
Rhona Adoption



3 Years
12-30-2020, 12:26 AM
Looking for a character that already has an extensive back story and lots of repressed trauma? Look no further!

I'm trying to slim down my character list a bit to make room for some in coming plots and I have a few characters that I just didn't click with as well as others, but I don't want to just set them inactive because I do really like them. Rhona is one such character! I'll try to summarize her history as best I can, but it's very long. If you want to read the full thing head to Tamsyn's profile first to read her history and then follow up with Rhona's to get the full picture.

Basically, Tamsyn and Rhona grew up in the same band/pack. The culture and "religion" in this pack dictated that males were far superior and the females were pretty much only considered useful for bearing children. It wasn't uncommon for the males to be violent and abusive toward the females to "keep them in line" and for the most part it worked. However, Tamsyn wasn't as easily kept in line and was pretty much beaten into submission over the first two years of her life. It was tradition for the males to pick which female they wanted for their mates and when Tamsyn's litter was old enough all of her siblings were picked or in the case of her brothers went of to pick their own mates besides Tamsyn.

There are some other events in Tamsyn's life after that, but that's where Rhona comes in. Tamsyn's brother picked Rhona's older sister as his mate and Rhona grew up watching him treat her sister badly. Remember how important being able to bear children was for the females? Well, it seemed like her sister was barren and that infuriated Tamsyn's brother. He rejected Rhona's sister and that pretty much doomed her to be considered "defective" and "useless" by the pack. That sent her into a spiraling depression and she starved herself to death.

So then Osmond (Tamsyn's brother) went to Rhona's dad and told him that he was owed another one of his daughters since his first mate hadn't been able to fulfill her duties as a mate. Reluctantly he agreed, and that's how Rhona ended up with Osmond. After seeing how Osmond treated his eldest daughter, he kept him on a pretty short leash with Rhona which Osmond hated. Because of this, he ran off with Rhona to get away from her father's watchful eyes which is how they ended up in Boreas. They stumbled into Tamsyn who fought him off and ran back to the Armada's territory with Rhona where Osmond had an unfortunate run in with Resin who happily ripped him to literal shreds :D

After that, she settled into the Armada and started getting some fight training from various members of the pack. At first she relied pretty heavily on Tamsyn, but when Tamsyn left to start the Hallows with Resin she started to branch out a bit more, but still hasn't really processed all the abuse and rape that Osmond put her through. And that brings us to current day!

If you would like to adopt Rhona, just leave a response here letting me know what you'd like to change (if anything), any plans you might have for her for the immediate future, and a little sample of how you would play her if I haven't played with you before. I don't have a lot of posting expectations or anything like that for her like I would with a pup I'm adopting out - she's a side character that grew into her own thing that I do genuinely like, but I think she'll do better with someone else. Any art she has and the design for her can go with the character if you like it, but the design isn't to be used any where else. If you ever want to set her inactive or are going to be leaving the site, let me know and I'll take her back. Thanks!



1 Year
12-30-2020, 12:45 AM
Hello hello! I’m a newbie who, not gonna lie, already has 4 (?) characters and more incoming soon :V but I really really like this character and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind me playing her? Here’s my rp sample :)

Rhona couldn’t believe she was free. Osmond had treated her like absolute shit her entire life, and now he’d paid the price for his actions, thanks to this wolf who called themselves Resin. Her thoughts were spiraling in thoughts of all that she could possibly do, ranging from ecstatic to absolute despair. The worries that bagged on her, the worries that gnawed on her mind were also turned to joy... oh the possibilities that she could do. She could leave Ashen, the Armada and pick where she wanted to go. Maybe she would travel the continent, meet the leaders of other packs and pick one to join for herself... the dreary world she once lived in... now presented to her one filled with opportunities and possibilities without end. She could do anything, say anything she like without hesitation and no one would be able to justify their words against her. Oh the glory of it all.



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
12-30-2020, 02:21 AM
I can't help myself!

I can't say I'd change a whole lot about her, but I do think she'd request leaving the Armada in hopes of finding a place on her own instead of riding on the coattails of tamsyn and staying in the Armada to 'be close' essentially, while the Hallows is still nearby. She'd definitely want to become her own woman!

Here's a sample tho jic

Sirius was a big man with sharp teeth and heavens knows what else. She was tall, but he was massive! Her nerves were getting the best of her as she dipped her head back and let out a nervous howl for the warlord, hoping he'd find kindness in his heart to let her leave and explore this new world around her. Osmond was gone, Tamsyn was gone, there was hardly a reason for the girl to stick around in a warrioresque pack where she felt the everpresent memories of her past every time she looked at a warrior. While she wasn't exactly afraid of these wolves, it was hard to shake the thoughts on how she and her blessed sister were treated. Being around all this musclebound men were making her uncomfortable, even if she wouldn't admit it.

Her legs quivered as she stood at the inner borders of the pack, crossing her toes that she'd be given her freedom. When the warlord finally approached, her nerves forced her into blurring out what she had to say. "I want to leave-" she cut herself off, hearing how it sounded as his came from her dark lips. Fiery eyes frantically moved towards her paws as she tried to regain herself. "I mean I... With Tamsyn gone.. I want to explore.. And find myself.. If that's okay..." Asking permission was second nature to her now, and she couldn't even bring her gaze up to match the warlords.
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
01-01-2021, 10:23 PM
Rhona will go to Skelle! Thank you! <3