
the search party

spirit gloom



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-12-2021, 11:09 AM
He felt like they had been searching non stop for days now, but that wasn’t entirely true. They’d rested, eaten, recuperated slightly and the search went on. Void knew the lands around Abaven as well as he knew his home. He’d spent his life exploring the eastern lands and the young man felt confident as he led his brother and sister into the unknown. Void felt like getting out was good for them, the three of them had a purpose, a mission, a common goal that could bring them closer together. Void just prayed that the search would be fruitful. He didn’t want to see the disappointment in his siblings eyes any longer. They needed to bring their mother home.

Void found a dry place one on of the delta islands that they could settle down at for the night. Their vision wasn’t quite as useful during the night especially with the moon waning into nonexistence. Besides he’d found himself thankful for the quiet moments he got to experience curled up beside Spirit and Gloom.

Still, despite his focus and efforts in this trip Void couldn’t help but dwell on thoughts of Plague. How eager he’d been to help look for his missing kin, and how sweet he was when they were together. The feel of his coat against his own fur… Void shook himself as he finished clearing out the small thicket. There was protection from the wing and enough dead foliage that they’d have a comfy bed to rest on. He sighed softly to himself and returned his attention to his brother and sister.

”Alright, I think this will do for the night. We’ll keep heading westward in the morning.” Void invited them closer and offered to let them settle before he’d curl around them protectively. He was still getting used to being the leader and provider, but Void was swiftly becoming comfortable with his place in their group.



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-23-2021, 04:08 PM
Spirit hadn't anticipated that this was how the rest of his year would go. Actually, even when Void had first brought up forming a little rescue party - with the two of them and their sister, Gloom - Spirit hadn't been entirely convinced. He didn't like wandering and exploring the world anymore, not after all he and his mom had been through. He was happy with his little family in Abaven, with his finch and his herbs. But the more and more he thought of it, he found himself missing his mother terribly and wanting her to return home. Life just wasn't the same without her and, though he wasn't excited to leave, he really did want to find her and bring her back home.

He was grateful they had Void as a leader for the group. Spirit wasn't terribly at navigating but he was easily overwhelmed in new situations, and the presence of his siblings had a grounding effect on him. Fortunately the sheer amount of ground they'd been covering was enough to tire him out, his mind as much as his body. In a way it was a good thing because it helped his mind from going too wild. He was simply too tired to think much by the end of the day. He was glad when they finally stopped to rest, heaving a quiet sigh as he settled down beside Void. "G-good. I'm tired tonight," he breathed quietly. In their presence he felt most like himself, at least more like himself than he'd felt in.. well, as long as he could remember. "H-hopefully tomorrow brings more luck.."

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - BisexualPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
01-26-2021, 07:56 PM

The truth was Gloom was flourishing outside of the pack, she was still nervous and jumpy but without feeling like she was constantly being watched she was walking more upright, not skirting along as close to the ground as she could get, and there was even an easiness to her movements here. She felt safe with her brothers around and it was a side of the girl anyone hardly got to see, one that would no doubt go back into hiding the moment they returned home... which she did want to do, hopefully with her mother in tow. She could tell that Spirit was unhappy out here though and she prayed they'd find their mother soon, though she herself was desperate to see her Gloom's worry was more for her brother than herself. She wasn't really thinking about her own shift in behaviour, as far as she was aware she'd always been like this when no one was around to look on her...

Void had slotted naturally into the leader position in their small rescue party, something Gloom felt was natural, her bigger brother had always been there to support them through things and she was comfortable letting him make the calls, just happy to be along for the ride. Certainly more so than if she'd been left behind by her brothers, the only other member of her family she had any rapport with was their cousin Corvus and she was much too nervous to simply approach him, especially as it seemed he'd found himself in the company of others she didn't know as well. Void settled himself in such a way to wrap himself around his smaller siblings and Gloom huddled in eagerly, rolling slightly so her stomach pushed up, forepaws tucking to her chest, a surprisingly playful motion for the normally anxious girl. "That sounds good to me." She said, high voice clearly showing signs of her exhaustion, she struggled to keep up with both her brothers when they really hit their stride and the girl had never moved this far from the packlands in her life... she was pretty out of shape.

Speech Think Action
Image by AlienLion
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-26-2021, 08:47 PM
They were working mind and body all day, and all three siblings could admit to how tired they were at the end of a long day searching. Void was trying not to feel disheartened, they hadn’t gotten a single clue yet, but they were still close to home. Maybe further out. Eulogy was notorious for getting herself turned around. That’s why he worried they were headed in the opposite direction entirely.

Spirit hoped they would have more luck tomorrow and Void felt the same. He’d always been so out of touch with his emotions when he was younger than exploring them now could be painful. He worried about their mother and siblings, and he felt anxious this whole trip would prove fruitless. ”Hopefully.” He agreed softly, and Gloom snuggled in tighter as she spoke up too. Heading Westward seemed like the best choice. Everywhere was cold and snow seemed constant, but surely Eulogy hadn’t gone north. ”There’s also packs up ahead. I might try and stop to ask some questions.” He didn’t have any hope on that front either, but it had to be worth a try.

”Do you have any ideas?” Void wanted them to be as involved as they were comfortable being. So far they’d settled into a natural and easy routine, but he was still new at any kind of leadership and wouldn’t discount their opinions.



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-06-2021, 10:16 PM
While Spirit wasn't quite flourishing, there was something to be said about being close to his siblings. Upon his return to Abaven he'd been worried his siblings might never truly open up to him, let alone forgive him for being away for so long, but it seemed as though those worries had been unfounded. It would no doubt take time to grow close to them again as he hoped to be, but already this trip was proving to be beneficial toward rebuilding their relationships, by necessity if for no other reason. Spirit wouldn't complain about that part at all. He recognized that in the company of just one another both of his siblings seemed more... themselves, in a way? Void had taken the reins as ringleader quickly and without opposition, and Gloom seemed much more free and less fearful.

Though the three of them were, of course, exhausted from their trek. They hadn't made it all that far from Abaven though, so he wouldn't yet worry that their efforts were futile. They had quite a bit of ground to cover yet. Void acknowledged that there were packs nearby they could question, and though he nodded in agreement he couldn't help but feel a bit uncertain too. Surely Void would do all the talking but approaching strangers was a concept still hard for him to deal with at times. So far only his interest in plants had really made such a feat any easier for him, his curiosity helping to chip aware as his nerves. "I... I was thinking she m-might head back the way w-we came?" Spirit suggested gently, trying to think of how she might think. Maybe she'd find a familiar trail... either to find her way back home again, or - though this thought was less pleasant - to try to run away from Abaven? He couldn't imagine fathom what could've happened to cause that, but the thought of her willingly abandoning her family made him feel faint. "M-maybe," he added uncertainly, worried about possible time wasted if they took his suggestion seriously and it ended up being a dead end.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.