
I've made your misery my goal



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-05-2021, 12:40 AM
Laith curled his lips back in distaste as he stalked along the thin layer of snow that blanketed the ground. He fucking hated snow with every fibre of his being. It was cold, sometimes mushy, and made it difficult to hunt. This season was easily the one he hated the most, no goddamn question about it. With a huff he continued onwards, ever onwards, not knowing where his paws would lead him. Hopefully somewhere warmer and less snowy. It was not long before he came upon a sight that made him pause mid step, head cocking to the side in curiosity. "Well, what do we have here?" He murmured to himself, trotting towards the strange conglomeration of stones.
Sniffing the edge of a stone that had fallen on its side, Laith hummed cheerfully, a smile gracing his features. He used his fluffy tail to brush off the snow that had accumulated on the fallen stone before gracefully leaping upon it. Bowing his front legs in a stretch, he yawned widely, showing off his sharp canines for a brief moment. This would be a good spot to rest up and catch some of the admittedly weak and not very warm sunlight, but sunlight nonetheless, before nightfall. Laying stretched out upon the stone, legs sprawled haphazardly, Laith let himself get comfortable as his mind began to wander. While he would not allow himself to fall asleep, he would at the very least let his body get some well-deserved rest.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-05-2021, 09:37 PM

Riordan Courte

Do whatever you want... Just don't get caught

The brute's ears were flat as he crunched, crunched through the snow. The sound was like nails on slate, as was obvious per his expression. But, as many times already this season, his stomach pushed him to explore and search further from his and his brother's home base. The snow made it easier to track things, but that is where its helpfulness stopped. Each step echoed about in his ears, reminding him of the gnawing sound of his stomach; externally or internally, silence was nonexistent. Luckily however, something huge and oddly shaped caught his attention, and the irritating serenade of snow was forgotten as he switched up his direction.

Rocks of some kind, why couldn't they be interesting? As he approached, orange eyes surveyed the taller structures with unabashed curiosity, his steps slowing as he neared. So invested in this new potential adventure, Riordan failed to spot the other male, colored in a way to almost mimic the surroundings he was lounging upon. A whiff of the wolven kind and a movement out of the corner of his eye almost startled him - almost. Ever since that meeting at the lake, he had been actively trying not to be caught unawares. He waited mere moments before he called out to the stranger, who was on the other side of the rocky area - a nice, safe distance. "What's this, huh? Odd it is," Riordan declared, eyes briefly flitting to one of the taller structures.

Talk talk talk is all you do



The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
01-08-2021, 09:15 AM

Nightfall came early in the winter and so Dusk was making the most of the scattered rays of sunlight that filtered down from the clouded sky above. The warmth soaked into her pelt, especially the obsidian ring around her neck. She welcomed it. Winters were capable of being extremely harsh, though the previous had been somewhat mild. It was best to enjoy the weather while it was still enjoyable. So, earlier in the day, the striped fae had scaled some of the stacked stone pillars, making her way upwards. Long, slender legs had allowed her to easily leap from one stone to the next. Some of the stacked pillars were a little wobbly and she was forced to stand still until they ceased quivering, but she finally found a platform suitable to her needs.

Dusk had been napping, long tail hanging over the edge of the stone when a voice met her ears. The woman's olive colored eyes cracked open and she listened as claws scraped over stone. The slender fae peered over the edge, looking down upon a man who had the same idea. Getting off of the snowy ground was nice, but it took a little bit for the stone to warm up to body temperature. He didn't seem to be complaining about it, though no one was listening if he did, as far as he would know. Dusk kept her silence.

Some time later a second man arrived. Obsidian ears pricked forward as he questioned the first. What was so odd about some silly rocks? Sure they were a little different than other rocks, but at the end of the day, rocks they still were. With two of them down there, they'd probably start yammering. Didn't seem like she'd be getting any more rest for now. The dusty brown woman slid to the edge, delicate paws draped over the edge. She looked down upon the two men and huffed lightly, giving her location away. "Sure was quiet around here til you boys came along." Though her words were chiding, her maw had shifted upwards in a grin. Teeth flashed momentarily before her grin settled into a smirk. She would wait for their retorts.


[Image: WlfCSL1.png]



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-10-2021, 12:34 AM
Laith lazily opened an eye when he heard another speak, but when he could not see anyone his head lifted up, turning on a swivel until a large brown and black wolf caught his gaze. The guy was about as tall as him and he was laying on top of a pretty large rock! He had no time to think of a reply before a more feminine voice spoke out from... above him? Good god where were all these wolves fucking coming from? He craned his neck back to look at her, taking note of her long-legged form upon one of the tallest standing rocks. She was brave for attempting the climb up there, he did not even think that his legs could get him up there.
"I'd say I'm sorry for interrupting your fuckin' nap, but I'm not," he said with a sneer, not even attempting to be pleasant. He himself was a little miffed at the other guy, but it had not been his intention on resting for too long anyway so it was probably for the best. Laith turned back to the male, body still lazily stretched out on the rock. "Guess you don't come here that often?" He smirked, green eyes eyeing the other's form more closely. He had a myriad of colours and markings, and even a couple scars, and was most definitely huge. Maybe he would stay atop this rock, just so he would not have to crane his neck just to look him in the face.

Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-11-2021, 09:46 PM

Riordan Courte

Do whatever you want... Just don't get caught

The two were joined by a feminine voice raining from above, and his orange eyes lifted to spy a languid - wolf. It took a few blinks of his eyes to realize the woman did, in fact, have canine features, no matter how striped her visible parts were. She was a playful thing, teasing them both, and Riordan couldn't stop a crooked grin replacing his mild curiosity from before. The other male shot a retort back as Rior stepped up to rest his front paws on the edge of the fallen stone he had been inspecting, attempting to get a better look at her. "I am anything but quiet, lass," he called up to her, voice purposely a bit louder than necessary. Nub of a tail flickered before his eyes were drawn back by the paler man, jaws pursing close for a chortle. "Right detective we have here, wouldn't you say?" He shot a glance to the gray woman, allowing her to get her dig in, if she wanted.

"So what is this place, huh? Ritual alter for sacrifices?" His mind always went for the macabre and mysterious, hoping there was a history of gore and unanswered violence right beneath his paws.

Talk talk talk is all you do



The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
01-15-2021, 07:23 AM

The pale man spoke and in showing his disdain, he'd shown his hand. Dusk already had him figured out. He was going to be boring. Boring and basic. What a pity. She hadn't had anyone to play with in quite some time. The other brute though, maybe he would provide her with a bit of fun. His words met her ears and Dusk dissolved into laughter, sliding over to lay on her side, head hanging over the edge. "Oh, me too, big boy. Me too." Olive green eyes glinted mischievously. "Ah, but I can be quiet too. Quiet as a corpse. That was why this one didn't even know I was here." Plucking a pebble from the ledge that she lay upon, Dusk gave it a little flick, sending it down to clatter beside the grumpy, pale man.

When the darker of the two commented, she made no reply. There was no need. He was going to be the fun one. He then went on to ask about the area, mentioning blood sacrifices. Again humor found the woman, bringing a dark little chuckle curling up her lips. "Perhaps. Nothing recent though." Since the pale man was obviously ogling the bob-tailed brute, Dusk wiggled her brows and pointed to him with one dark paw jokingly. (Or was it?) "We could change that though."


[Image: WlfCSL1.png]



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-15-2021, 08:15 PM
Laith looked back up to the woman as she laughed loudly, ears pulling back in distaste at the sound. Did she have to be so fucking obnoxious about it? When she flicked a pebble at him he let out a low snarl, lips pulling back to reveal his teeth. "Do that again and I'll make you as quiet as a fucking corpse." He was not a fan of being belittled, regardless of if it was in jest. His gaze returned to the brute standing on the other side of the stones when he spoke, barking out a sarcastic laugh at the massive male's comment, but not feeling very amused by the tone of his voice. "Just telling it how I see it," he said, feeling a little more miffed with each passing second.
He moved into a sitting position so as to stare down at the larger male, tail curled around his paws as he stared with a slightly annoyed expression. This was starting to feel a little like a one versus two situation where, for once, he had not directly caused it himself, rather it seemed the other two had just decided to direct their comments towards him without him instigating it. Sure, he was acting a little bit like an ass, but he could do so much worse. Laith eyed the stones around them with a narrowed gaze. "Wouldn't be fucking surprised if it was.".
His expression darkened when he looked back at the woman to find her pointing at him with one of her dainty paws, clearly talking about sacrificing him on the stones. Joking or not, it was not very funny to him. "Aren't sacrifices better if they're in the form of a female virgin?" He asked as innocently as he could muster, his tone more mocking than teasing. He could take just as well as he could give. "Wouldn't you agree?" He asked with a snide grin, glancing momentarily back at the other male, curious as to how he would respond.

Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!