
A Moment Is All We Are




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
01-16-2021, 07:54 PM

Viper had it hard these last few months and seasons. She had finally come out of hiding from her slavery in Ruina, only to find more trouble in Fireside. It was hurtful for sure, but Viper wouldn’t allow any type of sad feelings to intervene with her everyday life. Honestly though, ever. Not even in the dead of night when she was alone. It probably wasn’t healthy. But she still somehow showed a new feeling of fear towards her immature state and how others felt about her, and she certainly felt disappointment of herself for her actions or that she wasn’t good enough for the pack or for anyone. And this was how she felt for the most of her recent days, ever since she trespassed in Fireside and learned just how different she was from others.

She came to the Algoma Prairie in search of a kill to take back to her pack, but she was in a silent awe when she came to a level part of the plains and it was barren of any prey. Snow piled about half a foot consuming her paws, and a light flurry continued to fall. She gave a moment to look at what cloudy horizon she could see, more disappointment that she probably wouldn’t find a kill to return to Ashen. She couldn’t catch a break, and if she believed in anything like luck she would have hoped the bad of it was dripping to an end. She wanted to show Ashen, Hattori, and in the end Fireside that she was worthy to be among them. And able to maintain a structure inside.

Her armor was intact as it was always when she came outside the pack lands. Her more noticeable maim hidden under the chain mail, but her other nicks and battle scars easily seen if someone was paying attention. Her head low as she attempted to track anything that went through the snow, she gently trotted her way over to the shallow stream that was all ice and no longer flowing. It was looking like she would have to go somewhere else to hunt, or come back empty handed. But she certainly didn’t want the later option.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years

01-19-2021, 03:32 PM
It was yet another chilling snow-filled night. Just like it had been so many nights ago... with the ebony woman whose name he couldn't remember. It was useless information at this point, nothing more than an event that had happened and now passed. The single turquoise orb scanned the sky as the brute looked to the stars. There might have been something that could've been said during this moment had it not been for the hare hung between fangs. It was then that he remembered why he had even come out here. Food. It had already been caught and dispatched. The poor creature had been asleep. Did that make him a monster?

The thought passed his mind as he looked down upon his kill, thus not making it possible to call it an uneventful evening. The heavy wind blew at his face as the crisp air stung the many scars upon his body. It caused him to think back upon his past and what had brought him to this day, standing here in this foreign land with a creature dead in his mouth. Betrayal. The thought had begun to leach its way onto his mind. A scent had been carried by the winds into his black nostrils, snapping him back out of his simplistic day dreaming. It seemed as if another woman was prowling out and about. Interesting. That seemed to be the majority of others he's met so far.... females. The metallic sounds of armor had rung in his half ear and the blind white orb sat within its socket as the bright one snapped to the land below him. There she was walking around with her nose to the ground, like a blind animal searching blindly through the dirt.

He released the carcass from its cage and the crunching of snow echoed as it plopped onto the white blanket. "If you keep your eyes on the ground. You are vulenerable. Even with that armor." The tones that spewed out of his mouth were harsh like two boulders being crushed against eachother. "Why search so hard for something that isn't there?" It wasn't within his nature to beat around any bushes or to skirt corners. All that mattered was what there is and what there isn't. Even if it means hurting others.
Yautja has an Arabian Accent. He is prone to Violence and Cussing.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
01-25-2021, 10:47 AM

Usually Viper wasn’t afraid of unannounced visitors and nonchalantly would approach them as they did to her. But not this time. It must have been the solid white expanse that made it all the more blinding with the slow fall of snow. She jolted to the stranger’s deep voice, but would in no way show a sign of wanting to flee. Instead, she turned to face him, taking a deep breath and a quick few seconds to calm herself. She was only startled by the brute’s announcement of his presence, otherwise Viper wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone. It was no different here after she relaxed.

She squinted to his statement, you are vulnerable, she couldn’t agree at all. Surely she couldn’t live up to a trophy case of battles she won or wolves she smashed into the ground, but she always felt she was stronger than most even with her tiny frame compared to the giants around her, especially inside her pack. She now saw herself more protected with her armor but in her opinion that didn’t raise her skill level, just helped her defense.

She would however eye the hare he killed, wondering if he hunted here or somewhere else. Her mind wandered to where she could find one or preferably something bigger to take back to Ashen. Her gaze returned to him with a raised brow, as if he had secrets to hide with where he found the prey. But she was focusing more on his dark and scarred frame, not much different than herself. She was interested now, wondering how he had scars like hers only much different in some unique way. She turned her head to her withers, pulling back her chain mail to reveal the bald maim underneath, covering it back up and looking back to the male. No words would seem to need to be spoken from her end. Instead she would turn her attention again back to his meal, "Where’d you find that then?" Her nose pointing out towards the hare. If not for the need of her pack, the need of herself.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years

01-25-2021, 01:23 PM
The moonlight showed the trifecta of colors that this woman was made of, followed by the chainmail across her chest was all that was needed. His sea-green orb flared in the moonlight as he gazed down upon her from the cold rock he stood on. It would seem his body was being examined thoroughly, simply tilting his skulls to follow her eyes. There was but a brief moment where he too looked at the scars upon his right leg, twisting the appendage to take notice at how many he had gained. It's been so long.  Each scar brought back the past, every kill, every soul taken from its master. The rattling of metal rang in his ear and his harsh glare landed back upon her. There she was exposing the nasty chest wound to the world, before dropping the metal back over it to hide it.

"How adorable."

" Where’d you find that then?"

She had motioned to the kill between his legs, looking down at it himself before looking back at her. "Why, I called it to me. Dispatching it was easier than attracting it." The tone that bled from his tongue held no excitement, no emotion.... merely a monotone of words, kicking it off the rock he would knock it down to her. "Go on and have it. I'm not hungry anyway. Killing it was the only thing I wanted." His thoughts went back to her scar and he decided to get on her level. Paws would scrape the rock as he fell down to her, white powder exploding into the air around him.

His journey would carry him down to a nose length away, eying the metal across her chest but also hid the wound from the world. "Why do you hide it? Was that supposed to make me feel some type of way? These questions didn't have curiosity in them. No, they were just blunt questions. Something like a parent asking a child. "Did you want me to feel sympathy? If so, I don't feel anything. If anything you're wrong for hiding it." His tail drug in the snow behind him as he journeyed down her left side. "A fighter should never hide a scar, especially with armor. Armor doesn't protect. It hinders. The right weapon can pierce any armor." A deep growl vibrated within his throat as the flesh atop his muzzle wrinkled itself, baring his blood-caked ivory fangs in her direction. "You wearing that armor is an insult to a true fighter."

He would be wrong in saying that he didn't wish to pick a fight with a packie, but then that would be calling him a liar. Although it wasn't the fighting he wanted, no his mere wish was to hunt down a worthy kill. "Where are you from, girl?"
Yautja has an Arabian Accent. He is prone to Violence and Cussing.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
01-29-2021, 08:46 AM

You can take my heart, you can take my breath
When you pry it from my cold, dead chest


Viper raised a brow to his offer of the hare. She wouldn't expect to be given her meals and certianly didn't want it that way. Where her nose was once lowered to sniff the kill, she now raised her head at least more level with the male, or how ever level she could come with him. He was still a good amount taller than her, but his size and his appearance wouldn't frighten her in the slightest, no matter how much he may have wanted to himself. She remembered once when she was very young, taking down her first prey on her own. And if Viper had ever been afraid of anything, it was herself in the moment she killed her first deer. But not because of the blood or the loss of something's life, but because she liked taking it's life. She now instead focused on other things rather than the enjoyment of killing something, her family's demented bloodlines she kept caged inside her. She wouldn't know there was no denying it because even while she ignored the fact that she ever had parents or a family, while she was in Elias' care she chose not to get to know him. He was after all keeping her captive.

But because of the brute's forward announcement of simply liking the loss of life he gave the creature, it would set Viper off a little inside. But his next few words would only ignite her more. Viper wasn't hiding her maim because of shame. Her own appearance had never meant anything to her. Save for her jacked body where she surpassed any healing aide she would have needed along the way. Though her mother was a healer herself, she didn't spend enough time with her to know the importance or even just the general knowledge of caring for herself that way. And where her mother was very self conscious about her overall appearance, Viper was the complete opposite. It meant jack shit to her.

"What? No. I'm not hiding it." Viper didn't mean to show pity on the male, maybe more like they could have been the same given their alike appearances. Her immaturity may have been obvious. He'd state that hiding the maim was an insult to all fighters, and where she couldn't agree herself, it had her questioning. But instead of feeling an understanding to the male, where she may have thought they could previously, she wasn't feeling like this encounter would be as pleasant as she originally thought. As blunt or oblivious as Viper was to her own attitude, this guy was something else. "Why don' we rip apart your back and have someone pick you up by it?" Her voice was a bit at a shout, she had little care for how she was rubbing the brute. After all, he was pretty rude himself.

She wouldn't even consider his last question. Sure some wolves may have been adamant about telling a stranger where they lived, but Viper was simply not interested in listening to the brute anymore. Instead, she would growl first, but quickly lash out in attempt to grasp his front left leg where his foreleg and shoulder bone would meet, wanting to wrap her jaw around the inside and outside of the leg. She had no intent on playing games, he would be met with the same aggression he showed through his voice.

Walk "Talk" Think

Viper vs Yautja for Dominance
Round 1/?

Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Tusk armor
Defensive Battle Accessory: Chain mail
Skills: Master Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: N/A

OOC: I can agree to a no time limit if you want! I did remove her companion because she wouldn't have had it yet in this thread ;3



5 Years

02-03-2021, 05:30 AM
"What? No. I'm not hiding it."


If this woman wasn't trying to hide her scars then why did she shield them? The only flap of skin that was left as his ear twitched, there could be no other reason to wear armor other than to hide her wound. His sea-green eye glanced at the tusks around her body, she had both offensive armor and defensive armor. Despite the dishonor of wearing such devices, her experience wasn't shrouded to him, narrowing his eyelids as he watched this fae carefully. She wasn't responding all too quickly which made him instinctively study her body. "Why don' we rip apart your back and have someone pick you up by it?" Her violent tones pierced his skull and it made him sigh, she was really going to come at him, wasn't she.

"You threaten to tear apart my back after I give you my kill, not very ladylike." His words held zero care nor emotions as the hackles upon his neck rose up, this bitch was becoming pissed by mere questions. The brutes body got low as she growled, turquoise orb narrowing as his muzzle wrinkled, baring the blood-soaked ivory in his mouth as his lips peeled back. Well, come on then." He spoke out as his back legs widened. This interaction had grown rather stale fast and everything was pointing in the direction that he would lose, but in a twisted string of fate, he really didn't mind a loss. A steady gaze watched as she tore forward, hurdling at him like a missile, twisting his skull as she entered his blindside. Clever girl.

His paws dug into the dirt as he tore off to his right and her left side, twisting his body to dodge her fangs snapping at the air. His head snapped down as he attempted to bear down on the bite down upon the chainmail second strap, his goal was to tear away at the armor's lashing upon her neck on her left side. I will rip it from your body.

Yautja Vs Viper
Fight for Dominance.
Round 1?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Acessories: N/A
Skills:] Beginner Fighter/ Beginner Intellect.

OOC: SO SORRY >< I haven't posted a fight post in a long time, but yes <3 I agree to no time limit as well.
Yautja has an Arabian Accent. He is prone to Violence and Cussing.



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
03-04-2021, 09:17 AM

You can take my heart, you can take my breath
When you pry it from my cold, dead chest


While Viper's teeth would not meet anything solid, she wouldn't linger on the fail. She reacted quickly to spring her jaw back open and attempt to land another bite center of his rib cage, still on the left side. Her bite would aim a little lower towards his belly which she was used to given her smaller size than most.

Yautja would grab hold of one of her leather straps and through his strong grasp would be successful in tearing it. While Viper's armor was still intact, it made a good part of her back and shoulder exposed and obviously on the side Yautja was attacking.

Her front left leg would reach out in attempt to push at the higher part of his own front left leg. There wasn't much she could do with this move since the seasoned male was probably much stronger or sturdier than her, but if she was able he would probably just get a little pressure in the muscle of his foreleg from her paw and claws.

Walk "Talk" Think

Viper vs Yautja for Dominance
Round 2/2

Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Tusk armor
Defensive Battle Accessory: Chain mail
Skills: Master Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: N/A