
Forever and Always




6 Years
Extra large
12-17-2020, 08:26 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2021, 08:32 AM by Sparhawk.)

With permission granted, Sparhawk set to work on his surprise for Poem. He traveled to the cave where they first met and collected the blue clay that had essentially brought them together. After that, he went to the thicket where he'd revealed his past to her and snapped off a piece of briar bush. The redwood man took a piece of the charcoal from their fire that had been covered in grass. He had everything that he needed.

In a secluded part of the territory, Sparhawk built a massive fire. As the flames consumed the wood within, he worked the blue clay. Into the clay he combined the ground up charcoal from his and Poems fire, forming swirls of grey and black within the stark blue clay. He molded the earthen substance into one decent sized pot. Before placing it in the fire, Sparhawk took the briars from the thicket and shaped them into a heart. He gently pushed this heart into one side of the pot, then carefully placed it in the fire to harden and set.

He stayed away from Poem that night, but the following morning, all of his efforts were rewarded. Taking the warm pot from the long dead fire, he inspected his work. It wasn't the prettiest pot, but it was made with love. Sparhawk cleaned both the pot and himself, then sent word with one of the pups to have Poem meet him at the lake of  fireflies that night. Packing up everything that he needed, Sparhawk set out for the lake to prepare the surprise for Poem. He hoped she wouldn't be too mad about his absence the night before. It would all be worth it.


Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
12-17-2020, 09:04 AM
Poem had been slightly alarmed when Sparhawk hadn’t returned to the den the night before, suddenly having to sleep alone had been disappointing. However, she knew that whatever he did Sparhawk had a plan and though she’d slept fitfully the morning came. She didn’t expect to see Haiku that morning, but her little brother had a message from her love. Poem expected something but it had been Sparhawk and not a message. Intrigued and maybe a little more than excited she followed her instructions and made her own preparations for the night.

She couldn’t describe how much Sparhawk meant to her. They’d not known each other for very long but already she felt incomplete without him by her side. Had this been how her mother had felt at one time? She felt Shaye’s spirit on her that day, whenever a stray ray of sunshine touched her pelt, or a gentle breeze caressed her cheek. Poem could feel her mother’s blessing despite the impossible distance that separated them. Shaye would be proud.

Poem cleaned herself up, her fur was shining and Edgar had helped to rub in the scents of fall. Lilac, cinnamon, she almost let him rub her down with an apple but she didn’t want to be sticky. Instead she carried a basket with her, filled with flowers, apples, and a bit of dried rabbit. Feeling as prepared as she was going to Poem made her way to the lake. By the time she arrived the Sun was beginning to set and the young woman was bathed in the light of the golden hour. Her blue and lavender eyes flashed with an eager excitement as her dainty white paws brought her to the place where Sparhawk awaited her.

”Sparhawk?” She called out sweetly as she lowered her basket to the ground, craving to be back in his presence once again.



6 Years
Extra large
12-21-2020, 05:45 PM

Waiting was always so difficult. Would she answer his summons? Would the kid even remember to tell her? Sparhawk was no springtime pup. He'd been around for years. Even so, he never remembered being this nervous. His stomach was in knots and if he kept pacing like he was, he'd soon wear a hole in the ground beneath his paws. That might ruin the atmosphere a bit so he fought to stay still.

He thought that he had everything ready. Words had been prepared in his mind. There were things that he really wanted to say to Poem. When she finally arrived though, everything was forgotten. All of his preparedness went right out the window. The lake seemed to suit her. The sinking sunlight illuminated her womanly frame. Both her voice and her scent drifted to him on the wind and he was frozen in time, speechless. She had come. It was happening.

The man began to walk towards her. "Po-em..." he called out, standing tall so that she would be able to see his location. The mans heart hammered in his chest. She was here and he was about to do the manliest thing he'd ever done. He was about to give her his heart completely.


Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
12-22-2020, 04:00 PM
Her basket quickly forgotten Poem pranced forward, eager to meet him in the middle. The sound of her name on his voice and the sight of his tall frame warmed her. She didn’t withhold any of her excitement as she aimed to collide into an embrace. Chest to chest as she lifted her front limbs playfully to wrap them around his thick neck. She couldn’t have hid her grin if she wanted to and her vibrant eyes sparkled with mirth. The time apart had made both of them certain and more of their feelings. Poem felt joy again, and didn’t want the feeling to ever go away. With Sparhawk it seemed to actively increase.

”I’m not late am I?” She asked as she pressed her features into the thick fur of his neck. Her ivory and striped tail waved at her hips as she tried to hide the nervousness that built up inside. She could feel the tension, something building as Sparhawk set everything up so secretive. ”I Missed you.” Poem confessed softly as she lowered her pale paws back to the ground and only barely pulled away so she could search his garnet gaze.



6 Years
Extra large
01-09-2021, 06:51 AM

She was here. And then she was moving quickly towards him and all seemed right in the world. Poem wrapped her legs around his neck and Sparhawk leaned into her, nibbling softly at her jawline. "Just on time," the redwood man smiled, the corners of his red eyes crinkling. Poem could never be late for anything. The mans heart hammered in his chest. This was really happening. He was about to do it.

Poem admitted that she missed him and the big brute chuckled. "I am always missing you when you are not beside me." Lifting his head, Sparhawk placed a soft kiss on the tip of the beautiful woman's nose. "Close your eyes, Po-em." Once he was sure that she did so, he backed away from her. Collecting the pot, he brought it carefully back and placed it before her. Nervousness filled him. What if she said no? Would he be able to stay a part of Abaven if she wasn't his? What could he offer to her other than what he'd already given? His mouth settled in a firm line for a moment before he pushed all of the negative thoughts away. No. He had to do this and if she said no, he would deal with it. He wouldn't taint the moment with negativity though.

Again he placed a kiss upon the woman's nose. "Look now." Between them would sit the blue pot with its charcoal flecks and the heart of thorns upon the front. He would wait for her to see the gift before he would make his proposal. His stomach clenched and he swallowed hard, hoping that she would like and appreciate his hard work.


Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-10-2021, 02:39 PM
Poem’s skin tingled with the enticing sensation of Sparhawk’s teeth against the skin of her jaw as he leaned against her. He assured her that she was just on time and through his infectious smile echoed her sentiments. Being apart wasn’t pleasant, and Poem hoped she would be able to be at his side forever. Excitement built in her chest and she blushed lightly as he kissed her nose and pulled away slightly. She was confused about his request to close her eyes but she wouldn’t question him too far. ”Alright, if you insist.” She told him as her dark lashes fluttered over blue and lavender eyes.

Poem sat back on her haunches, eyes closed and heart beating like crazy in her chest. Excitement and nerves fluttered in her pale belly as she waited, letting Sparhawk continue his surprise. She couldn’t imagine what he was doing, but finally, with a soft kiss to her now Sparhawk released her.

What he presented to her was the most beautiful pot Poem had ever seen before. Immediately tears began to prick at her eyes because she knew how much time and effort Sparhawk had to put into a piece like that. ”Sparhawk…” Poem squeaked adoringly, the grin on her features unmistakable as she could hardly decide whether to look at the beautiful gift or embrace the one who created the piece.



6 Years
Extra large
01-13-2021, 09:05 PM
Poems reactions to his touches stoked the fires of his intention. He wanted this. He wanted to forever have them tied together in love. Poem was the only woman for him and he would make things official. He would not dishonor her.

When the woman agreed to close her eyes, he could see the inquisitive look on her features. After the pot was placed before her and she opened her eyes again, Sparhawk could feel the lump of his heart in his throat. Would she like it? He hoped that she would appreciate his efforts. It wasn't the best pot, but he had made it specifically for her.

Poems soft exhale of his name as she looked at the pot made Sparhawk breathe again. His tones were low and soft as he explained. "Blue clay from the cave where we meet for first time. Coals from fire from our story telling. Thorns from the thicket where I made my decision." She likely wouldn't understand the last part just yet, but in a moment, she would.

Reaching out with one paw, Sparhawk took Poems pale paw in his own. "Po-em Destruction of Abaven..." He tried very hard to speak clearly and in her proper tongue. The language that they'd worked on together. "I have loved you from the very moment that the lightning illuminated you in the cave. Each day I love you more. I cannot imagine a world without you in it. Would you do this man the honor of being his wife?" Ruby eyes stared into blue and lavender. He spilled his love for her into them, hoping that he'd done enough to prove himself.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-13-2021, 09:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2021, 09:20 PM by Poem.)

Sparhawk stepped over the pot and though she loved every inch of his gift she couldn’t take her blue and lavender gaze from his features. The smile she wore was genuine and reached the entirety of her features, from her gem like eyes to her dark lips to the gentle blush that lit up her cheeks. Every part of the gift was well thought out and encompassed their whole relationship in one items. She tilted her head curiously at his last item but as he took her paw and gazed deeply into her eyes she could understand.

Her heart beat a thousand miles a second in her chest and her breaths came in excited gasps as Sparhawk uttered those sweet words. His accent still deep and unique but his speech was clear and there was no mistaking the words that flowed from his heart with practiced grace. Tears sprung to Poem’s eyes as she barely held herself back from taking him up in her arms as he spoke.

”Yes,” she squeaked, all of the emotions that had built up and that they shared between them coming through. Tears spilled over onto her cheeks but they were tears of joy. ”Yes, I’ll be your wife. I’ve loved you since that same night. I want you beside me all my life. I love you, Sparhawk.” Then she didn’t hold back, and closing the distance between them aimed to wrap her arms around her neck and kiss him like she hadn’t ever before.



6 Years
Extra large
01-13-2021, 09:37 PM
The world seemed to still and the redwood man again ceased to breathe as he waited for the response of the beautiful, amazing woman before him. He watched the tears fill her gorgeous eyes and for a moment thought that he had disappointed her. And then she spoke. Her words were a balm to his soul. Each syllable healed whatever doubts he'd been harboring. Yes, she said. Yes.

Just as Poem rushed forward to embrace him, he was moving forward to embrace her. Their arms wrapped around one another and they shared a kiss unlike any other. Both wolves poured their love into that single kiss. Sparhawk never wanted to be parted from the woman in his arms. He would devote the remainder of his life to her and those that she held dear.

In time they had to come up for air. The striped silver, charcoal and red man rested his forehead against Poems. "I promise and swear that I will love you until the day I die, Poem. Even after. I will care for you and yours. I will love. I will protect. I will provide." He gently brushed his forehead against hers, touching noses with her for a moment. "You will never be alone again. We will forever be side by side." He had been working terribly hard with his speech and he hoped that it showed because he meant each and every word. "This I vow and this I promise to you, Po-em Destruction."
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-13-2021, 09:50 PM

The pair of them moved as one, Sparhawk and Poem both moving to embrace the other for all they were worth. The feeling of his dark lips on hers was nothing like he’d ever shown her before. Perhaps it was what it meant this time, as they easily and without hesitation pledged themselves to the other. Poem didn’t need anyone else, Sparhawk filled her days with joy and love. He was perfect for her.

There was more to come in the night but Poem eagerly lost herself in that kiss before Sparhawk shifted slightly. She pressed her forehead to his and nuzzled into the gentle caress of his nose as he went on. His speech was precise and focused as he showed her how far he’d come since they met.

”I will do the same for you, Sparhawk. You have my love until the day I die, I’ll comfort and provide. I’ll forever be at your side. A partner through the sorrow and joy as I share my life with you. This I promise and vow to you, Sparhawk Kestrelson.” She could hardly get through her words so much emotion built up inside her chest. There was a lump at her throat and she couldn’t stop grinning. Poem squeezed him tighter, still in a happy haze as she tried to grasp hold and make these moments last forever.



6 Years
Extra large
01-13-2021, 10:01 PM
Poem returned with vows of her own and tears began to fill the mans ruby gaze. He wouldn't let them fall, but they were definitely there. They shared vows. In his eyes, they were married. "In the eyes of whatever gods may exist... in the presence of the fireflies... Po-em, I am proud, humbled and honored to call you my wife." Gently, he reached up to cup one slate colored cheek. His eyes stared lovingly into hers before he claimed his first kiss as her official husband.

Things had gone quickly, but the speed of their courtship seemed right. Right for them. Her father had seen enough in the striped man to give his permission. Now here they were, married. One.

Sparhawk searched her face again, a crooked smile on his maw. "Well, wife. What's in basket? I worked up a mighty appetite while worrying whether or not you would be coming." A chuckled left him. In his heart he knew that she would come, but the immensity of the situation had rattled his nerves.

Placing a kiss on Poems forehead, Sparhawk smiled again. "When we return to Abaven, we have big party, yeah? Share the good news with family and friends." He didn't have friends among the pack just yet, but he would work on developing relations. No doubt he would befriend them all before too long. "For now though, just you and me." Something darker filled his gaze. "And other appetites to be fed." Promises of things to come.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-13-2021, 10:19 PM

Sparhawk uttered those final words to complete their small sudden ceremony. Poem vowed though, and the pair of them were married. One in the same, two parts of a whole. The beginning of a new promise and a new day. Her husband looked into her eyes and claimed his first kiss and Poem eagerly relaxed and returned his affection. She didn’t want to stop kissing him again. He pulled back once more and reminded her that they still had reality to think about.

The young woman giggled softly and stole one more kiss before returning to her basket and revealing the contents. ”Dried flowers, apples, and some dried rabbit. I couldn’t let my husband go hungry.” She told him with a smile. ”You should have known I couldn’t stay away though.” Poem teased him, still in awe that she was standing here with her husband.

He hinted at future, for what waited them when they returned to Abaven and more importantly further into the night. Poem’s eyes widened and flickered with an innocent glow as she blushed a bit more heavily at the look in his eye and the words on his lips. Excitement built in her belly and she realized just how much she wanted to be touching him. She didn’t want to let go and she didn’t want to move away. ”I did say I couldn’t let my husband go hungry.” Poem returned breathlessly, suddenly hardly able to expand her lungs at the tingling nerves that rushed over her skin and through her body.



6 Years
Extra large
01-14-2021, 08:32 AM
Sparhawk was initially hungry, but the innuendos shared between the now married couple were wiping that hunger away and replacing it with a different type. He was still trying to be good and control himself, but she made it so hard. In more ways than one.

Poem told him what was in the basket and it seemed like a decent meal. He hoped that they could get through it quickly. He'd been waiting so long to have her. From the moment that they'd met in the cave, he had wanted her. Ever a gentleman, he hadn't taken advantage of her inebriated state. Now... now he would be able to have her. And have her he would.

Taking the basket, Sparhawk tucked the blue pot inside. The things were crushed a little, but it would keep the pottery safe from being broken. With the basket in his jaws, Sparhawk led his wife to the area that he'd prepared. There was a big fur laid out on the ground and he prompted her to settle herself upon it. Placing the basket down upon the fur, the big man laid down beside her, touching as much of her body as he could manage with his own.

Plucking the pot out, he set it aside while removing the meal that she'd brought for them. They would need their strength for the night ahead. He didn't plan on letting her sleep much at all. Nuzzling into her cheek, Sparhawk whispered. "Thank you for the meal. I'm looking forward to eating something else later." Chills ran up his own spine as he spoke. He was so ready.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-14-2021, 08:57 AM

Sparhawk made her feel so new, so happy, and just indescribably. The emotions that bubbled up in her chest excited and confused her but she felt safe under her husband’s guidance. She assumed he was going to quickly eat but he swiftly placed the pot within the soft contents and picked up the little basket. Poem grinned, nuzzling his shoulder as he led her towards the small camp that he had prepared for them. There was a massive fur blanket, and she wondered for a brief moment if it was a buffalo before they were making themselves comfortable on the plush fur. She settled her blue gray form comfortably and Sparhawk joined her. Poem couldn’t help but lean against him as they curled up together.

Suddenly the newly married woman felt herself go very warm, like her skin was on fire and her heart was going to beat out of her chest. The feeling was foreign and strange but blissful all the same. The grin that played on her dark features didn’t subside as they snuggled closer. She barely registered the chill of the night that was coming on, and her blue and lavender eyes were made only for Sparhawk. Her new husband. The experience was so new and it continued to leave her in a near euphoric state. She felt like she had been waiting so long for this perfect moment.

The whisper in her ear caused a similar shiver up her spine and Poem snuggled in tighter towards him. She was an innocent young woman but the suggestive tones Sparhawk took with her, thrilled her and intensified the nervous feeling building in her white belly. She wasn’t sure that she could even focus on the food she brought. ”I didn’t really bring dessert.” She returned breathlessly, though she had a good idea he wasn’t talking about food from their earlier words.



6 Years
Extra large
01-14-2021, 09:12 AM
With the pair curled together on the fur, going through the motions of eating but not caring about their meal in the slightest, Sparhawk took in the reality of their situation. She was his. Poem was finally his. And he had given himself to her completely. She knew of his past and she had accepted him nonetheless. Poem saw that he was different now. She saw so much about him and he saw all of her. Gods above... he loved this woman.

Poems whispered words nearly made the redwood man choke on his bite of apple. Ruby eyes went wide momentarily as he stared at his wife. He'd never heard her speak so brazenly and he wondered if she knew exactly what she was doing to him. Poem had admitted that she was untouched during their night in the cave and he hadn't forgotten it. He would be gentle with her, but he wouldn't hold himself back. He needed her and he needed her to know love so that they could do it all the time. Well... maybe not all the time, but a lot.

She hadn't brought dessert... Turning his head, Sparhawk pulled the woman into an apple tinted kiss. "Po-em... you are sweet enough. No need for dessert." He was done with food. With one paw, he pushed the basket away and tossed the apple core out into the lake. An apple would give him sufficient energy for his plans.

Rising up, Sparhawk stood over his wife, a set of legs on either side of her body. Gently he began to groom her pulling his teeth through her greyish blue pelt. He sought to put her at ease and show in every touch just how much he cared. Every drag of teeth, every swipe of tongue, was given with absolute love and devotion.

In the end he took his wife there upon the bison fur. He was oh so gentle, his ears on high alert for every hitch of breath and soft shuddering gasp. He listened for the telltale signs of what she liked and didn't. An attentive lover. An attentive husband. Hers.

Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-14-2021, 09:33 AM

She picked at her food, mostly distracted by the handsome man at her side but also struggling with the nervous waves that disturbed her belly and chased any appetite but that for her husband. She grinned as he pushed the basket aside and his full attention swiftly turned to her. Sparhawk assured her that she would be sweet enough for any dessert. The disappointment she felt as he lifted himself to his paws was swiftly swept away as he repositioned himself. Just as close but instead of beside her he was above.

She felt like their love and every moment they’d enjoyed together before this, was culminating in these perfect moments. The feeling of Sparhawk grooming her fur, the weight of his belly against her back, the true love and devotion he showed in every gentle caress and touch brought every sense alive. The scent of his warm musky fur, the sounds of his breath against her ear, the sight of the deep unending love in his garnet gaze, and the taste of his breath on her lips.

He put her at ease and as though he was taking her paw and leading her on the next grand adventure Poem submitted eagerly to every guiding caress. A playful grin played on her features as husband and wife learned each other and truly celebrated their love for one another. Poem lost herself in Sparhawk’s experienced paws as he made every moment leading to this one worth the wait. She didn’t hold herself back and gave every bit of herself to her husband. She was his.




6 Years
Extra large
01-18-2021, 07:25 AM
His sweet, sweet Poem. She was such an innocent. Such a lady. Waiting for this night had been well worth it. Hours later as the pair lay together on the thick bison fur, Sparhawk nuzzled into the fur at the back of her ears. "You are perfect, Po-em." His tongue worked its way over her ears and the top of her head as he groomed her again. He was so lucky to have her. So lucky that they were together and had met in that shiny, glowing cave so long ago.

"We have priyem? Big gathering to tell family and friends?" He couldn't think of the word for it in her tongue. It didn't matter. She would understand. Sparhawk pulled his woman close and gave her a squeeze. He thought of the future. Maybe they would have children. Perhaps he could teach Poem how to make mead so that they could make their own brand together. There were so many possibilities for them.

"Moya nevesta," he purred as he sank down to lay fully on his side. The man was tired now, but he hummed his bride a soft, low tune as they lay there together.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-19-2021, 07:34 AM

Still slightly gasping for breath and still very much tingly all over Poem leaned into Sparhawk’s embrace. She felt euphoric, her skin warm, and like the world was truly perfect. The grin that played on her features never left, especially not as Sparhawk nuzzled against her ears as the night began to slow and calm. Poem was practically glowing as her husband held her tight and doted on her soft fur. If this was a hint to the rest of their lives Poem never wanted him to stop. She knew beyond a doubt that she had found the wolf that she belonged with. He had his past, but she wanted his future, together.

She let him pull her close and she held him tight to her as well. Shr grinned and pressed her features into her neck. Bliss held tightly to them both. ”Yes, I want to celebrate with all of them.” This was such a joyous occasion, she wanted her family to feel the hope and joy that Sparhawk gave her. She sighed contentedly into his arms, feeling tired herself after everything he’d shared with her. He hummed lightly, but from her place against his chest the gentle tune reverberated throughout her body. Two were now one.

She hummed back softly, content to fall asleep here in his arms. She was tired, sore in a good way, and the happiest she had ever been. ”My Soulmate.” Poem breathed softly as she nuzzled up under his chin, fitting perfectly in his embrace.