
A ghost from the past

Kat and Kyu



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
12-28-2020, 01:30 PM
It wasn't too far East from the Orchard they basically just had to follow the stream, and it led them towards the pack his Auntie resided. He kept his stride a little slower for the shorter wolf beside him. Saph scouted on a head, keeping an eye out for anything of interest, and Mortis pointed out the lay of the land for her as they went. Hoping to help familiarize her with it, and so she could find her way back to where he found her, even if they got separated.

As they reached the pack, he found the scent of the very wolf he was searching for. That was good, because he hadnt intended to go too close to the pack anyway. He didn't want to start an incident when he wasn't too sure what their stance was on the Armada.

Assuming Deathbelle had gone to look for herbs or poisons, or perhaps a bite to eat, he began to follow her trail. He glanced over at his companion as the scent got stronger. "My Auntie has been through a lot lately, so I've got to put a smile on her face." A strange statement, but one that will likely become a little clearer in a moment. When he began to act like a goof.

He bounced up towards the older wolf, his tail wagging. "Hi Auntie Belle!" He said, stopped beside her, and sticking his cold nose into the crook of her neck. He had to bend down to do so, and contorted his body a little to look up at her with a grin, his tail wiggling behind him. "This is my friend, Astrea Nightingale. Do you have a moment?"



1 Year
12-28-2020, 02:20 PM
They say home is where the heart is.

Mine is among the stars, across the universe

The morning seemed to creep unto a crux of day, as they traversed into a new portion of land the young fae did not recognize. Though could she really claim a relocation of any particular part of the land? Not quite yet, not like her home of old where she had traveled outside the den her uncle had set up just for her mother. The thought had always made her wonder if ever so secretly he held a hidden torch of desire for mother. It would not be a surprise since Star thought her mother to be quite a beautiful wolf who had more to offer than just her look’s. That alone had made the young girl smile with pride, the women she adored above all else would always be striking and causing hearts to break. ’I wonder would I ever become like her?’

The thought in itself was simple with time and hard work to trim around her bristled edges she could mold herself into something new, something that was uniquely her. Though she knew it would take some work, nothing hard would come easy in life. Just like how traveling was not easy, more so with the dashing long legged wolf who possessed wonderous wing’s. Truly the male would always be quite the sight. But her attention was torn to that of her dove as she fluttered a few inches to her right. It was a tell tale sign that her inner muscles were tired because she had not traveled by flight for a long capacity of time. With a joking manner or an eye roll she nudged her head under the small little dove. Something that would allow her precious companion to rest her wings until she would be ready to take flight again.

The action in itself was to make sure her friend would not become lost, but also to make sure that they would not separate from the kind brute who was guiding the way, all the while pointing to the lay of the land. Something she would make sure to thank him for, not only was he helping her find a hopeful missing portion of her family by seeking out a member of his own, but to even help her learn more of this new land. ’I must be sure to thank him after all this!’ she beamed in her head. That was at least before his charming voice drifted to her ears, his statement was sweet but made her wish to know why his aunt would need to smile. Was her life in a bit of distress? No she could not voice the question for it would be rude to pry into their personal lives. ”You must be a surprise for her yourself then?” she asked before she witnessed him start to act like a big old goof.

The sight made a bit of melodic laughter trickle past her maw as she raised her front left paw to conceal her amusement for she did not want to offend him. But she could not hide her merriment for long as he bounced towards his aunt and in a pup like manor greeted her so. If she saw this before his dashing side she would have thought him a cute thing, albeit much larger than herself but cute nonetheless. When her laughter died a bit she let her paw fall to the ground before she would offer a bow of respect for she knew not of the women before her, ”It's a pleasure to meet you Belle.” her soft voice broke free before she raised her head with a gentle smile.

[Image: dckun0h-1bf58dac-c732-42b1-9b1c-4a64f368...UWk2K_EKD4][Image: dchuz07-24d33635-5486-4308-b39f-27a17d7b...cKewH3iJr0][Image: dckumoi-019122f3-7afa-4f71-b98f-0516e565...scwHNz3r40]

Ruaisar is a morning dove who will be present at all times unless there is a battle.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-28-2020, 03:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2020, 03:06 PM by Deathbelle.)
When Deathbelle couldn’t be with Magnus she was out collecting plants and herbs for the winter stores Habari would need. Unless they wanted to travel an inordinate distance keeping dried specimens was their best option. She especially wanted to make sure she had any toxic materials that Recluse might want on paw. That’s why she was out here in the middle of nowhere.

As she moved along it wouldn’t be long before the sound of pawsteps reached her. Curious she looked up and swiveled mismatched ears towards the sound. She could clearly make out Mortis, but the second wolf was completely unknown. He was obviously on her trail so Deathbelle turned to meet up with her young, if not giant, nephew.

”Hello, Mort.” She chuckled warmly as she winced at his nose, but leaned into his affection. Still unable to rid herself of the thought of what if he had been her son. ”Hello, Astraea.” Deathbelle continued with a polite nod as the girl greeted her in return. ”I always have a moment for you, Mortis. What can I do for you?”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
12-28-2020, 05:51 PM
He looked back at Astrea, and motioned her forward. He supposed it would be on him to explain the situation - this had been his idea after all. He reached up, kissed his aunties check, and unfurled himself. Making him once more the biggest wolf in the bunch. Taking a seat and giving her space, he glanced back at Astrea once more, and then plunged in.

"I vaguely recall you had a wolf in your pack by the name of... Riva? Nightingale. My friend here isn't sure if she might be family, and wants to look into it. Do you know where Riva went, after leading Ashen?" He could scarcity recall the woman, and he regretted that now. She had been a passing presence in the world of a puppy. Today, that meant he could offer little help to his friend past pointing her in the right direction.

Had Deathbelle paid attention to where the woman had gone? If he could have just one clue, a starting point he could help his new friend. He just had to hope recalling Deathbelles Empress days didnt upset his Auntie.



1 Year
12-28-2020, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2020, 06:59 PM by Astraea.)
They say home is where the heart is.

Mine is among the stars, across the universe

After her greeting was said looked towards the fae who Mortis had set to seek out in hopes of helping the young star attempt to find a means of family. Like the wondrous brute she was of a larger stature, but with a light build which made her seem ethereal in her own part of the world. Though if she held structure of her own family line she would have allowed a question of familiar ties to float out into the air. For like she the lovely looking woman with a flower upon her ear held both the endless void of bleakness that could consume a night sky, all the while hiding the moon field of snow upon what Star would assume grace all of her under’s. A beautiful woman she was indeed. What set the scene apart though was the winged brute she called friend lying by her paws playing as a goof.

To have a wolf like him in one’s life would surely allow one to have many moments of happiness of the heart, so much so that she was glad his aunt possessed him in their life. A statement that was rung true as her own laugher had rung like bells in the air. It was with her question upon faded laughter that her attention was gained, even as Ruaisar moved to the crux of her head to look upon the scene herself as their friend untangled himself from the ground. It was when he glanced at her that she tilted her head with chirps of protest from her feathered companion who sunk her small dainty talons into her fur. ’Oh he must be presenting why we are here’

It was a thought to herself, but soon was shared with the rest as a possible family member's name was given to his aunt. When he had finished his sentence she wanted to nod in agreement but she did not wish to off put the female who could help. ”The name Nightingale is extremely rare in where I hail from, and my mother doesn't know much about who could hold our family name.” she offered before feeling her shy nature start to overcome her wavering heart. ”If you could help I would be forever thankful miss Belle” her shy voice broke out as her eyes casted down not sure of what could help.

[Image: dckun0h-1bf58dac-c732-42b1-9b1c-4a64f368...UWk2K_EKD4][Image: dchuz07-24d33635-5486-4308-b39f-27a17d7b...cKewH3iJr0][Image: dckumoi-019122f3-7afa-4f71-b98f-0516e565...scwHNz3r40]

Ruaisar is a morning dove who will be present at all times unless there is a battle.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-30-2020, 11:11 AM
Deathbelle nuzzled into Mort’s affections as she tried not to be reminded of the closeness she once shared with his father. She had Magnus to keep her safe, loved, and happy, but the feelings she had for the Warlord would likely never leave. Belle did her best to ignore them, otherwise she was just torturing herself. Mort was quick enough to get into the meat of the matter and he spoke a name she hadn’t thought very hard on in a good while.

The woman in question had been a very sweet young healer, who made a definite impression on the once Empress. Unfortunately she was going to have to disappoint the two young wolves before her. ”I remember her, she was an aspiring young healer. It was comforting to have her in the pack while it lasted but…” She sighed whistfully. ”I don’t know where she might have gone after she disappeared from the pack.” Deathbelle offered both wolves an apologetic glance. ”I wish she had stayed with me, but I suspect there was somewhere else she was needed more than in Ashen.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-02-2021, 10:06 PM
He looked back towards his black and white friend and offered her another friendly smile, before settling in to hear what Deathbelle could offer them. His short, loving Auntie didn’t look very hopeful, and the wagging tail of the winged boy began to slow, and then stop. Darn. That sounded like a dead end. It wasn’t what he was hoping for.

“That’s okay Auntie… any ideas how I might find her? I’ve never really had to look for a wolf before. Where would I start?” Deathbelle had been an empress, and stepping down hadn’t impaired any of her wisdom. If anyone could offer them a lead, he still believed Deathbelle was the one.



1 Year
01-03-2021, 09:26 PM
They say home is where the heart is.

Mine is among the stars, across the universe

The little Star had looked between the two wolves who could help guide her to a possible member of her own bloodline, hopes held high, but also on edge for what their meeting could also lead to many dead ends. One’s she would attempt to get a paw in even if it meant she would have to travel around by herself with her little dove. The travel was a means to finding a family possibly long lost to help her mother heal further, to make her the brightest star among them all. Oh yes that was what she wanted most from mother to beam, to shine all on her own like she had all of her young life.

It was with the voice of the wolfess that had drawn her from a hazy daze, words that were kind made her heart flutter with excitement as the she wolf they were looking for was known to be kind? But it seemed as if the lead Mortis knew of had come to an end for she no longer placed her paws with the pack Belle had belonged to. Though she was needed elsewhere? Did that mean she was a healer in her own respect’s? Oh that is something grand in her mind for where she hailed from healers were of a rare breed, only fighters and scholars seemed to be strewn about in numbering forces.

The sound of the dashing males voice had wished her to focus, yes there could be more ways than one to find a wolf! If she held a certain scent that was not normal and could be easy to pick out? It could be an easy thing to find but also all the harder if one did not know the scent that she held. Ebony ears had swiveled up as she tried to think of something to help or even words to offer but her mind was drawing a blank, maybe it was best to allow them to speak while she mulled things over in her own mind.

[Image: dckun0h-1bf58dac-c732-42b1-9b1c-4a64f368...UWk2K_EKD4][Image: dchuz07-24d33635-5486-4308-b39f-27a17d7b...cKewH3iJr0][Image: dckumoi-019122f3-7afa-4f71-b98f-0516e565...scwHNz3r40]

Ruaisar is a morning dove who will be present at all times unless there is a battle.