unceremoniously down, panting softly. It didn't take long for her to slip into a light, dreamless slumber. One that was interrupted when she heard shuffling nearby.

She awoke, paws gathering under her and ears pricking up instinctively. Her breathing became shallow as she listened. Whatever was outside shuffled and huffed. It came from behind the den and was low and heavy. Tox was torn between trying to hide and say very very still and dashing out of the den. She knew at this point she was no good for a tussle, no matter what the thing sniffing around was. It neared, its footsteps audible nearly above her. She decided there was no way it could be worth it to hang out. If she stayed here, it was likely she would end up cornered and defenseless.

As it huffed once more, nose apparently to the ground, Tox kicked off, launching herself from the den she had nestled in. The beast's huff was interrupted as it stared up in surprise, letting out a questioning bellow that Tox realized it was a bear. A quick glance showed that her realization was correct. Nope, she couldn't do this, she never should have left the pack lands and she was over and out. With little thought as to the herbs she left behind, Tox scampered herself back to the pack.